Front cover image for Political scandal : power and visibility in the media age

Political scandal : power and visibility in the media age

"In this new book Thompson develops a systematic and wide-ranging analysis of the phenomenon of political scandal. He shows that the rise of political scandal is linked to the changes brought about by the development of communication media, which have transformed the nature of visibility and altered the relations between public and private life. He analyses the characteristics of scandals as mediated events and he explains why mediated scandals in the political field have become increasingly prevalent in recent years."
eBook, English, 2000
Polity Press ; Blackwell, Cambridge, Malden, MA, 2000
1 online resource (xiii, 324 pages) : illustrations
9780745674438, 9780745657059, 0745674437, 0745657052
List of Illustrations. Preface. Acknowledgements. Introduction. 1. What is Scandal?. 2. The Rise of Mediated Scandal. 3. Scandal as a Mediated Event. 4. The Nature of Political Scandal. 5. Sex Scandals in the Political Field. 6. Financial Scandals in the Political Field. 7. Power Scandals. 8. The Consequences of Scandal. Conclusion. Notes. Index. All EBSCO eBooks Free eBook from the Internet Archive Additional information and access via Open Library