Owlseyes 's Reviews > The Strategy of Desire

The Strategy of Desire by Ernest Dichter
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bookshelves: to-read, consumer-psychology, psychology-psychoanalysis

Quotes:“You would be amazed to find how often we mislead ourselves, regardless of how smart we think we are, when we attempt to explain why we are behaving the way we do,”...“What people actually spend their money on in most instances are psychological differences, illusory brand images".
...or when product matters less than whims,fears and desires...subconscious ones.

Dichter studied psychoanalysis in Austria, under A.Adler,before coming to the USA.

Yes,we know a lot now on why we buy cigarettes,lighters,cars...and women buy lipsticks and stuff alike; yet:

Mr Dichter, why do we buy books?

" "
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Reading Progress

January 1, 2012 – Shelved
January 1, 2012 – Shelved as: consumer-psychology
January 1, 2012 – Shelved as: psychology-psychoanalysis

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