תמונות בעמוד


Adam and Eve, after their fall to the Americans, as firft fech
by Columbus, ix. 1115. Their repentance-to Deucalion and
Pyrrha's addrefs to restore the human race after their flood, xi. 8.
Adam careffing Eve-to Jupiter with Juno, (May-showers,) iv.
499. His addrefs to her fleeping to Zephyrus breathing
on Flora, v. 15. Bower--to Pomona's arbour, v. 377. De-
fires to know the Itory of the creation, prior to his own-to
thirft unallayed, increasing, vii. 66. Awaked after carnal ftui-
tion, the first effect of his fall- to Samfon fhorn by Dalilah,
Ix. 1059.
Scrrow on the vifion of Noah's food-
-to a fa-
ther's mourning his children all destroyed in his view at once,
xi. 730.


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Angels (celeftial) the fpears (of the guardians of Paradife).
cars of corn ripe for reaping, iv. 980. Their march against Sa-
fan's army
to that of the birds in Paradife to receive their
names from Adam, vi. 72. Their hallelujahs--to the found
of feas, x 642. Appointed to expel Adam, &c. from Para
difetheir faces to a double Janus, (four,) xi. 128.
eyes to those of Argus, ix. 129. Their appearance there-
to the angels appearing to Jacob in Mahanaim, xi. 213.-
To thofe in Dothan against the King of Affyria, xi. 216. Their
motion- to an evening-mift, xii. 628.
Angels (fallen or infernal)to autumnal leaves, i. 302.-To
floating fea-fedge after a ftorm, i. 304. Roufing at Satan's com
mand- —to centinels waking from fleep on duty, i. 331. Im-
battling against the angels celeftial to the Egyptian plague
of locufts, i. 338.- To the irruptions of the northern bar-
barians, i. 351. Their difpofition to engage to that of the
heroes, of antiquity, i. 549. With them- -the greatest armies
in all ages fince the creation-pigmies, i. 573. Then felves
to oaks or pines blafted, i. 612. Their fearching, &c. for
the materials of Pandamonium-to pioneers intrenching, &c.
Their manner of railing it to the wind of an or-
gan," i 1 703 Affembling thereat to becs, i. 7c8.-
pigmies, 780.To fairies, i 781. Their applaufe of Mam-
mon's fpeech in council-to the hollow wind after a form,
*. 185. Their rifing from council to thunder afar off, ii.
1476. Their pleafure on the refult- to the evening fun after
a foul day, ii. 488. Their after various purfuits, paffions, &c.
to the Olympic or Pythian games, ii. 330.- To the
phænomena of armies in the clouds, ii. 533.—To Hercules
on Octa, ii. 543. Their numbers compofing Satan's army a
gainst the celestials to the ftars, v. 745.To the dewe
drops, v. 746. Their applaufe of Satan's reply to Abdic
to the found of deep waters, v. 872. Thronged together after
their entire defeat by God the Sonto a herd of goats, vi.
56. Their retreat to Pandæmonium from the frontiers" of
hell during Satar's expedition to the work to the Tartar's




fight before the Rufs-and the Perfian from the Turk→→→
wafting the intermediate country, x. 431. Transformation to
ferpents to those sprung from the Gorgon's blood, &c. x.
526. Their appearance on the tree illufive of the forbidden
fruit to the fnaky hair of Megara, (one of the furies,) x.
558. The fruit—to the apples of Sodom, x 561.
Chaos, atoms, their motion to the Libyan quickfands, it.
200. Confufiou there--to fforming a town, ii. 920.———- -To
heaven and earth (fuppofed) falling, &c. ii. 924.

Death, and Sin, their making a bridge over Chaos to the world
-to polar winds, driving ice together in the (fuppofed)
north-eaft paffage, x. 289. The work to Neptune's fixing
the ifle of Delos, 293.- -To Xerxes making a bridge over
the Hellefpont, x. 306.

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Death's instinct of Adam's fall- to the flight of birds of prey
to a field of battle, x. 273. His and Satan's frowns on each
otherto two thunder-clouds meeting, ii. 714.
Eye her hair to the vine's tendrils, iv. 305. Her looks
-to the first blush of morning, v. 122. Herfelf➡to Pan-
dora, iv. 713. -To a wood-nymph, or Venus, y. 379.To
a Dryad, or Delia, (Diana,) ix. 387.- To Pales or Pomona,
ix. 393.
-To Ceres, ix. 395. Her temptation by Satan
alluded to by the ftory of Ophion and Eurynome, ix. $78..
Flaming fword in Paradise, on Adam and Eve's expulfion thence
-to a comet, xii. 632. Its heat, &c,to the Libyan air,
xii. 634

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-To the bog or

Hell to mount Etna, (in Sicily,) i. 230.1
lake Serbonis, (in Paleftine,) ii. 592.
Knowledge, the defire of it to a thirst unallayed, increasing,
vii. 66.

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Michael, his combat with Satan- -to two planets (the frame of
nature fuppofed diflolved,) rushing in oppofition to each other,
vi. 310. Appearance to expel Adam, &c. from Paradife-
to a man in a military veft, &c. xi. 239.
Pandemonium, or the court of hell, its fudden rise- to an.
erbalation, i. 710.


Paradife, the air of it-to the effiuvia from Arabia Felix at
fea, iv. 159. Itfelf to the field of Etna, (in Sicily,) iv. 168.
To the grove of Daphne, &c. (in Theffaly,) iv. 272
To the ifle of Nyfa, where Bacchus was brought up, iv. 175.
To mount Amara, (in Ethiopia,) iv. 280.————
-To the gar-
dens of Adonis, ix. 439.—— Of Alcinous, ix. 440. -Of So-
lomon, ix. 442.
Raphael, his view of the world in his defcent from heaven to Pa
radife to that of the moon through an optic glafs, v. 264..
Of Delos, or Samos, from the Cyclades, (ifles,) v. 264.
Himfelf to a phenix, v. 271.To Mercury, v. 285. "
Satan- -to Briareos, Typhon, and the Leviathan, i. 199, 201..

-To the fun rifing in a mist, i. 594.~~In eclipse, i. 596..

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To the longest train of a comet, ii. 707. To the mount
Teneriff, or Atlas, iv. 985. His fhield-to the moon, i. 284.
His fpear to a mast, i. 292. His standard—to a meteor, i.
337. The phænomenon of his afcent to hell-gates-to a fleet
in the offing, ii. 636. His, and Death's frowns on each other

-to two thunder-clouds meeting, i. 714. Flight to the
court of Chaosto a gryphon's in the wilderness, ii. 943. To-
wards heaven- -to (the hip) Argo through the Thracian Bof-
phorus, i. 1016.—To Ulyffes's voyage between Scylla and Cha-
rybdis, ii. 1o19. Arrival at light, &c.to a weather-beaten
veffel towards port, i. 1043.- On the convex of the world's
uttermoft orb-to a vulture feeking his prey, iii. 431. First
view of the world-to a scout's cafual profpect, after a danger-
ous journey, of a new country or city, iii. 543.- Of the stars
orbs to the Hefperian gardens, &c. iii. 568. Appearance
in the fun's orb-to a fpot in it differing from all aftronomi-
cal obfervations, iii. 688. Meditation on his intended attempt
on the world- to a gun recoiling, iv. 14. In Paradife-to
a wolf preying on a fold, iv. 183.To a thief breaking in at
a houfe-top, &c. iv. 188.To a tyger in view of a brace of
fawns, iv. 403. Detected by Ithuriel there to gun-pow-
der taking fire, iv. 814. Reprehended by Zephonto a fteed
reined, in a fret, iv. 857. His army against the celestials in
number- to the ftars, v. 745.To the dew-drops, v. 746.
Their applause of his reply to Abdiel to the found of deep
waters, vi, 872. Himfelf recoiling on a blow received from
Michaelto a mountain finking by an earthquake, vi. 193.
His combat with Michael- —to two planets (the frame of nature
fuppofed diffolved) rushing in oppofition to each other, vi. 370.
View (in the ferpent) of Paradife and Eve there—to a citi-
zen's taking the air in the country from his home confinement,
ix. 445. Shape (transformed to a ferpent) on his return to hell
after the temptation to the ferpent Python, x. 519. His
tempting Eve-alluded to by the story of Ophion and Eury-
nome, x. 578.

Serpent, that entered by Satan-to thofe Hermione and Cadmus
were transformed to, ix. 504.To that affumed by Efcula-
pius, ix. 506.- -To thofe by Jupiter Ammon, and Capitoli-
nus, ix. 508. His motion, wreathings, &c.- -to the working
of a fhip in hifting winds, &c. ix. 513. His creft (preceding
Eve to the forbidden tree) to an exhalation flaming, (Will
j' th' Wifp) ix. 634 His addrefs introducing the temptation
to that of an orator of the Athenian or Roman common-
wealths, ix. 670.

Sin, her middle parts—to the supposed dogs of Scylla, ii. 659.
Of the night-hag, ii. 662.

Spears -to ears of corn ripe for reaping, iv. 980.

Stars, their orbs to the Hefperian gardens, &c. iii. 568.

Sun, his courfe turned at Adana's, &c. eating the forbidden fruit
-as at the banquet of Thyeftes, x. 688.-

Uriel, his lefcent from the fun on Paradito a fhooting star,
iv. 55s.

Waters, their flux into feas, &c. on the creation—to drops on
duft, vii. 290.—To armies forming themselves on found of
trumpet, vii. 294

Sin and Death. See Death and Sin.

Sin defcribed, ii. 650. Her fpeech to Satan, and Death, at hell-
gates, ii, 727. Reply to Satan, ii. 747. Her birth, ii. 752. Re-
ply to his anfwer, ii. 850. Opens hell-gates to him, ii. 871.
Speech to Death on Adam's fall, x. 235. To Satan, (meeting
him returning to hell,) on her and Death's journey to the world
after it, x. 354. To Death on their arrival at Paradife, x. 591.
Reply to Death's anfwer, x. 602. See Similies.
Sin original, luft carnal the firft effect of it, ix. 101. Its folace,
ix. 1942.
Slavery, original of it the inordinacy of the passions, xii. 86. The
juftice of it, as confequential on deviating from virtue, &c. xii. 97.
Soul, its faculties, v. 100. Its immortality difcuffed, x. 782.
Spirits, their effence and power, i. 423-789 Their invifible exist-
ence on earth, iv. 677. The elect, their hymn to God the Fa
ther, and Son, iii. 372. Material, &c. faculties in spirits, v. 404.
423. Vital, animal, and intellectual fpirits progreffive from ma-
terial nutrition, v. 482. Their existence in life, intellect, shape,
&c. defined, vi. 344.

Spring perpetual within the tropics, but for Adam's fall, x. 678.
Stars, their places, appearances, &c. iii. 565. Fed by the air, v
417. Part of the fourth day's creation, vii. 357. Receive their
light from the fun, vii. 364 See Similies..

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Stars, and moon, their courfes, influences, &c. iv. 661.
Storms, &c. an effect of Adam's fall, xi. 595.
Styx, a river of hell, ii. 577.
Sun, its appearance, place, and power, iii. 571. Brightaefs defcri-
bed, iii. 591. Orb fed by exhalations from the groffer, v. 423.
Part of the fourth day's creation, vii. 354. The fountain of light,
vii. 364. Setting defcribed, iv. 352. 539. 590. viii, 630 . 92.
Its annual courfe, producing intense heat and cold, an effect of
Adam's fall, x 651. Its oblique motion from the equinoctial,
from the fame caufe. x. 671. See Similies.


Teachers, falfe, of the Christian religion described, xii. $98.
Temperance, the effect of it long life, xi. 530.

Thammuz, or Adonis, a fallen angel, i. 446.

Thunder, an effect of Adam's fall, x. 666.

Time, refpecting eternity, defined, v. 580.

Titan, a fallen angel, i. 510.

Tradition cenfured, xii. 511.

Tree of life. See Life Of knowledge. See Knowledge.

Truth, fuffering for it, fortitude, &c. xii. 569.

Tyranny, Nimrod's, defcribed and cenfured, xii. 24. Origin of it,


the inordinacy of the paffions, xii. 86. No excufe of the tyrant
(though juft in confequence on the subject,) xii. 95.

Tyrants, their plea for conqueft, &c. compared with Satan's firft
attempt on man, iv. 390.

Twilight defcribed, iv. 598.


Vaenity, God's omniprefence an argument against it, vii. 168.
Valour, or heroic virtue, the common notion of it cenfured, xi. 688.
Virtue, &c. with lofs of freedom degenerates, xi. 797. Reason and
virtue the fame, xii. 98.

Union conjugal. See Conjugal union.

Uriel (the angel of the fun,) iii. 622. His answer to Satan, iii. 694.
Directs him to the world, iii. 724. And Paradife, iii. 733. De-
fcends thither himself, and informs Gabriel of Satan's predefcent,
iv. 555. 561. Encounters Adramelech, (a fallen angel,) wounds,
and puts him to fight, vi. 363. See Similies.
Uzziel, (a guardian angel of Paradise,) iv. 782.


War, property the original of it, xi. 638. The corruptions of peace
equal to its waftes, xi. 783.

Waters feparated from the earth, part of the third day's creation,
vii. 282. See Similies.

Wife, her duty in danger, distress, &c. ix. 267. xi. 290.

Wind, the tempestuous power of it, an effect of Adam's fall, x.
664. 695.

Wifdom, the fum of it, the love, &c. of God, xii. 575.

Wolves, (or falfe teachers,) the apostles fucceffors, described, xii.


Woman, conjugal obedience her happiness, &c. iv. 635. Man's love,
towards her, how consistent with his fuperiority, viii. 567. I'wo
of her loveliest qualities, ix. 232. The effect of leaving her to her
own will, ix. 1182. His fuperiority over her given him by God,
x. 145. 195. A novelty, defect of nature, &c. (farcastically,) x.
888. The advantage of her focial over her artificial accomplish-
ments, xi. 614. Every way the cause of man's mifery, (sarcasti-
cally,) xi. 632.

Works, with faith in Chrift, eternal life, xii. 420.

World, the convex of its outermoft orb described, iii. 418. By whom
poffeffed, (farcastically,) iii. 444. 463. The creation of the world
committed by God the Father to God the Son, vii. 163, De-
fcribed, vii. 218. Situation of it, respecting heaven and hell, x.
310. See Earth.


Zephon, (a guardian angel of Paradife,) iv. 788. Reprehends Satan's
first attempt on Eve there, iv. 823. Reply to his anfwer, iv. 834.
Zophiel, (a cherub,) vi. 535. Alarms the celestial army, on the
approach of Satan's to renew the battle, vi. 537.


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