תמונות בעמוד







In perusing this preface, and the history contained in it, thereader should especially recollect, that it was drawn up and published by the authority and with the sanction of the States General, and the Prince of Orange, as well as by that of the Synod itself; and that, in every part of it, the acts, or public records in which the events recorded were registered, are referred to, with the exact dates of each transaction. No history can therefore be attested as authentic, in a more satisfactory and unexceptionable manner: for, whatever degree of coloring prejudices or partiality may be supposed to have given to the narration; it can hardly be conceived, that collective bodies, and individuals filling up such conspicuous and exalted stations, would expressly attest any thing directly false; and then appeal to authorities, by which the falsehood of their statement might at any time be detected and exposed. It should also be remembered, that prejudices and partiality would be as likely to color the account given to the world, and transmitted to posterity by the opposite side; while the very circumstances, in which they were placed, would render it impracticable for them to substantiate the authenticity of their narrative in the same manner. Yet, contrary to all rules of a sober and unbiassed judgment, the unauthenticated histories of the Remonstrants* concerning the Synod of Dort have,

*So called from a Remonstrance presented by them to the States of Holland and West Friesland, against the doctrines of their opponents, or those of the Federated churches of Belgium.

almost exclusively, been noticed and credited by posterity, especially in this country, to the neglect of the authentic records.* In giving the translation of this history I would merely say, Audi alteram partem. "Do not read the authenticated narration with greater suspicions of unfairness than you do those, which are not so fully authenticated. Let not your approbation of what you suppose to have been the doctrine of the Remonstrants, or your aversion to that of the Contra-Remonstrants, bias your mind in this respect; but judge impartially." One of these histories was drawn up by a man, (Heylin,) who has been fully detected of misrepresenting the very articles of the Synod, in the grossest manner; and has thus misled great numbers to mistake entirely the real import and nature of the decisions made by it. I appeal to the abbreviation, as it is called, of the Articles of the Synod of Dort, as compared with the real articles themselves, in another part of this publication. So scandalous a misrepresentation, which has been too implicitly adopted by many others, should render the impartial reader cautious in giving implicit credit to other statements made by the same party, however celebrated the names of some of them may be.

When I first entered on this part of my undertaking, I purposed merely to give a short abstract of the history, just enough to render the subsequent part of the work intelligible to the less learned or studious reader; but, whether it were the result of partiality, or of unbiassed judgment, I found myself so deeply interested in the events recorded, (which were almost entirely new to me,) that my reluctancy to translating and transcribing the whole was overcome: and, (with a few remarks on different parts,) I determined to give it entire, to the English reader. As far as I am competent to judge, it possesses every internal evidence of authenticity and fairness: and of impartiality, as far as even pious men, exactly circumstanced as the writers were, in the present imperfect state of human nature, can be expected to be impartial. It is, I

* Neither Mosheim, nor his translator Maclaine, mention this history, while they refer to a variety of authorities on both sides of the question, in their narrative of these transactions. So that it is even probable that they had never seen it. Whether the severe measures by which the decisions of this Synod were followed up; and especially the strict prohibition of printing or vending any other account, in Latin, Dutch, or French, in the Federated provinces, during seven years, without a special licence for that purpose; did not eventually conduce to this, may be a question. The measure, however, was impolitic, if not unjustifiable.

think, also drawn up, with a degree of calmness and moderation; far different from that fierce and fiery zeal, which is generally supposed to belong to all, who profess, or are suspected, of what many in a very vague and inappropriate manner call Calvinism. And though according to the fashion of those times, epithets are in some instances applied both to men and opinions, which modern courtesy, nay, perhaps Christian meekness, would have suppressed; yet, if I mistake not, they are more sparingly employed in this, than in any cotemporary controversial publication. Indeed the higher points

of what is called Calvinism, are far less insisted on, and the opponents of those points far more moderately censured, than might have been expected; while the doctrines commonly called orthodox, as opposed by Pelagians, Arians, and Socinians, are strongly maintained, and the opposers of them strenuously, nay, severely condemned. Even Mosheim allows, that the triumph of the Synod was that of the Sublapsarians, not only over the Arminians, but over the Supralapsarians also.*

In order to the impartial reading of this history, it should be previously recollected, and well considered, that all the Belgic churches were, from the first, Presbyterian, in govern ment and discipline; and constituted according to that plan, with classes, presbyteries, provincial Synods, and general Synods of all the Federated provinces; and with all those rules and methods for admission into the ministry, and to the pastoral charge in distinct congregations; as also to situations in universities and schools of learning, which form a constituent part of it; as well as of that strict discipline connected with it, implying not only excommunication of lay members, but the suspension, or silencing of pastors; and excluding from their office, academical teachers and professors on account of heresy in doctrine, and gross inconsistency of conduct, proved against them in their classes, or Synods. Through the whole history, it appears, that no other form of government was proposed even by the Remonstrants; nor any thing mentioned about toleration in that respect; though their measures evidently tended to subvert the whole system. All the funds likewise, reserved for religious purposes, were appropriated entirely in consistency with the Presbyterian model; and all academical honors and distinctions were conferred in that line.

* Mosheim's Ecclesiastical History, vol. v. p. 368.

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