תמונות בעמוד

and all having families, of their own; not American Sunday School Union. These half I believe could read, and only two I attend to when ever I preach in their could make out to write their names. respective neigborhoods. A third school, Immediately in my own vicinity, I visit-I have resuscitated, in the village of ed last spring, 30 families in succession, Manchester, distant six miles from me, and found that previous to the summer consisting of thirty five scholars, and six before, 25 of those families had been liv- teachers. This school belongs to the ing without the bible, and what was still Methodist society, though the superinmore astonishing, several professors of tendent told me that he should endeavour religion, and all residing within a short to get the consent of those immediately distance of a Baptist meeting house, concerned to annex it to the Sunday where, I was informed there had been School Union of Missouri, as he found preaching steadily for about 50 years. books could be procured cheaper from The people all through this section of that branch of the American Sunday the country know nothing about support-School Union, than from the Methodist ing the gospel; and unless ministers can Episcopal Sunday School Union. be found of self denying habits, who for fourth school, I have assisted in organithe love they bear to their master, and zing, but cannot at present say what are his cause, will be content to live poor, and its numbers. These schools I shall reobscure, thousands of these precious souls port to the American Sunday School must perish for the lack of knowledge; Union, in the course of two or three in this christian land. I expect on next weeks, when I can make the report Sabbath to get a third Sabbath-school in more definite than at present. operation, and the Sabbath following a fourth one; and when all shall be properly organized, and in full operation, there will probably be taught at all these schools about 200 children; which number I hope will continue to increase.


Our temperance society continues to increase. At our last annual meeting, (4th inst.) it was found to have increased double during the last year. Small as its amount in members are, even at pressent, (70) yet considering the great opThe field in which I labour, appears position we met with in the commenceas yet a thirsty hill of Zion, but as the ment, and our very slender means, the kind master is watering, and very large-present prospects are flattering. The ly too, other neighboring hills with the showers of his divine grace; and that but a little distance from us, we are praying, and hoping, and even looking out for a few drops at least to fall over this way. I have endeavoured to be instant in season and out of season; have however not been able to preach more than from twice to thrice a week, have attended the monthly concerts, and weekly prayer meetings.


From Rev. J. S. BALL, dated Manchester, St. Louis, Missouri, June 18th, 1831.

little village where our meetings are held, is quite revolutionized-from being a haunt of dissipation, it has become quite respectable.

From the Rev. J. F. COWAN, dated Poplar Grove, near Jackson, Cape Girardeau Co. Missouri, June 16th, 1831.

As it has been some time since my last written communication, and as you have never had a summary of what has been done since my residence in this country as your missionary, I will enment covering the whole period since my deavour in this report to make a statelocation here, of what has been accomplished-a period of about a year and a half.

I have been using my best exertions this spring & summer, in promoting Sab- New Churches.-The Brazeau conbath-schools, and have succeeded better gregation have erected a small log-house than I expected. The one in this neigh--the first edifice for worship that they borhood which last summer only amount- have ever had. The Apple creek coned to about eight or ten constant scholars, gregation have the frame of a new house now amounts to thirty-four scholars, raised and nearly covered. This house with six teachers, and a library of ten is 40 by 50, and when completed will be dollars value. In another neighbor- a comfortable place for the public serhood where great prejudices existed vice of God, particularly when compared against Sabbath-schools I have succeed- with the one which we have, and are ed in establishing a school of twenty now using-a house built of logs, without some odd, with six teachers, and which stove or fire-place, plastering or ceiling, promises to do well. They are making and also without windows. provision for a library. These schools are attached to the Missouri Sunday School Union, as an auxiliary to the

age, I have preached three times in the Preaching of the word.-On an averweek. And I have preached as often as


seven and eight times in one week. The Sabbath, however, is the only day that much is to be effected by preaching in this country, in ordinary times. The population being sparse, it is difficult to get a congregation in the week. The preaching of the word is regularly, numerously and solemnly attended on the Sabbath. I preach once at the church, and in the afternoon at one of the Sunday-school places. This plan whilst it gives additional life to the schools, brings the preaching of the gospel near to many who never attend at the church, and thus they are "compelled to come in."

Sabbath Schools.-We have six schools in our two congregations, 5 of them are entirely under our control. One is taught in common by the Baptists, and by our people. The Baptist minister, Mr. Green, is an excellent man-ever ready to co-operate in this and other institutions of the day. We have libraries connected with each of our schools, the aggregate cost of which has been about $80. We will in all probability have two or three more schools in a short time.

Tracts.-Through the instrumentality of our tract society, from thirty to forty thousand pages of tracts have been brought into our region of country. We have adopted the monthly distribution | in a circuit of country ten or fifteen miles in diameter.

Monthly Concert.-In Apple creek, this interesting season of prayer is regularly and tolerably well attended. In Brazeau it is not as yet observed at all. Sabbath School Concert-This institution is partially observed in Apple creek only.

Temperance Societies.-Much has been done in revolutionizing public sentiment in the last year, in regard to the use of ardent spirits. We have yet no society from prudential reasons: but will have one or two soon. Many are becoming very anxious on the subject.

Family Visitation.--Many families have been visited. This part of Missionary labor however takes up very much time if performed to suit the wishes of the people. The minister is expected to stay all night with every family. He must be sociable.

professing parents, and one adult have
been baptised in both churches.

Elders Ordained.-Three have been
set apart in Brazeau, and three in Apple
creek, to the office of Ruling Elders-
making five in all the former, and seven
in the latter church.

Missionary Support.-In the two congregations $230 were subscribed last year, towards my support. About two thirds of it has been paid. Nearly all of it will, however, be paid. About the same will be done the present year. They are about making an effort to see what can be done towards my permanent location among them. We will try to make less, than your liberal proffered aid for the current year answer our purpose.

General Remarks.-The foregoing is a skeleton of our operations since my residence on the western side of the Mississippi. In reviewing it, there is reason for thankfulness, and at the same time much reason for humility. My field of labor has been interesting, and never was more so than now. Though formerly a distracted people, the utmost harmony has ever prevailed since I have been here. The Lord save us from "fightings within" ourselves. We all need more spirituality, more prayer. I have not said any thing about prayer meetings. A female prayer meeting has been kept up a part of the time since I have been amongthem, and will be renewed as soon as At this possible; common prayer meetings have been occasionally attended to. season of the year, most people think that they have no time to spare from their farms, to attend prayer meetings. About Bible classes, I have said nothing.

These valuable institutions have not escaped the memory of your missionary. Our people are so generally engaged with the Sunday-school questions, that I have thought it better that they should absorb their whole attention. Provision is made for supplying our county with the Bible, in which we have taken part. Mrs. C. and myself enjoy good health, and are contented and happy, though far from "home," and its thrilling associations; and should the Lord continue to say, that it is our duty to remain in this country, we say Amen.

From Rev. SILAS HUBBARD, dated Allen,
N. Y., July 20, 1831.

Members added to the Church.-To Brazeau, sixteen have been received-| Several special and important circumseven on examination and nine on certificate: making in all thirty-nine mem- stances have occurred, in rendering it imbers. To Apple Creek, thirty-three practicable for me to make my quarterly have been admitted-sixteen on exami- report in due time. Being now provination, and seventeen on certificate-dentially permitted I attempt it. From the first of April when I reported to you making in all about 130, Baptisms-Forty-eight children of I continued to labor as usual in Allen

until commencing my journey to Philadel-was with me on Friday and Sabbath afphia, to attend the General Assembly. ternoon. During the time I was there, thirty six were added to the church by profession, and eleven by certificate. The following week a small church in Clarendon, consisting of eleven members were, at their own request, and also by the advise of the Presbytery, united with the church at Holly. The additions in all were 25. These with the 17 previous members, now compose a church of 76 communicants. They have the frame of a suitable house already erected, which will be finished this season.

Arrangements had been made for my place to be supplied in my absence by ministers of our presbytery. After my return my health, and particularly a hoarseness, which almost prevented me from speaking loud, were such that for two weeks I preached but one sermon. I however, attended meeting on Sabbaths, and was able to make family visits during the week. Since that time my labors have not been interrupted.

They are also making vigorous efforts to obtain an acceptable minister, who shall go in and out, before them, and break unto them the bread of eternal life.


About a year since, I removed with ligious region, with ardent desires to my dear family to this destitute, irrebe instrumental in the hands of my master, of promoting his glorious kingdom, and the welfare of immortal souls. With this purpose I accepted of the appoint

With respect to the present state of my people, I would say that there appears to be a good degree of engagedness among part of the church, and there has been one hopeful conversion among the people. It is a boy about 14 years of age. There appears to be some serious impressions on the minds of a few others. These are the encouragements; while on the other hand, there are some old, deep rooted jealousies and prejudices, among some of the churches against each other, which seem impossible to be removed in any other way, than by a special act of divine power. During the ten weeks while I have been here in person, sincement of principal of the academy in this my last report, exclusive of the time I was absent to attend the General Assembly, I have preached nineteen times, attended two monthly concerts, made 15 special family visits, and attended pray er meetings on sabbath evenings, when I have not preached a third sermon. have baptised one infant, and organized one Sabbath school. There has been one person received into the church by let



place, that I might obtain a support for and youth in the fear of God. My Saba numerous family, and educate children baths and frequent opportunities in the week, have been occupied in preaching the gospel, administering its ordinances, attending prayer meetings, and promoThe Presbyterian church in this place, ting the benevolent institutions of the day. has increased from seventeen to above forty members since my arrival. We have a bible society and I am actively engaged in distributing bibles to the des

Extract from the report of a Missionary in titute. I have organized a temperance the state of New York.

Organization of a Church.

society of more than fifty members. Finding that the agent of the Sunday School Union, as a stranger amidst the Sabbath before last I spent in Holly, a clamours of the day, would have little small village on the canal. There has success, I voluntarily engaged gratuitousbeen a revival of religion in progress ly to attend to the business of this counin that place, most of the time since De- tv, and five schools have been organized. cember last. It has, however, been some- We have a tract society and a coloniza- what interrupted by the prevalence of a tion society. We have a weekly prayer proselyting spirit. The Presbyterian meeting in the village, and the monthly church however has taken no part in concert is regularly observed. Thus this. Although they have had occasional there is before me an ample sphere of preaching by the neighboring ministers, operation in the best of causes; but the they have never even given an opportu- difficulty is, to be sustained and supportnity for any one to unite with them until ed in this region. The enemy has been week before last. It was found that a very busy in his opposition since my arlarge number of those who had obtained rival, and he is so cunning, as to engage a hope, had not united with any denomi- even professors of religion in his designs. nation, because they were waiting for an My course is to preach the truth plainly, opportunity to unite with the Presbyte-affectionately, and forcibly-and studiousrían society. I was requested to spend a week with them, and I did accordingly, stay with them from Wednesday until Monday. Brother Myers, of Brockport,

ly to avoid all personal acrimonious observations, and to treat those who differ from me, with christian benevolence.

Now the question is, shall I be driven

away from such an important station, through want of support for myself and family. The church is small and unable to afford it, & the great mass of the people is irreligious and dissipated, and would rather drive a minister of Christ from this region, than contribute a cent to retain him. I have been preaching the gospel from my youth-have been often employed by my master, as a missionary and a pioneer, and glory in his service, while I have scarcely received a subsistence for myself and family, I am still willing to do much and suffer much in the same cause, and also willing that the ordinances of the Redeemer should be observed, as it is written, "Even so the Lord hath ordained that they who preach the gospel should live of the gospel." I am a great friend to economy, but parsimony, defeats the great object. Could our brethren in their pleasant circumstances, know our difficulties and our privations, by living in such dismal regions, they would cheerfully afford us a comfortable subsistence. It is a pernicious error, that young preachers and those of inferior talents and attainments, will answer the circumstances of a new country-when in fact these unorganized regions, abounding in wickedness, and error, need, imperiously need, ministers of age and experience, and the first talents in the ministry.

subject, and have succeeded in removing objections, with all whose hearts are not enmity to order and morality. Schools with good libraries are now in successful operation, at Dille's Bottom, Boner's Ridge, Wayman's, Fowler's, Forks of Wheeling, Wolf Run, Strickland's and Howard's. I am also about etablishing others at Dunsmore's, Patterson's, and Unity. Money is already collected for libraries, which are to be procured this week, and on next Sabbath they will commence. Some of them have raised ten dollars themselves, and for the others, I obtained an order from an agent for five dollars, so that they all have books to the amount of ten dollars. The schools are mostly large, numbering from forty to eighty scholars, and bid fair to be useful. I visit them as often as practicable. I mostly visit two every Sabbath. One in the morning and another in the evening. Bible classes I have not yet formed, owing to my time being so completely occupied, that it was impossible for me to attend to them. I hope, however, hereafter to facilitate my labours by having my different appointments in different places, to come in more regular succession. My wish is to have three, one at each of my stations, for Sabbath preaching. I have made arrangements for establishing three tract societies, one in each congregation, which I hope will enable us to furnish every family with a tract, every month. I have been successful beyond expectation, in the cause of temperance, and have not a doubt, but in a short time, it will be completely triumphant. Two distilleries have ceased Between these stations, and on each to make, and one tavern to sell liquors, side, as you will observe by the plot of within the last two months. We have a the county, which I have sent you, I society at Wolf Run, of near 40 members, have a number of stations for week-day and one at Unity of 15. I have preachpreaching, at each of which I mostly ed on the subject, but owing to the strong preach once in three weeks. There is opposition at first, I made it a point never generally good attendance. My audi- to mention it on the Sabbath, which I think ences are generally large, considering had a good effect. Both the societies time and circumstances, and mostly at- were formed nearly two years ago, but tentive and orderly. At Wolf Run being neglected, had declined, and a numthere appears to be considerable so- ber of their members had proved unfaithlemnity, and some anxiety, and I ful. Such was the state of feeling, when am not without hopes that something I came among them, that there were more than ordinary may be the result. thoughts of dissolving the society, but With the assistance of an agent of the it now embraces the respectability and American Sunday School Union, I have influence of the neighbourhood. established Sabbath schools at every With respect to the surrounding counplace in my vicinity where it was practi-try, I can yet say but little, I can, percable. When I came on the ground there haps say more in my next report, how. was but one of these useful nurseries in ever, I can say of it generally, that it is The situation operation. I found a rooted opposition, owing to unfavourable impressions re- of the country east of me, as it was despecting the American Sunday School scribed to me by others, and the wants of Union, which were diligently kept up the people almost persuaded me to visit by the Universalists, Campbellites and it at least, as far as Waynesburg, but laInfidels. I preached considerable on the bour is accumulating so fast, that I feared


From Mr. WM. D. SMITH, dated Grave Creek, Ohio co. Va. Aug. 1, 1831.

literally a "wilderness."

to take a too wide field, lest I should not be able to cultivate it thoroughly. Missionary labourers, zealous, and faithful, are much needed.



Jacksonville, August 2, 1831, Dear Sir-It is my official duty to communicate to you the following resolution of the Presbytery of Illinois, viz:

Resolved, That Messrs. Ellis, Fraser Sturtevant and Watson, be appointed a committee of correspondence with the General Assembly's Board of Missions, and with the American Home Missionary Society. And the stated clerk is directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the respective secretaries of the two Boards. A true copy. JOHN M. ELLIS, Stated Clerk.


The present number commences the 3d volume of this work. The first number of the third volume will be sent to all our present subscribers, and if there should be any who wish to discontinue it, they will either inform us by letters, post paid, before the 1st of September, or return the present number to the Rev. J. T. Russell, with their name and post office address written upon the cover of the Reporter.

All persons who are in arrears for the Reporter will please without delay to pay over the amount due, together with the advance for the third volume, to any Presbyterian minister, or other authorised agent, most convenient to them, that the same may be forwarded to the Edit

In compliance with the demands of public sentiment, and with the fond hope of advancing Messiah's kingdom, I appointed and held a five days meeting, within 11 miles of this place, and 23 from Raleigh, commencing on Friday 15th July, and ending the following Tuesday.It was numerously attended, and with no other guard but the strong bulwark of enlightened public sentiment; there was an order, decorum and ready conformity to the ordinances of God's appointment, seldom witnessed, and not surpassed by that which prevails at ordinary meetings. By the aid of five other brethren, we were enabled to have four sermons during the day and night, together with other public exercises, all of which I am happy to say were seriously attended to by all present. As no preparations had been made to gratify a luxurious appetite, but little time was consumed in preparing or receiving our plain but wholesome diet.On the Sabbath God was indeed among us of a truth in the breaking of bread many a spirit held high and holy and delightful communion with the Father and his co-equal Son, Jesus Christ, and while the Holy Spirit drew aside the curtain or which veiled the bright splendours of the We have it in contemplation in the Heavenly Paradise, many a bosom was next volume to furnish a greater variety filled with a "joy unspeakable, and full of of missionary intelligence, and occasional glory." God's people sweetly realized original communications. and could almost bear individual testi- Our agents and nissionaries are remony to the soul-thrilling truth "He spectfully requested to renew their efforts brought me to the banqueting house, and to obtain new subscribers, and to forward his banners over me was love." Yea! their names without delay. that place was as the house of God, and the very gate-way of Heaven to some blood-redeemed spirits. And although there were but few cases of pungent conviction, yet the moistening eye, the flushing cheek, and deep solemnity, are inevitable proofs that the Holy Spirit was striving with the sinner, and its influence upon the impenitent, will be seen in eternity if not in time. I would remark by way of conclusion to this hasty account, that the general impression made upon the pubic mind, not excepting those formerly prejudiced, was and is Judge Moore, Cherry valley, now, that four and five days meetings in Levi Beardsly, Esq. this sparsely populated region if properly conducted, may be greatly instrumental in the hands of God, of pullling down the strong holds of the Prince of dark


Cash received by the Treasurer of the Board of Education of the General Assembly, from July 15, to Bugust 15.

[ocr errors]

From Mr. Wm. Rowland, per Rev. W. M.
$100 00
Dr. John White, do. do. - 50 00
Dr. Neill, late Gen. Agt. collected
by him, a few individuals of the ch.
Bedford, N. Y.

[ocr errors]

700 do. Hudson 15 50 do. Cooperstown, 80 00 10 00 5 00


Joshua T. King, Albany for salary
late ag't.

10 00 $277 50

J. B. MITCHELL, Treasurer. Philadelphia, Aug. 24, 1831.

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