תמונות בעמוד

effects of this custom, and whence, the
number of spurious writings in v cent.
ibid. and 363.

Roman Catholic faith, derived from two
sources, iii. 154; uncertainty about its
real doctrines, ibid. difference of opinion
about determining doctrines and contro-
versies, 155.

Catholic religion, its principal
heads, and whence to be known, iii. 157
and k.

Romans impose the names of their own
deities on those of other nations, and
hence the perplexities in the history of
the ancient superstitions, i. 32 and h; .
their system of religion different from
the Greeks, 37; introduce their rites
among the conquered nations, ibid. why
they persecuted the Christians, 68, 69;
state of learning and philosophical sects
among them, 82; introduce letters and
philosophy into the conquered nations,

Rome, its Bishops. See Popes.

the decline of this church, and
whence dated, iii. 130; its internal con-
stitution strengthened by various ways,


attempts to ruin the Protestants,
but unsuccessful, iii. 453, 454, 464; con-
ferences held on both sides, 467; the
interest of this church loses ground in
the East, 477; two strong instances of
it, 478; the Popes' authority in its de-
cline, 481.

- rupture between Pope Paul V. and
Venice, iii. 482; wise conduct of the
latter, 483; peace concluded through
Henry IV. of France, ibid. y, z; the con-
sequences, and their separation how pre-
vented, 484, a, b.

its contest with Portugal in xvii
cent. iii. 485; the former gains no
ground, 486 and c; between it and the
French court, with the former's strata-
gems defeated and the writers in this
contest variously treated, ibid. contests
under Lewis XIV. with the reason, 487;
peace concluded on inglorious terms
for the Pope, 488; a second contest
about the Regale, ibid. and g; 489 and
h; Lewis summons an assembly of Bi-
shops, ibid. and i; which drew up four
propositions opposed by the Pope pub-
licly and privately, ibid. j; 490 k; third
contest on the right of asylum to am-
bassadors at Rome, and accommoda-
tion, 490 and ; whether the papal au-
thority gained ground in this cent. with
the complaint in the affirmative ground-
less, 491; the manner of terminating
differences changed, 492; Gallican li-
berties, still maintained, ibid. and q;
some cringing flatterers fawn still on
the Popes, 493; secret yet vigorous
measures used by the French against

the Popes, who are treated by their mo.
narchs as the Pagan heroes treated Cer-
berus, 495.

Rome, its state of learning in xvii cent. iii.
505; improved by the French, 506;
philosophy much changed in France,
and those most distinguished in it, ibid.
and n; ill treatment of them, 507 o;
the French example followed in Italy,
&c. ibid. Jesuits improve learning most,
and followed by the Benedictines, 508;
decline of learning among the Jesuits
ever since, 509; emulation of the Priests
of the Oratory, and the most distin-
guished among them, ibid. Jansenists of
Port Royal the most famous, ibid. rea-
son of these improvements, 510; prin-
cipal authors of the Romish commu-
nion, ibid. and q; its doctrine more
corrupt than in the former ages, through
the Jesuits, and its Pontiffs' negligence,
511; whence derived and with what
views propagated, 512; Jesuits, why
supported by the Popes, 514; they sap
the foundations of morality with several
pernicious maxims, 513, 514; are con-
demned by Popes Alexander VII. and
VIII. yet their moral tenets not sup-
pressed, 516 and x; why the great
made them their confessors, ibid. their
maxims and practices not adopted by
all the fraternity, 517; three circum-
stances necessary in general censures,
which are not observed by their adver-
saries, ibid. state of exegetic theology in
xvii cent. 518; scripture how obscured,
ibid. and a; state of didactic, moral,
and polemic theology at this time, 519
contest under the pontificate of Clement
VIII. between the Jesuits and Domini-
cans, about Grace, 520; intimation of
the arbiters appointed by the Pope in
favour of the Dominicans, 521; who
himself examines the controversy, ibid.
but dies before the decision, ibid. dispute
continued under Paul V. and ordered to
be suppressed, with liberty to each par-
ty to follow their own respective opinions
522; the Pope how hindered from pro-
nouncing a public determination, 523
and f; contests occasioned by the rise
and progress of Jansenism, ibid. and 524;
hopes of a union between this and the
Greek church, 553; methods used by
the Romanists, 553 and d; but ineffec-
tual, 554; a union between this, and
the Russian church attempted, but in
vain, iii. 201.

Romuald, founder of the Camaldolites in xi
cent. ii. 186.

Rosary, instituted in honour of the Virgin
Mary in x cent. ii. 114 and l.
Roscellinus, controversy relative to the
Trinity begun by him in xi cent. ii. 225
and z; retracts and resumes his error
226; his doctrine concerning the ille

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gality of bastards being ordained, not
favourably received in England, ibid.
Rosecrucians, their derivation in' xvii cent.
iii. 436 and ƒ; inveigh against the Peri-
patetics, 437; most eminent among
them, with their followers, ibid. and g;
diversity of opinions, whence, with some
common principles, 437, 438; attacked
by Gassendi, 438.

Rothman, Bernard, an ecclesiastic of
Munster, becomes Anabaptist, iii. 330
and 4.

Rufinus, of Aquileia, his character, i. 280,
friendship and rupture between him and
Jerome, ibid. o; his version of the Scrip.
tures, 284.

Ruffus, a chief of the spiritual libertines,
iii. 314.

Rugen, Isle of, Christianity established
here in xii cent. ii. 228 and b.

Raggeri, Cosmo, account of his impiety,
iii. 425.

Russians, converted in ix cent. and by
what prudent means, ii. 5; their con-
version misrepresented by Le Quien, 6,
h; adopt the doctrine and discipline of
the Greeks, iii. 188; but are independent
on them, and the Patriarch of Constan-
tinople, ibid. a union between their own
and the Romish church attempted, but
in vain, 201.

Ruysbrockius, an eminent mystic in xiv
cent. ii. 488,


Sabellius, his notions of the Trinity, i. 238;
in what he differed from Noetus, ibid.
propagates his opinion with some suc-
cess, ibid.

Sacrament, festival of, its origin in xiii
cent. ii. 417 and s.

Sadducees, their tenets, i. 46; deny a fu-
ture state, 47; their moral doctrine and
bad influence, 49.
Sagarelli, Gerhard, founder of the sect
of Apostles in xii cent. ii. 437; is com-
mitted to the flames, and burned, ibid.
his successor Dulcinus, and the war he
carried on, with his terrible end, ibid.
and 438.

Saints, veneration paid to them, its rise,
i. 282; their number considerably aug-
mented in v cent. and whence, i. 352;
sepulchres frequented. 358; their pray-
ers thought to be victorious at the
throne of God, 412; the lives of some
considered, 423, 424; a confidence in
their merits thought necessary to sal-
vation in viii cent. 508; tutelary, their
origin in ix cent. ii. 34; a passionate
fondness for their relics, 37; excessive
veneration paid to them in x cent. 105;
multiplied greatly, 109; this accounted
for, ibid. their numerous devotees in
xii cent. ii. 285; supposed to be fre-
quently present in the places they in-
habited upon earth, ibid. and r; the de-
fects of those who wrote their lives

in xiii cent. ii. 341; added to the Ro-
mish calendar in xvii cent. iii. 549, 550
and z.

Salabert,defends the Nominalists in xi cent
ii. 143,q.

Saladin, his success against the Christians,
ii. 237; reduces the city of Jerusalem,
after a dreadful carnage, ibid. and r;
defeated by the kings of England and
France, 234, 239; concludes a truce
with Richard I. of England, ibid.
Salernum, a famous school there for the
study of physic in xi cent. ii. 139 and i.
Salisbury, John,of his just and severe cen-
sure of the Nominalists, Realists, and
Formalists, ii. 254, 255, s, t; his great
character, 283.

Salmasius, his disputes about usury, stage
plays, &c. in xvii cent. iv. 114.
Salmuth, Henry, his observations on the
Bible, an account of, iii. 258.
Salvian, his book on Divine government,
and the cause of writing it, i. 339; cha-
racter, 356 and u; moral writings ex-
cellent, 363.

Samaritans, their sad state, i. 52; notions
of the Messiah, if juster than those en-
tertained by the inhabitants of Jerusa-
lem, ibid. and x.

Samogetæ, their conversion to Christianity
in xv cent. considered, ii. 508.
Samuel, a Jewish convert, writes an elabo-
rate treatise against the Jews in xi cent.
ii. 202.

Sanches, a famous eclectic and skeptical
philosopher in xvii cent. iii. 448 and u
Sancroft, archbishop of Canterbury, is de-
prived, with seven other Bishops, of his
ecclesiastical dignity, and why, iii. 111

and ii.

Sanction, Pragmatic, instituted for re-
trenching papal power, ii. 539; when,
and by whom made, ibid. n; abrogated
in part by Lewis XI. of France, ibid. its
total abrogation obtained from Francis I.
of France,ii. 14 and g.
Sandius, an eminent writer among the
Arians in xvii cent. iv. 173 and w.
Sarabaites, an order of abandoned and
profligate monks in iv. cent. i. 292.
Saracens, their successful incursions in the

East in viii cent. ii. 484; success owing.
to the divisions of the Greeks, ibid.
usurpations in the West, 485; conse-
quences of their success to Christian-
ity, ibid. their progress toward univer-
sal empire in ix cent. ii. 7; the progress
of their arms injurious to the Gospel,
but more fatal in the East than in the
West, 8; writers against them in this
century reported many things which
were false and groundless, ii. 43; their
ruin accomplished by the Turks in the
East in x cent. 83; the Ottoman em-
pire established on the ruins of the
Saracens' dominions, ibid. state of
learning among them, 88; driven out

of Sicily in xi cent. 121, the privileges
thereupon granted to the kings of Si-
cily, 122; resident in Palestine, and
expeditions formed against them, ibid.
by Peter the Hermit, with the progress,
and history of this holy war, 124, 125
and s; difficulties and successes, 125
and u; motives of the Popes and Eu-
ropean Princes engaging in this cru-
sade, 127, 128 and y; reasons for and
against these wars, 128 and z; with
their unhappy consequences, 129, 130
and a; of great service to literature in
Spain, 138; they oppress the Eastern
Christians in xii cent. and the justice of
these oppressions examined, ii. 243; the
decline of their affairs in Spain, in xiii
cent. 331; scheme for their expulsion
thence in xiv cent. ii. 444; subversion
of their kingdom in Spain effected in xv
cent. 507; methods used for their con-
version, and how far effectual, 507. See

Sardis, council of, its fourth canon suppo-

sed the chief step to the Bishop of Rome's
sovereignty, i. 274; the impossibility of
proving by it the necessity of an appeal
to Rome in all cases, with the import of
this canon, ibid. and p.
Saturninus, of Antioch, leader of the sect

[ocr errors]

of the Elcesaites, i. 174; the heretical
principles he maintained, ibid.
Savanarola, Jerome, his great character, ii.
549; censured with severity the Roman
Pontiffs, and his unhappy fate, ib. and
t; declares that Rome was become the
image of Babylon, 551; labours to re-
form the Schoolmen, in xv cent. 557;
his polemic work, entitled The Triumph
of the Cross, 559.
Saurin, James, his opinion concerning the
lawfulness of violating the truth, and
controversy thereon, iv. 200.
Saxons, why averse to Christianity in viii
cent. i. 481, h, i; methods used for con-
verting and retaining them, with an ob-
servation on the nature of their conver-
sion, ibid. and sub. fin. not. i.
Saxony, divines of, contend with those of
Weimar in xvi cent. iii. 243; new refor-
mation attempted, 250.

Sceptics, their method, and most eminent
among them in xvii cent. iii. 444, 445,
and notes.

Schaal, John Adam, chief of the Jesuit
missionaries in China, an account of,
iii. 396; imprisoned, and condemned to
death, ibid.

Schade, John Caspar, his character, iv. 51;
imprudent zeal excites commotions in
the Lutheran church, ib.

Schism, the great Western in xiv cent. an
account of, ii. 463; its bad consequen-
ces, 464; injurious to papal power,
465; proposals for terminating it, ibid.
fomented and continued in xv cent. 518;
two Pontiffs condemned by the council

of Pisa, which elects a third, 519; af-
flictions received by the church from it
in this cent. 536; healed by the pru-
dence of Nicholas V. 537; between the
Greeks and Latins, and why not healed,

Schmidt, Erasmus, a learned expositor of
Scripture, iv. 26.

Sebastian, an interpreter of Scrip-
ture, and character, iv. 26.

Laurent, his translation of the
Bible, and whence called the Wertheim
interpreter, iv. 201, character, ibid. is
opposed, and accused of being an enc-
my to the Christian religion, and
whence, ibid. is cast into prison, but
escapes, ibid. charge brought against
him, ibid. m.

Scholastic theology, whence it began, i.

[ocr errors]

Scholastics, properly so called, in xii cent.
ii. 291; their author, Abelard, 292 ;
opposed from different quarters, 293
and principally by St. Bernard, 294
are chiefly Realists in xiii cent. 406 ;
their dangerous tenets, and vicious me-
thods of defending them, 409; fall into
absurd and impious notions of the Tri-
nity, and the consequences, in xiv.
cent. 491 and f; hated and opposed in
XV cent. 557; and principally by the
restorers of polite literature, 55; a
philosophical sect in xvi cent. iii. 220,
united with the Aristotelians, but oppo-
sed by the Ramæans, ibid.
Schoman, George, author of the Cracow
catechism, iii. 366, sub. not. z; his Tes-
tamentum, 368 a; an admirer of Far-
novius, 382.

Schomer, a Lutheran expositor in xvii
cent. iv. 26.

Schoolmen, whence so called, i. 422; chiefly
employed in collecting the ancient in-
terpretations of the Fathers in xiii
cent. ii. 405; contentions among them
in xiv cent. 491.

Schools, established for Christian philoso-
phy in i cent. i. 100; how distinguished
from the academies of the ancient
Christians, ibid. very serviceable to
Christianity, 267; cathedral erected by
Charlemagne in viii cent. 487; public,
their sad state in xvi cent. iii. 20.
Schurman, Anna Maria, a follower of the
Labbadists, and great character, iv. 178.
Schwenkfeldt, George, his debates with
Luther, iii. 233; character, ibid. is ba-
nished, and his death, 234; his doctrine
different from Luther's in three points,

Schyn, Herman, a Mennonite, iii. 320;
character of his writings, ibid. sub. not.
e; 321, sub. f.
Sciences, their sad state in vii cent. i. 451;
a new division of them, and their num-
ber increased in xii cent. ii. 249, 250.
Science, its limits extended in xiii cent. ii.

344; Bacon's reflection on the learning
of this cent. ibid. d.
Sciences, many professors of, but few very
serviceable to society in xiv cent. ii.
449; their improvement in general, in
natural philosophy, mathematics, in
astronomy, in xvii cent. iii. 430; and
how by Bacon, ibid. and z; the most
eminent for them through Europe,
431; their distinguished promoters, and
advantages hence arising to society and
religion, 432; their state among the
Lutherans, iv. 15.

Scioppius, employed to write against the
Protestants, with an account of his be-
ing caned, iii. 454 and n.

Sclavonians, and Dalmatians, express a
desire to embrace Christianity in ix
cent. ii. 5; the joy this occasioned, and
hereupon missionaries were sent, ibid.
and f.

converted by Waldemar, king
of Denmark, through Absalom, Arch-
bishop of Lunden, in xii cent. ii. 228 and
b; their aversion from Christianity
⚫ overruled, and their conversion com-
pleted, by the zeal of Henry the Lion,
through the Ministry of Vicellinus, 231.
Scot, Michael, an Aristotelic, and a Latin
interpreter of his works in xiii cent. ii.

Scotland, whether Christian in iii cent. i.
195 and m; church of, its founder, iii.
282; how far it adopts the doctrine, &c.
established at Geneva, ibid. opposes
changes of discipline and worship, ibid.
a remarkable declaration of king James
I. concerning the kirk, iv. 90 d.
Scots, Irish, eminent for their learning in
viii cent. i. 513 and m; illustrated Chris-
tian doctrines by the rules of philosophy,
ibid. their sophism about the Trinity, ib.
Scotus, Johannes Erigena, an eminent
philosopher in ix cent. ii. 15 and a; his
great erudition, ibid. his works, ibid.
blends the Mystic Theology with the
Scholastic, and forms them into one
system, ibid. his notions and great mo-
desty, 16; high character, 32; explains
the doctrines of Christianity according
to reason and the principles of true
philosophy, 40; is opposed and perse-
cuted on this account, 41 and s; his
new and elegant translation of the pre-
tended Dionysius's works, 43; his ex-
cellent method of managing the contro-
versy with Pascasius Radbert, concern-
ing the real presence of Christ's Body
and Blood in the Eucharist, 50.^

Marianus, his works, ii. 194.
John Duns, eminent for the acute-
ness and subtilty of his genius, but not
for his candour and ingenuity, ii. 488;
his works, ibid. a; warmly opposes the
several doctrines of Aquinas, and hence
the sect of the Scotists, 491; defends

the immaculate conception of the Vir-
gin Mary, 492 and g.
Scriptures, canon of, supposed to be set-
tled before the middle of ii cent. i. 93 ;
arguments in confirmation of this sup-
position, ibid. early method of interpret-
ing them, 98; the New Testament
translated into several languages, and
its use, 125; zeal for them in ii cent.
151; interpretations of them defective,
through the double sense used at this
time, 152; the zeal of many for propa-
gating them in iii cent. and advantages
hence arising to Christianity, 194; in-
terpreters of them censured, and why,
218; versions in iv cent. discover a
want of sound judgment in their au-
thors, 284; the most eminent commen-
tators in v cent. i. 359; Origen's method
adopted by many, 360; logical dis-
cussions esteemed better tests of truth
than the Scriptures, 361; expositors in
vii cent. few, and very unlearned, 458;
the study of them much promoted'
among the Latins by Charlemagne in
viii cent. 510; allegorical interpreters
of, in ix cent. and their fundamental
principle, ii. 40; explained in xii cent.
chiefly according to the rules of Mys-
ticism, ii. 290; which prevailed much
in xiii cent. 404; commentators on
them among the Lutherans in xvi cent.
iii. 224.

Scripture knowledge, its state in xvi cent.
iii. 158; methods taken to obscure it,
ibid. severe law passed as to interpreta-
tion, ibid. and l.

Scylizes, John, a historian among the
Greeks in xi cent. and character, ii, 136.
Scythia, within Imaus, embraces the Gos-
pel in viii cent. i. 477; its division by
the ancients, ibid. a.
Sectarian philosophers, who so called in
xvii cent. iv. 19, t.

Sects, formed in the times of the apostles,
i. 110; grow imperceptibly, ibid. ae-
counts of them imperfect, and whence,
ibid. those which arose from the orien-
tal philosophy very detrimental to
Christianity, 173; illiterate, which pre-
vailed in i cent. 188; remains of an-
cient in iii cent. 230; and in iv cent.
307; Manichæans most prevalent, who
conceal themselves under various
names to avoid the severity of the laws,
308; ancient, flourish in vii cent. i.
464; and recover strength in viii cent.
from the divisions in the Grecian em-
pire, 524; and, subsist in xi cent. ii.
219; numerous among the Latins in xii
cent. and the abuses which gave rise to
them, 307; multiplied in xiii cent. and
the cause, 420; unanimous in opposing
superstition and the papal power,
ibid. among the Dutch in xvii cent. iv.
123; of inferior note in this cent. an ac-

count of them, 174; various in Eng-
land in xviii cent. iv. 207.
Secundians, Valentinian sect in i cent. i.
155; maintained the doctrine of two
eternal principles, ibid.

Sedulius, his expositions, and their defect,

ii. 40.

Seidel, Martin, his extravagant notions,
iv. 63; whence his followers called
Semi Judaizers, 64 and k.
Seidenbecher, George Lawrence, a propa-
gator of the Millennium in xvii cent. iv.
63; is censured, and deposed from his
pastoral charge, ibid. and i.
Semi Arians, their tenets, i. 322.
Semi Judaizers, a Socinian sect, iii. 381;
why obnoxious to Socinus, ibid. y.
Semi Pelagians, author of this sect in v
cent. and their tenets, i. 394; their five
leading principles, 395, h; strongly op-
posed by the disciples of St. Augustin,
yet support themselves, and make a ra-
pid progress, ibid. excite divisions in
the Western churches in vi cent. 432.
Sendomir, synod held there, iii. 296; by
whom, and concerning what, ibid.
and f.

Sens, Bernardine of, a celebrated mystic
writer, in xv cent. ii. 549; his works
must be read with caution, 358.
Serapion, Bishop of Antioch, writes a trea-
tise against the Jews, and his motives
for it, i. 203.

his successful mission in Arme-
nia, iii. 133; maintains with success the
cause of Rome, ibid.
Servetus, Michael, Servede, his character
and writings, iii, 355 and c; circum-
stances concurring to favour his designs,
356; is seized, and accused by Calvin
of blasphemy, ibid. and d; condemned
to the flames, ibid. his life by whom
written, ibid. e; strange doctrine of
the Trinity, 357; Calvin's severity
against him how alleviated, ibid. sub.
not. e; strange tenets of other Antitri-
nitarians after him, 358.
Servites, convent of, founded in xiii cent.

ii. 366; wear a black habit, with the
reason, and observe several rules pecu-
liar to themselves, and unknown to
other societies, ibid. and k.

Sethites, an account of this sect in ii cent.

i. 185; consider Seth as the same per-
son with Christ, 186.

Severian, character of his moral writings,
i. 363.

Severinus, promotes the philosophy of
Paracelsus in Denmark, in xvi cent. iii.

Severus, his character, i. 123; persecution
under him, 134; Martyrs who suffered
under him, 196.

Alexander, shows favour to the
Christians, i. 196; is assassinated by the
order of Maximin, ibid.

Severus, Sulpitius, an eminent historian in
iii cent. i. 481 and p.

the Monophysite, made Patriarch
of Constantinople by Anastasius, the
Emperor, i. 434; is deposed and suc-
ceeded by one of his own sect, ibid.
his doctrine concerning the body of
Christ, 436; names given to his follow-
ers, ibid.

Sfondrati, Coelestine, his innovated doc-
trine of predestination, iii. 548; is ac-
cused of erroneous notions before Inno-
cent XII. with the Pope's conduct, ibid.
and x.

Shaftesbury, Earl of, his character and
writings, iii. 421; how dangerous to
Christianity, ibid. and e.

Sharrock, the great advantages derived to
religion from his moral works, iv. 77.
Sheppard, a Puritan missionary in Ame-
rica, iii. 416.

Siam, the first mission there by the Jesuits,
under the direction of Alexander of
Rhodes, and its success, iii. 392; em-
bassy sent by Lewis XIV. to convert
the King and people, 393 and p; this
was fruitless, and remarkable observa-
tion by the King on this occasion, 394
and q.

Siculus, Peter, an account of, ii. 29.
Sidonius, Apollinaris, his writings tumid,
but not destitute of eloquence, i. 356.
Sienno, Jacobus a, protects the Socinians,
iii. 371; embraces their communion,
and erects a public seminary for them,

Siganfu, famous Chinese monument found
there in vii cent. i. 439 and a.
Sigismund, John, Elector of Branden-
burg, renounces Lutheranism, and em-
braces the communion of the Reformed
church, iv. 4; adopts not all their te-
nets, and leaves his subjects free as to
their religious sentiments, 5; the bad
effects of this liberty, and Lutherans
disgusted at it, ibid. controversy and
civil commotions that ensued, ibid. the
form of concord hereupon suppressed,
and other edicts made by the Elector
and his successors, 6 and d.
Simeon, Bishop of Jerusalem, crucified by
Trajan's law, i. 130.

head of the Stylites, makes many
converts, i. 365; his extravagant tenets,
ibid. attracts the veneration of many
persons, ibid. and p; followed by many
persons, though not with the same aus-
terity, ibid. and q; his superstitious
practice continued till xii cent. ib. and r.

of Constantinople, translates the
lives of the Saints in x cent. and hence
styled the Metaphrast, ii. 103 and i.
Sin, original, doctrine of, disputed by La
Place, iv. 85; denied by Le Cene, 90.
Smalcald, league, how formed by the con-
federate princes, iii. 75; the substance

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