תמונות בעמוד

civil power, ibid. their opinions oppo-
sed in councils assembled by the
Franks and Germans for terminating
disputes relating to image worship, ibid.
the Emperor's approbation necessary
to their consecration, ii. 19, 99, their
power augmented by the divisions of
the empire in ix cent. 22; divest the
Emperors of ecclesiastical authority,
23; diminish the power of councils
and the Bishops, ibid. and y; frauds
and forgeries to support their claims,
24, 25 and z, a, c; the cause of the
vices among the clergy in x cent. 93;
their supreme Legislative authority,
opposed by the German, French, and'
Italian Bishops, does yet gain ground by
the adulatory services of some minions
among the Bishops, 99; the right of
canonization, though usurped by John
XV. is not solely vested in them till xii
cent. 109; their motives for encour-
aging the first crusade, 127 and y; as-
sume the name of Popes, or Universal
Fathers, in xi cent. when their anthor-
ity was at the highest, 145; confirmed
in their See by the approbation of the
Emperors, 147; the right of electing
them vested in the college of Car-
dinals, excluding the consent of the
clergy and people, 156; the imperial
privilege in electing them violated,
157; accessions to their power by the
zeal of Pope Gregory VII. 160; called
Paterini, and whence, 167 and r; the
Romish ritual imposed by them on all
the Latin Churches, and the custom of
performing divine service in Latin
among all the Western churches, had
their rise in xi cent. 217, 218; violent
dissensions between them and the Em-
perors concerning the extent of power,
and unhappy consequences, in xii cent.
ii. 267; deprive the Bishops of the
right of canonization, 271; and of the
power to grant indulgences, 287; pro-
mote crusades in xiii cent. and why,
324; methods taken at this time to ac-
quire universal dominion, 347; their
arrogant claims opposed by civil and
ecclesiastical powers, 349; great ac-
cessions of power due to Innocent III.
and Nicholas IV. 350, 351, the advan-
tage they derived from the orders of
Mendicants, and their returns for these
favours, 373, 374 and x, y, z, a; their
authority diminished under the Gallic
pontiffs, 456; their powers declared to
be inferior to that of general councils,
at the councils of Constance and Basil,
521, 534; deprived of their Expectan-
ces, Reservations, and Provisions, at the
latter council, ibid. their zeal for propa-
gating Christianity in xvi cent. exa-
mined, iii. 116; manner of their elec-
tions, 126; what distinction must be
made betwixt their authority and the

[blocks in formation]

Pordage, a member of the Philadelphian
society, an account of, iv. 181.
Porphyry, opposes the Platonic philoso-
phy to the doctrine of the Gospel, i.
200; a more virulent than formidable
enemy of Christianity, 201; his work
against the Christians burned by order
of Constantine the Great, ibid. and c;
the answers to this work lost, ibid. sub.
fin. not. c; a professed admirer of Plo-
tinus, 205 and k.

Porre, Gilbert de la, charged with blas-
phemy, and submits his opinions to the
arbitration of the Pope, ii. 296; his er-
rors the consequence of an excessive
subtilty, and metaphysical method of
explaining the Christian doctrine, ibid.
Port Royal, convent of, described, iii.
537; sanctity of the religious in it, and
its fame, 538, 539 and note; demolish-
ed by Lewis XVI. at the request of the
Jesuits, 540.

Portugal, her contest with Rome in xvii
cent. iii. 485; throws off the Spanish
yoke, ib.

Positivi, Christian doctors, so called, in
xii cent. and why, ii. 292.
Possevin, Anthony, a Jesuit missionary,
his fruitless attempt to unite the Ro-
mish and Russian churches in xvi cent.
iii. 201; writes against the Protestants,
iii. 454.

Potter, Archbishop of Canterbury, main-
tains the authority of church and cler-
gy of England against the attempts of
Bishop Hoadley to diminish it, and his
character, iv. 207.

Prætorius, his work, "Tuba Pacis," to
convert Protestants, iii. 469 and r.
Prague, University of, &c. right of suf-
frages divided by its founder into four.
nations, ii. 523; encroachments made
by the German nation on this account,
and contest about it in xv cent. fatal to
John Huss, 524.

Jerome of, condemned and burn-
ed alive in xv cent. ii. 526; the true
causes of this proceeding 526, 528 and
x, a, b.
Praxeas, his notions concerning the Trin-
ity, i. 187; his followers called Monar-
chians, and whence ibid.
Prayers, the addition of Ave Maria made
to them in xiv cent. ii. 497.
Predestinarians, whence their rise in v
cent. i. 394; their doctrine, ibid. oppo-
sed by Augustine, ibid. the opinion of
some concerning the reality of this
sect, ibid. and g.

Predestination and Grace, controversy

concerning, in ix cent. ii. 52; begun by
Godeschalcus, a Saxon, ibid. its state in
xvi cent. iii. 270; Calvin's doctrine of
it, 278.

Premontre, an order of Monks founded by
Norbert in xii cent. ii. 278; their uni-
versal fame, ibid. excessive poverty at
first, and future opulence, ibid. q; dis-
cipline chiefly modelled by St. Augus-
tine's rule, ibid. and r; first arrival into
England, ibid. sub. fin. not.
Presbyter, its import, i. 88 b. ibid. c.
Presbyterians, flourish under Cromwell,
iv. 104, 105.

Prescription, how pleaded against error, in
iii cent. i. 221 and m; polemics rest
upon it in xvii. cent. iii. 473.
Prester, John, an account of in xii cent. ii.
233 and n; his successor deprived of
his kingdom by Genghis Khan, 234;
the consequences of his death on the
affairs of the Christians in Tartary, 244.
Priesthood, an artful parallel between the
Jewish and Christian, i. 147; its perni-
cious effects, ibid.

Primasius, of Adrumetum, his works, i.
418, 421.

Printing, this art discovered in xv cent.

ii. 512; by whom invented, ibid. and p.
Priscillian, revives the Gnostic heresy in
iv cent. i. 326; condemned to death by
the order of Maximus, 327; an account
of his prosecutor, ib. m.
Priscillianists, their tenets imperfectly re-
presented, and how far they resembled
the Manichæans, i. 327, 328 and o.
Probability, doctrine of, inculcated by the
Jesuits, and what, iii. 170 and a.
Proclus, a modern Platonic in v cent. his
character, masters, and disciples, i. 344
and m.

Procopius, of Gaza, his works, i. 416; his
character as an expositor of Scripture,

Propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts,

account of that society, iii, 417.
Prophets of the New Testament, the na-
ture of their office, i. 89; fanatical in
xvii cent. iv. 60.

Prosper, of Aquitain, an eminent polemic
writer in v cent. i. 356; his moral
works, 363.

Protestants, whence this name, iii. 57 and
h; deliberate about forming a league, on
the Emperor's arresting their ambassa-
dors, ib. but come to no determination,
58; dissension among them about the
Eucharist, ibid. present a confession of
their faith at Augsburg, 70; object to a
council being called at Trent, and why,
83; attempt to propagate the Gospel in
foreign parts, 118 and k; their missions
in Asia, iii. 410; in America, 415; per-
secuted by Rome in xvii cent. 461;
milder methods used by Rome, 466;

public and private conferences between
the doctors of both churches, but the
breach is widened, 467 and n; methods
of reconciliation by the Romanists in-
effectual, 468.

Protestants, French, a great variety in
their religious sentiments, iii. 281; join
in communion with the church of Ge-
neva, ibid. their sufferings, ibid. 282;
peacemakers among them in xvii cent.
iii. 471; English peacemakers, William
Forbes, ibid. and a; Dutch, Grotius,
with the bad fruits of their labours, and
George Calixtus' conduct, 472; deser-
tions from the Protestant to the Catho-
lic church in this cent. personal only,
476; as Christina of Sweden, ibid. l, m;
Wolfgang, William, Count Palatine,
ibid. Christian William of Brandenburg,
Ernest of Hesse, ibid. and n; and other
learned men, iv. 68; divided into four
sects, iv. 92.
Prussia. See Liturgy.
Prussians, murder their missionaries Boni-
face and Bruno, ii. 121; compelled to
receive Christianity, ibid. compulsive
methods used for their conversion in
xiii cent. and the success of them by the
Teutonic knights, ii. 330, and u.
Psellus, Michael, expounds Aristotle, ii.
11; his great character, 136, 193; his
commentaries, 198.

Ptolemaites, Valentinian sect in ii cent. i.

Purgatory, its analogy to Pagan supersti-
tion, i. 358, 359, and a; the success of
this doctrine in x cent. 106; dreaded
more than infernal torments, ibid.
Puritans, Nonconformists, their rise in xív
cent. iii. 284; uncharitableness of the
Lutherans, and humanity of the Re-
formed towards them, ibid. k; two
classes refuse to assent to Queen Eliza-
beth's proceedings, 285; their history
by Neale, and character, 286, and m;
their sentiments and doctrine, ibid. fur-
ther exasperated, and opinion concern-
ing excommunication, 288 and o; their
disgust at the rites imposed, and at other
usages, 288, 289 and p, q, r; their
principles of the sentiments on church
government and worship, in answer to
the Queen's Commissioners, 289, 291;
divided into a variety of sects, 292; the
controversy between them and the
church of England, with the conduct of
the Helvetic church to the latter, and
the reasons, 318; contest about doctri-
nal points, 319 and d; their missions
to America, iii. 416 and r; their state
under James I. iv. 90, hope for better
times, but are disappointed, ibid. 91;
resolution in favour of them, 110 and h.


different proposals of their enemies, 467; Quakers, propagate their doctrine without

restraint under Cromwell, iv. 106; their
history, and whence denominated, 145;
rise and founder, ibid. 146 and i; anony-
mous letter in defence of their foun-
der censured, ibid. sub. not. i; tumults
and proceedings against them, 147 and
k; their first attempts under Cromwell,
ibid. strange instances of most extrava-
gant fanaticism, 148 and kk; vain at-
tempts of Cromwell to suppress them,
149; progress of this sect under Charles
11. ibid. assume a regular form of disci-
pline, with their chief members, ibid.
and n; their sufferings during this reign,
and on what account, ibid. and o; are
tolerated under James II. and William
III. and whence, 150 and r; attempt to
propagate their doctrine in other coun-
tries, and success, 151; their settlement
in America, and how, ibid. intestine
disputes and contests among them, 152;
concerning the reality of the history of
Christ's life and sufferings, and which
denied by them, 152, 153 and y, z;
their religion considered in a general
point of view, ibid. and digested into
the form of a regular system, and by
whom, 154; authors to be consulted
concerning them, and the account of
Barclay's works, particularly his cate-
chism, ibid. b; their fundamental doc-
trine, and the same with that of the an-
cient Mystics, 155 and c; tenets that
arise from this fundamental principle,
156; their opinion of the future resur-
rection, 157 and d; doctrine concern-
ing Christ, ibid. 158, religious disci-
pline and worship, 158; reject baptism
and the Eucharist, ibid. their moral
doctrine comprehended in two pre-
cepts, and what they are, 159; distin-
guished from all other Christian sects,
and how, with their singular customs,
ibid. relax their former austerity, 160;
form of ecclesiastical government, ibid.
method of preaching changed, 161
and d.

Quakers, Refutation of sundry erroneous
statements relative to some of their so-
ciety, their doctrine, discipline, &c.
Also a Summary of their history, doc-
trine, and discipline, iv. 284, &c.
Quesnel, Pascasius, his celebrated New
Testament, with the condemnation of it
by Pope Clement XI. iii. 519 and b, c ;
patronises Jansenism, 526; disputes in
the Romish church on account of his
New Testament, and bad consequence
of its condemnation, iv. 192.
Quietism, controversies occasioned by its
doctrine in xvii cent. iii. 541.
Quietists, Hesychasts, their rise in the
East in xiv cent. ii. 497; the same with
the Mystics, ibid. employ their time
chiefly in contemplation, ibid. their no-
tions of a celestial light within them,

ibid. and q; branded with opprobrious
names, 498 and r.

Quinsextum, council of Constantinople in
vii cent. why so called, i. 463 and g;
enacts laws about ceremonies, with the
nature of its acts, 473; six of its canons
rejected by the Romanists, ibid u.
Quintin, one of the leaders of the Spiritual
Libertines, iii. 314.


Rabanus Maurus, Archbishop of Mentz,
his great character, ii. 14; called the
Light of France and Germany, 30; his
commentaries, 40; Scriptural allegories,
ibid. exposes the errors of the Jews, 43;
writes against Radbert's doctrine of the
Eucharist, 49; opposes Godeschalcus
in his notions of Predestination and
Grace, 52; the rise of the quarrel be-
tween them, 55 and r.

Rabelais, a supposed infidel in xvi cent.
iii. 119.

Racow, catechism of, iii. 377 and q; à
collection of popular tenets, and not a
rule of faith, ibid. a seminary erected
there, 378; students of, vent their rage
against a Crucifix, whence the downfal
of the Socinians in Poland, iv. 170.
Radbert, Pascasius, an account of him and
his works, ii. 31; his notion of the local
presence of Christ's body in the sacra-
ment, 49 and k; and this doctrine op-
posed by Ratramn, 50; Scotus's pre-
cision, with the fluctuating opinions of
others, ibid. his dispute with Ratramn,
concerning the manner of Christ's birth,


Ramaans, a philosophical sect in xvi cent.
iii. 220; oppose the Aristotelians iv. 16.
Ramus, Peter, a philosopher in xvi cent.
his character, iii. 123; his philosophy
preferred to Aristotle, iii. 309.
Rance, Bouthelliers de, his conversion
and great character, iii. 500 and b.
Rasa, Procopius, the head of the Hussites,
his character, ii. 552.

Rathier, Bishop of Verona, his works and
character, ii. 104.

Rathman, Herman, controversy occasion-
ed by his writings, and character, iv. 53;
his doctrine misrepresented, 54; real
doctrine reduced to four principal
points, and what these are, ibid. dies in
the height of the controversy, which
then gradually decreases, ibid.
Ratisbon, Diet, memorial for peace, and
the result, iii. 82; new conference held
there, 84; the Protestants protest
against the Trent decrees, and are pro-
scribed, ibid.

Raymond, de Sabunde, his natural theolo
gy, ii. 559.

Earl of Thoulouse, is excom-
municated, and why, ii. 425; readmit-
ted into the church, and opposes the

pretended Heretics, 426; his kingdom
given away by Innocent III. Pope, to
Simon earl of Montfort, ibid. contest be-
tween his son and Simon's son, 427; op-
position of the former against the Pope,
fruitless, ibid. accounts of this war where
to be found, 428 q.

Realists, why so called, ii. 15 b; Schoolmen
chiefly such in xiii cent. ii. 406; their
defects, 407; their disputes with the
Nominalists in xiv cent. 450.
Reformation, its history in xvi cent. iii. 9,
and a; its foundation laid in the revi
val of letters, 11; how the people were
in some measure prepared to receive it,
15; ardently desired, 23; how far at-
tempted, and its dawn rises unexpect-
edly, 24, 25; its rise and progress in
Sweden, 61, 62; its rise and progress
in Denmark, 63; distinction in that of
Sweden and Denmark, 65 and w; the
measures taken about doctrine and dis-
cipline commendable, but not so in re-
forming the clergy, 66; how far this
observation is just, ibid. w, x; its rise
and progress in France, 67; and in
other European states, 69; its history
from the Augsburg confession till the war
subsequent upon the Smalcald league,
70; from the Smalcald war till the
peace of religion at Augsburg, 81; a judg-
ment of it, and the means used for pro-
ducing it, 101; civilized many nations,

Reformation, its rise in England, iii. 79, 80,
81, and p, q, r; the nature and effects of
this first dawn of the reformation here,
81; gains ground here, 92; hoy pro-
moted by Edward VI. and his character,
ibid. 93.

takes place in Scotland, iii.
94; established by Knox, with his cha-
racter, ibid. and g, 95 and h.

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its success in Ireland, iii. 96 ;
Queen Mary's design to extinguish it,
how prevented, 96, 97 m.

its progress in the United Pro-
vinces, iii. 97; conduct of the nobility
and people at this time, considered and
explained, 98 o; the religion of Swit-
zerland established here, and universal
toleration, with some distinction, ibid.
and q.

in Italy, its progress, iii. 99.

in Spain, its dawn soon pre-
vented from spreading, iii. 99; execu-
tions from the inquisition upon the death
of Charles V. 100.
Refugees, French, their character, iii. 263.
Regale, a right enjoyed by the French
Kings, and opposed by Innocent XI. in
xvii cent. iii. 480 and notes.
Regino, Abbot of Prum, an account of, ii.

Reinboth, singularity of his opinions, iv.
55; severely censured by Danhaver,


56, opposes Lubieniecius's attempts to
establish Socinianism in Holstein, iv.


Reineccius, a famous Lutheran Historian in
xvi cent. iii. 218.

Relics, excessive veneration for them in ix
cent. ii. 37; by what arts collected, ibid.
and 38.

Religion, early method of teaching it in
the Christian church, i. 98; corrupted by
the principles of modern Platonism,
214; its state in iv cent. 281; degene-
rates into superstition, ibid. pious frauds,
whence, 283; method of explaining
Scripture on Origen's plan, 284; its
doctrines determined with more accu-
racy in v cent. i. 356; consequences,
357; the increase of superstition in sup-
plicating Saints and worshipping ima-
ges, 358; efficacy attributed to the
bones of martyrs, and to the figure of the
cross, ibid. the purification of departed
souls, and benefits hence arising to the
Romish church, ibid. 359 and a; prac-
tical, how explained in vi. cent. and
methods used for advancing it, 422;
remission of sins purchased by liberality
to monks and churches, 455; its de-
plorable state and superstitions in vii
cent. 457; this exemplified from St.
Eloi's life, ibid. and w; placed in puri-
fying fire and offerings, 458 and x; its
decline in viii cent. 508; the ignorance
and superstition of ix cent. and the
causes, ii. 32, 33; its state in x cent.
105; a universal opinion of the final
dissolution of all things being at hand
now prevailed, 107; whence this notion,
ibid. u; the preparations thought ne-
cessary against this expected change,
108; made to consist in the observance
of external rites in xi cent. 195; its me-
lancholy state in xii cent. ii. 284, 285;
attempts of many to reform abuses, why
unsuccessful, 284; a general and de-
plorable account of it in xiii cent, 401;
two eminent sources of corruption intro-
duced, 402; its dignity degraded by the
great variety of rites, 416; corrupted in
Xiv cent. and hence the number of sec-
taries increased, 489; many defenders
engage to prevent its total decay in xv
cent. 551; reduced to mere external
pomp and show, 563.

Religions, the variety in the Pagan world
produce no dissensions, and whence, i.

Religious errors, their punishment by civil

penalties, and when introduced, i. 293.
Remi, Archbishop of Lyons, defends Go-
deschalus, and his doctrine, ii. 53.
Remigius, Bishop of Auxerre, his exposí
tions, ii. 40; other works, 41.
Remonstrants, Arminians so called, and
why, iv. 127.

Reservation, ecclesiastical, stipulated by

Charles V. for the Roman catholics in Rivius, a moral writer, iii. 221.
xvi cent. iii. 215 and k.
Restitution edict, issued out in Germany in
xvii cent. iii. 458; how put in execution,
⚫ ibid. and v.
Reuchlinus, John Capnion, restores learn-
ing among the Germans in xv cent. ii.

Robert, King of France, his ardent zeal for
cultivating letters, and success,in xi cent.
ii. 137.

Rheims, William of, his works adapted to
excite pious sentiments, and to promote
practical religion, ii. 283.
Rhinsberg, solemn assembly of the Colle-
giants holden every year, and for what
end, iv. 174, 175.

Rhinsbergers. See Collegiants.
Rhodes, Alexander of, his mission to Siam,
&c. iii. 392; success, and the Pope's re-
gulations thwarted by the Jesuits, with
the latter's injurious treatment of the
Papal missionaries, 393 and o.
Rhodius, Nilus, a warm advocate for the
Greeks in xvi cent. ii. 488.
Ricci, Matthew, a zealous missionary in
xvi cent. iii. 118; obtains a grant from
the Emperor to propagate the Gospel in
China, ibid. and h, i; founder of the
Christian church in China, declares for
the innocence of Chinese rites, and how
explained, iii. 400; this opinion rejected
by some missionaries, ibid. and v; pro-
gress of this dispute in favour of the
Jesuits, yet turns against them, 401;
bustle on both sides, at the Pope's ap-
pointing a congregation to examine it,
ibid. and w, x; this dispute reducible to
two great points, and the first of these,
402; the question on it stated, ibid. an-
swered by the Jesuits in the affirmative,
ibid. by their adversaries in the nega-
tive, and why neither side satisfactory,
403; second point, and the question
thereon, 404; Jesuits conclusion from
it, ibid. whether justifiable, ibid. and y;
what their adversaries maintain, with an
account of the honours paid to Confu-
cius, 405 and z.

Richer, Edmund, opposes the Pontifical au-
thority over the Gallican church in xvi
cent. iii. 161; his character as a com-
mentator, ibid.

Richelieu, Cardinal, his attempts to reclaim
the Protestants, iii. 469; followed by
others of less note, ibid. despotic maxim
of, ibid. and r.

Rickel, Dionysius,a mystic in xv cent. ii.

Rigourists, Jansenists so denominated, and
why, iii. 535.

Rimini, Gregory de, a scholastic divine in
xiv cent. ii. 488.

Rites. See Ceremonies.

Rivet, assists Voet in his controversy with
Des Cartes, iv. 115.

Rivier, propagates the philosophy of Para-
celsus at Paris in xvi cent. iii, 221.

Abbot of Moleme, founder of the
Cistercian monks in xi cent. ii. 186.

of Arbriselles, founder of the Fon-
tevraud order of monks in xii cent. ii.
276; his singular discipline and rules,
how defended, 277; accused of crimi-
nal conversation with his female disci-
ples, ibid. and p; some Nuns of this or-
der brought into England, ibid. sub. fin.



de Sorbonne founder of a college
for the study of divinity in xiii. cent. ii.
339 and f.

Robinson, John, founder of the Independ-
ents in xvii cent. iv. 100; his writings,
ibid. sub. not. p; endeavours to reform
the Brownists, and success, 102.
Rochelle, city of, granted to the Reformed
in France, iv. 66; taken from them by
Lewis XIII. and terrible consequences
of it to the Reformed, 67.
Rochester, Earl of, his character, conver-
sion, and death, iii. 420, 421 and c, d.
Roderic, Christopher, a famous Jesuit, and
missionary in Egypt, but unsuccessful
in xvi cent. iii. 132.

Roell, Herman Alexander, controversy
set on foot by him about the use of rea-
son in Religion, and account of, iv. 120;
his sentiments concerning the genera-
tion of the Son of God, ibid. notions
about divine decrees, &c. greatly differ-
ent from the Dutch church, 121 and t;
condemned with his disciples as here-
tics and their ill treatment after his
death, with observations on ́this remark,
ibid. and tt.

Roger, Count of Sicily, expels the Sara-
cens out of Sicily, in xi cent. ii. 121; ob-
tains from Pope Urban II. a grant of su-
preme authority in matters of Religion,
which is still vested in the kings of Sici-
ly, 122; his successors called Dukes till
xii cent. when Sicily became a kingdom,

Rohas, Christopher de, Bishop of Tinia,
his pacificatory attempts in xvii cent. iii.

Rollo, first duke of Normandy, his conver-

sion in x cent. ii. 74; his motives, ibid.
the influence of his example on the army,

Romanis, Humbert de, his attempts to re-
form the monks in xiii. cent. ii. 401;
his Spiritual Institutes, 411.
Roman empire, its extent advantageous to
Christianity, i. 30; subject to four præ-
torian prefects in iv cent. 270; its state
in v cent. i. 331.

- tribunals, ecclesiastical causes how
determined by them, i. 362; the pernicious

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