תמונות בעמוד

Heric, Monk of Auxeres, said to have an-
ticipated Des Cartes in the manner of
investigating truth, ii. 16; is sainted,
ibid. f.

Hermits, their rise in iii cent. and whence,
i. 216.

Hermogenes, his tenets, i. 188; opposed
and refuted by Tertullian, ibid. and 6.
Herrnhutters, rise of that sect and foun-
ders in xviii cent. iv. 198; account of
their descent from the Bohemian and
Moravian brethren doubtful, ibid. pro-
fess to agree with the doctrine and opi-
nions of the Lutherans, and what credit
ought to be given to such professions,
199; Dr. Mosheim's vague description
of their sect censured, with its infamous
character, ibid. and 1; sap the founda-
tions of morality, ibid. sub not. l.
Hervæus, Natalis, account of, ii. 488.
Hervey, a learned Benedictine monk, and
expositor in xii cent. ii. 289 and c.
Hesychius, a moral writer in vii cent. i.

Hetzer, Lewis, his infamous character, iii.

326; denies the divinity of Christ, 354.
Hevelius, a German philosopher, in xvii
cent. iii. 431.

Heyling, of Lubec, his pious labours in
Ethiopia in xvii cent. iii. 560 and u.
Hierax, of Leontium, his notions of
Christ's office and ministry, i. 237; ac-
count of the sect formed by him, and of
his tenets, ibid.

Hierocles, his works against the Chris-

tians answered by Eusebius, i. 260.
High churchmen, their principles, iv. 113.
See Nonjurors, 111, &c.
Hilary, Bishop of Poictiers, his character
and works, i. 278 and f.
Hildebert, Archbishop of Tours, his cha
racter, ii. 195; his excellent system of
divinity, 200 and d; morality, 201, e.
Hildebrand, Pope. See Gregory VII. ii.
137, &c.

defends Callixtus's reputation,
in xvii cent. iv. 34.
Hildegard, pretended prophetess in xii
cent. ii. 286; the excessive veneration
paid to her, ibid.

Hilduin, of St. Dennis, his celebrated
work entitled Areopagitica, ii. 30 and s.
Hincmar, Archbishop of Rheims, his cha-
racter, ii. 31, 32 and e; exposition of
the four Books of Kings, 40.
Hippolitus, his character and works, i.
212 and y; adopts Origen's plan in his
commentaries, 213.

History of the church, the method of
treating it in the xvi cent. why changed
from that in the preceding centuries,
iii. 5; its division into two heads, ibid.
1st, general-its extent, 6-2dly, par-
ticular, ibid. which is subdivided into
two parts, ibid.-of the Reformation,
ibid. its improvements in xvii cent.

iii. 432; innumerable advantages of it,
433; a short view of it in xviii cent iv.

Hoadly, Bishop of Winchester, his endea-
vours to lower the authority of the
English church and character, iv. 206;
by whom opposed, 207.

Hobbes, a daring and subtle enemy to
Christianity, his character, iii. 419; his
adherents and apologists, ibid. and a;
his writings, and if he recanted, ibid.
and b; opposed by whom, iv. 76.
Hoburg, Christian, a petulant writer
against the Lutherans in xvii cent. and
character, iv. 61.

Hoe, Matthew, his defence of the Protes-
tants, iii. 454; his perfidy, 457, s.
Hoffman, Daniel, disputes between him
and his colleagues, iii. 222; his tenets
which he is obliged to retract, ibid. his
fanatical extravagance, censured, iv.

Hoffman, Melchior, his infamous conduct,
iii. 326.

Holidays, their number diminished by an
edict of Urban VIII. iii. 549,
Holstenius, Lucas, attempts to reconcile
the Greek and Latin churches, iii. 553

and d.

Homilies, their origin in viii. cent. i. 512.
Honorius, Pope, embellishes churches in
vii cent. i. 463; favours the doctrine of
one will in Christ, 468; writers of the
church of Rome attempt to save his in-
fallibility, ibid. q; is condemned by the
sixth General Council, 470.
Hospitallers, Knights, origin and nature of
their office, ii. 239; deviate from the
design of their original institution, and
commence warriors, ibid. and settle in
Cyprus, and from thence remove to
Malta, the present residence of their
chief, or master, 240 and z.
Huber, Samuel, his controversy concern-
ing Predestination, iii. 259; is deposed
and banished from Wittemberg, ibid.
Hubmeyer, Balthazar, an Anabaptist, his
enormous conduct, iii. 326.

Huet, Bishop of Avranches, his works, iii.
448 and x.

Huguenots, derivation of that word, iii.
281 and d; persecuted in France in xvii
cent. 463.
Huisseaux, of Saumur, his pacificatory
principles in xvii cent. iii. 471.
Humanity, its state in xiii cent. iii. 340.
Humbert, Cardinal, an eminent polemic
writer among the Greeks in xi cent. ii.
194; his notions of the real presence of
Christ's body and blood in the Sacra-
ment, 209,

Hume, his censure of Luther's opposition
to indulgences, and other Popish super-
stitions, refuted, iii. 27, p; charge
against the Reformers examined and re-
futed, 106, 114.

Hungary, Christianity established in x
cent. ii. 77 and m; the honour of their
conversion claimed by different na
tions, 78 and n; Reformation intro-
duced and settled, iv. 408.
Huss, John, his character, ii. 522 and p;
declaims vehemently against the cor-
ruptions of the clergy and court of
Rome in xv cent. ibid. odious to the
clergy, and the reasons, 523 and q;
publicly recommends the doctrines of
Wickliff, 524 and u; is condemned by
the council of Constance, and burned
alive, 525; the true cause of his suffer-
ings, 526 and x.

Hussinet, Nicholas of, head of the Hus-
sites, ii. 552.

Hussites, commotions made by them, to
revenge the death of their founder and
Jerome of Prague, ii. 552; their aver-
sion to administer the Sacrament in
one kind only, ibid. many put to cruel
deaths by the order of Sigismund, ibid.
war carried on, and shocking cruelties
by them and their opponents, ibid. di-
vide into two parties, 553.
Hyrcania, the Gospel propagated in viii

cent. i. 477.

I. J.

Jablonsdy, Dr. drew up a plan of ecclesi-
astical discipline and public worship,
vi. 313.

Jacobites, a sect of the Monophysites,
why so called, and from whom, i. 434;
their state and subdivisions in xvi cent.
iii. 190 and h.
Jagello, Duke of Lithuania, by what means
converted in xiv cent. ii. 443; changes
his name to Uladislaus, ibid.
Jamblichus, of Chaleis, an account of this
philosopher, and his successors, i. 266
and b.

James, Bishop of Edessa, translates the
dialectics into Syriac in vii cent. i. 451.

I. of England, attempts the recon-
ciliation of the Lutheran and Reformed
churches, iv. 8 and f; his seeming
attachment to the Puritans, and decla-
ration in an assembly at Edinburgh, 90
and d; took a principal part in the con-
ference at Hampton Court, 91, e; with
the adulation of Whitgift and Bancroft
ibid. sub fin. not. e; remarkable change
of his conduct after his accession to
the crown, 92; Abbott's endeavours to
confirm the king in Calvinism, with
that Prince's dislike of the proceedings
at Dort, 92, 93 and h; the reason for
the King's dislike, 94 and i; the change
of opinion fatal to the Puritans, 95;
his death, ibid.

II. his imprudence, iii. 466; why
obliged to abdicate, when the Rovolu-
tion took place under William, Prince
of Orange, ibid. tolerates the Quakers,

and from what motives, iv. 149, 150
and r.

Jansenism, its rise and the contests it pro-
duced, iii. 523; Jansenius's book, 524
and g, h; combatted by the Jesuits, ibid.
who procure its condemnation at Rome,
by Urban VIII. 525; this opposed by
the doctors of Louvaine and other Au-
gustinians, also in France by the Abbot
of St. Cyran, ibid. and k, l.
Jansenists, their contests with the Jesuists
described, and how both parties were
balanced, iii. 526 and m; methods and
arguments employed by both parties
in this controversy, and miracles pre-
tended by the Jansenists, ibid. 527 and
n; persecuted and by whom, 530, 531;
their austere piety examined, 534, 535;
complaints against the church of Rome,
and their general principles just and
reasonable, but the consequences and
applications, faulty, as appears from the
sentiments of the Abbot of Cyran, their
great oracle, 534, 535 and a; deserved-
ly denominated Rigourists, ibid. their
notions of repentance, 536; exempli-
fied in the Abbé de Paris, 537; and in
the female convert of Port Royal, 538
and e; many ambitious to live in its
neighbourhood, ibid. the end these peni-
tents had in view, 539; the convent de-
molished by Lewis XIV. 540.
Jansenius, five propositions of his book
condemned by Pope Innocent X. iii.
529; doctrines contained in them, ibid.
530 and a; distinction invented by Ar-
naud in favour of these propositions,
ibid. a bull of Alexander VII. against
him, with a form of declaration sent
into France, ibid. 531; which produces
melancholy divisions and tumults, ibid.
persecution of his followers through the
Jesuits, ibid. but suspended under Cle-
ment IX. 532; conditional subscription
obtained, ibid. the peace granted the
Jansenists by Clement only transitory,
and totally ceased under Lewis XIV.
ibid. and u.

Japan, state of Christianity, iii. 405, 406;
its success owing to two circumstances,
and also to another, ibid. a; prejudices
of the natives, and divisions among the
missionaries, ibid. 407; accusations
against the Jesuits by the other mission-
aries, ibid. and against the latter by
the Jesuits, ibid. its downfal and extir-
pation how effected, with the reasons,
ibid. 408; firmness of the converts and
missionaries under horrid torments, with
the causes of this persecution, ibid. and
e; edict by which Europeans are forbid
to approach the Japanese dominions,
409; except a few Dutch, ibid.
Jaqueline, abbess of the convent of Port

Royal, her character, iii. 537 and c, d.
Jasidians, Jezedæans, a séct in xvi cent.

some account of, iii. 198; their opinion
about the evil genius, ibid. and e.
Iconoclasts, who, and their origin in viii
cent. i. 517; called also Iconomachi,
518; their numbers increase under the
patronage of Claudius bishop of Turin,
in ix cent. ii. 47.
Iconoduli, called Iconolatræ, who, i. 518.
Ideas, universal, controversy about in x
cent. ii. 90 and k.

Jena, academy founded at, in xvi cent. by
the Dukes of Saxeweimar, iii. 243; the
moderation of the divines here in re-
gard to Calixtus's plan of concord, iv.

Jerome, of Palestine, his character, i. 279;
admired for his translation of the Scrip-
tures into Latin, 284.

de St. Foi, writes against the
Jews in xv cent. ii. 559.
Jerusalem, first Christian church, i. 61;

Patriarch of, how extensive his juris-
diction in xvi cent. iii. 183 and 9; fa-
mous council held here in xvii cent. iii.
555 and g.

Jesuales, or apostolic clerks, their rise in
xiv cent. ii. 484; their order abolished
by Clement IX. Pope, ibid.
Jesuiabas, of Gaddala, Nestorian pontiff,
his treaty with Mahomet and Omar in
viii cent. i. 465: the testamentary di-
ploma of the former to the Christians
examined, ibid. k.

Jesuits, their institution seems to have di-
minished the credit of the clerks school
in xv cent. ii, 546; nature of their or-
der and institution, iii. 116; the me-
thods by which they propagate Chris-
tianity, considered, 117; the nature and
division of this society into three class-
es, 139; and, according to some, into
four, ibid. z; zeal for the interest of the
Roman Pontiffs, and the true motives
of their missions, 140, 141 and y; ex-
posed to many perils and how delivered,
with insinuating manners, ibid. their
character and fate admirably described
by Dr. Brown of Dublin, ibid. a; zeal-
ous advocates for the ancient forms of
doctrine in the Romish church, and
why, 167; and for the infallibility and
unlimited supremacy of the Pope, 168
and y; their notions of divine grace and
original sin, 169, doctrine about the
motives to moral actions, 170 and z;
about probability and philosophical sin,
ibid. and a; about the Sacraments, 171
and b; make use of the intricate so-
phistry of the Schoolmen to puzzle the
Protestants, 220; their stratagems cor-
rupt the Lutheran doctors, 227; accus-
ed of sinister views by the other orders,
iii. 386; their methods of converting
persons procured them enemies, 388;
accused of malpractices in China, 398;
principal charge against them, 400; ba-


nished Venice, but afterward recalled,
483, 484, a; the influence they have in
France considered, 493 and r; the mul-
titude of their adversaries, particularly
the Jansenists, in xvii cent. 503, 504
and k; history by Bernard, 504, sub not.
k; interest strengthened by opposition,
ib. 505 and l; some of their pernicious
maxims, 513 and s, 514 and t, u; books
written against them by Paschal and
Perrault burned, 515, w; answered by
F. Daniel, ibid. sub not. highly com-
plained of and condemned by Alexan-
der VII. Pope, 516; their disputes with
the Jansenists 524.

Jesus, Fathers of the oratory, founded in
xvii cent. by Cardinal Berulle, iii. 501;
design of their institution and fame,
ibid. the nature of their office, ibid.
and d, e.

Jetzer, an account of the impious fraud
practised upon him in xvi cent. by the
Dominicans, iii. 18, k.

Jews, their civil and religious state under
Herod at Christ's birth, i. 43; after He-
rod's death, ibid. the calamities they
suffer under the Roman Governors, yet
permitted to enjoy the free exercise of
their religion, 44; their sufferings from
their own rulers, ibid. and 45; their
religion corrupted among all ranks, and
the division of their doctors into va-
rious sects, 45; their principal sects and
points of debate, ibid. 46 and m; yet
exercise mutual toleration, with the
motives, 47; variously interpret the
doctrine of future rewards and punish-
ments, ibid. the moral doctrine of their
sects, 49; corrupt the external worship
of God by rites from the Gentiles, 50
and t; various causes of their corrup-
tion, ib. some remains of piety among
them, 51; their state out of Pales-
tine, an evident proof of a providence
in human affairs, 53 and z; persecute
the Christians in Palestine and foreign
countries, 65, 66 and e, f; their plausi-
ble pretexts for this procedure, ibid. and
the punishments they undergo, 66; the
state of their philosophy, 82; their se-
dition under Barchochebas, and its me-
lancholy consequences to them, with
advantages to Christianity, 129; the
cause of dissensions in the church in ii
cent. 170; their attempts against Chris-
tianity in iii cent. 202; their vain at-
tempt to rebuild their temple in iv cent.
258; the dreadful phenomenon on this
occasion, and disputes about it, ibid.
and g, h; many converted in v cent.
and by what means, i. 333; oppress
the Christians under the command
of Gamaliel, 341; several embrace
Christianity in vi cent. 399; compel-
led to be Christians in vii cent. by
the Emperor Heraclius, 442; many

writers against them in xii cent. i. 228;
the crimes charged upon them, and their
forced conversion in xiv cent. 444;
these crimes most probably charged out
of hatred to that people, and without
sufficient evidence, vi. 171.
Ignatius, Bishop of Antioch, his epistle,
i. 96; that to Polycarp very doubtful,
ibid. and c; exposed by Trajan to wild
beasts, 130.

Patriarch of Constantinople, de-
posed by the Emperor Michael, ii. 57;
appeals to Pope Nicholas I, and restored
by him, ibid. reinstated by Basilius the
Macedonian, 53; refuses to give up any
provinces to the see of Rome, ibid. his
death, 60.

Loyola, founder of the order of
Jesuits in xvi cent. iii. 116; subjects
them to the will of the Pope, and his
dexterity herein, ibid. and b; if a man
of any learning, 138 and u, ibid. and w;
is sainted by Urban VIII. iii. 549.

- XXIV. Patriarch of Antioch,
causes the Monophysites to embrace
the doctrines of the church of Rome, in
xvii cent. v. 247 and s; his death and
successor, who, being an usurper, is de-
posed by the Turks, ibid.
Ildefonse, Archbishop of Toledo, his cha-
racter, i. 456; his treatise De Cogni-
nitione Baptismi, i. 459; hence appears
the novelty of several doctrines now
held by the church of Rome, ibid. and


Images, worship of, its rise, i. 281; great
progress in v cent. i. 357; dispute con-
cerning it in the Eastern and Western
churches, and consequences, 516; the
cause of a civil war in the reign of the
Emperor Leo, 517; zealously defended
by Gregory II. and II. 518; contro-
versies concerning it in ix cent. in the
East, ii. 44; where it is established, 45;
disputes among the Latins concerning
it, and a middle course taken by the
European Christians between the Ido-
laters and Iconoclasts, 46; the use of
them in churches allowed, but their
worship prohibited, 46, 47; controversy
concerning their sanctity in xi cent.

Impanation, consubstantiation, iii. 277
and q.

Impostors, the three, a book with this

title, and the supposed author, ii. 335
and c.

Independents, claim the honour of carry-
ing the Gospel into America, iii. 415
and p; charged with promoting dissen-
sions in England, and this charge im-
partially considered, iv. 99 and p; Ra-
pin's account of them examined and
corrected, 100 sub not. whether charge
able with King Charles's death, 101;
remarks on Dr. Mosheim's defence of

them, ibid. ; why so called, 102 q;
their difference from the Presbyterians,
ibid. their moderation commended, and
how more commendable than the
Brownists, 103; called also Congrega-
tional brethren, ibid. sub fin. not. ori-
gin in Holland, 104; progress in Eng-
land and artful proceedings, ibid. pros-
perity under Cromwell, ibid. decline
under Charles II. and union with the
Presbyterians in nine articles of, ibid.
and s.

India, Christianity propagated there, in
xvi cent. iii. 390.

Indians, the nature of their pretended con-
version at the end of xv cent. consider-
ed, ii. 508.
Indulgences, the power of granting them
first assumed by the Bishops in the xii
cent. ii. 236; monopolized by the
Popes, 287; their nature and extent
explained, ibid. destroy the credit of
the ancient penitential discipline, 288;
supererogation invented and taught by
St. Thomas to justify them, ibid. and
z; this doctrine refuted, and by whom,
ibid. a.

Innocent II. Pope, exempts the Cistercians
from paying tithes, ii. 275.

-III. Pope, his works, ii. 282; de-
spotic tyranny over several princes and
kingdoms, 351; augments the wealth
and power of the Pope, ibid. his inso-
lent behaviour to John, king of Eng-
land, 352; lays England under an in-
terdict, and why, 353; excommuni-
cates and deposes John, and encou-
rages Augustus of France to unite Eng
land to his kingdom, ibid. introduces
Transubstantiation and Auricular Con-
fession in xiii cent. 403; opposed by
many in his innovated doctrine of
Transubstantiation, 415.


-VII. Antipope, his character, ii.

X. Pamfili, Pope, condemns the
indulgence showed by the Jesuits to-
wards the Chinese superstitions in xvi
cent. iii. 400; his vile character and
illicit commerce with Donna Olymnia,
451 and e; endeavours to prevent the
peace of Westphalia, issues his bull
against this pacific treaty, which was
made at Munster, 461 and y.

XI. Odeschalchi, Pope, his en-
deavours to decide the controversy be-
tween the Jesuits and their adversaries
concerning Chinese rites, iii. 401; his
high character, 452 and i; contest with
Lewis XIV. and reason, 488.

-XII. Pignatelli, Pope, his high
character, iii. 453 and I.

XIII. Pope, iv. 189.
Inquisition, its origin in Narbonne, Gaul, in
xiii cent. ii. 421; the first delegates for
this purpose, ibid. and a, ; its form

settled, and on what plan, 422, 423, and
g; the absurd and iniquitous proceed-
ings of this court accounted for; 424;
privileges granted to it by Frederic II.
Emperor, and Lewis IX. of France, ib.
and i; violently opposed by the public,
425; and hence severer methods are
employed against Heretics, ibid. meets
with a fruitless opposition from Ray-
mond, Earl of Thoulouse, and the con-
sequences, 426; its severity in xiv cent.
toward the Beghards, 500; congrega-
tion of, instituted by Paul III. Pope, iii.
128 e.

Instruction, form of, adopted by the Cal-
vinists, by whom composed, and for
what use, iii. 280.

Interim, edict of Charles V. Emperor, so
called, iii. 86, 87 and a; troubles exci-
ted by it, 87; Melancthon's opinion
about it, and things indifferent, 88 and
b; produces new divisions, dangerous
to the Reformation, ibid. assembly of
doctors held concerning it, 239.
Investitures, tumults in xi cent. through

the law about them, ii. 169 and u; cus-
tom by the ring and crosier, 170; me-.
thods used by the clergy to deprive the
emperors of their right, 172; and by
the emperors to retain it, ibid. origin of
this custom, 175; the offence given to
the pontiffs, what, 174, 175 and h; war
declared thereon, 176; Rodolph revolts
against Henry III. 177; and is chosen
Emperor, 179; the terrible war that
follows upon his election, continues till
the death of Gregory VI. Pope, 180;
the tumults continue under Urban II.
181; disputes concerning them renewed
in xii cent. ii. 257; and their progress,
258; peace concluded between the Pope
and the Emperor on certain conditions,
which is broken by Paschal II. and his
death, 258, 259; the pacific inclinations
of Calixtus II. and to what these dis-
putes were owing, 261; peace between
the Emperor and Pope at Worms, with
the conditions, 202; contest between
Barbarossa and Adrian IV. 264; and,
on the latter's death, a dispute in elect-
ing a new Pope, 265; after various suc-
cess, a peace is concluded by the Em-
peror, ibid..

Joachim, Abbot of Flora, account of the
enerlasting Gospel attributed to him, ii.
381 and s; his prophecies, ibid. Ger-
hard's explication of this Gospel con-
demned, and mistakes about it cor-
rected, 382 and w; his character and
works, 399 and c; his predictions the
cause of many sects, 436; heretical
notions of the Trinity, 438.
Joan, Pope, in ix cent. ii. 20; contest

about the truth of this story, ibid. and
r, s; a middle course held by some, 21
and t.

Johannes, Johannellus, a mystic in xi cent.
his works, ii. 201 and h.

a Monte Corvino, translates the
New Testament into the language of the
Tartars, ii. 324.

John, the forerunner of the Messiah, bis
character, and success of his ministry,
i. 54, 55, and f.

Bishop of Jerusalem, a zealous ad-
vocate for Origen, and success in this
cause, i. 299.

of Constantinople, or the Faster, as-
sumes the title of Universal Bishop, in
vi cent. i. 410 and s; his works, 416.

IV. Pope, rejects the Exthesis of
Heraclius, and condemns the Mono-
physites, i. 469.

surnamed Carpathius, his character,
i. 515.

of Capua, a monkish historian in x
cent. ii. 89.

X. Pope, his infamous character, ii.
94; is imprisoned and put to death, 95.

XI. Pope, an account of him, and his
death, and character of his mother,
Marozia, ii. 95 and s.

XII. Pope, changes his former name,
and imitated in this by all succeeding
Popes, ii. 96; implores the assistance of
Otho the Great, with a promise of the
Purple, ibid. breaks his oath of alle-
giance to Otho-is summoned before a
council-degraded-reassumes the Pon-
tificate, and dies miserably, ibid.

XIII. Pope, raised to this seat by
Qtho the great, an account of bim,ii.97.
XIV. Pope, an account of, ii. 98.

XV. Pope, his administration
peaceable, and whence, ii. 98; enrolls
the first saint, 109.

the Sophist, the head of the Nomi-
nalists, and his disciples in ix cent. ii.
144 and s, t.

of Salisbury, his great character, ii.

King of England, opposes the Pope's
choice of Langton to the see of Canter-
bury, and the consequences, ii. 352;
is excommunicated and deposed, 353,
354; prepares to oppose the despotism
of Innocent III. and how prevented, ib.
resigns his crown, and swears fealty to
the Pope, 354.

de Matha and Felix de Valois, found
the order of the fraternity of the Trinity
in xiii cent. ii. 366.

of Parma, a famous ecclesiastic in
xiii cent. ii. 379.

XXII. Pope, a zealous advocate for
Crusades, and the supposed reasons, ii.
441; his character, 458; engages in a
war with Lewis, Duke of Bavaria, 459;
who deposes him, ibid. is accused of
heresy, 460; his fear of being deemed
an heretic after his decease, 461; and
s; his severity to the Fratricelli, 473;

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