תמונות בעמוד

tempts against it, 463; private enemies
of Christianity here in xviii. cent. with
some mistakes rectified, iv. 187, 188
and c.

English, send missionaries into America
in xvi cent. iii. 119; obstinately reject
the plan of Geneva, 306; dissensions
and two parties thereupon, ibid, this
schism how prevented from extending
to the Reformed abroad, and maxim
laid down for this purpose, 307 and b;
their missions in America, 415; parti-
cularly Independents and Puritans, 416.
Ennodius, Bishop of Ticinum, his adula-
tory apology for Symmachus the Ro-
man Pontiff in vi cent. and its conse-

quences, i. 413 and c, and 417; his
works, 423.

Eon, a fanatic in xii cent. ii. 320; his fran-
tic notion of being the future judge of
mankind, 321; a reflection on the sen-
tence passed on him, ibid.
Ephesus, third general council, condemns
Nestorius, i. 379; the doctrine con-
cerning Christ established at this coun-
cil commonly received among Chris-
tians, ibid. what judgment impartially
must be made concerning this contro-
versy, ibid. 380 and p, q.

council there, why called the
assembly of robbers, i. 385; the acts of
this council annulled by a council at
Chalcedon, ibid.

Ephraim, the Syrian, his character, i. 278

and d.

Epictetus, an ornament to the Stoics, i:

Epicureans, their principal doctrines
what, i. 39 and d; why held in the
greatest esteem, 137.
Epiphanius, his character and works, i.

277 and a.

Episcopacy, acquires strength from the
councils, i. 146; triumphs in England
under James I. iv. 92, 93 and ƒ; intro-
duced into Scotland by Archbishop
Abbot's counsels, ibid.

Episcopius, Simon, defends the Arminians
at the Synod of Dort, and his great
character, iv. 135; the first Professor
of divinity among the Arminians, 437;
forms their doctrine into a regular sys-
tem, 439 and z.
Erasmus, of Rotterdam, attacks the super-
stitions of the clergy and court of Rome
in his writings, iii. 11; character of his
Latin New Testament and Paraphrase,

Eremites, Hermits, their character, i. 292
and u.

Ernest, Justinian, his plan for propagating
the gospel abroad, how prevented, iii.

of Hesse, changes his religion, and
a reflection thereon, iii. 476 and n.

of Saxe Gotha, his design of in-

[blocks in formation]

Evagrius, an account of his Ecclesiastical
history, i. 416.

Evangelists, to whom this title is due, i.

Eucharist, controversy in ix cent. con-
cerning Christ's presence, ii. 49; no
fixed opinion concerning this doctrine
in the Latin churches, 51; the cause of
an imaginary heresy called Stercoran-
ism, ibid. how explained in x cent. 106,
107 and t; revived in xi cent. 208; the
nature and manner of Christ's presence
not determined by the Romish church,
ibid. sub fin. not. doctrine of transub-
stantiation introduced in xiii cent. ii.
403; rites instituted in relation to it,
416; the bread in it deified, according
to the expression of the Romanists,
ibid. the opus operatum in it, what, iii.
171 and b; frequent celebration of it,
a subject of debate in the Romish
church, ibid.

Eucherius, Bishop of Lyons, a good moral
writer in v cent. i. 355.

Euchites. See Massalians.
Eugenius III. Pope, his good character,
and the troubles he underwent, ii. 263.

IV. Pope, calls the council of
Basil, ii. 533; dislikes their proceed-
ings, and attempts in vain to dissolve it,
535; assembles a council at Ferrara,
ibid. and removes it to Florence, ibid.
is deposed by the council of Basil,

Eugyppius, a writer of the lives of the
saints, i. 423.

Eulogius, of Antioch, a polemic writer in
vi cent. i. 416.
Eusebius, answers Hierocles' works
against Christianity in iv cent. i. 260.

Bishop of Cæsarea, his charac-
ter, i. 276; if an Arian, ibid. and s;
writes an apology for Origen, 299.
Eustathian troubles, i. 296; the leader of
this sect chargeable with fanatacism,
Eustathius, Bishop of Antioch, his writings
lost, i. 278.

Bishop of Thessalonica, his
commentaries on Homer, ii. 246, 281.

Eustratius, his work and character, ii. 281.
Eutyches, his sentiments concerning
Christ, and supposed tenets, i. 383, 384
and a; is excommunicated, and de-
posed by Flavianus on account of his
principles, 384; appeals to a general
council, and is acquitted in a council
at Ephesus by Dioscorus, ibid.
Eutychian sect, its rise in v cent. i. 383;
doctrine opposite to Nestorianism, but
equally prejudicial to Christianity, ibid.
its state in vi cent. 434.
Eutychius, Bishop of Alexandria, his zeal
for advancing learning, ii. 88; his cha-
racter and works, 104 and 1.
Exarchs, the nature of their office, i. 271.
Excommunication, necessary in the infan-
cy of the Christian church, i. 102; irre-
versible after the second exclusion, ibid.
the nature and extent of it in viii cent.
1.495 and p; warm contest about it in
xvi cent. by whom excited, and the di-
visions it produced, iii. 335, 336.


Fabricius, John Lewis, opposes the endea-
vours of Lubieniecius to settle the So-
cinians in the Palatinate, iv. 171; his
candid sentiments relative to the impor-
tance of the controversy between the
Lutherans and Roman Catholics, and
controversy occasioned by them, 202.
Facundus, his works, i. 417.
Fanatics, many infect the Greeks in xii
cent. ii. 304; disputes between some
and Luther in xvi cent. iii. 230, 231;
their leaders, ibid, excite tumults, ibid.
and d; embrace the communion of the
Mennonites, 231.

Farel, his works, iii. 319.

Farnovians, a sect of Socinians in xvi cent.
iii. 382.

Farnovius, Farnesius, founder of the Far-
novian sect, iii. 382; his tenets and
eminent disciples, ibid. separates from
the Unitarians, ibid.

Fasting, when introduced into the Chris-
tian church, i. 109; considered as a se-
curity against the power of Dæmons,
229; the manner of observing this cus-
tom in iv cent. 305.
Fathers, Apostolic, their general charac-

ter, i. 97; the merit of their moral
writings examined, 155; remarkable
veneration paid to them, and to all theo-
logical writers of the first six centuries,
i. 513.
Faulkan, Constantine, minister to the king
of Siam, his character, iii. 394; invites
the French there secretly, ibid. is put to
death with the king his master, iii. 395
and r.

Felix II. Bishop of Rome, deposes and ex-
communicates Acacius, Bishop of Con-
stantinople, i. 389; articles alleged in
defence of this proceeding, and the true
reasons, ibid. and 399.,


[merged small][ocr errors]

is condemned in several councils, ibid.
retracts his errors, and the sincerity of
his recantation examined, ibid. his fol-
lowers called Adoptians, ibid.

V. Duke of Savoy, elected Antipope
by the council of Basil, ii. 635; resigns,

Fenelon, Archbishop of Cambray, defends
Madam Guyon against Bossuet, iii. 545;
adopts several of her tenets in a book
which he published, ibid. and q; and
which is afterward condemned at the
instigation of Bossuet, with Fenelon's
conduct hereupon, 545, 546 and r; his
singular sentiments of the public reli-
gion of his country, iv. 220.
Ferrara, council of, held by Eugenius IV.
in xv cent. ii. 535; removed to Flo-
rence, ibid. endeavours to reconcile the
Greeks and Latins, 536.

Festivals, the increase of, in iv cent. with
the cause, i. 304, 305; abuse of them,
305; their number in vi cent. i. 430;
seem to be instituted after a Pagan mo-
del, ibid. one instituted in remembrance
of all departed souls in x cent. at the
command of Odilo, Abbot of Clugni,
ii. 113.

Ficinus, Marsilius, an ornament to the
Platonics in xv cent. ii, 550; attempts
an union between the Mystics and
Schoolmen, ibid. his polemic work, ibid.
Fifth monarchy men, their rise, character,
and notions in xvii cent. iv. 106.
Finlanders, converted to Christianity, and
by what means, in xii cent. ii. 229; the
severity of the founder of their church,
and his unhappy fate, ibid.
Firmin, propagates the gospel in viii cent.
and his sufferings on that account, i
480 and f.

Fisher, Samuel, assists Fox in reducing
Quakerism to a kind of regular form,
and his character, iv. 149, 154.
Flacius, Matthias, his Centuria Magde-
burgenses, iii. 218; Glossary and key to
the Scriptures, 224; disputes with Me-
lancthon, 240; defends the doctrine of
Luther, and excites divisions in the
church, 243; his contest with Strige-
lius, and some particulars of it, 244, 245;
consequences of his imprudence and ob-
stinacy, 246.
Flagellants, rise and account of this absurd
sect in xiii cent. ii. 403, 404 and r; sup-
pressed, ibid. but revive in the following
cent. 503; their impious tenets, ibid. a
new sect of them in xv cent. 568; many
suffer from the inquisition, ibid. and o;
the sum of their doctrine, ibid. o.
Flavianus, Bishop of Constantinople, beat
to death in the second council of Ephe
sus, i. 384 and b, c.
Flemingians, a sect of Anabaptists in xvi
cent. ii. 337; maintain Menno's doc

trine relative to the incarnation, 343
and d; the refined Anabaptists so call-
ed, iv. 163.

Florence, council at, summoned by Eu-
genius IV. ii. 535; attempts to reunite
the Greek and Latin Churches, and frau-
dulent practices at it, ii. 537 and k; ter-
minates these quarrels only for a short
time, 536.

Florinians, a sect in ii cent. their founder
and tenets, i. 186 and z.

Florus, a poet in ix cent. ii. 14; as also a

commentator, 40.

Fludd, Robert, defends the philosophy of
Paracelsus, iii. 221 and t, iii. 437, and g;
attacked and refuted by Gassendi, 439.
Forbes, William, his pacific counsels and
character, iii. 471, 472 and a.
Forer, employed to write against the Pro-
testants and confession of Augsburg in
xvii cent. iii. 454 and o.
Fortunatus, his character, i. 418.
Fox, George, his strange behaviour and
exhortation, when called before the
civil magistrate, whence his followers
were called quakers; iv. 145; founder
of that sect, and character, 146 and i.
See Quakers, 145.

France, the flourishing state of learning
there in xi cent. ii. 136, 137; spiritual
libertines get footing there in xvi cent.
iii. 314.

Francfort, a council assembled by Charle-
magne in viii cent. i. 520; the decrees
of the second Nicene council rejected,
521; the worship of images unanimous-
ly condemned, ibid. the proceedings of
this council sufficient to prove the law-
fulness of dissenting from the Pope at
that time, who is charged with error,

Francis, founder of the Franciscans, his
extraordinary change of life and man-
ners, ii. 372; his notions of the essence
of religion, and character, ibid. 373 and
w; his stigmas what, and the credit
given to them by the Popes, 470 and i;
Book of Conformities with Jesus Christ,
471 and k.

I. King of France, abrogates, in
xvi cent. the Pragmatic Sanction, and
institutes the Concordate, iii. 14 and
g, h.

Franciscans, an order of Friars, their rise
in xiii cent. ii. 372; why called Friars
minors, 373 and u, w; held in great es-
teem by the Popes, and their services
to the Popes, 373, 374 and x,y; divi-
sions early among them, and highly pre-
judicial to the papal power, 378; intes-
tine quarrels, and how occasioned, ib.
but mitigated, 379; spiritual, their in-
rease, and new troubles excited, 384;
the miseries the spiritual undergo, and,
their opposition to the church of Rome,
and accounts of them imperfect, 388

[ocr errors]

and m; impiously assert their founder
to be a second Christ in xiv cent. 470;
deliberations for reuniting the spirituals
to the brethren of the community, or
less rigid Franciscans, by Clement V.
472; their quarrel with John XXII.
Pope, 478, 479; their invectives against
papal authority, and patronised by Lew-
is of Bavaria against the pope, 479,
480; peace concluded between them
and the Pope, 481; contemn the Fra-
tricelli and Tertiaries, who reject the
authority of the Pope, ibid. division of
this order into the Conventual and the
Brethren of the Observation, 483; re-
formations among them in xvi cent. iii.

Franks, their kingdom founded in Gaul in
v cent. i. 334, 335; conversion, ibid.
their empire in Greece in xiii cent. and
continuance, ii. 325.

Europeans, so called by the In-
dians, iii. 391 and 1.
Fratricelli, their origin in xiii cent. ii. 389,
390 and n; are an order of the Fran-
ciscans, separated from the grand com-
munity of their order, rigorously ob-
serve their founder's laws, declaim
against the corruption of the Romish
church, and her pontiffs, and foretell a
Reformation, ibid. how they differed
from the Spiritualsof the order, 90 o;
their esteem for Celestine V. and why,
ibid. deny the legality of the elections
of Boniface VIII. and other successors
who oppose them, ibid. accounts of
them confused and imperfect, ibid. Pi
enormities among them in xiv cent.
471; their abolition ordered by Pope
John XXII. 473; many of them burned
for opposing the Pope's orders, 475 and
w; persecuted again in xv cent. 544
and a; they in return put some inqui-
sitors to death, ibid.

Freculph, a historian in ix cent. ii. 14, 31.
Fredegarius, a historian in vii cent. i. 457.
Frederic I. Barbarossa, Emperor, his reso-
lution to support the dignity of the
Roman empire, and restrain the autho-
rity of the church, ii. 264; rejects the
insolent order of Pope Adrian IV. ibid.
enacts a law to prevent transferring fiefs
without the consent of their superior
lords, ibid. and n; supports the election
of Callixtus III. in opposition to Alexan-
der III. 267, 268; concludes a treaty
with Alexander, ibid. the servile sub-
mission he is said to have paid this
haughty prelate doubted, 267 and r.

II. his delay in an expedition
against Palestine in xiii cent. ii. 327;
is excommunicated, and the reason, ib.
and k; concludes a truce with the Sul-
tan of Egypt, and takes possession of
Jerusalem, 328, 329; is crowned king,
ibid. charged with impiety, but the evi-

dence not sufficient, 334; zealous in
promoting literature, 337; founder of
the academy at Naples, ibid. encoura-
ges the study of Aristotle, and how, 342
and x.

Frederic, the Wise, elector of Saxony, es-
pouses the cause of Luther in opposi-
tion to the order of Pope Leo X. iii. 30.

III. elector Palatine, patronizes
the Calvinists in Germany, iii. 279, 280;
obliges his subjects to embrace their
tenets, ib. and y; his son restores Lu
theranism, ibid.

Duke of Holstein, his clemency
to the exiled Arminians in xvii cent. who
build the town called Frederickstadt,
and form a colony there, iv. 138.
Frieslanders, a sect of Anabaptists, account
of, iv. 166.

Fronto's wretched attempts against Chris-
tianity in ii cent. i. 135.

Frumentius, the success of his ministry
among the Abassines in iv cent. i. 262;
is consecrated their first Bishop, ibid.
Fulbert, Bishop of Chartres, his character,
ii. 194.

Fulgentius, attacks the Pelagians and Ari-

ans with great warmth in vi cent. i.
417; his treatise on fasting, 423.


Gal, St. propagates the gospel in vii cent.
among the Suevi and Helvetii, i. 441.
Galanus, attempts to unite the Greek and
Romish churches, in xvii cent. iii. 552,
553; his work for that purpose, 533 sub
fin. not. d.

Galenists, a sect of the Waterlandians,
their rise and history in xvii cent. iv.

Galerius, Maximin, deposes Diocletian,
and assumes the empire of the East, i.
248; the sufferings of the Christians un-
der him, ibid. having persecuted the
Christians in the most horrid manner,
orders the persecution to be stopped,

Galilei, the astronomer, his fame, iii. 431;

imprisoned for adopting the sentiments
of Copernicus, 506.
Gallic Pontiffs, diminution of Papal pow-
er under them, ii. 456; their schemes to
acquire wealth, 457.

Gallienus, state of the Christians under
him, i. 200.

Gallus, persecution under him, i. 119.
Gamaliel, Patriarch of the Jews, his cruelty

to the Christians in v cent. i. 341.
Gassendi, an eminent philosopher in xvii
cent. iii. 431, his philosophy and cha-
racter 438; attacks Aristotle and his
followers, ibid. and i; alsó Fludd and
the Rosecrucians, 439; his wise method
of philosophical investigation, ibid. why
the chief adversary of Des Cartes, 441;
accurate abridgment of his philosophy

by Bernier, 442 m; has not many
followers, yet the few he had very emi-
nent, and particularly in England, ibid.
mathematical sect, its progress, 445
446; favourably received in Britain by
Boyle, Sir Isaac Newton, and others
446 and s.

Gaul, by whom converted, and churche
when established there, i. 125 and h.

Narbonne, rise of the inquisitio..
there in xiii cent, ii. 421 and 2.
Gauls, learning among them, i. 83; the
Gospel preached among them with great
success, by Martin, Bishop of Tours, in
iy cent. i. 263.
Gebbard, Archbishop of Cologne, disco-
vers a propensity to Lutheranism, iii.
215; marries, is obliged to resign his
dignity, and to fly his country,ibið, and k.
Geneva, mother of the Reformed church-
es, iii. 275; academy founded at, by
Calvin, in xvi cent. ibid. consistory es-
tablished at, 277; French Protestants
enter into its communion, 281; acknow-
ledged as a sister church to England
under Edward VI. 283; form of eccle-
siastical government, 306 and ≈; which
is rejected by the English under Queen
Elizabeth, ibid. lustre and decline of its
academy, iv. 77 and b.

Gennadius, writes against the Latins in xv

cent. and his good character, ii. 516 and n.
Gentilis, Valentine, his heresy, iii. 359,

suffers death at Berne, ibid.

Gentilli, council at, in viii cent. about the
derivation of the Holy Ghost, i. 522.
George the Cyprian, a polemic writer in
xii cent. ii. 399.

David, founder of the Davidists in
xvi cent. iii. 350; his character and
impious tenets, ibid. his body burned at
the instigation of his son-in-law, by the
council of Basil, ibid. and r.

Georgians, in Asia, converted to Chris-
tianity by a captive, i. 262; miserable
state after the invasion of the Turks, iii.
189; small remains of religion among
them, ibid.

Gerhard's Introduction to Joachim's Ever-
lasting Gospel condemned, ii. 382; ac-
counts of it erroneous, ibid. w; impious
doctrine, 333; throws an cdium'on the
Mendicants, and is publicly burnt, ibid.
and y

a ringleader of the Fanatics of
Munster, iii. 329.

a judicious expositor of Scrip-
ture in xvii cent. iv. 26; his moral wri-
tings, 29.
Germans, their conversion begun in ii
cent. i. 125 and f; wholly converted in
viii cent. by Winfrid Boniface, 478,479;
what judgment to be formed of their
apostles, 479, 480.

a sect of Anabaptists in xvi cent.
so called, ini. 337.

Germanus, Bishop of Constantinople, a
zealous advocate for image worship, i.
506; is degraded on this account by
the Emperor Leo the Isaurian, 518.
Germany, many churches planted here in
iii cent. i. 195 and 1.

Gerson, John, his great character, iii. 429;
a zealous opposer of papal despotism,
and the design of his writings to check
superstition, ibid. and o; labours to re-
form the schoolmen in xv cent. iii. 557
and b.

Geyer, a Lutheran expositor of Scripture
in xvii cent. iv. 24.

Ghost, Holy, its derivation, controversy
concerning in viii cent. i. 521; the ori-
gin of this dispute uncertain, 522 and b;
debated in a council at Aix la Chapelle
and at Rome in the following cent. ii.
48; and the measures taken by the
Latin churches on this account, ibid.
and h, i.


Gilbert, Bishop of London, his character
as a commentator, ii. 289; surnamed
The Universal, for his extensive erudi-
tion, ibid.

Gildas, a writer in vi cent. his character,
i. 418.

Girardin, Dr. Patrick Piers de, his remark-
able discourse in the Sorbonne, relative
to the project of union between the
English and Gallican churches, iv. 233;
writes to Archbishop Wake on this ac-
count, and the answer he receives, ibid.
is highly pleased with the answer, al-
though written with a truly Protestant
spirit, 234; the correspondence is di-
vulged, he is reprimanded by the Abbé
du Bois, and threatened with being sent
to the Bastile, unless he delivers up all
the letters that passed on this occasion,
244, 245; continues a faint correspon-
dence with Wake after Du Pin's death,
but without effect, 246.
Glassius, his sacred philology, iv. 26;
great character, 37 and k.
Glycas, a good historian in xii cent. ii.

Gnostics, whence their name, i. 111; pre-
vailed in the apostolic age, and flourish-
ed under the Emperor Adrian, ibid.
and s; who comprehended under that
'name, ibid. sprung from the oriental
philosophy, ibid. the cause of many
dangerous errors concerning the Scrip-
tures, 112; their impious opinions about
Christ, and moral doctrines, 113; base
methods used to support their tenets,
114; dissension among them, whence,
115; their principles revived and adopt-
ed in iv cent. 326.
Godeschalc, a monk of Orbais in ix cent.
ii. 3; begins a controversy concern-
ing predestination and grace, 52; his
doctrine violently opposed by Rabanus
Maurus, ibid. is twice condemned, and

inhumanly treated, 53; his advocates,
ibid. tenets and how represented by his
advocates, and his opponents, 54 and
p; ibid. 55 and q, r; the judgment to
be formed of this controversy, 54; dis-
pute with Hincmar about the Hymn
Trina Deitas, 55.

Godfrey, Duke of Lorraine, engages in the
first Crusade in xi cent. ii. 125; his
great character, ibid. and r, s; takes
Jerusalem, 126; is saluted with the ti-
tle of king of Jerusalem, but declines
accepting it, and why, ibid. and x.
Godofred, the Norman, having conquered
Friesland embraces Christianity, in ix

cent. ii. 9.

Gomar, Francis, opposes Arminius in his
schism, iv. 78; triumphs over him at
the synod of Dort, yet gains no ground,
ibid. his doctrine despised in England
under James I. 93 and h; controversy
with Arminius, whence it began, and by
whom treated, 128 and c.

Gonesius, introduces the heresy of Serve-
tus into Poland, iii. 359 and k.
Gorcomius, Henry, a scholastic writer in
xv cent. ii. 450.

Goths, their conversion to Christianity, i.
195, 263; their invasion of the Roman
empire, 331; cruelty to the Christians
in Gaul, 339.

Grace, various controversies concerning,
in v cent. i. 396; Augustin's opinions
concerning it, in explaining which his
disciples are not agreed, ibid. and k;
disputes about it in ix cent, and its un-
happy consequences, ii. 52, 53; a sub-
ject of controversy, in xvi cent. iii.
174; contests about it in xvii cent. and
hence the terms Sublapsarians and Su-
pralapsarians, iv. 78.

Grandmontains, an order of monks, their
rise in xi cent. ii. 187, 189 and ƒ.
Granianus's, remonstrance to the Emperor
Adrian in favour of the Christians suc-
cessful, and by what means, i. 131.
Gras, Louisa le, founds the Virgins of
Love, a female order in xvii cent. iii.

Gratian, a Monk, composes an epitome of
the canon law, ii. 251.
Greece, the state of learning there in i

cent. i. 82; Romish missions, iii. 552.
Greek and Latin churches, schism between
them unhappily revived in xi cent. ii.
202; its progress, 203; many attempts
for a reconciliation in xiii cent. ineffec-
tual, 413, 414.

language, the study of it much
frequented in xiii cent. ii. 341.
Greeks, two Emperors among them in xiii
cent. ii. 325; their deplorable state af-
ter the invasion of the Turks, iii. 186,

Gregory, Thaumaturgus, his works and
miracles, i. 213.

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