תמונות בעמוד

華。昔玁 彼央方。王夫 旆 矣。 况旆。


于 天車


矣R襄.赫子 彭仲。

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今我來思 雨雪


膵 憂



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Did not it and the falcon banner

Fly about grandly?

The [general's] heart was anxious and sad,

And the carriage-officers appeared full of care.

3 The king charged Nan Chung

To go and build a wall in the [disturbed] region.

How numerous were his chariots!



How splendid his dragon, his tortoise and serpent flags!
The son of Heaven had charged us

To build a wall in that northern region.

Awe-inspiring was Nan Chung;

The Heen-yun were sure to be swept away!

4 When we were marching at first,

The millets were in flower.

Now that we are returning,

The snow falls, and the roads are all mire.

tortoises and snakes coiled round them emblazoned on it, the top of the staff being surmount

ed by a maou, which has been described, as well as the yu, under I. iv. IX.斯 is the final

particle. 旆旆 is descriptive of the flags

waving in the wind. L.7 is taken of the

general. 悄悄-憂貌, 'the app. of being
,-see on IV. 3.


St. 3. Here appears by name, the general,cadet of the Nan family; but we know nothing of him from any other source but this ode. The

方 of 1.2 must be the 朔or 北 (northern) 方 of 1. 6. It is interesting to see at how early

a period the idea of building a wall against the barbarians on the north originated, and began to be acted upon. is descriptive of the

number of the chariots. was the name of a flag on which dragons were emblazoned, one


over the other, heading now to the staff, now to

the outer edge of the flag (交龍)央央 一鮮明, fresh and bright.’赫赫‘the and many cities suppose the last line to be in is defined by 除, to take away;" errible.’襄

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the past tense, and the whole stanza to intimate that the name of the general and the array of the expedition were sufficient to awe the Heenyun to submission without any fighting. L. 5 of the last stanza is sufficient to refute this noWang Yin che says that, here and in -, 'to be,'


st.6, 于 is to be taken as –

St. 4 brings us to the close of the expedition,

and the progress of the returning march (comp. the last st. of the prec. ode); but as the critic Leu

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豈王 不事 懷多 歸。難。



The king's business was not to be slackly performed,

And we had not leisure to rest.

Did we not long to return?

But we were in awe of the orders in the tablets.

5 'Yaou-yaou go the grass-insects,

And the hoppers leap about.

While we do not see our husbands,
Our hearts must be full of grief.
Let us but see our husbands,
And our hearts will be at rest.'
The awe-inspiring Nan Chung
Is smiting the Jung of the west.

6 The spring-days are lengthening out;
The plants and trees grow full of verdure;

The oriole's cry comes këae-këae;

[Our wives] go in crowds to gather the white southernwood.

says, the notes of time here make us refer the descriptions not to the commencement of the march

northwards, and the conclusion of the march home, but to the course of both routes. 思 and 載 are the particles.塗一坭塗


L1.5, 6 must be construed in the past

tense. 簡書 refers, no doubt, to the orders

from the court about the expedition, written, of course, in those days on tablets of wood.

St. 5. Ll. 1-6,- -see on I.ii.III., the 1st stanza of which is all but exactly reproduced here. Instead of referring it, as all critics do, to the wife of the general, it seems to me much more


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natural to refer it to the wives of the soldiers, who then return in the last two lines to their

great theme,the general. 薄一the particle,

as in I.i.II. 3. The western Jung' would be another barbarous tribe, lying more west than

the Héen-yun.

St. 6, contains the return. L.1,–as in I. xv.

1.2 卉-grass, and small plants generally. 萋萋 and leëue-kiae, –as in I. i. II. I. L. 4, −as in I.xv.I.2. 訊=問, ‘to question."

Those who would be questioned-? put to the torture-indicate, we may suppose, chiefs of the of the Heen-yun; 'the crowd of captives

夷。 狁仲。 赫 歸


With our prisoners for the question and our captive crowd,

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葉林夫心月嗣事 林 之遑傷陽我靡其之杜

萋.杜.止.止,止。日。盬。 實。杜。

1 Solitary stands the russet pear tree,

With its fruit so bright.

The king's business must not be slackly performed,

And the days are prolonged with us one after another.

The sun and moon are in the tenth month.

My woman's heart is wounded;

My soldier might have leisure [to return]!

2 Solitary stands the russet pear tree, With its leaves so luxuriant.

-徒衆)-the multitude of their followers. 夷一平, to be pacified'–reduced to sub-|


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St. 1. L. 1,–see I. x. VI. L.2. Choo, after

Maou, defines 院by實貌 'the app. of the

fruit,' without saying what that appearance is. The term has the meanings of ' bright,'' beauti

full Both in 11. 1, 2, 有 must be taken with the characters that follow it in its descriptive

The rhymes are in st.1,牧*(read mik) 來載棘cat. 1, t.3: in 2, 郊旄 cat. 2; 旆 瘁 cat. 15,t. 3: in 3, 方彭 央方,襄cat.10: in4,華塗居, not then time for the troops to return, but their 書cat. 5, t. 1: in 5, 蟲螽忡降,仲, as the senson would suspend their operations. 戎cat.9: in6遅萋喈祁巋夷嗣續‘to continue; syn. with 繼

cat. 15, t. 1.

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use. The pears would be ripe towards the end of the year,-in the 10th month of 1.5. It was wives fancy they might have leisure to do so,

with, –as in VII. 3. I translate 女心, ‘my wo= man's heart,' because takes the place of 女

in the next stanza.征夫 ㄇㄢ
must here be

restricted to the soldiers, or rather to the hus-
band of the speaker, her 'conquering hero,'-
difft. from the phrase in III. 1. The last line

must be taken as a wish(望之之辭; Yen Tsan). The 止

are all the final particle.

St. 2. Ll. 1, 2. The winter has gone. It is spring again; but the troops still do not return,




會言近止 征夫邇止

不至 而多爲恤卜筮偕止

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戴物 盬。彼


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事靡盬 我心傷悲 卉木


靡盬 憂我父母 檀車

陟彼北山 言采其杞王事




幛。事 止。木

The king's business must not be slackly performed,
And my heart is wounded and sad.

The plants and trees are luxuriant,

But my heart is sad.

O that my soldier might return!

3 I ascended that hill in the north,

To gather the medlars.

The king's business must not be slackly performed,

And our parents are made sorrowful.

His chariot of sandal wood must be damaged;

His four horses must be worn out;

My soldier cannot be far off.

4 They have not packed up, they do not come;

My sorrowing heart is greatly distressed.

The time is past, and he is not here,

To the multiplication of my sorrows.

Both by the tortoise shell and the reeds have I divined,

And they unite in saying he is near.

My soldier is at hand!

though the time for their doing so was come. She speaks of them as her parents, having be


‘my soldier might be returned.

St.3. L.2. 言 is the initial particle.杷

–as in II. 4. L. 4. The parents here are the

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come a daughter of the family. 檀車-se

on I. ix. VI. 1. is descriptive of the

carriages as much worn and damaged (敝貌;

husband's parents, the 舅姑 of the wife. and痛痛, of the horses, as jaded (罷貌).

X. Nan kae.


St. 4.匪=不,‘not,’載- —as in st. 1 of | cat. 12, t. 3; f,, (prop. cat. 13; but Koo

last ode. Ying-tah takes this line interroga- she contends it has here its original pronunciatively. The meaning is the same. -, 'is tion), cat. 15, t. 2.

gone by:’而,there乃, ‘and so it is that.’

Wang Yin-che explains the line by

筮, by manipulating the reeds. 偕

Ode 10. This is one of the six odes, which are commonly spoken of as having been lost.

the names of tunes, played on the organ, and

-to divine by burning the tortoise shell; Choo, however, contends that they were only has a verbal force, unless we carry it on to the next line;-both together agree in saying.'

The rhymes are—in st. 1,,, cat. 5, t. 2; 實,日,cat.12,t.3;陽傷遑cat.10: in 2. 杜盬萋悲萋悲歸cnt. 15,

t.1: in 3,, cat. 1, t. 2;

never were pieces to be sung. Before this time, moreover, the 3d ode of the next Book was the 10th of this Book. For the grounds on which he changed the order of the pieces, and main

tained that the lost pieces' were only names of

tunes, see on the 1st and 2d odes of next Book.

According to the Little Preface,' the subject of

the Nan-kae was-Filial sons admonishing one

cat. 14: in 4,,, cat. 1, t. 1; ., ., another on the duty of supporting their parents.'

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