תמונות בעמוד
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The sallow skin is for the swarthy put,

Why must he sputter, spawl, and slaver it, And love can make a slattern of a slut. Dryden. In vain, against the people's favourite? Swift.

Beneath the lamp her tawdry ribbands glare, To SIA'VER.V.a. To smear with drivela The new-scour'd manteau, and the slattern air. Twitch'd by the slave, he mouths it more and


more, SLA'ty. adj. [from slate.] Having the na- Till with white froth his gown is slaver'd o'er. ture of slate.

Dryden. All the stone that is sloty, with a texture long, SLA'VERER. n. s. [slabbaerd, Dutch; from and parallel to the site of the stratum, will split slaver.] One who cannot hold his spitonly lengthways, or horizontally; and, if placed

tle ; a driveller; an idiot. in any other position, apt to give way, start; SLA'VERY. n. so{from slave.] Servitude; and burst, when any considerable weight is laid upon it.


the condition of a slave; the offices of a SLAVE. n. s. (esclave, French. It is


If my dissentings were out of errour, weaksaid to have its original from the Slavi,

ness, or obstinacy, yet no man can think it other or Sclavonians, subdued and sold by the than the badge of slavery, by savage rudeness Venetians.)

and importunate obtrusions of violence to have 1. One mancipated to a master ; not a

the mist of his errour dispelled. King Charles. freeman; a dependant,

SLA'UGHTER. n. so Lonslaugz, Saxon, The banish'd Kent, who in disguise

from slazan, slezan, to strike or kill.] Follow'd his enemy king, and did him service Massacre; destruction by the sword. Improper for a slave.


Sinful Macduff, Thou elvish markt, abortive, rooting hog! They were all struck for thee! Thou that wast seal'd in thy nativity

Not for their own demerits, but for mine, The slave of nature, and the son of hell. Shaks. Fell slaughter on their souls. Shakspeare. Of guests he makes them slaves

On each hand slaughter and gigantick deeds. Inhospitably: Milton,

Milton. The condition of servants was different from

The pair you see, what it is now, they being generally slaves, and Now friends below, in close embraces join; such as were bought and sold for money. South. But, wher, they leave the shady realms of night,

Perspective a painter must not want ;, yet With mortal hate each other shall pursue : without subjecting ourselves so wholly to it, as What wars, what wounds, what slaughter, shall to become slaves of it.


Dryden. To-morrow, should we thus express our TO SLAUGHTER. v. a. [from the noun.]

friendship, Each might receive a slave into his arms :

To massacre ; to slay; to kill with the

sword. This sun perhaps, this morning sun's the last That e'er shall rise on Roman liberty. Addison.

Your castle is surpris'd, your wife and babes Savagely slaughter'd.

Shakspeare. 2. One that has lost the power of resi t

SLAUGHTERHOUSE. n. s. [slaughter and Slaves to our passions we become, and then

house. ] House in which beasts are killed It grows impossible to govero men. Wailer.

for the butcher. When once men are immersed in sensual Away with me, all you whose souls abhor things, and are become slaves to their passions Th' uncleanly savour of a slaugbterhouse ; and luşts, then are they the most disposed to For I am stified with the smell of sin. Shaksp. doubt of the existence of God. Wilkins.

SLAUGHTERMAN. n. s. [slaughter and 3. It is used proverbially for the lowest

man.] One employed in killing. state of life.

The mad mothers with their howls confus'd Power shall not exempt the kings of the earth, Do break the clouds; as did the wives of Jewry, and the great men, neither shall meanness ex

At Herou's bloody hunting slaughtermen. Sbaks. cuse the poorest slave.


Ten chas'd by one, TO SLAVE. v. n. (from the noun.] To Are now each one the slaughterman of twenty.

Sbakspeare. drudge; to moil; to toil. Had women been the makers of our laws,

See, thou fight'st against thy countrymen ; The men should slave at cards from morn to

And join'st with them will be thy slaughtermen.

Shekspeare. night.


SLA'UGHTEROUS. adj. [from slaughter.] SLAVER. n. s. (saliva, Latih; slæja,

Destructive ; murderous. Islandick.] Spittle running from the

I have supt full with horrours : mouth ; drivel.

Direness familiar to my slaughterous thoughts Mathiolus hath a passage, that a toad com- Cannot once start me.

Slakspeare. municates its venom not only by urine, but by SLA'VISH. adj. [from slave.] Servile ; the humidity and slaver of its mouth, which will

Brorun. not consist with truth.

mean; base ; dependant.

A ching Of all mad creatures, if the learn'd are right,

More slavish did I ne'er, than answering It is the slaver kills, and not the bite. Pope.

A slave without a knock.

Sbakspeare. T. SLA'VER. V. n. (from the noun.]

You have among you many a purchas'd slave, 1. To be smeared with spittle.

Which, like your asses, and your dogs and mules, Should I

You use in abject and in slavish pari, Slaver with lips as common as the stairs

Because you bought them.

Sbakspeare. That mount the capitol ; join gripes with hands

The supreme God, t' whom all things ili Made hard with hourly falsehood as with labour. Are but as slavish officers of vengeanc.,

Shakspeare. Would send a glist'ring guardian, if need were, 2. To emit spittle.

To keep my life and honour unassail'd. Milton. Miso came with scowling eyes to deliver a Those are the labour'd births of sluvisb brains; slavering good-morrow to the two ladies. Sidney, Not the effect of poetry, but pains, Denbum.





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Slavisk hards our mutual loves rehearse
In lying strains and ignominious verse. Prior.
SLA'VISHLY. adv. (from slavisi.] Ser-

vilely; meanly.
SLA'VISHNESS: n. s. [from slavish.] Ser-

vility ; meanness.
TO SLAY. v. a. pret. slew ; part. pass.

slain. [slakan, Gothick ; glean, Saxon;
slachten, Dutch, to strike.] To kill; to
butcher; to put to death.

Her father's brother
Would be her lord ; or shall I say her uncle?
Or he that slew her brothers and 'er uncle?

Tyrant, shew thy face :
If thou be'st slain, and with 110 stroke of mine,
My wife and children's ghosts will haunt me

I saw under the altar the souls of then that
were slain for the word of God. Revelations.
Slay and make ready.

Wrath killeth the foolish man, and envy slay-
eth the silly one.

Of Trojan chiefs he view'd a numerous train;
All much lamented, all in battle slain. Dryden.

He must
By blood and battles pow'r maintain,
And slay the monarchs, ere he rule the plain.

SLA'YER. N. s. [from slay.] Killer ; mur-
derer ; destroyer.
Witness the guiltless blood pour’d oft on

The crowned often slain, the slager crown'd.

Fairy Queen.
They slew those that were slayers of their

The slayer of himself yet saw I there;
The gore congeal'd was clotted in his hair :
With eyes half clos’d and gaping mouth he lay,
And grim as when he breath'd his sullen soul

SLEAVE. ". s. (Of this word I know not

well the meaning: sleave silk is ex-
plained by Gouldman, foccus sericus, a
lock of silk; and the women still say,
sleave the silk, for ur:twist it. Ains-
worth calls a weaver's shuttle or reed
a slay. To sley is to part a twist into
single fibres.]

I on a fountain light,
Whose brim with pinks was platted,

The banks with daffadillies dight
With grass like slave was matted. Drayton.
SLE'AZY. adj. (often written sleezy.]

Weak; wanting substance. This seems
to be of the same race with slave, or

from to slay.
SLED. n.'s. [sled, Danish; sledde, Dutch.]
A curiage drawn without wheels.

The study the tumbril, hurdles, and the flail,
These all must be prepar’d.

SLE'D DED. adj. [from sled.) Mounted on
a sled.

So frown? he once when, in an angry parle,
He st.20:c the stedded Polack on the ice. Sbaks.
SLEDGE, r. s. lrleeg, Saxon ; sheggia,

1. A large heavy harymer.

They him spving, both with greedy force,
At once upon him ran, and him besei,
With strokes of mortal steel, without re-

And on his shield like iron slenges bet. F. Queen.

The painful smith, with force of fervent heat; The hardest iron soon doth mollify,

That with his heavy sledge he can it beat, And fashion to what he it list apply. Spenser.

The uphand sledge is used by under-workmen, when the work is not of the largest, yet requires help to batter and draw it out; they use it with both their hands before them, and seldom lift their hammer higher than their head.

Moxon. It would follow that the quick stroke of a light hammer should be of greater efficacy than any softct and more geutle striking of a great sledge.

Wilkins. 2. A carriage without wheels, or with very low wheels; properly a sled. See Slen.

In Lancashire they use a sort of sledge made with thick wheels, to bring their marl out, drawn with one horse.

Mortimer, SLEEK, adj. [sleych, Dutch.] 1. Smooth ; nitid ; glossy.

Let me have men about me that are fat,
Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep a-nights.

How eagerly ye follow my disgrace,
As if it fed ye; and how sleek and wanton
Y'appear in ev'ry thing may bring my ruin.

What time the groves were clad in green,
The fields all drest in flowers,

A.:d that the sleek-hair'd nymphs were seen
To seek them summer bowers. Drayton

As in gaze admiring, oft he bow'd
His turret crest, and sleek enamell'd neck,

Thy head and hair are sleek,
And then thou kemb'st the tuzzes on thy cheek.

So sleek her skin, so faultless was her make,
Ev'n Juno did unwilling pleasure take
To see so fair a rival.

2. Not rough ; not harsh.
Those rugged names to our like mouths grow

sleek, That would have made Quintilian stare and gasp.

Milton TO SLEEK. v. a. (from the adjective. ] 1. To cômb smooth and even.

Yet are the men more loose than they, More kemb'd, and bath'd, and rubb'd, and

More sleek'd, more soft, and slacker limb'd.

Ben Jonsge
By dead Parthenope's dear tomb,
And fair ligea's goiden comb,
Wherewith she sits on diamond rocks
Sleeking her soft alluring locks.

Miltas. 2. To runder soft, smooth, or glossy.

Gentle my lord, sleek o'er your rugged looks;
Be bright and jovial ʼmong your guests co-night.

She does sleek
With crumbs of bread and milk, and lies

In her neac gloves.

Ben Jonsen.
The persuasive rhetorick
That sleek'd his tongue, and won so much on F.ve,
So little here, nay lose.

Alilies. A sheet of well sleeked marble paper did not cast any of its distinct colours upon the wall.

Bozle. A cruise of fragrance formd of burnish'd gold, Odour divine ! whose soft refreshing streams Sleek the smooth skin, and scent the snowy

limbs. SLEE'KLY, adv. [from sleek.] Smoothiri


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Pope you

with me,

Let their heads be sleekly comb’d, and their Sleep, that knits up the ravell’d sleeve of care; blue coats brush'a.


The birth of each day's life, sore labour's bath, SLEE'KSTOS E, n. s. [sleek and stone.] A

Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,

Chief nourisher in life's feast. smoothing stone.

Sbakspeare. The purest pasteboard with a sleekstone rub

That strepe might sweetly seale smooth, and as even as you can.


His restfull eyes, he enter'd, and in his bed
In silence took.

Chapman. TO SLEEP. v.n.[slepan, Gothick; sleepan, Cold calleth the spirits to succour, and thereSaxon ; slaepen, Dutch.]

fore they cannot so well close and go together in 1. To take rest, by suspension of the

the head, which is ever requisite to sleep. And mental and corporal powers.

for the same cause, pain and noise hinder sleepi and darkness furthereth sleep.

Bacon. I've watch'd and travell'd hard :

Beasts that sleep in winter, as wild bears, during Some time I shall sleep out; the rest I 'll whistle. their sleep wax very fat, though they eat nothing. Shakspeare,

Bacon, Where's Pede?-go you, and where hind His fasten'd hands the rudder kecp, a maid,

And, tix'd on heav’lı, his eyes repil invading That, ere she sleep, hath thrice her prayers said, sleep.

Dryden. Rein up the organs of her fantasy;

Hermes o'er his head in air appear'd, Sleep stie as sound as careless infancy;

His hat adern'd with wings disclos'd the god, But those that sleep, and think not on their sins, And in his hand the sleep compelling rod. Dryd. Pinch them, arms, legs, backs, shoulders, sides, Infants spend the greatest part of their time in and shins.

Sbakspeare: sleep, and are seldom awake but when hunger If the man be poor, thou shalt not sleep with calís for the teat, or some pain forces the mind his pledge.

to perceive it.

Locke. Peace, good reader! do not weep;

SLEE'PER. n. s. [from sleep.]
Peace! the lovers are asleep:
They, sweet turtles! folded lie

1. One who sleeps; one who is not awake. In the last koot that love could tie.

Sound, musick; come, my queen, take hand Let them sicep, let them sleep on, Till this stormy night be gone,

And rock, the ground whereon these sleepers be. And th' eternal morrow down,


What's the business, Then the curtains will be drawn,

That such an hideous trumpet calls to parley And they waken with that light Whose day shall never sleep in night. Crashaw.

The steepers of the house? Sbakspeare.

In some countries, a plant which shutteth in Those who at any time sleep without dream

the night, openeth in the morning, and openeth ing, can never be convinced that their thoughts are for four hours busy without their knowing

wide at noon, the inhabitants say is a plant that it.


sleepeth. There be slepers enow then; for almost all flowers do the like.

Bacon. . To rest ; to be motionless.

Night is indeed the province of his reign; Steel, if thou turn thine edge, or cut not out

Yet all his dark exploits no more contain the burley-boned clown in chines of beef ere

Than a spy taken, and a sleeper slain. Dryden. thou skeep in thy sheath, I beseech Jove on my

2. A lazy inactive drone. knees thou mayst be turned into hobnails. Sbaé. How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this

He must be no great eater, drinker, nor bank!

sleeper, that will discipline his senses, and exert Here will we sit, and let the sounds of musick

his mind; every worthy undertaking requires

both. Creep in our ears. Shakspeare.

Grew, The giddy ship, betwixt the winds and rides,

3. That which lies dormant, or without Forc'd back and forwards, in a circle rides,

effect. Stunn'd with the different blows; then shoots Let penal laws, if they have been sleepers of amain,

long, or if grown unfit for the present tiine, be Till counterbuff'd she stops, and sleeps again. by wise judges confined in the execution. Bacon. Dryden. 4. [exocætus.] A fish.

Ainsa. 3. To live thoughtlessly.

SLEE'PILY. adv. (from sleep.] We sleep over our happiness, and want to be 1. Drowsily ; with desire to sleep. roused into a quick thankful sense of it. Atterb.

2. Dully; lazily. 4. To be dead ; death being a state from

I rather choose to endure the wounds of those which man will some time awake.

darts, which envy castech at novelty, than to go If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, on safely and sleepily in the easy way of ancient even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God mistakings.

Rulogó, bring with him.

1 Thessalonians.

3. Stupidly. A person is said to be dead to us, because we

He would make us believe that Luther in cannot raise from the grave; though he only these actions pretended to authority, forgetting sleeps unto God, who can raise from the chama

what he had sleepily owned before. Atterbury. ber of death.

Mylife. SLEE'PINESS. n. s. [from sleepy.] Drows. To be inattentive; not vigilant. Heav'n will one day open

siness ; disposition to sleep; inability to The king's eyes, that so long have slept upon

keep awake. This bold, bad man.


Watchfulness precedes too great sleepiness, and

is the most illbuding symptom of a fever. Arbuth, 6. To be unnoticed, or unattended. SLEEPLESS. adj. [from sleep.] Wanting You ever

sleep; always awake. Have wish'd the sleeping of this business, never

The field Desir'd it to be stirr'd.

To labour calls us, now with swear impos'd, SLEEP. n. s. (from the verb.] Repose ; Though after sleepless night.

Miltona rest; suspension of the mental and cor- While pensive poets painful vigils keep, poral powers ; slumber.

Sleepless themselves to give their readers sleep. Methought I heard a voice cry, sleep no more!

Popes Macbeth doch murder sleep; the innocent steep; SLEE'Px. adj. [from sleep.]



of the esquire.


1. Drowsy; disposed to sleep.

3. Sleave, Dutch, signifies a cover; any 2. Not awake.

thing spread over : which seems to be Why did you bring these daggers from the the sense of sleeve in the proverbial place?

phrase. They must lie there. Go, carry them, and smear

A brace of sharpers laugh at the whole roguery The sleepy grooms with blood. Sbakspeare. in their sleeves. She wak'd her sleepy crew,

L'Estrange. And, rising hasty, took a short adicu. Dryden.

Men know themselves utterly void of those

qualities which the impudent sycophant ascribes 3. Soporiterous; somniferous; causing

to them, and in his sleeve laughs at them for besleep.


South We will give you sleepy drinks, that your John laughed heartily in his sleeve at the pride senses, unintelligent of our insufficience, may,

Arbuibnot. though they cannot praise us, as little accuse us. 4. To hang on a sleeve ; to make depend.


ent. Let such bethink them, if the sleepy drench

It is not for a man which doth know, or should Of that forgetful lake benumb not still. Milton.

know, what orders, and what peaceable governI sieeped about eight hours, and no wonder;

ment requireth, to ask why we should hang our for the physicians had mingled a sleepy potion in the wine.


judgment upon the church's sleeve, and why in

matters of orders more than in matters of doc. SLEET. n. s. [perhaps from the Danish, trine.

Hooker. slet.] A kind of smooth small hail or 5. [lolligo, Latin.) A fish. Ainsw. snow, not falling in flakes, but single SLEE'VED. adj. [from sleeve.] Having particles.

sleeves. Now van to van the foremost squadrons meet, SLEE'VELESS. adj. (from sleeve.] The midmost battles hast’ning up behind,

1. Wanting sleeves; having no sleeves. Who view, far off, the storm of falling sleet, His cloaths were strange tho' coarse, and And hear their thunder rattling in the wind.

black tho' bare;

Sleeveless his jerkin was, and it had been
Perpetual s'eet and driving snow

Velvet; but 't was now, so much ground was
Obscure the skies, and hang on herds below.'
Huze oxen stand inclos'd in wintry walls

Become tufftaffaty:

Donne. Of snow congeal'd.

Rains would have been poured down, as the

They put on sleeveless coats of home-spun cotton.

Sandys. vapours became cooler; next sleet, then snow

Behold yon isle by palmers, pilgrims, trod, and ice.

Cheyne. Grave mummers! sleeveless soine, and shirtless TO SLEET. v. n. [from the noun.] To


Popc. snow in small particles, intermixed with 2. Wanting reasonableness; wanting prorain.

priety ; wanting solidity. [This sense, SLEE'TY. adj. (from the noun.] Bring- of which the word has been long pos.

sessed, I know not well how it obtained. SLEEVE. n. s. [sliç, Saxon.]

Skinner thinks it properly liveless or life1. The part of the garment that covers

less: to this I cannot heartily agree, the arms.

though I know not what better to sugOnce my well-waiting eyes espied my treasure, gest. Can it come from sleeve, a knot or With sleeves turn’d up, loose hair, and breast

skein, and so signity unconnected, hanging enlarged, Her father's corn, moving her fair limbs, mea

ill together? or from sleve, a cover, and Sidney.

therefore means plainly absurd, foolish The deep smock sleeve, which the Irish women without palliation?) vse, they say, was old Spanish; and yet that This sleeveless tale of transubstantiation was should seem rather to be an old English fashion: brought into the world by that other fable of the for in armory, the fashion of the manche, which multipresence.

Hall, is given in arms, being nothing else but a sleeve, My landiady quarrelled with him for sending is fashioned muchliketo that sleeve. And knighes, every one of her children on a sleeveless errand, in ancient times, used to wear their mistress's or as she calls it.

Spectator. love's sleeve upon their arms; sir Launcelot wore SLEIGHT. n. s. [slag'd, cunning, Islandthe sleeve of the fair maid of Asteloch in a tour- ick.] Artful trick; cunning artifice ; ney.

Spenser. Your hose should be ungartered, your sleeve

dexterous practice : a3, sleight of hand, unbuttoned, your shoe untied, demonstrating a

the tricks of a juggler. This is often careless desolation.


written, but less properly, slight. You would think a smock a she-angel, he so

He that exhorted to beware of an enemy's pochants to the sleeve band, and the work about licy, doth not give counsel to be impolite; but the square on 't.


rather to be all prudent foresight, lest our simHe was cloathed in cloth, with wide skeves plicity be over-reached by cunning sleigbts. Bacon.

Hooker. In velvet white as snow the troop was gown'd,

Fair Una to the red cross knight Their hoods and sleeves the same. Dryden.

Betrothed is with joy; 2. S. EEVE, in some provinces, signifies a

Though false Duessa, it to bar, knot or skein of silk, which is by some

Her false sleigbts do employ. Fairy Queer.

Upon the corner of the moon very probably supposed to be its mean

There hangs a vap'rous drop profound; ing' in the following passage. (See I'll catch it ere it come to ground; SLEAVE.]

And that distill’d by magick sleights,
The innocent sleep;

Shall raise such artificial sprights,
Sleep that knits up the raveli'd sleeve of care. As, by the strength of their illusion,

Sbakspears. Shall draw him on to his confusion.

ing sleet.


and a cape.



Out stept the ample size

be deemed just, neither is it a sum to be sleni Of mighty Ajax, huge in strength; to him, derly regarded.

Harteard. Laertes' son,

If I have done well, it is that which I desired; That crafty one as huge in sleight. Chapman. but if slenderly and meanly, it is that which She could not so convey.

could attain co.

2 Maccabees, The massy substance of that idol great; SLE'NDERNESS. n. s. (from slender.] What sleighs had she the wardens to betray?

1. Thinness; smallness of circumference. What strength to heave the goddess from her

Small whistles give a sound because of their seat?


extreme slenderness, che air is more pent than In the wily snake

in a wider pipe.

Bason. Whatever sleights, none would suspicious mark,

Their colours arise from the thinness of the As from his wit and native subtilty Proceeding.


transparent parts of the feathers; that is, from Doubtless the pleasure is as great

the slenderness of the very fine hairs or capilla

menta, which grow out of the sides of the grosse Of being cheated, as to cheat;

er lateral branches or fibres of those feathers. As lookers on feel most delight,

Newton, That least perceive the juggler's sleight. Hudib. Good humour is but a sleight of hand, or a fa

2. Want of bulk or strength. culty making truths look like appearances, or ap

It is preceded by a spitting of blood, occasionpearances like truths.


ed by its acrimony, and too great a projectile When we hear death related, we are all will.

motion, with slenderness and weakness of the

vessels. ing to favour the sleigbt, when the poet does not

Arbat binot. too grossly impose upon us.

Dryden. 3. Slightness; weakness; inconsiderableWhile innocent he scorns ignoble flight, His honest friends preserve him by a sleight. The slenderness of your reasons against the

Swift. book, together with the inconveniences that SLE'NDER. adj. [slinder, Dutch.]

must of necessity follow, have procured a great credit unto it.

Wbitgif?. 1. Thin ; small in circumference compar- 4. Want of plenty. ed with the length ; not thick.

SLEPt. The preterit of sleep.
So thick the roses bushing round

Silence, coeval with eternity,
About her glow'd; half stooping to support Thou wert ere nature first began to be,
Each flow'r of slender stalk.


'T was one vast nothing all, and all slepo fast in 2. Small in the waist ; having a fine shape.


Pope. What slender youth, bedew'd with liquid odours, Slew. The preterit of slay. Courts thee on roses in some pleasant cavc. Milt. He slew Hamet, a great commander among

Beauteous Helen shines among the rest, the Numidians, and chased Benchades and Tall, slender, straight, with all the graces blest. Amida, two of their greatest princes, out of the Dryder. country.

Knolles. 3. Not bulky; slight ; not strong. To SLEY. v. n. [See Sleave.] To part

Love in these labyrinths his slaves detains, or twist into threads. And mighty hearts are held in slender chains.

Why art thou then exasperate, thou immatePope. rial skein of sley'd silk?

Sbakspeare. 4. Small; inconsiderable ; weak.

T, SLICE. v.n. (slitan, Sax.] Yet they, who claim the general assent of the

1. To cut into flat pieces. 'whole world unto that which they teach, and do

Their cooks make no more ado, but, slicing it not fear to give very hard and heavy sentence

into little gobbets, prick it on a prong of iron, upon as many as refuse to embrace the same,

and hang it in a furnace.

Sandys. must have special regard, that their first founda

The residue were on foot, well furnished with tions and grounds be more than slender probabilities.


jack and skull, pikes and slicing swords, broad,

thin, and of an excellent temper. Where joy most revels, grief doth most la


2. To cut into parts. ment;

Nature lost one by thee, and therefore must Grief joys, joy grieves, on slender accident.

Slice one in two to keep her number just.

Cleaveland. Positively to define that season, there is no slender difficulty:

Brown. 3. To cut off in a broad piece. It is a very slender comfort that relies upon When hungry thou stoodst staring like an oaf, this nice distinction, between things being troue

I slic'd the luncheon from the barley loaf. Gay. blesome, and being evils; when all the evil of 4. To cut; to divide. atriction lies in the trouble it creates to us.

Princes and tyrants slice the earth among Tillotson. thein.

Burnet. 5. Sparing ; less than enough : as, a slen. Slice. n. s. [rlite, Sax. from the verb.] der estate, and slender parts.

1. A broad piece cut off. At my lodging,

Hacking of trees in their bark, both downright The worst is this, that, at so slender warning, and across, so as you may make them rather in You're like to have a thin and slender pittance. slices than in continued hacks, doth great good to Sbakspeare.

Bacon. 6. Not amply supplied.

You need not wipe your knife to cut bread; The good Ostorius often deign'd

because in cutting a slice or two it will wipe itTo grace my slender table with his presence.


Swift. Philips

He from out the chimney took In obstructions inflammatory, the aliment ought

A flitch of bacon off the hook, to be cool, slender, thin, diluting. Arbutbrot. And freely, from the fattest side,

Cut out large slices to be fry'd.

Swift. SLE'NDERLY. adv. [from slender.]

2. A broad piece. 1. Without bulk.

Then clap four slices of pilaster on 't; 2. Slightly; meanly.

That, lac’d with bits of rustick, makes a front. If the debt be not just, we know not what may




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