תמונות בעמוד

and in general terms, the object of my mission. The result was, a very cordial acceptance of me as their Missionary, a dignified and feeling expression of their thanks to the Society and to myself, and a promise on their part to do every thing in their power to encourage me."

For some time after Mr. Crane's arrival among them, he was prevented from devoting to their spiritual interests as much time and attention as he wished, in consequence of his being obliged to endeavour to relieve their temporal distresses, (arising from scarcity of provision during the last season,) and the necessity he was under of living at a distance from the village, from the want of a suitable mission house. Immediate measures were therefore taken for the erection of a building to accommodate the Missionary and Teacher; and for this purpose, the Board have appropriated six hundred dollars. The building is now habitable, and will probably be finished in the course of the ensuing season, and many inconveniences thereby removed, with which, at first, the labours of the Missionary were embarrassed.

From the information communicated to the Board, it appears that the most deplorable ignorance prevailed among the Indians, on every important religious subject, although the Pagans among them, i. e. those who retain the principles, the rites and ceremonies of their fathers, are few in number, and their influence feeble. A large majority of the Tribe assent to the truth of the Gospel, and countenance the preaching of it by their presence. Two of their chiefs particularly, and several of the young men in the Tribe, have manifested much concern for their eternal welfare, and made many inquiries respecting the way of salvation by Jesus Christ. In 'expressing this concern, they showed a particular desire for baptism, and appeared to esteem that ordinance of paramount importance, and in some instances, as almost superseding the necessity of repentance towards God, and of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. Immediate attention was given to rectify this their error, by preaching and by conversation; and the Missionary trusts that he has succeeded in the attempt. He has also endeavoured, and not without success, to excite the solicitude of those who are members of the church, in behalf of their brethren who are "without God, and without hope," among them; and the Missionary states, that he has heard prayers from those illiterate converts, expressing such heartfelt anxiety, such hope and confidence in the Son of God, as have led him to anticipaté the most pleasing results. They who are professing Christians among them, walk worthy of their calling, and are the first in all acts of national kindness, and the most prompt to render assistance in cases of individual suffering.

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In a communication recently made to the Board, the Missionary observes, "The attention to religion excited among many of the Tribe, who have hitherto been strangers to the power of God's salvation," has been a source of great satisfaction to the Christians. Those who were capable of instructing others, encouraged the young

people to come to their huts, and spend their evenings in profitable conversation. I requested the members of the church to assemble together on the afternoon of every Saturday, for the purpose of encouraging each other, and examining and instructing those who might wish for it. This was followed by applications for admission to the church. The applicants were advised to wait some weeks, and the intervening time was employed in preaching on those subjects which related to their examination and preparation for participating the ordinances of Christ. The elders also were instructed relative to their duty, as officers in the church. After these arrangements were made, five women and two men came before us to confess their faith in Christ. They all passed through a rigid examination, and six of them were received. It was thought adviseable to defer the reception of one on account of her youth. Her exercises of mind were satisfactory. It appeared that she had for some time persisted in the practice of all the Christian duties with which she was acquainted, although she met with opposition and violent treatment from one of her parents. Three of those received were baptized, and four of them were married.

"From the examination and confession of these Indians, we cannot but hope that they will adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour. They all evinced a determination to adhere to the cause they had espoused, and to suffer patiently all the evils which, as Christians, they have reason to expect.

The administration of the Lord's supper was interesting and solemn. The house was crowded, and the countenances of all present appeared to express an inward sense of the vast importance of the scene before them. My interpreter, (who is not a pious man,) the son of Cusick, my stated interpreter, who was absent, was so much affected, as to be under the necessity of leaning on the desk for support while speaking. While I was dispensing the elements, he sat down and burst into tears. His brother wept also. In the evening he came to see me. I told him I was much pleased with his conduct through the day, for he spoke with more confidence and energy than he had ever done before. He answered, 'Yes, but it breaks my heart.' heart.' I asked what broke his heart? He said, 'The great mercy of the Son of God.' I was also informed, that numbers had felt a degree of tenderness on this occasion; and I have some reason to cherish the hope, that impressions were made on some which will be lasting and saving "

As far as their scanty means would admit, the Board have commenced the purchase of a library for the use of their Missionary; and in consequence of Mr. Crane's having lately connected himself in matrimony, they have added to his former salary the use of the farm belonging to the Society..

The Treasurer's account accompanies this Report.


The prospects of the usefulness of this Institution, are more cheering at present than at any period since its organization, in the year

1796.—And on a review, especially of the year that is past, have we not great reason to bless and magnify the name of God our helper? and have we not every encouragement to persevere in this good and glorious cause? Into those fields which are whitening to the harvest, the sickle has been thrust; and the fruits of righteousness which have been gathered, we would hope are the first-fruits of a rich and abundant harvest.

The Directors cannot refrain from congratulating their brethren, on the establishment in this city, during the last year, of the "United Foreign Missionary Society;" and while they would express their sincere desires, that that Institution may be rendered eminently. successful in the glorious cause in which they have embarked, they would also confidently hope, that the resources of our Society will not be diminished, nor the efforts of its members relaxed, and that with united hearts and hands, we may still continue to advance under the auspices of that same gracious Providence that has hitherto conducted us. To him, and to the word of his grace, would we commend ourselves, and the interests of those Heathen who have for. years been committed to our care; and while he permits us, on this occasion, gratefully to erect our Ebenezer, we would go forward with the humble trust, and the fervent prayer, that for every future exigence "the Lord will provide."

By order of the Board of Directors,

P. N. STRONG, Clerk.

[By the Treasurer's account it appears that the Society have expended during the past year, $3349.93; and that their income has only been $1449.23 of which $673, arise from collections in the churches in this city connected with the Institution; $72 from members of the Society; $509.50 from dividends on stock; $25 a donation from S. V. Š. Wilder; $60 a collection in the 3d Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia; and $100 from a member of that church, (transmitted by Rev. Dr. E. S. Ely,)-both these latter sums contributed to aid in being a church in the Tuscarora viilage : and there was at the date of the account, 7th April 1818, a balance due the Treasurer of $1564.13.]

Seventh Number of Monthly Correspondence of the British and Foreign Bible Society. (Concluded.)

Specimen of the Monthly Paper of Business, printed and issued by the Committee of the Russian Bible Society.

The following is an Abstract of the Paper containing the Business of November the 13th, 1817.

There were laid before the Committee, specimens of the following recently printed editions of the New Testament: viz. the second edition of the Slavonian New Testament, in duodecimo, on stereotype; the Moldavian in octavo; and a third of the German, according to the Roman Catholic Version; each consisting of 5000 copies.

The first proof sheet of the Georgian New Testament, demy quarto, to consist of 2000 copies.

The Committee were informed that the printing of the Moldavian Bible was already begun. The original from which this edition of 5000 copies is printed, had been sent for that purpose by the Exarch Gabriel, Metropolitan of Kishenau and Chotin.

It was resolved to make known to all the parishes in Finland, by means of their ministers, that Bibles in Finnish may now be had at the depository of the Russian Bible Society, at five rubles the copy, bound; and the New Testament at one ruble, sixty kopeks. The extraordinary desire of the Finns for the Bible is sufficiently known: this notice will, therefore, be to them most welcome.

The Committee have received, during the months of September and October, the following remittances from Auxiliary Societies:-From the Voronesian Committee, 2000 rubles.-The Tulasian, 2249. From that at Cronstadt, 795.-From the Tauridian, 700.That of Tobolsk, 5500.-The Saratovian, 1000.-Moghiley, 2100, and 1 ducat in gold.-From that at Witepsk, 500.-From Astrachan, 875. From Watka, 500.-From Pskoff, 1400.-Resan 470; and 7 rubles, 50 kopeks in silver; and from the Committee of Kostroma, 1000 rubles.

The following also from their correspondents :-The Armenian Archbishop John, 190 rubles.-The Governor of the civil department of Irkutsk, 240 rubles, for one part of which, returns in Bibles are requested for the use of the inhabitants of the Srednekolymsky department; the remainder, a voluntary offering to the Bible Society, from the Heathen dwelling in the circle of Jakutsk; and lastly, 600 rubles from the Armenian Archbishop Nerses, in Tiflis.

Zeal in the Bible cause is spreading far and wide in our extended empire, and produces emulation every where; accounts have very lately been received of the formation of the following branches of the Russian Bible Society :

1. At Kieff. The Vice-Presidents elected, were, Serapion, Metropolitan of Kieff, and Halitsch; Rajeffsky, General of Cavalry; Masse, Lieutenant-General, and Commander at Kieff, and the Civil Governor of the place, Nasimoff. At the opening of this Society, 6404 rubles were voluntarily subscribed.

2. Vladimir, where the Vice Presidents elected, were, Xenophon, Bishop of Vladimir and Susdal; Jurloff, Actual Counsellor of State, and Civil Governor; and Prince Wolkonsky, Chamberlain, and Marshal of the Nobility.

3. At Orel, the Vice-Presidents are, Jonas, Bishop of Orel and Seffsk; Korf, Adjutant-General to His Imperial Majesty."

4. The Bessarabian; the Vice-Presidents are, Gabriel, the Exarch, Metropolitan of Kishenau and Chotin, and the Governor of Bessarabia. Among the Members of the Committee, are, Leontius, the Metropolitan of Servia; Gregory, Archbishop of the Bessarabian Armenians; Demetrius, Bishop of Bender and Akerman; and several others.

Departments, small towns, and even single parishes, are by no means deficient in exertions for promoting the object of the Bible Society.

The following Branches and Associations have lately been formed: 1. At Kurmysch, in the Simbirskian Government, under the Presidency of the Counsellor of State, Mr. Papoff, by whose exertions it has been established. The active Members of this Association have already collected in contributions upwards of five hundred rubles. So zealous are they to supply the inhabitants of their circle with the Holy Scriptures, that they have been endeavouring to find out means for translating the New Testament into the language of the Tschuwassians, and printing it in the Russian character, for the benefit of that nation, to whom this precious treasure has been hitherto unknown.

2. At Rauge in the circle of Dorpat Werro, in the Livonian Government, which already consists of 700 Members. The Committee at Dorpat, and other zealous promoters of the good cause among the proprietors of estates, have presented this new Branch with 300 Esthonian New Testaments for gratuitous distribution. On the 13th of August last, they held their first general meeting in their parish church, at which about 4000 people were assembled.

The minister of the parish delivered on this occasion an excellent discourse from Philippians i. 2-11., and endeavoured to impress upon the hearts of his hearers, that, "on this solemn occasion, it was not, how many kopeks they had thrown into the treasury of the Bible Society, nor even having heard something about the word of God, but the chief point was, that every Member, from this day, should feel himself more deeply impressed with a sense of his duty to hear and read the divine word, wherever there was an opportunity; to love it more, to endeavour to get a clearer and more perfect understanding of it; to communicate his knowledge to others, particularly to his children and household; and to lead, in conformity to its precepts, a life of faith, hope, and charity."

3. The Achtyrka Branch of the Slobodsko Ukranian Society. Their contributions have already amounted to upwards of 1400 rubles, to part of which sum, the officers of the Wolhynian regiment of Hulans have contributed.

The fixed attention of all persons assembled at the meeting for the formation of this Bible Society, the uninterrupted silence which prevailed during the reading of the several papers, and the seriousness which pervaded the whole of the transaction, proved a real triumph to every friend of the word of God.

4. A similar Auxiliary Society, will shortly be established in the town of Tschaussy, in the district of the Moghiley Branch.

5. The Voronesian Branch has informed the Committee, that the like Associations have been established in the towns of Bobroff and Sadonsk.

The Moghiley Committee have informed us, that they have received safe the 2102 copies of the Holy Scriptures in various lan

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