תמונות בעמוד

Delmaire, widow of Abraham, 198.
Delmarre, Isaac, 201, 205.
Margueritte, 205.

Marie Madelaine, 201.
Rachel, 206.
Susanne, 201.
Deloches, Lieut.-Col., 76.
De Loenus,

Delor, Mdme. Vignier, 290.
De Luze, Jacques, 202, 205.
De Maresch, Geraert, 211.
De Massaune, M. et Madame, 140.
De Matignon, Marshal, 85.

De Montmillan, Anne Gabrielle, 343.
De Moyenson, Jean, see Moeyensoen.
De Neufville, Wm., xv, 86.
Denis l'Aréopagiste, 30.
Denis, Leonard, 196 bis.

Denization, Letters of, and Acts of
Naturalization for Aliens in England,
viii, x, xii, xxxi, xxxii, xxxvi, 347,
Denization, letters of, 33; see also

Denmark, 24; King of, 332; Prince
George of, 66.

De Nossay, Bénigne, 349.
François, 349.

De Paepe,

- 38.

De Pasy, Madame, 349.
De Prez, Dr., 103 note.

De Prioleau, Benedetto, see Priolo.
Deptford. 411.

Derbaut, Mad., 174.

De Remeugnac, Chalant, 322.

De Richemond, Monsr., 350.

De Roqueservière, M., 225, 226.
De Roufiniac, M., 150.

De Rozel, Mary, 343.

De Ruy, Jean, widow of, 190.

De Saint Gelais de Séligné, Bénigne,

De St. Helenne, Sarah, 344.

De Saint Légier, René, 349.

De Saint Légier de Boisrond, René,

[blocks in formation]

Des Loires, Madame, 350..
Monsr., 350.

name of, 350.
Desmajeu, Anne, 206.

De Smidt, Abraham, xxvii.
Desobry, or De Zoubry, Francoise,

Phillippe, 207.

Desodes, Capt., 75.

Desperans, Isabelle, 205.
Destrier, Jean, 197, 205.

widow of Jean, his father, 209.
name of, 196.

De Sussac, Jeanne, 343.

De Teissier, General The Baron, iv.
De Tiembronne, Phillip, 211.
De Touchimbert, Madelaine, 343.
De Touzay, Louise, 131 note.
Dettingen, battle of, 327.
Deue, Salomon, 152.

Deux-Ponts, Jean, Duc de, 286, 286

[blocks in formation]

Dolbel, Jean, 351; Jean, his son, 351.
Dolben, Daniel, 471.

Dollon, Martha, 343; see also Doland
and De Dollon.

Donavant, Anne, 344.

Dorbien (?), Henry Hollard, 194.
Dordrecht, 303, 304.

D'Orignac, Madme. Benine, 349.
Dormaunt, Madeleine, 343.
Dornholzhausen, 336, 338.
Doudar, Angelique, 343.

Dover, 307, 308; Buck's engraving
of, 101 note; Custom House, 101,
101 note; Customer of, 101 note;
French prisoners confined in the
Castle, 341; Historical Sketch of
the Town of Dover, 101 note; Lyon's
History of Dover, 101 note; Mayor
of, 97, 98, 140 note, 198; Presby-
terian and Baptist Registers of,
130, 130 note; St. Mary's Church,
102 note, 103, 103 note, 198; its
registers, 130, 135; registers of St.
James's Church, 99 note, 101 note,
130; survey of the harbour, 100,
101; unlawful conventicles at, 99
note; Wilson's painting of, 101 note.
Dover, First Foreign (Dutch) Church
of, 211.

Dover, Second Foreign (French)
Church of, 211.

Dover, Third Foreign (Walloon)
Church of, 96, 97 note, 98, 99 ter,
99 note, 100, 140 note, 198 quinquies,
199 ter, 211, 216; its account books,
94; its registers, 94, 99, 99 note;
the pulpit and benches, 217.
Dover, French services held at,
between the dates of the closing of
the Third and the foundation of the
Fourth Foreign Church, 99, 216.
Dover, Fourth Foreign Church of,

Dover, The Fourth Church at, 1685-
1731, (Paper entitled), xxix, xxxvii,
93; its history derived from the
minute-books of the proceedings
of the Consistory and other sources,
93-138; accounts of the receipts
and expenditure of the Church,
139-195; its registers, 195-201, see
also the Paper passim; reconnais
sances entered in the account-books,
201-211; list of ministers, elders,
and deacons of the four foreign
Churches of Dover, 211, 212; rent
paid for the Church and stipends
of the ministers, 212-215; Isaac
Minet's 'relation' of the history of

the Church and its predecessors,

The Bible of the Church, 143,
143 note; Common Prayer Book,
145; cups and linen used for the
communion service, formerly belong-
ing to the Protestant Church of
Guînes, 103-107, 137, 138, 143 note,
195, 217; the pulpit and benches,
217; the Table of the Ten Command-
ments, 127 note, 137, 173, 217.

The New Buildings' in which
the services were held, 96, 100, 101,
216; photographic reproduction of
a drawing of them, facing page 101.
Dover, Huguenot prisoners at, 340.
Downe, Mary, 197.

Dresden, 90, 302.

Dreux, battle of, 311.


Drusius, (Jean Van den Driesche), 41,

Drusus, tomb of, 295.

Du Bec-Crespin, Marie Elizabeth, 291.
Dublin, 349, 350; Cathedral of St.

Patrick, 324; registers of the con-
formist French Churches of St.
Patrick and St. Mary, viii, xii,
xxxi, xxxvi, 198, 350; of the non-
conformist French Churches of
Peter Street and Lucy Lane, 350,

Du Bois, Antoine, and his family,

[blocks in formation]

Du Bouchet Barjon, Peter, 353.
Du Bourdieu, Jean, 69, 342; his
Appeal to the English Nation, 346.
Dubreville, Mary, 343.

Du Cane, Major-General Sir Edmund
F., K.C. B., Vice-President, xix,
xliii, 5, 68.
Duclus, Jean, 178.`

Du Comte, Antoine, 205.
Du Crocq, Francois, 173.

Ducrot, Guillaume, 134 note.
Dudley, Lord, Anne, daughter of,

Du Fau, Lieut., 75.
Du Four, Jacq, 140.
Du Fournier, —, 179.
Du Gua,

Du Hamel, Anne, 206.
Duhamel, Marie, 206.
Duke, Eliza., 344.
Du Mas, Jno., 339.
Dumas, Pierre, 206.
Dumon, David, 179.
Du Mont, Ester, 99.

[blocks in formation]

Du Riez, Duriez, Durier, or Duriz,
Samuel, 137, 137 note, 144-148,
155-158, 160-166, 197, 212, passim;
his wife Suzanne Newiar, after-
wards married to Mr. Stokes, see
Stokes; his daughter, 168.
Duriz, Samuel, see Du Riez.

Suson, see Stokes.

Du Rieu, Dr. W. N., xviii, 5.
D'Urte, Pierre, 353.

Dutch, Huguenots in their army, 321,
323; at Colchester, xiii, 48-52; at
Rouen, xlii; in London, 334, 334
note, see also London; Germans in-
cluded in the term, 331-334, ; fleet,
74; passants' through Dover, 142
bis, 143, 144, 167; prisoners confined
at Canterbury and Dover, 341 note;
refugees and immigrants, xii; troops
at the battle of Fontenoy, 327; in
the War of the Spanish Succession,
66, 74; see also Paper entitled
Flamands et Wallons du 16e siècle

réfugiés en Angleterre passim,
Flemings, Holland, Netherlands,
Colchester, and London.

Duthoit, Rev. W., D.C.L., 5.

Du Val, Anne, 173.

Du Villier, Bernard, 179.
Duwellen, Jenne, 99.
Dyers, 49.

EAGER, Capt., 75.
Eames, see Yeames.
Eastcott, Middlesex, 469.
Eaton, Thomas, 91 note.
Edinburgh, 306, 307.
Edmonton, 402.

Edolo, 226, 255.

Edward, - 144.

Edward the Elder, King of England,

Edward III., 32, 49.

Edward VI., 24, 25, 90, 332 bis; dairy
of, 332; portrait of, and others,
facing page 330.

Elector Palatine, 26, 27, 270, 295, 318,

Elizabeth of Austria, Queen of France,
consort of Charles IX., 92.
Elizabeth, Princess, daughter of James
I., 323.

Elizabeth, Queen of England, 23, 24,
29, 32, 35 note, 37, 39, 39 note, 40,
59, 67, 90, 278, 352.
Ellie, Benja., 168.
Eloy Catherine, 206.
Hopman, 40.

Elzevir, Jean, 277.

Louis, 277.

[blocks in formation]

English exiles in Queen Mary's time,

24, 27.

English religious refugees in Germany
and Switzerland, 86-91.
Englishman, Lucas de Heere's portrait
of a naked, 37.

Engravings &c. of Huguenot interest:
Dover, 101, 101 note, facing p. 101;
Hackney, 471; see also Portraits.
Eugstedt, New, 337.
Enschede, J. A., xvii.
Epernon, Duc de, 82, 83.

Epinay, Alex. Guillaume de Melun,
Prince d', 292.
Erasmus, 23, 330.

'Eresia luterana' in Italy, xxxviii.
Erlangen, xlii.

Eroard. Marie, 196.

Erouard, Elizabeth, 197.

- Jacob, 197.

Jacques, 197.

Escot, Joannes, 88.

Escotus, Joannes, 87.

Espiennes, Bas Guienne, 203, 209,

Esquerelle, Esquirol, or Squirl, family
of, 353.

Esquirol, see Esquerelle.

Essex, Chapman and Andre's, map of,


[blocks in formation]



Fauvelet du Toe,
Fauvet, Pierre, 197.
Fawne, Oswald, 344.
Fayeull, Jacques, see Fayeulle.
Fayeulle, Fayeull, Faieulle, Faieul,
Fayolle, Fayol, Faiolle, or Faiol,
Jacques, 143-145, 149-153, 155, 160,
176, passim.

Fayol, Jacques, see Fayeulle.
Fayolle, Jacques, see Fayeulle.
Fenestrelle, Wurtemberg, 339 note.
Fenoulhet, family of, 471.

Ferrara, 301; 'heretics' at, xl.
Ferron, Ensign, 75.

Fezant, Joseph Engelbert, 346 bis.
Figon, Michel, 140.

Fions, Nérac, 203, 207 bis, 209, 210.
Flamands et Wallons, Quelques notes

sur les Réformées, du 16e siècle
réfugiés en Angleterre, iii, xiii,
xxxvi, 22.

Flanders, 32, 49, 140, 169 ter, 276,
313, 314, 317, 352.

Flannel, manufacture of, 50.

Flemings, 49; at Embden, 24; at
Frankfort-on-the-Main, xv; at Nor-
den, 24; at Rouen, xlii; see also

Florence, 299, 301.
Floris, Franz, 36.

Flotard, David, 71, 72.

Flotervel, Christian, 185.

Flourbais, 31.

Flushing, 41, 198, 199 bis, 200, 304.
Foisse, - 179.

Foncebrand, Capt., 75.

Fontaine, James, 123, 124.
Jean, 206,

Fontana, Signor, xxxviii, xl.
Fontenoy, battle of, 327.
Foreign Societies devoted to the
history of the Huguenots and other
Protestants, xvi-xix, xxxviii-xlii ;
see also Huguenot Society of London,
Societies in correspondence with it,
and Marnix, Société de.

Foreigners in England, see Aliens.
Forest Gate, Essex, 431.
Foucar, A. L., xxi.

Mrs. A. L., xxi.

Fouet, Pierre, 197.
Foulk, Lieut., 75.

Fournier, Pierre, 147, 158, 197.
Fouvet, 113.

Fox, John, the martyrologist, 28, 29,


Fradin, Jacques, 351.

Marie, 351.

Fraele, 316.

Frame, 267.

Français, Société de l'Histoire du
Protestantisme, vii, xi, xvi, xvii,
xli, 7, 43, 350 note.
France, 36, 39, 167, 168 bis, 183, 191,
288-290; and the war in the Val-
telline, see Paper entitled Rohan's,
The Duc de, Relations with the
Republic of Venice, passim; body-
guard of the Kings of, 307; declara.
tion of war by England against, in
1702, 65; martial law of, 310;
military leaders of, 310; persecu-
tions in, 292; proposed levies in, for
service under the Republic of Venice,
218-224; Protestant Churches of,
xvii, 67, 285; union of Piedmont
with, 335.

the Court of, despatches of the
Ambassadors of the Netherlands at,
xviii, xlii; of Venetian Ambassadors
at, 77-86, see also Suriano.

Lonis, Dauphin of, 48.
Franche Comté, 269.

Francomme, Jean, 109, 110, 111, 113,
131 bis, 131 note, 132, 133, 135 note,
137 bis, 147, 149, 172, 173 bis,
174 bis, 177, 183, 185, 187 note, 188,
189, 190 ter, 191 bis, 192 ter, 193 ter,
197, 212.

Franconia, 318, 319.
Franecken, 303,
Franeker, xvii, 42.

Frankfort-on-the-Main, 294. 295, 336,
337, 340; French church of, xix;
religious refugees at, xv, xvi, 24,
27, 86-90; Der Verein für Geschiehte
und Alterthumskunde, xli, 7.
Franne, 267 bis.

Französische Colonie, die, xli.
Frederick, the Elector, 302.
Frederiks, Dr. J. G., xviii.
Free, Rev. Richard, 5.
French, in London, 334 note, see also
London; 'passants' through Dover,
139-192 passim; prisoners of war,
at Canterbury, 341 note; at Dover,
168, 169, 340-342; at Plymouth,
340, 341; Protestants, see Franzö
ische, Huguenot Society (Societies
in correspondence with it), and
Huguenots; settlements amongst
the Vaudois in Germany, 337, 339;
troops in Germany, 340.
French, foreign Protestant churches
in England, holding their services
in, when non-conformist, styled
Walloon Churches, 109-111, 215;
appeal to their 'confédération,' 128.

[blocks in formation]

GABRIEL, Samuel, and his wife, 178.
Gachard, L. P., 30 note, 36 note, 39 note.
Gaillard, Philippe, 152.
Gallet, James, 338.

Galleys, the, Huguenots in, 69, 72.
Galloway, Earl of, see Galway.
Galway, Count Henri de Ruvigny,
Earl of, 74, 324-326, 342, 344; por-
trait of, facing page 324.

Gally de Gaujac (or Gaujeac), Peter
Henry, 345, 346.

Garda, Lake, 266 bis.

Gardiner, Rev. F. Evelyn, 470.

Rev. Thory Gage, xx bis, xxii, 59.
Stephen, Bishop of Winchester, 91.
Garison, N., see Garrison.

Garou, Paul, 204.

Garrison, or Garison, N., 190-192.
Gatou, Samuel, 197.

Gaujac, or Gaujeac, De, see Gally.
Gaultier, Henry, 206.

Gavaudun, Agen, 204, 209, 210.
Gay, Madame, 185.
Gedouin, Lieut., 75.
Geffraj, Johannes, 89,
Genatio, Col., 260, 261.
Genel, Ester, 201, 207.
Geneva, 31, 38, 185, 189, 290, 291,
439, 440; English religious refugees
at, 89-91, Livre des Anglois, 91;
Société d'Histoire et d'Archéologie,

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