תמונות בעמוד

we should always remember the nestly repent, and are heartily exceeding great love of cur Mas-sorry for these our misdoings: the ter and only Saviour Jesus Christ, remembrance of them is grievous thus dying for us, and the innu- unto us; the burthen of them is merable benefits which by his pre-intolerable. Have mercy upon cious blood-shedding he hath ob-us, have mercy upon us, most tained for us, he hath instituted merciful Father: for hy Son our and ordained holy Mysteries, as Lord Jesus Christ's sake, forgive pledges of his love, and for a con-us all that is past; and grant, that tinual remembrance of his death, we may ever hereafter serve and to our great and endless comfort. please thee in newness of life to To him therefore, with the Fa-the honour and glory of thy ther, and the Holy Ghost, let us name, through Jesus Christ our give, as we are most bounden, Lord. Amen. continual thanks, submitting ourselves wholly to his holy will and pleasure, and studying to serve hiin in true holiness and righteousness, all the days of our life.


Then shall the Bishop stand up, and

turning to the People, say,

ALMIGHTY God, our heaven

ly Father, who, of his great mercy, hath promised forgiveness of sins to all those who with 7 Then shall the Bishop say to those who hearty repentance and true faith come to receive the Communion, turn unto him, have mercy upon YE E who do truly and earnestly you; pardon and deliver you repent you of your sins, and from all your sins; confirm and are in love and charity with your and bring you to everlasting life, strengthen you in all goodness; neighbours, and intend to lead a


¶ Then shall the Bishop say, Hear what comfortable words

new life, following the command-through Jesus Christ our Lord ments of God, and walking from henceforth in his holy ways; draw near with faith, and take this holy Sacrament to your comfort; and our Saviour Christ saith unto all make your humble confession to who truly turn to him. Almighty God, devoutly kneeling. COME unto me, all ye that travel and are heavy laden, and Then shall this general Confession be I will refresh you. St. Malt. xi. 23. made by the Bishop and all those who So God loved the world, that are minded to receive the Holy Communion, humbly kneeling. The gave his only begotten Son, to ALMIGHTY God, Father of the end that all that believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, Maker him should not perish, but have of all things, Judge of all men ; everlasting life. St John, iii. 16 we acknowledge and bewail our Hear also what St. Paul saith. manifold sins and wickedness,l This is a true saying, and wor which we from time to time most thy of all men to be received. grievously have committed, by that Christ Jesus came into the thought, word, and deed, against world to save sinners. 1 Tim. i. 15, thy divine Majesty; provoking Hear also what St. John saith. most justly thy wrath and indig- If any man sin, we have a nation against us. We do ear-Advocate with the Father, Jesus



Christ the righteous; and he is! Upon Easter Day, and seven Days the propitiation for our sins. 1 John, ii. 1, 2.

After which the Bishop shall proceed, saying,

BUT chiefly are we bound to
praise thee for the glorious
resurrection of thy Son Jesus
Christ our Lord: For he is the

Lift up your hearts.
Answer. We lift them up unto very Paschal Lamb, which was

the Lord.

offered for us, and hath taken

Bishop. Let us give thanks un-away the sin of the world; who to our Lord God.

Answer. It is meet and right so

o do.

Then shall the Bishop turn to the
Lord's Table, and say,

IT is very meet, right, and our

by his death bath destroyed death, and, by his rising to life again, hath restored to us everlasting life: Therefore with Angels, &c.

Upon Ascension Day, and seven Days after.

bounden duty, that we should THROUGH thy most dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ our at all times, and in all places, give thanks unto thee, O Lord, [*Holy Lord; who, after his most gloriFather,] Almighty, everlasting ous resurrection, manifestly ap peared to all his Apostles, and


Here shall follow the proper Preface, in their sight ascended up into according to the time, if there be any heaven, to prepare a place for us, specially appointed; or else immedi- that where he is, thither we might ately shall be said or sung by the Bi-also ascend, and reign with him THEREFORE with Angels and in glory: Therefore with Angels, Archangels, and with all the πT

shop and People,



company of heaven, we laud and Upon Whitsunday, and six Days after magnify thy glorious name ; ever-THROUGH Jesus Christ our more praising thee, and saying, Lord; according to whose Holy, holy, holy, Lord God of most true promise, the Holy Hosts; heaven and earth are full Ghost came down as at this time of thy glory: Glory be to thee, from heaven, with a sudden great O Lord Most High. Amen. sound, as it had been a mighty wind, in the likeness of fiery tongues, lighting upon the AposUpon Christmas Day, and seven Days tles, to teach them, and to lead them to all truth; giving them BECAUSE thou didst give Je- both the gift of divers languages, sus Christ, thine only Son, to and also boldness with fervent be born as at this time for us; zeal, constantly to preach the who, by the operation of the Ho-gospel unto all nations; whereby ly Ghost, was made very man, of we have been brought out of the substance of the Virgin Mary darkness and error, into the clear his Mother; and that without light and true knowledge of thee, spot of sin, to make us clean from and of thy Son Jesus Christ: all sin: Therefore with Angels, &c. Therefore with Angels, &c.


* These words [Holy Father] must be omitted on Trinity Sunday,

be said,

the Paten into

Upon the Feast of Trinity only, may ALL glory be to thee, Almighty God, our heavenly Father, WHO art one God, one Lord; for that thou, of thy tender mernot one only person, but cy, didst give thine only Son Je three persons in one substancesus Christ to suffer death upon For that which we believe of the the cross for our redemption; who glory of the Father, the same we made there, by his one oblation believe of the Son, and of the of himself once offered, a full, Holy Ghost, without any differ-perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, ence or inequality: Therefore oblation, and satisfaction, for the with Angels &c. sins of the whole world; and did Or else this may be said, the words institute, and in his holy gospel [Holy Fathes being retained in the command us to continue a perpeintroductory Address. tual memory of that his precious FOR the precious death and death and sacrifice until his commerits of thy Son Jesus Christ ing again: For, in the night in our Lord, and for the sending to which he was beus of the Holy Ghost the Com-trayed, (a) he took (a) Here the forter; who are one with thee in bread; and when Bishop is to take thy eternal Godhead: Therefore he had given thanks his hands. with Angels, &c. (b) he brake it, (b) And here Then shall the Bishop, kneeling down and give it to his t at the Lord's Table, say, in the name disciples, saying, Communion, this prayer following: Take, eat, (c) this is WE E do not presume to come to my Body, which is to lay his hands this thy Table, O merciful given for you; Do this in remomLord, trusting in our own righteousness, bet in thy manifold and brance of me. Likegreat mercies. We are not wor-wise, after supper thy so much as to gather up the (d) he took the cup; crumbs under thy Table. But and when he had to take the cup thou art the same Lord, whose given thanks, be property is always to have mercy: gave it to them, Tirant us therefore, gracious Lord, saying, Drink ye all so to eat the flesh of thy dear Son of this; for (e) this (e) And here Jesus Christ, and to drink his is my Blood of the he is to lay his hands upon eveNew Testament, blood, that our sinful bodies may ry Vessel in be made clean by his body, and which is shed for which there is our souls washed through his most you, and for many. any Wine to be precious blood, and that we may for the remission of consecrated. evermore dwell in him, and he sins: Do this as oft In us. Amen. as ye shall drink it

of all those who shall receive the

in remembrance of

When the Bishop, standing before the
Table, bath so ordered the Bread and me.

break Bread.


(c) And here



all the

(d) Here he is

into his hands.

Wine, that he may with the more rea- The Oblation. WHEREFORE, O

mess and decency break the Bread

Lord and hea

before the People, and take the Cup venly Father, according to the teto his hands; fe'shall say the Prayer of Canarration, as followeth

linstitution of thy dearly beloved

Son our Saviour Jesus Christ, we, and heavenly benediction, and thy humble servants, do celebrate made one body with him, that he and make here before thy divine may dwell in them, and they in Majesty, with these thy holy him. And although we are ungifts, which we now offer unto worthy, through our manifold thee, the memorial thy Son hath sins, to offer unto thee any sacricommanded us to make; having fice; yet we beseech thee to acin remembrance his blessed pas-cept this our bounden duty and sion and precious death, his migh-service, not weighing our mety resurrection and glorious as-rits, but pardoning our offences; cension; rendering unto thee through Jesus Christ our Lord; most hearty thanks for the innu- by whom, and with whom, in merable benefits procured unto us the unity of the Holy Ghost, all by the same. And honour and glory be unto thee, O The Invocation. we most humbly Father Almighty, world without beseech thee, O merciful Father, end. Amen. to hear us; and, of thy Almighty goodness, vouchsafe to bless and sanctify, with thy Word and Holy Spirit, these thy gifts and creatures of bread and wine; that we, receiving them according to thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ's holy institution, in remembrance of his Death and Passion, may be partakers of his most blessed THE Body of our Lord Jesus body and Blood. And we ear- Christ, which was given for nestly desire thy fatherly good-thee, preserve thy body and soul ness, mercifully to accept this unto everlasting life: Take and our sacrifice of praise and thanks-eat this in remembrance that giving; most humbly beseeching Christ died for thee, and feed on thee to grant, that by the merits him in thy heart by faith, with and death of thy Son Jesus Christ, thanksgiving.

Here shall be sung a Hymn, or Part of a Hymn, from the Selection for the Feasts and Fasts, &c.

Then shall the Bishop first receive

the Communion in both kinds himself, and proceed to deliver the same to the Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, in like manner, and, after that, to the People also in order, into their hands, all devoutly kneeling: And when he delivereth the Bread, he shall say,

and through faith in his blood, And the Bishop, delivering the Cup, we, and all thy whole Church, shall say, may obtain remission of our sins, THE Blood of our Lord Jesus and all other benefits of his pas- Christ, which was shed for sion. And here we offer and thee, preserve thy body and soul present unto thee, O Lord, our-junto everlasting life: Drink this selves, our souls, and bodies, to in remembrance that Christ's be a reasonable, hely, and living blood was shed for thee, and be sacrifice unto thee; humbly be- thankful. seeching thee, that we, and all others who shall be partakers of this holy Communion, may wor thily receive the most precious Body and Blood of thy Son Jesus Christ, be filled with thy grace!

If the consecrated Bread and Wine be spent before all have communicated, the Bishop is to consecrate more, according to the Form before pre scribed; beginning at—All glory be to thee, Almighty God-and ending with

these words-Partakers of hit most Blessed Body and Blood,

When all have communicated, the to whom. with thee and the Holy Bishop shall return to the Lord's Table, Ghost, be all honour and glory, and reverently place upon it what re

maineth of the consecrated Elements, world without end. Amen.

covering the same with a fair Linen


Then shall the Bishop say the Lord's Prayer, the People repeating after him every petition.

OUR Father, who art in Hea

Then shall be said or sung, all standing, Gloria in Excelsis, or some proper Hymn from the Selection.

GLORY be to God on high, and in earth peace, good will to

ven, Hallowed be thy Name; wards men. We praise thee, we Thy Kingdom come; Thy Will bless thee, we worship thee, we be done on Earth, as it is in Hea-glorify thee, we give thanks to ven; Give us this day our daily thee for thy great glory, O Lord bread; And forgive us our tres- God, heavenly King, God the passes, as we forgive those who Father Almighty.

After which, shall be said as followeth :

trespass against us; And lead us O Lord, the only begotten Son not into temptation; But deliver Jesus Christ; O Lord God, Lamb us from evil: For thine is the of God, Son of the Father, who kingdom, and the Power, and takest away the sins of the world, the Glory, For ever and ever. have mercy upon us: Thou who Amen. takest away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us: Thou who takest away the sins of the world, ALMIGHTY and everliving receive our prayer: Thou who God, we most heartily thank sittest at the right hand of God thee, for that thou dost vouchsafe the Father, have mercy upon us. to feed us, who have duly received] For thou only art holy; thou these hol mysteries, with the only art the Lord; thou only O spiritual fed of the most precious Christ, with the Holy Ghost, art Body and blood of thy Son our most High in the glory of God Saviour Jesus Christ; and dost the Father. Amen. assure us thereby of thy favour T Then the Bishop shall let them depart and goodness towards us; and with this blessing.

that we are very members in-THE peace of God, which pascorporate in the mystical body of seth all understanding, keep thy Son, which is the blessed com- your hearts and minds in the pany of all faithful people; and knowledge and love of God, and are also heirs through hope of thy of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord. everlasting kingdom, by the me-And the blessing of God Almighrits of the most precious death ity, the Father, the Son, and the and passion of thy dear Son. And Holy Ghost, be amongst you, and we mest humbly beseech thee, O remain with you always. Amen. heavenly Father, so to assist us with thy grace, that we may continue in that holy fellowship, and do all such good works as thou bast prepared for us to walk in, through Jesus Christ our Lord;

If any of the consecrated Bread and Wine remain after the Communion, it shall not be carried out of the Church; but the Bishop and other Commu Blessing, reverently eat and drink the nicants shall, immediately after the


Here endeth the Order for the Administration of the Holy Communion.

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