תמונות בעמוד

Saint Mark's Day.

The Collect.

plieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every Aimighty God, who hast in- part, maketh increase of the body, structed thy holy Church unto the edifying of itself in love. with the heavenly doctrine of thy The Gospel. St. John, xv. 1. Evangelist Saint Mark; give us Am the true vine, and my Fagrace, that being not like children ther is the husbandman. Every carried away with every blast of branch in me that beareth not vain doctrine, we may be esta-fruit, he taketh away; and every blished in the truth of thy holy branch that beareth fruit, he Gospel, through Jesus Christ our purgeth it, that it may bring forth Lord. Amen. more fruit. Now ye are clean

The Epistle. Ephes. iv. 7 through the word which I have UNTO every one of us is given spoken unto you. Abide in me,

grace, according to the mea- and I in you. As the branch cansure of the gift of Christ. Where- not bear fruit of itself, except it fore he saith, When he ascended abide in the vine; no more can up on high, he led captivity cap-ye, except ye abide in nic. I am tive, and gave gifts unto men. the vine, ye are the branches. (Now that he ascended, what is He that abideth in me, and I in it but that he also descended first him, the same bringeth forth much into the lower parts of the earth? fruit: for without me ye can do He that descended is the same nothing. If a man abide not in also that ascended up far above me, he is cast forth as a branch, all heavens, that he might fill all and is withered; and men ga.her things.) And he gave some apos-them, and cast them into the fire, tles, and some prophets, and some and they are burned. If ye abide evangelists, and some pastors and in me, and my words abide in teachers; for the perfecting of the you, ye shall ask what ye will, saints, for the work of the minis-jand it shall be done unto you. try, for the edifying of the body Herein is my Father glorified, of Christ; till we all come in the that ye bear much fruit; so shall unity of the faith, and of the know-ye be my disciples. As the Faledge of the Son of God, unto ather hath loved me, so have I perfect man, unto the measure loved you continue ye in my of the stature of the fulness of love. If ye keep my commandChrist: that we henceforth be no ments, ye shall abide in my love; more children, tossed to and fro, even as I have kept my Father's and carried about with every wind commandments, and abide in his of doctrine, by the sleight of men, love. These things have I spoken nd cunning craftiness, whereby unto you, that my joy might reney lie in wait to deceive; but main in you, and that your joy speaking the truth in love, may might be full. grow up into him in all things,

which is the head, even Christ: Saint Philip and Saint James's Day. From whom the whole body fitly joined together, and compacted by that which every joint sup

The Collect. Almighty God, whom truly to know is everlasting life;

grant us perfectly to know thy The Gospel. St. John, xiv. 1. Son Jesus Christ to be the way, AND Jesus said unto his disci the truth, and the life; that follow- ples, Let not your heart be ing the steps of thy holy Apostles, troubled: ye believe in God, Saint Philip and Saint James, believe also in me. In my Fa we may steadfastly walk in the ther's house are many mansions; way that leadeth to eternal life, if it were not so, I would have through the same thy Son Jesus told you. I go to prepare a place Christ our Lord. Amen. for you. And if I go and prepare

The Epistle St. James, i. 1. a place for you, I will come again, JAMES, a servant of God, and and receive you unto myself; that

of the Lord Jesus Christ, to where I am, there ye may be also. the twelve tribes which are scat- And whither I go, ye know, and tered abroad, greeting. My breth-the way ye know. Thomas saith ren, count it all joy when ye fail unto him, Lord, we know not into divers temptations; know-whither thou goest, and how can ing this, that the trying of your we know the way? Jesus saith faith worketh patience. Bu. let unto him, I am the way, the truth, patience have her perfect work, jand the life: no man cometh unto that ye may be perfect and en-the Father but by me. If ye had tire, wanting nothing. If any of known me, ye should have known you lack wisdom, let him ask of my Father also: and from hence. God, that giveth to all men Libe-forth ye know him. and have seen rally, and upbraideth not; and it him. Philip saith unto him, Lord. shall be given him. But let him show us the Father, and it sufask in faith, nothing wavering: [ficeth us. Jesus saith unto him,

for he that wavereth is like a Have I been so long time with wave of the sea, driven with the you, and yet hast thou not known wind, and tossed. For let not me, Philip? He that hath seen that man think that he shall re-me, hath seen the Father; and ceive any thing of the Lord. A how sayest thou then, Show us double-minded man is unstable in the Father? Believest thou not all his ways. Let the brother of that I am in the Father, and the low degree rejoice in that he is Father in me? The words that exalted, but the rich in that he speak unto you, I speak not of is made low; because as the flower myself; but the Father that dwellof the grass he shall pass away. eth in me, he doeth the works For the sun is no sooner risen Believe me, that I am in the Fawith a burning heat, but it wither, and the Father in me; or thereth the grass, and the flower else believe me for the very work's thereof falleth, and the grace of sake. Verily, verily, I say unto the fashion of it perisheth : so also you, He that believeth on me, shall the rich man fade away in the works that I do shal! he do his ways. Blessed is the man that also; and greater works than these endureth temptation; for when shall he do; because I go unto he is tried, he shall receive the my Father. And whatsoever ye crown of life, which the Lord hath shall ask in my name, that will I promised to them that love him. do, that the Father may be glo

rified in the Son. If ye shall ask Judea. Which also they did, and any thing in my name, I will do it. sent it to the elders by the hands of Barnabas and Saul.

Saint Barnabas the Apostle.

The Collect.

The Gospel. St. John, xv. 12. THIS is my commandment, That ye love one another, as

Lord God Almighty, who didst endue thy holy Apostle I have loved you. Greater love Barnabas with singular gifts of the hath no man than this, that a man Holy Ghost; leave us not, we be-lay down his life for his friends. seech thee, destitute of thy mani-Ye are my friends, if ye do whatfold gifts, nor yet of grace to use soever I command you. Hencethem alway to thy honour and forth I call you not servants; for glory, through Jesus Christ our the servant knoweth not what his Lord. Amen. lord doeth: but I have called you

For the Epistle. Acts, xi. 22. friends; for all things that I have TIDINGS of these things came heard of my Father, I have made



Saint John Baptist's Day.

The Collect.

unto the ears of the Church known unto you. Ye have not which was in Jerusalem and chosen me, but I have chosen you, they sent forth Barnabas, that he and ordained you, that ye should should go as far as Antioch: who, go and bring forth fruit. and that when he came, and had seen the your fruit should remain: that grace of God, was glad; and ex-whatsoever ye shall ask of the horted them all, that with pur-Father in my name, he may give pose of heart they would cleave it you. unto the Lord. For he was al good man, and full of the Holy Ghost, and of faith and much people was added unto the Lord. LMIGHTY God, by whose Then departed Barnabas to Tar- providence thy servant John sus for to seek Saul: And when Baptist was wonderfully born, he had found him, he brought him and sent to prepare the way of unto Antioch. And it came to pass, thy Son our Saviour, by preaching that a whole year they assembled repentance; make us so to follow themselves with the Church, and his doctrine and holy life, that we taught much people: and the dis-may truly repent according to his ciples were called Christians first preaching; and after his example in Antioch. And in these days constantly speak the truth, boldly came prophets from Jerusalem rebuke vice, and patiently suffer unto Antioch. And there stood for the truth's sake, through Jeup one of them, named Agabus, sus Christ our Lord. Amen. and signified by the Spirit, that For the Epistle. Isa. xl. 1. there should be great dearth COMFORT ye, comfort ye my throughout all the world: which people, saith your God. Speak came to pass in the days of Clau-lye comfortably to Jerusalem, and dius Cæsar. Then the disciples, cry unto her, that her warfare is every man according to his abili- accomplished, that her iniquity is ty, determined to send relief un-pardoned: for she hath receives to the brethren which dwelt in of the Lord's hand double for all

her sins. The voice of him that they came to circumcise the child crieth in the wilderness, Prepare and they called him Zacharias, ye the way of the Lord, make after the name of his father. And straight in the desert a highway his mother answered and said for our God. Every valley shall Not so; but he shall be called be exalted, and every mountain John. And they said unto her, and hill, shall be made low: and There is none of thy kindred that the crooked shall be made straight, is called by this name. And they and the rough places plain. And made signs to his father, how he the glory of the Lord shall be re- would have him called. And he vealed, and all flesh shall see it asked for a writing table, and together; for the mouth of the wrote, saying, His name is John. Lord hath spoken it. The voice And they marvelled all. And his said, Cry. And he said, What mouth was opened immediately, shall I cry? All flesh is grass, and and his tongue loosed, and he all the goodliness thereof is as spake, and praised God. And fear the flower of the field. The grass came on all that dwelt round about withereth, the flower fadeth, be-them: and all these sayings were cause the Spirit of the Lord blow-noised abroad throughout all the eth upon it: surely the people is hill country of Judea. And ali grass. The grass withereth, the they that had heard them, laid flower fadeth; but the word of them up in their hearts, saying, our God shall stand for ever. O What manner of child shall this Zion, that bringest good tidings, be? And the hand of the Lord was get thee up into the high moun-[with him. And his father Zacharias tain: O Jerusalem, that bringest was filled with the Holy Ghost, good tidings, lift up thy voice with and prophesied, saying, Blessed be strength; lift it up, be not afraid; the Lord God of Israel; for he say unto the cities of Judah, Be hath visited and redeemed his hold your God. Behold, the Lord people, and hath raised up an horn God will come with strong hand, of salvation for us, in the house of and his arm shall rule for him his servant David; as he spake by behold his reward is with him, the mouth of his holy prophets, and his work before him. He which have been since the world shall feed his flock like a shep-began; that we should be saved herd; he shali gather the lambs from our enemies, and from the with his arm, and carry them in hand of all that hate us: To perhis bosom, and shall gently lead form the mercy promised to our those that are with young. fathers, and to remember his holy The Gospel. St. Luke, i. 57. covenant: the oath which he ELISABETH's full time came sware to our father Abraham, that

that she should be delivered; he would grant unto us, that we, and she brought forth a son. And being delivered out of the hands her neighbours and her cousins of our enemies, might serve him heard how the Lord had showed without fear, in holiness and great mercy upon her; and they righteousness before him, all the rejoiced with her. And it came days of our life. And thou, child, to pass, that on the eighth day shalt be called the prophet of the

Highest: for thou shalt go before made without ceasing of the the face of the Lord, to prepare Church unto God for him. And his ways; to give knowledge of when Herod would have brought salvation unto his people by the him forth, the same night Peter remission of their sins, through was sleeping between two solthe tender mercy of our God; diers, bound with two chains; and whereby the Day-spring from on the keepers before the door kept high hath visited us, to give light the prison. And behold, the anto them that sit in darkness, and gel of the Lord came upon him, in the shadow of death, to guide and a light shined in the prison: our feet into the way of peace. and he smote Peter on the side, And the child grew, and waxed and raised him up, saying, Arise strong in spirit; and was in the up quickly. And his chains fell off deserts till the day of his show-from his hands. And the angel ing unto Israel.

Saint Peter's Day.

The Collect.

said unto him, Gird thyself, and bind on thy sandals: and so he did. And he saith unto him, Cast thy garment about thee, and follow Almighty God, who, by thy me. And he went out, and folSon Jesus Christ, didst give lowed him; and wist not that it to thy Apostle Saint Peter many was true which was done by the excellent gifts, and command-angel, but thought he saw a vi edst him earnestly to feed thy sion. When they were past the flock; make, we beseech thee, first and second ward, they came all Bishops and Pastors diligent-Junto the iron gate that leadeth unly to preach thy holy Word, and to the city, which opened to them the people obediently to follow of its own accord: and they went the same, that they may receive out, and passed on through one the crown of everlasting glory, street, and forthwith the angel through Jesus Christ our Lord. departed from him. And when Amen. Peter was come to himself, he For the Episile. Acts, xii. 1. said, Now know of a surety ABOUT that time, Herod the that the Lord hath sent his angel,

king stretched forth his hands and hath delivered me out of the to vex certain of the Church. hand of Herod, and from all the And he killed James the brother expectation of the people of the of John with the sword. And Jews.

because he saw it pleased the The Gospel. St. Matt. xvi. 13. Jews, he proceeded further to WHEN Jesus came into the take Peter also. (Then were the coasts of Cæsarea Philipp days of unleavened bread.) And he asked his disciples, saying, when he had apprehended him. Whom do men say that I, the he put him in prison and deliver-Son of man, am? And they said, ed him to four quarternions of Some say that thou art John the soldiers, to keep him; intending Baptist; some, Elias; and others, after Easter to bring him forth to Jeremias, or one of the prophets. the people. Peter therefore was He saith unto them, But whom kept in prison; but prayer was say ye that I am? And Simor

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