תמונות בעמוד

For the Erles soule of Sarum William longespe: for Jamys soule sum tyme lorde of Audeleigh: for Johnys soule lorde Louel: Thomas soule Monteagu, erle of Sarum: for the soule of hubert of burgh, for water sowle lord hungerford. etc.

And for alle soules whos bonys restyth in this churche and churche yerde. And all tho that hath yeve to this churche, rentys, vestimentis, or othere goodys; whereby God is the more worshipped in this churche and the mynysters thereof better susteyned: for all oure Brethern and Sistren soules, alle our pareshens soules. And for alle the soules that hath done eny good to this churche, and for alle crysten soules. Pater noster.

Hic revertat se sacerdos, et dicatur a choro alternatim supradicto modo hic psalmus, videlicet:

De profundis: sine Gloria Patri.

Sed cum :

Kyrie eleyson: Christe eleyson: Kyrie eleyson. Pater noster.

Deinde dicat sacerdos, sine nota:

Et ne nos inducas in tentationem.
Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine.

A porta inferi.

Credo videre bona Domini.

Dominus vobiscum.


Absolve, quæsumus Domine, animas famulorum tuorum, pontificum, regum, famulorum famularumque tuarum, et animas omnium fidelium defunctorum, ab omni vinculo delictorum; ut in resurrectionis gloria inter sanctos et electos tuos resuscitati respirent. Per Christum Dominum nostrum.

[blocks in formation]


Exhortation before Communion.


Forms of Exhortation in Uisitation of the Sick.

Exhortation before Communion.'

WOOD men and women, y charge yow by the Auctoryte of holy churche, that no man nother woman that this day proposyth here to be comenyd [communicated] that he go note to Godds bord, lase than he byleue stedfastlych, that the sacrament that he ys avysyd here to reseue, that yt ys Godds body, flesche and blode, yn the forme of bred; & that [which] he receyvythe afterward, ys no thyng ells but wyne & water, for to clense yowr mowthys of the holy sacrament. Furthermor, y charge yow that no man nother woman go to Godds borde, lase than he be of ys synnys clen confessyd, & for hem contryte; that ys to sey, hauyng sorow yn yowr herts, for yowre synnys. Furthermore, I charge yow yf ther be eny man or woman, that beryth yn his herte eny wrothe or rancor to eny of his evencristen [fellowchristian] that he be not ther howselyd, ther to the tyme that he be with hym yn perfyte love & cheryte, for ho so [whoso] beryth wrethe or evyll wyll yn herte, to eny of hys evencristen, he ys note worthy hys God to receyue; and yf he do, he reseyvythe his dampnacyon, where he schuld receyue his saluacion. Furthermore, y charge yow that none of yow go to Godds

1 From Harleian MS. 2383. in the British Museum. This extract is preceded by a form of private confession; and followed by a long form of absolution in Latin: after which come a homily,

and other miscellaneous matters.

The reader will observe the remarkable similarity of several of the sentences in this exhortation, with that ordered in our present Liturgy.

borde to day, lasse than he be yn full wyll & purpose for to sese and to withstond the deds of syn. For who proposyth now to contynue yn syn azene after hys holy tyme, he is note worthy to receyue his God; & yf he do hyt ys to hym grete perell. Furthermore, I charge all strangers bothe men and women, that none of yow go to godds borde, yn to tyme that 3e haue spoke with me, other [or] with myn asynys. Furthermore, y charge yow bothe men and women that havythe servants, that ze takythe hede that they be well y gouernyd yn takyng of mets & drynks, for the perell that may be fall, thorow forfeytyng of mets & drynks, for yf he brakythe or castythe hit owte with yn a day & a ny3the that he take hit yn to a vessell and do hit yn the fyyr. Also I charge hym that he be confessyd therof a-morow. Also 3e shall knell adown apon yowr kneys, seyyng after me, y cry God mercy, and our lady seynt mary, & all the holy company of hevyn, & my gostelyche fadyr, of all the trespasse of syn that y have don, in thowte, word, other [or] yn dede, fro the tyme that y was bore, yn to this tyme; that ys to say in Pryde, Envy, Wrethe, Slowthe, Covetyse, Gloteny, & Lechery. The v. Commawndements, dyuerse tymys y broke. The werks of mercy, note y fulfyllyd. My v. wytts mysse spend. etc. Misereatur vestri omnipotens Deus.


Absolutionis forma.

Deus noster Jesus Christus, pro sua magna misericordia, etc.

A Form of Exhortation at visiting

the Sick.1

O comfort a man or a woman, yn her laste ende, a priste schulde seyze thys. My dere frende, hit semyth that thou hyest faste owte of thys worlde, that ys so wrechyde, to the blysse of euer lastyng joyze; therefore put onlyche all thyn herte, & all thy mynde, yn Almy3ty Gode that made the, & hathe y bouzte the wythe his preciouse blode; and be glade that thou schalte com to heuen; there ys all maner joy3e; where thou schalte se almy3tty Gode our Saueour yn hys Godhede, sothefaste Gode & man; and ye schalte y fynde & y se all blessyde seintts, that prayeth for vs euer more, and principally our lady seint Marye, and holy angels, the apostelys, martyres, & confessours, & virgins & all blessyd men and wemen, that buthe y passyde to heuen a fore vs; the whych Cryste our Saueour bouzte whyth hys preciouse blode apon the roode tree, and therefor they louyde all my3tty Gode our Saueour aboue all thynges; fore as the holy doctor seint Austyn telluthe, all thyngs that Cryste suffrede fore loue of mankynde, hyt was for loue that he hadde to saue mans soule. So as he sauyde the by loue, & for the suffrede an herde pascion, ware by thou schalte be saùyde, loke that thou haue hys pascion yn mynde, and loue allm3ty Gode aboue all thyngs; for as seint Austyn seythe, so

1 From M.S. Harleian. 2383: in the library of the British Museum.

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