תמונות בעמוד
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-Tristia, eller Sorgeqwäden i fem böcker, med noter af C. P. Ekblad.
4th ed. Westerås, 1815.

-Walda stycken ur P. Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoses, utgifna af C. J.
Brodén. Skara, 1857. 2 copies.

Owen, John. Forgiveness of sin. N. Y.

-Commentary, critical, expository and practical on the Gospel of John.
N. Y. 1860.

Owen, Richard. On the anatomy of vertebrates. 3 vol. Lond. 1866. Oxenstierna, Axel. Rikskansleren Axel Oxenstiernas skrifter och brefvexling. 3 vol. Stockh. 1888-1900.

Oxenstjerna, Johan G. Arbeten. 2 vol. Götheborg, 1836.

✓ P., J. Viktor Rydbergs "Bibelns lära om Kristus" granskad. Stockh. 1880. Paban, Louis comp. Beautés de la littérature Francaise. 3d ed. öre

bro, 1854.

Packard, Alpheus S.

Entomology for beginners. N. Y. 1888.

-Guide to the study of insects. 6th ed. N. Y. 1878.

-Outlines of comparative embryology. N. Y. 1878.
Zoology. N. Y. 1884.

-Zoology for high schools and colleges. 4th ed. N. Y. 1883. Copy

2, 2d ed. 1880.

Packard, Mrs. E. P.

veiled. Chic. 1868.

The prisoners' hidden life or Insane asylums un

Packard, S. S. & Bryant, H. B. New Bryant & Stratton counting-house

book-keeping. N. Y. 1879.

Packard, S. S. & Horton, Byron. New Packard commercial arithmetic. N. Y. 1890.

Page, Jesse. Amid Greenland snows. N. Y.

-Among the Maoris, or Daybreak in New Zealand. N. Y.
-Bishop Patteson, the martyr of Melanesia. 2d ed. N. Y.
-David Brainerd, the apostle to the North American Indians.
-Henry Martyn, his life and labors. N. Y.

N. Y.

-Samuel Crowther, the slave boy who became bishop of the Niger.
N. Y.

Paget, Stephen. Faith and works of Christian science. N. Y. 1909.
Paget, Violet. The beautiful. N. Y. 1913.

Paine, Albert B. Mark Twain, a biography. 3 vol. N. Y. 1912.
Institutes of medicine. 6th ed. N. Y. 1860.

Paine, Martyn.

Paine, Thomas.

Age of reason. Bost. 1852.

Paine, W. L. & others. Decem fabulae pueris puellisque agendae. Oxford, 1912.

Painter, Franklin V. Luther on education. Phila. 1889.

-Reformation dawn. Phila. 1901.

Pais, Ettore. Ancient Italy. Chic. 1908.
Palestine. 100 views for stereoscope.


Paley, William. Natural theology. N. Y. Copy 2, Bost. 1883. Palfrey, Francis W. The Antietam and Fredericksburg. N. Y. 1882. Palgrave, Francis T., comp. Golden treasury. Rev. ed. N. Y. 1914.

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Pallin, J. R. Hufvuddragen af allmänna historien. Stockh. 1881. V-Lärobok i nya tidens historia. Stockh. 1878.

✓ Palm, Birger. Place of the adjective attribute in English prose. Thesis. Lund, 1911.

✓ Palmaer, Henrik B.

Eldbränder och gnistor. Stockh. 1886.

V Palmberg, J. Serta florea svecana. Strångnåås, 1684.

V Palmblad, Vilhelm F. Grekisk fornkunskap. 2 vol. Upsala, 1843-1845. V -Konungariket Norige. Upsala, 1846.

[blocks in formation]

-Evangelisk katechetik. 2d ed. Lund, 1848.

-Evangelisk pädagogik. Stockh. 1856.

-Evangelisk pastoraltheologi. Stockh. 1862. 2 copies.

Palmer, Dr. & Palmer, Mrs. Four years in the old world. 4th ed. N. Y. 1866.

Palmer, E. H. Desert of the Exodus. 2 vol.

Cambridge, 1871.

Palmer, George H. The field of ethics. Bost. 1901.

-Nature of goodness. Bost. 1903.

Palmstedt, Carl. Berättelse om expositionen af Svenska slöjdalster i Stockholm år 1847. Stockh. 1847.

-Om den exposition af Franska industriens produkter som blifvit föranstaltad i Paris år 1844. Stockh. 1845.

Paluzie, D. E. Geografia para Ninos. Barcelona, 1889.

Pan American financial congress. Proceedings. Wash. 1915.

Pan American scientific congress. Report of the delegates of the U. S. to the Pan-American scientific congress held at Santiago, Chile, Dec. 25, 1908 to Jan. 5, 1909. Wash. 1909. -Second Pan American scientific congress held in the city of Washington in the U. S. of America, Dec. 27, 1915-Jan. 8, 1916. Wash. 1916.

Papen, Peter S. Kurtzer und köthiger bericht von dem unterscheid unsrer Evangelischen Wahren und der so genannten Socinianer falschen lehre. Berlin, 1717.

Paret, Jahial P. Lawn tennis lessons for beginners. N. Y. 1916.

V Park's historia. Stockh. 1850.

Park, William H. comp. Opinions of over 100 physicians on the use of opium in China. Shanghai, 1899.

Parker, Gilbert. Lane that had no turning, and other tales. N. Y. 1900. -Right of way. N. Y. 1901.

Parker, Nathan H. Iowa as it is in 1857. Chic. 1857.

Parker, Richard G. School compendium of natural and experimental philosophy. N. Y. 1859.

Parker, Richard G. & Watson, J. M. National fifth reader. N. Y. 1863. -National fourth reader. N. Y. 1864.

Parker, T. J. Course of instruction in zootomy. Lond. 1884.

Parkinson, James. Organic remains of a former world. 3 vol. Lond.

Parkman, Francis. Pioneers of France in the New world. Bost. 1907. Parlatore, Filippo. Flora Italiana. 2 vol. Firenze, 1848.

Parley, Peter. Tales of the sea and land. N. Y. 1845.

Parliament of religions & religious congresses at the World's Columbian exposition. Neely's history. 4th ed. Chic. 1894.

N. Y. 1916.

Lond. 1915.

Parmelee, Maurice F. Poverty and social progress.
Parr, Olive K. Book of answered prayers.
Parrish, Randall. Bob Hampton of Placer.

N. Y. 1906.

-Last voyage of the Donna Isabel. Chic. 1908.
-My lady of the South. 2d ed. Chic. 1909.

Parsons, A. R. Science of piano forte practice. N. Y. 1886.
Parsons, Elsie W. The family. N. Y. 1912.

Parton, James.

General Butler in New Orleans. 8th ed. N. Y. 1864. Partridge, G. E. Studies in the psychology of intemperance. N. Y. 1912. Partridge, Samuel. Sermons. 2d ed. Lond. 1805.

Pascal, Blaise. Pensees de Pascal. Paris, 1869.

-Les provinciales. Paris.

✓ Passow, Franz. Grekiskt och Svenskt lexicon. 2 vol. örebro, 1841. -Handwörterbuch der Griechischen sprache.

4th ed. 4 vol. Lpz. 1831.

Past and present of Rock Island county. Chic. 1877.

V Pastoral-tidning. Upsala, 1854—1856.

Pater, Walter H. Greek studies. N. Y. 1908.

✓ Paton, John G. Bland människoätarne på Nya Hebriderna. Stockh. 1891. -John G. Paton, missionary to the New Hebrides: an autobiography. 2 vol. N. Y.

V Paton, Margaret. I ensamheten på en af Söderhafsöarna. Stockh. 1899.
The patriarchs. Phila.

Patrick, George T. Psychology of relaxation. Bost. 1916.
Patten, William ed. Great short stories. Vol. 2-3. N. Y. 1909.
Patterson, Robert. Fables of infidelity and facts of faith. Cincin. 1858.
Patton, Jacob H. Concise history of the American people. N. Y. 1876.
Patton, William W. Prayer and its remarkable answers. N. Y. 1885.
Paucton, M. Theorie des loix de la nature. Paris, 1781.
Paul, Hermann. Lärobok i Tyska språket. Stockh. 1875.
Pauli, J. Den Evangeliska missionen uti Afrika.
Paulsen, Friedrich. System der ethik. Berlin, 1889.

Stockh. 1872.

-System of ethics. N. Y. 1906. Cop. 2, 1900. V Paulsson, P. Historik öfver folkunderwisningen i Sverige. Stockh. 1866. Paulus, Heinrich E. Philologisch-kritischer und historischer commentar

über das Neue Testament. 3 vol. Lübeck, 1804.

Paxson, Susan. Two Latin plays for high-school students. Bost. 1911. Payne, William M. American literary criticism. N. Y. 1904.

Peabody, Francis G. Jesus Christ and the social question. N. Y. 1908. Peale, R. S. comp. Home library of useful knowledge. Chic. 1886. 2 copies.

Pearson, C. H. Cabin on the prairie. Bost. 1872.
Pearson, Edmund L. Librarian at play. Bost. 1912.
-Library and the librarian. Woodstock, 1910.

Pearson, Karl. Grammar of science. 2d ed. Lond. 1900. Copy 2, 3d ed. 1911.

Pearson, Peter H. Study of literature. Chic. 1913.

-Subjects for themes and orations. Lindsborg, 1907.

-300 questions for debate. Cimarron, Kan. 1907.

Pearson, Walter E. Cause of the needy. Thesis. R. I. 1909. 2 copies. -Social application of religion. N. p. n. d. 2 copies.

Pease, Charles G. Exposé of Christian science methods. N. Y. 1905. Peattie, Elia W. Story of America. Chic. 1889.

Peck, George W.

Peck, William G.

Peck's fun. Chic. 1880.

Elements of mechanics. N. Y. 1887.

Péclet, E. Traité élémentaire de physique. 2 vol. Bruxelles, 1838. V Pedagogisk tidskrift. Vol. 1-5, 16-18. Halmstad, 1865-1869, 1880


Peeke, George H. Spiritual body in relation to the divine law of life. Bost. 1912.

Peery, R. B. Gist of Japan. N. Y. 1899.

Peet, Louis H. Handy book of American authors. N. Y. 1907.

Pehrsson, Per. Arbets-glädje. Stockh. 1906.

-De till Sverige inflyttade Vallonernas religiösa förhållanden. Uppsala, 1905.

Peirce, Benjamin O. Elements of the theory of the Newtonian potential function. Bost. 1886.

-Short table of integrals. 2d ed. Bost. 1910.

Pelham, Henry F. Outlines of Roman history. N. Y. 1906.
V Pennefather, Mrs. "Följ du mig". Stockh. 1883.

Pennsylvania-Geological survey. Annual report. Harrisburg, 1886.
-Final report. Vol. 1-2. Harrisburg, 1892.

-Second geological survey. AR, 10 vol; AC, 2 vol; B, 1 vol; CCC, 1
vol; C4, 1 vol; D3, 1 vol; F3, 1 vol; G7, 1 vol; HH, 1 vol; P, 2 vol;
PP, 1 vol; P3, 1 vol; P4, 3 vol; QQ, 1 vol; Q4, 1 vol; T3, 1 vol;
X, 1 vol. Harrisburg, 1874-1890.

Penny magazine of the society for the diffusion of useful knowledge.
Vol. 1-8. Lond. 1832-1839.

People's cyclopedia of universal knowledge. 4 vol. N. Y. 1891.

Pepys, Samuel. Diary. 2 vol. Lond. 1912.

V Perander, J. J. Herbartianismen i pedagogiken. Thesis. 1883.


Percy, Thomas. Reliques of ancient English poetry. 2 vol. Lond. 1900. V Peringskiöld, Johannis tr. Wilkina saga. Stockh. 1715.

Perkins, James H. Annals of the west. 2d ed. St. Louis, 1850.
Perrin, John. New and easy method of learning the spelling and pro-
nunciation of the French language. 27th ed. Lond.

Perry, Arthur C. Problems of the elementary school. N. Y. 1910.
Perry, Arthur L. Elements of political economy. 7th ed. N. Y. 1872.
-Introduction to political economy. N. Y. 1887.

Perry, William S. General ecclesiastical constitution of the American church. N. Y. 1891. 2 copies.

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Persius Flaccus, Aulus. Satires: ed. by B. L. Gildersleeve. N. Y. 1903. Person, Johan. I Svensk-Amerika. Worcester, 1900.

-Svensk-Amerikanska studier. R. I. 1912.

Personal efficiency in business. Chic.

Personal salesmanship.

Chic. 1909.

Pestalozzi, Johann H. Leonard and Gertrude. Bost. 1885.

Peter, Martin L. "A miracle among men". North Liberty.

Peters, Madison C. Haym Salomon, the financier of the Revolution. N. Y. 1911.

-The Jews who stood by Washington. N. Y. 1915.

-Justice to the Jew. N. Y. 1910.

V Petersen, Siegwart. Norges historie. Kristiania, 1858.

Petersen, Walter. Greek diminutives in -ION. Weimar, 1910.

V Peterson, C. F. Ett hundra år. Chic. 1892.

-Förenta Staternas historia i sammandrag. Chic. 1890. Peterson, Frank. Femtio år: en återblick. Minneap. 1902.

Peterson, Frithiof. Under nattvakten.


Peterson, O. M. 100 timer i Engelsk. Chic. 1874.

Peterson, Oscar W. tr. Songs and lyrics from the Swedish. Brownfield, 1910.

Peterson, R. E. Familiar science. Phila. 1865.

Peterson's magazine. Vol. 45. Phila. 1864.

Petersson, Herbert. Studien zu Fortunatovs Regel. Thesis. Lund, 1911. V Petersson P. comp. Bibel-tolken. Stockh. 1863.



Petit, Amelie V. comp. How to read and hints in choosing the best books. N. Y. 1878.

Petrelli, C. M. Tankar om människosjälens tillstånd efter döden. Stockh. 1842. Copy 2, 2d ed. 1843.

Petri, Ludvig A. Den Apostoliska tron. Lund, 1873.

-Predikningar. Stockh. 1882.

Petri, Olaus. Olai Petri katekes.

-Olai Petri Svenska krönika.
-Samlade skrifter. Vol. 1-2.

R. I.

Stockh. 1860.
Upsala, 1914-1915.

Petri, P. A. ed. Missions-agende. 2d ed. Gutersloh, 1876.

Petrie, William M.

V. Petrus, Johannes.

Arts and crafts of ancient Egypt. Edinb. 1910. Carl den Tolfte. Stockh. 1883-1885.

VPettersson, B. U. Den Svenske handsekreteraren. 15th ed. Stockh.


V Pettersson, Johan. Fullständig Hebreisk grammatika. Lund, 1829. Das Pfarrhaus im Harz. Cincin.


Pfeffer, W. Physiology of plants. 2 ed. Oxford, 1900.
Pfeffer, Wilhelm F. & others. Modern theory of solution.
Pfeiffer, August. Anti-Calvinism. Columbus, 1881.

-Opera omnia. Ultrajecti, 1704.

-Technisk-terminologisk ordbok öfver Svenska språket. Pfeiffer, Edward. Mission studies. Columbus, 1908.

N. Y. 1899.

Stockh. 1837.

Phalén, Adolf. Das erkenntnisproblem in Hegels philosophie. Thesis. Upsala, 1912.

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