תמונות בעמוד


was in part made by the snout of the fish, and to this the snout of the male at the spawning season was supposed to be particularly adapted; but it has been found by observation that the snout is not

Old Male Fish, or Kipper, during the Spawning-season. used in this work. The eggs, when deposited and vivified, are covered by the action of the tail of the female; the male doing nothing but depositing his melt, and fighting with any other of his sex that may attempt to dispute his place.

The time occupied by a female S. in spawning is from three to twelve days. After spawning, the S. generally soon descends to the sea. The descending kelts are very ravenous, and therefore a great annoyance to anglers who desire to take none but clean fish, and must return the kelts to the water.

The eggs deposited in the spawning bed are liable to be devoured by trouts and other fishes, which are ever ready, and by insect larvæ of many kinds, which work their way even through the gravel; ducks and other waterfowl also search there for their food; and sometimes a flood changes the bed so much as either to sweep away the eggs, or to overlay them with gravel to a depth where they are never hatched, or from which the young can never emerge. The number of eggs hatched in ordinary circumstances must be small in proportion to the number deposited, and by far the greater part of the fry perish before the time of descent to the sea.

In from thirty to sixty days after the deposition

Salmon Ova, and Newly Hatched Fish.

(Copied from the Field newspaper.)

1, egg of salmon, natural size, just taken from the parent fish; 2, the same, with the eyes of the young fish just becoming apparent; this takes place about the thirtieth or thirty-fifth day, according to the temperature; 3, the young fish coiled up in the egg, and just ready to be hatched; 4, the young fish emerging from the shell; 5, the empty egg-shell, shewing longitudinal rent made by the young fish; 6, young salmon about two days old, natural size; 7, the young salmon (about two days old), magnified; the umbilical vesicle, containing the yelk and the oil globules, and blood-vessels ramified on its surface; also the head, with the huge eyes and badly-developed mouth (a portrait); the fins and the thin transparent body, the fins not as yet being developed into their proper shape, are carefully delineated.

of the eggs in the spawning bed, they begin to shew signs of life, and the eyes appear as small

hatched varies according to the temperature of the water, and therefore is generally shorter in England than in Scotland, 140 days being sometimes requisite in cold climates and late springs; whilst it has been found that in a constant temperature of 44° F. sixty days are enough, and in a higher temperature eggs have been hatched even in thirty days. A temperature above 70° F. is, however, fatal to them. S. eggs are easily hatched in an aquarium, in which proper care is taken to prevent stagnation of the water, so that the conditions may resemble those of a bed of gravel in a running stream, and many interesting observations have thus been made by Mr Frank Buckland on the development of the young S., of which the results have from time to time been given to the world through the columns of the Field newspaper, and his excellent work on Fish-Hatching.*

The young fish lies coiled up in the egg, which it finally bursts in its struggles to be free, and it issues with a conical bag (umbilical vesicle) suspended under the belly, containing the red yolk of the egg and oil globules, which afford it nourishment during the first five or six weeks. The mouth is at first very imperfectly developed, as are the fins, and the whole body has a shape very different from what it is soon to assume, and is very delicate, and almost transparent. The slightest injury is fatal. The length, at first, is about five-eighths of an inch. About the seventh or eighth week, the


Gill-covers of Salmon (1), and Salmon Trout (2). young S. has changed into a well-formed little fish about an inch long, with forked tail, the colour light brown, with nine or ten transverse dusky bars, which are also more or less distinctly visible in the young of other species of this genus, just as the young of many feline animals exhibit stripes or spots which disappear in their


Gill-covers of Bull Trout.

mature state. The fry, previously very inactive, now begin to swim about, and seek food with great activity, and are known as PARR, or SAMLET, and also in some places by the names Pink, Brandling, and Fingerling. The Parr was formerly supposed to be a distinct species (S., salmulus), an opinion to which many anglers, eager to enjoy their summer holidays, and catching parr by scores with the artificial fly or worm when they can catch nothing else, have clung tenaciously, after it has been shewn to the satisfaction of all naturalists that the parr is nothing else than the young salmon. The honour of proving this belongs to Mr Shaw, of Drumlanrig, Dumfriesshire, whose observations and experiments, first made in 1834-1836, we have not space to detail. They have, however, been fully confirmed at the salmon-breeding ponds of Stormontfield, on the Tay.


It was long urged, to prove the parr a distinct corn, but are, as Franklin expressed it, "bits of silver species, that the male parr is very often found with pulled out of the water." -(Russel, The Salmon, the milt perfect, to which, however, it was replied p. 12.) The other British species yet to be noticed that the female parr is almost never found with in this article, are reckoned with the S. itself in all perfect roe. But the remarkable fact has now been that relates to S. fisheries. abundantly proved that the male parr is capable of impregnating the roe of the female S., and thus a provision seems to be made in nature to prevent an otherwise possible loss of roe. And, indeed, ridiculous little parrs seem to be always ready at hand to perform this service during the combats of the great fish, or in their absence. Another remarkable fact has been discovered, that some parrs descend to the sea in their first year, whilst others remain in the fresh water, and in the parr state, without much increase of size for another year, and a few even to the third year. At Stormontfield it has been found that about one half of the parrs migrate when a year old. No reason can be assigned for these things; the facts alone are known to us, and have but recently been established.

The parr attains a size of from 3 to 8 inches. When the time of its migration comes, usually in May or June, it assumes brilliant silvery hues, the fins also becoming darker, and is then known as a Smolt. Groups of smolts, 40 to 70 in a group, now descend, not very rapidly, to the sea. They remain for a short time in brackish water, and then depart from the estuary. Of their life in the sea nothing is known, except that they increase in size with wonderful rapidity; for it has been found that smolts which had been marked, returned to the same river in six or eight weeks as Grilse of three to five pounds, or, after a longer period, even of eight or nine pounds. Some reascend the rivers when only a pound and a half or two pounds weight, and these are in some places known as Salmon Peal. Grilse are captured in great numbers in the latter part of summer and in autumn, but very few are seen in the earlier part of the fishing season. The grilse usually spawns on its first return to the fresh water-often remaining there for the winter, and on again descending to the sea assumes the perfect characters of the mature salmon. Little increase of size ever takes place in fresh water; but the growth of the S. in the sea is marvellously rapid, not only on its first migration, but afterwards. A kelt caught by the late Duke of Athole on 31st March weighed exactly ten pounds. It was marked, and returned to the Tay, in the lower part of which it was again caught, after five weeks and two days, when it was found to weigh twenty pounds and a quarter.

The statistics of S. fisheries are, like those of other fisheries, very imperfect. It is impossible to ascertain the total annual value of the S. fisheries even of Great Britain and Ireland; but it must be reckoned by hundreds of thousands of pounds. From the Reports of the Irish Commissioners, we learn that, in 1862, apparently an ordinary year, three Irish railways conveyed 400 tons, or about 900,000 lbs. of salmon, being equal in weight and treble in value to 15,000 sheep, or 20,000 mixed sheep and lambs. In Scotland, the Tay alone furnishes about 800,000 lbs., being equal in weight and treble in value to 18,000 sheep [and lambs]. The weight of salmon produced by the Spey is equal to the weight of mutton annually yielded to the butcher by each of several of the smaller counties. The diminution in the supply of food caused by the decay of the Tweed fisheries is about 200,000 lbs. a year. And in making comparisons between the supplies of fish and of flesh, it must be kept in mind that fish, or at least salmon, though higher in money value, cost nothing for their keep, make bare no pasture, hollow out no turnips, consume no

The S. fisheries of the British rivers have in general much decreased in productiveness since the beginning of the present century, which is very much ascribed to the introduction of fixed or standing nets along the coast, by which S. are taken in great numbers before they reach the mouths of the rivers to which they are proceeding, and in which alone they were formerly caught; it having been discovered that S. feel their way, as it were, close along the shore for many miles towards the mouth of a river, feeding, meanwhile, on sand-launces, sand-hoppers, and other such prey. It is also partly owing to the destruction of spawning fish by poachers; and in no small measure to the pollution of rivers consequent on the increase of population and industry, and to the more thorough drainage of land, the result of which has been that rivers are for a comparatively small number of days in the year in that half-flooded condition in which S. are most ready to ascend them. The last of these causes is the most irremediable; but if the operation of the others were abated, it would not of itself be sufficient to prevent a productiveness of our rivers much greater than the present. The efforts which have begun to be made by breedingponds (see PISCICULTURE) to preserve eggs and fry from destruction, and so to multiply far beyond the natural amount the young S. ready to descend to the sea, promise also such results as may yet probably make the supply of S. far more abundant than it has ever been. There is reason to think that the productiveness of the waters may be increased as much as that of the land.

The stake net is the most deadly of all means employed for taking S.; and its use is prohibited in estuaries and on some other parts of the coast. It consists of two rows of net-covered stakes so placed between high and low water marks, that S. coming up to them, and proceeding along them, are conducted through a narrow opening into what is called the court of the net, from which they cannot find the way of escape. The cruive, which is now illegal in all parts of Britain, is an enclosed space formed in the wall of a dam or weir, into which the S. enter as they ascend the stream, whilst a peculiar kind of grating prevents their return. The nets employed for catching S. in rivers and estuaries are of many different kinds. In many places a small boat, or salmon coble, is used to carry out a seine net from the shore, setting (shooting) it with a circular sweep, the concavity of which is towards the stream or tide, and men stationed on shore pull ropes so as to bring it in by both ends at once with whatever it may have enclosed. Coracles (small boats of basketwork or a light wooden frame covered with canvas and tar, or other waterproof material) are used in S. fishing in the Severn and other Welsh rivers. Nets which a single man can carry and work are also used in many rivers and estuaries, as those called halves on the Solway, which may be described as a bag attached to a pole. Dogs have sometimes been trained to drive S. into nets, and some dogs have attained great expertness in catching S. without any assistance.

The SALMON TROUT (S. trutta, or Fario argenteus), also very commonly called the SEA TROUT, is rather thicker in proportion to its length than a S. of the same size, and has the hinder free margin of the gillcover less rounded. The jaws are nearly equal; the teeth strong, sharp, and curved, a single row running down the vomer, and pointing alternately in opposite


directions. The colours are very similar to those of the S.; the sides, chiefly above the lateral line, are marked with numerous X-shaped dusky spots, and there are several round dusky spots on the gillcovers. The salmon trout does not attain so large a size as the S., but has been known to reach 24 lbs. The flesh is pink, richly flavoured, and much esteemed, although not equal to that of the salmon. Great quantities of salmon trout are brought to market in London and other British towns; this fish being found from the south of England to the north of Scotland, and plentiful in many rivers, particularly those of Scotland. Its habits are generally similar to those of the salmon. Large shoals sometimes congregate near the mouth of a river which they are about to enter, and sometimes afford excellent sport to the angler in a bay or estuary, rising readily to the fly. The young are not easily to be distinguished from parr. Phinock, Hirling, and Whitling are local names of the salmon trout on its first return from the sea to fresh water, when it has its most silvery appearance, in which state it has sometimes been described as a distinct species (S. albus).

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The GRAY TROUT or BULL TROUT (S. eriox), the only other British species migrating like these, is already noticed in the article BULL TROUT. The gill-cover in this species is more elongated backwards at the lower angle than in the other two. On the banks of the Tweed and some other rivers, it is often called the sea trout, a name quite as appropriate to it as to the salmon trout. The seasons at which the gray trout ascends rivers are partly the same with those of the S. and salmon trout, and partly different. The laws relative to the fishing of S. apply equally to the bull trout.

Of other species of S. our notice must be very brief. Cuvier has described as a distinct species a S. with hooked lower jaw, known in France by the name of Becard. Agassiz and Bloch regard it as merely the old male of the Common Salmon. The hooked lower jaw of the male of the Common S. in the spawning season has been already noticed. But Valenciennes adheres to the opinion of Cuvier that the Becard is a distinct species, and insists on the greater length of the intermaxillary bones as a sure distinctive character; asserting also that the colours are always different from those of the common S.; a general reddish-gray, the belly dull white, the back never blue, nor the belly silvery. The subject seems to require further investigation.-The HUCHO of the Danube, called Reo in Galicia (S. Hucho), attains a weight of 30 lbs., and it is said even of 60 lbs. The body is longer and rounder, the head more elongated than in the Common Salmon. The colour is grayish-black, tinged with violet on the back, the sides and belly silvery. The tail is forked. The hucho spawns in June, making holes for the purpose in gravelly bottoms; and these holes are so deep that the fish lying in them often escape the nets of the fishermen. The flesh is white, but very pleasant. The same, or a very similar species, is found in the Caspian Sea, and in rivers which flow into it.-The rivers of North America which flow into the Arctic Ocean, produce several species of S., of which perhaps that most nearly resembling the Common S., in the quality of its flesh, is S. Hearnii. In these regions, Ross's S. (S. Rossi or Fario Rossii) is extremely abundant. It is of a more slender form than the S., with remarkably long lower jaw and truncated snout; the scales separated by naked skin; the back greenish-brown, the sides pearl-gray, the belly orange or red. In the quality of its flesh it is very inferior to the salmon. -S. Scouleri, or Salar Scouleri, ascends the Columbia and other rivers of the north-west coast of North

America in vast multitudes. In arms of the sea on that coast it is sometimes impossible for a stone to reach the bottom without touching several; and the channel of a river or a brook is often densely crowded with them. The flesh is excellent. The same species seems to ascend the rivers of Kamtchatka; but that country, the Kurile Isles, and Siberia have also species of their own. Concerning many of the species which have been named and partially described, there is still, however, great uncertainty.

ANGLING FOR SALMON.-The capture of the salmon by rod and line affords the most exciting sport of the kind. The pleasures of it have been descanted on by numerous writers, and whole treatises have been written on the minutiae of the art. Among the more modern writers on the subject, we may name Davy, Stoddart, Colquhoun, Younger, Stewart, Francis, and Russel. The tackle used is sufficiently described in the article ANGLING; and the general principles of fly-fishing there laid down are applicable in this case. The chief specialty in salmon angling is to be able to maintain perfect coolness and vigilance when the fish is hooked. The rod must be kept at such an elevation as to bring its elasticity into play; and by allowing the line to run out as the fish dashes off, and winding it up as he returns, or by following his motions, if need be, in person, a constant and equal strain must be maintained; a sudden tug at an unyielding line, or a momentary slackening, being equally fatal. After struggling for from a quarter to half an hour (sometimes, though rarely, for two or three hours) against a steady pull, the fish generally yields to his fate and allows himself to be drawn into the shallow and landed. This is done either with the gaff; or the fisher, winding his line up within rod length and holding the top landwards, without slackening, seizes the fish with one hand by the root of the tail, and lifts, or rather slides him head-foremost on to the gravel or grass.

Those rivers of Britain where the fishing is strictly preserved, still afford good sport; but of late years the take of fish, by rod as well as by net, has greatly fallen off, and many fishers now betake themselves annually to the rivers of Norway and Sweden. In Scotland the Tay, Tweed, Don, Spey, Dee, Thurso, and some others are still preserved in many places, and command high rents from salmon anglers.

SALMON-FISHERY LAWS.-Owing to the peculiar excellence of the salmon, it is singled out from all other fish, and protected by peculiar laws in the United Kingdom, but those laws are not the same in the three kingdoms. I. As to England. The right to fish salmon in the sea and navigable rivers belongs to the public as a general rule; and the right to fish salmon in rivers not navigable belongs to the riparian owner on each bank, the right of each extending up to the centre line of the stream. But though the public have, as a rule, the right to fish in the sea and navigable rivers, there are various exceptions, which arose in this way. Previous to Magna Charta, the crown, whether rightly or wrongly, assumed power to make grants to individuals-generally the large proprietors of lands adjacent-whereby an exclusive right was given to such individuals to fish for the salmon as well as all other fish within certain limits. This right, when conferred, often applied to the shores of the sea, but generally prevailed in navigable rivers and the mouths of such rivers. The frequency of such grants was one of the grievances redressed by Magna Charta, which prohibited the crown thenceforth from making like grants. But the then existing grants were saved, and hence every person who at the present day claims a several or exclusive


fishery in navigable rivers, must shew that his grant is from the crown, and is as old as Magna Charta. It is not, however, absolutely necessary that he be able to produce a grant or claim of grants of such antiquity; for if he has been in undisturbed possession for a long time-say thirty years and upwards -it is presumed that such title is as old as Magna Charta, and had a legal origin. When a person is entitled to a salmon fishery (and if he is entitled to a salmon fishery he is entitled also to the trout and other fish frequenting the same place), he is nevertheless subjected to certain restrictions as to the mode of fishing salmon. These restrictions are imposed by the Salmon Fishery Act, 24 and 25 Vict. c. 109 (1861), which repealed prior acts of parliament. No person is now entitled to use lights, spears, gaffs, strokeballs, snatches, or other like instruments for catching salmon; nor can fish roe be used for the purpose of fishing. All nets used for fishing salmon must have a mesh not less than two inches in extension from knot to knot, or eight inches measured round each mesh when wet. No new fixed engine of any description is to be used. A penalty is incurred for violating these enactments, and also for taking unseasonable salmon, or for taking, destroying, or obstructing the passage of young salmon, or disturbing spawning salmon. The close time, during which no salmon shall be fished, extends from 1st September to the 1st February following, except that for rod fishing the close season shall not commence till 1st November. These

periods may, however, be slightly varied for each locality. During close time no salmon can be legally sold or be in the possession of any person for sale; and such fixed engines as are still legal shall be removed or put out of gear during close time. Moreover, throughout the year, there is a weekly close time-that is to say, no person can, except with rod and line, lawfully fish salmon between 12 A. M. (noon) of Saturday to 6 A.M. of Monday following. In all dams fish-passes must be attached by the proprietors, and free gaps made in fishing weirs of a certain width. For the purpose of supervising the enforcement of the act, fishery inspectors are appointed for England, and powers of assessing proprietors in each district were conferred by a statute of 1865 in imitation of the Irish acts. As to poachers of salmon, see POACHING.

Vict. c. 97, passed for regulating the Scotch salmon fisheries. By this act fishery districts are constituted under the management of boards. These boards consist of the large proprietors of fisheries. The boards appoint constables, water-bailiffs, and watchers, forming a kind of river police. The board has power to assess the various proprietors in sums so as to raise funds for paying the expenses of working the act-a power which was not given by the English acts till 1865. The annual close time for salmon fishing is fixed by the commissioners, and varies in each district, but it generally extends from 27th August to 10th February following; the angler's close time commencing about 16th October. The commissioners are appointed by the Home Secretary, 'their duties being to fix the limits of fishery districts and of rivers, to make general regulations as to close time, cruives, nets, &c. Scotch act imitates the English act in prohibiting fishing with lights or salmon roe, with nets having small meshes, selling fish during close time, &c. And there is a weekly close time from 6 P. M. on Saturday to 6 A. M. on Monday following.


III. Ireland.-The Irish salmon fishery laws are regulated chiefly by statutes distinct from those of England. Fishery districts are there established, and the fisheries are subject to rates and licence duties for the purpose of raising funds. There is an annual and weekly close time, and fixed engines are prohibited, and free gaps enforced in all fishing weirs.

SALMO'NIDE, a very large and important family of malacopterous fishes, of the suborder Abdominales (having the ventral fins on the abdomen, and behind the pectorals), nearly allied to Clupeidae (the Herring family), but at once distinguished by the second dorsal fin, which they all have, and which is merely a fold of the skin, enclosing fat, whence it is called the adipose fin, and destitute of rays. They were all included by Linnæus in the genus Salmo, although now divided not only into numerous genera, but by many naturalists into several families, of which one retains the name of S., and the other principal ones are Characinide and Scopelida. The S. are generally very muscular, and possess great strength, swimming with great rapidity, even against strong currents, and some of them are capable of leaping up falls of considerable height, when there is suffiII. In Scotland, there are various important cient depth of water beneath. Some of them are differences from the law of England as regards sea-fishes, never entering rivers, although, like the salmon fisheries. In Scotland, the general rule is herring, pilchard, &c., they approach the shore to that all salmon fisheries in the rivers and surround-spawn; others are generally inhabitants of the sea, ing seas, are vested in the crown, and hence no person is entitled to fish with nets or engines except he can shew a grant or charter from the crown. If he can only shew a general grant of fishings without specifying salmon, then it is necessary not only to produce such grant, but to shew that he has been in exclusive possession The restricted S. of those naturalists who divide for forty years and upwards of the salmon fishings. the family, are all scaly fishes, but with the head Though, however, this right to catch salmon by nets destitute of scales, and the cheeks fleshy; the upper is vested in the crown, or in some grantee of the part of the mouth is formed by the premaxillary crown, the right to angle for salmon is not derived and maxillary bones together; the branchiostegal from the crown, but belongs to the riparian owner, rays are numerous; the air-bladder is large and who may angle for salmon so far as his doing so simple; the teeth are usually small, sometimes very does not prejudice the net fishing, and it can seldom numerous, the tongue being furnished with them, By virtue of many old statutes, all fixed as well as the other parts of the mouth, although engines for catching salmon are illegal, and it is settled others have the teeth few and small, or even wantthat everything is in the nature of a fixed engine ing. They are generally voracious fishes, feeding which is not held in the hand of the fishermen chiefly on other fishes, crustaceans, worms, &c. The while they are fishing; but a mechanical contriv- Salmon, Salmon Trout, Bull Trout or Gray Trout, ance, which enables the fisherman to go a little Trout, Charr, Grayling, and Smelt, are familiar further into the river with his coble or boat, which British examples. The White Fish of North Ameis to drag the net, is not illegal. Stake nets, how-rica is one of the most important species, and to ever, are not illegal if they are not in a river or the the same genus (Coregonus) belong many others, mouth of a river. In 1862 a statute, 24 and 25 inhabiting the lakes and rivers of the northern parts

do so.


but ascend rivers to spawn, and some of them also
on other occasions not yet well understood; others,
again, are constant inhabitants of fresh-water lakes,
or of rivers and streams. Most of them are esteemed
for the table, and some
esteemed of fishes.
are among the most


He died in 1815, and was interred in

of the world, some of them, from their herring-like concertos.
appearance, known as Herring-salmon and Fresh- Westminster Abbey.
water Herring. The Capelin (q. v.) is a sea-fish,
never entering fresh waters. The restricted or true
S. are found only in the northern parts of the
world, and chiefly in the colder regions.

The Characinidae also have the body scaly, and the head destitute of scales; the upper part of the mouth is formed by the premaxillaries and maxillaries together; there are only four or five branchiostegal rays; the air-bladder is divided by a constriction in the middle; the teeth are very various, wholly wanting in a few, numerous in most of the genera, present on the tongue in some, and not in others; small and feeble in some, in others large and strong; in many conical and sharp, in some flat. Most of the species feed on animal food, but a few on vegetable food alone; whilst some are omnivorous, eating with equal readiness worms or other soft animals and fruits which fall into the water. One of those feeding exclusively on vegetable substances is the Pacu (Myletes Pacu), a fish scarcely excelled by any as an article of food, which has teeth very like the molar teeth of sheep, and employs them in browsing on the plants that ow on rocks covered with water, near the catarace of the rivers of Guiana, and in some of the tributaries of the Amazon. In form, it is very unlike the trout or salmon, being short, thick, and clumsy. This, however, is not unfrequent in the Characinidae, which exhibit much greater variety of form than the S. proper. Thus, in some of the genus Serrasalmo (see PIRAYA), of which there are many species, voracious carnivorous fishes with sharp trenchant teeth, the depth of the body is almost as great as its length. The species of Serrasalmo are sometimes called Saw-bellied Salmon, from their keeled and serrated belly. The Characinidæ are all inhabitants of fresh waters; some of them African, but the greater number South American. Their flesh is generally much


The Scopelido differ from both the previous sections of S. in the structure of the mouth, which is formed entirely of the premaxillary bone, the maxillary lying behind. Few of them have an airbladder. Some are scaly, and some destitute of scales. The form of the body is salmon-like in some, but deep and compressed in others. They are generally marine, as the Argentine (q. v.), the only British species. They abound chiefly in the warmer seas; the Mediterranean produces some; but the greater number belong to the Chinese and East Indian seas. Some are in high repute for

their fine flavour.

Australia produces none of the Salmonidæ. The rivers and streams of that region, however, as well as those of New Zealand, Patagonia, and the Falkland Islands, produce a number of species of Galaxias, a genus of very trout-like form, but with no scales and no adipose fin. They are called trouts by the colonists in Australia and New Zealand, but are of very inferior quality for the table.

SALOMON, JOHANN PETER, an eminent musician, violin-player, and composer, born at Bonn in 1745. When young, he was attached to the service of Prince Henry of Prussia, for whom he composed several operas. In 1781, he visited Paris, and afterwards London, where he met with so warm a reception, that he was induced to settle there. His series of subscription concerts in London, in 1790, form an era in the history of music, in so far as they led to the production of Haydn's twelve grandest symphonies, known as the Salomon set. In 1800, S. retired from public life, but continued to compose songs, glees, and violin solos and

SALONIKI (anc. Thessalonica, Turk. Selanik), a town of European Turkey, in the eyalet of the same name, and, next to Constantinople, the greatest emporium of commerce in the empire, is situated on the Gulf of Saloniki, and rises from the shore along the face of a hill. The city is enclosed by white walls, partly ancient and partly medieval, about five miles in circuit, and is surrounded by cypresses and other evergreens. As seen from the sea, it presents a bright and beautiful appearance; but its internal aspect is miserable in the extreme. The principal buildings are mosques, most of which were previously Christian churches. The Citadel, called by the Turks Vedi-Kuleh, or the Seven Towers,' is the ancient Acropolis; within it are to be seen the ruins of a triumphal arch belonging to the time of Marcus Aurelius. Other relics of antiquity are the Propylæum of the Hippodrome, a magnificent Corinthian colonnade of five pillars; the triumphal arch of Augustus, erected after the battle of Philippi (now forming the gate of Vardar or Vardari); the arch of Constantine, &c. S. exports the corn, cotton, wool, tobacco, bees-wax, and silk of Macedonia. In 1856, the value of the exports was more than £1,350,000, and that of the imports more than £1,000,000. Pop. 70,000, of whom 30,000 are Turks, 20,000 Greeks, and 20,000 Jews. There is regular steamboat communication with Constantinople.

S. was at first called Therma, under which designation it is mentioned in connection with the march of Xerxes through Greece. It was rebuilt by Cassander about 315 B.C., who probably named it Thessalonica in honour of his wife; and during the Roman-Macedonian Wars, it figures as the principal station of the Macedonian fleet. After the close of the civil wars, its prosperity rapidly increased, and for three centuries it was the first city in Greece. It was early the seat of a Christian church. During the barbarian invasions, it proved the great bulwark of the Eastern empire. It was thrice taken in the middle ages-first, by the Saracens in 904; secondly, by the Sicilian Normans in 1185; and thirdly, by the Turks under Amurath II. in 1430.


SA'LPA, a genus of Mollusca, of the division Tunicata, in which there is no shell, but a leathery tunic with two apertures; the type of the family Salpida, which float in the sea, and have the tunic transparent and elongated. They are allied to Ascidia (q. v.), although not fixed like them, and have two openings, through the hinder of which the water enters, and is expelled through the anterior by a regular contraction of the mantle, so that the animal is impelled through the water in a backward direction, without any apparent voluntary action. The Salpa are sometimes solitary, and sometimes united in long chains, those in chains having the contractions of the individuals simultaneous; but the solitary Salpa appear to be the parents of those which are in chains, and they in turn give birth to solitary individuals very different from themselves. The whole texture is very deli cate, so that the animal is sometimes scarcely to be discerned, except from its iridescent hues in the sunshine, which make chains of Salpa, when very numerous, a conspicuous feature in the surface of the great deep in tropical regions. The orifices of the alimentary canal are not near together, as in Ascidia, but at opposite extremities of the body. The branchial chamber of Ascidia is represented by a wide membranous canal, traversed by a long vascular ribbon, which is continually exposed to the

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