תמונות בעמוד

for there are others in which the powers of flight are wonderful, the water serving only as a reservoir of food, which is snatched on or near its surface, and as an occasional resting place, the bird floating buoyantly, till it soars into the air. As examples, we may adduce the terns, the gulls, the albatross, the petrels, etc., birds thickly plumed, and which, in pursuit of their prey, make only slight plunges into the sea, or skim it off from the rolling waves, and seldom settle, except for a few minutes.

Between these extreme links in the chain there are others of intermediate position, and among them is the family comprising ducks, swans, and geese.

We shall not attempt to enter into an analysis of the numerous sub-divisions, of this extensive family, (termed Anatidæ,) but only offer a few general observations.

In the ducks, swans, and geese, the body is more or less boat-shaped, and covered with dense plumage, there being an under-layer of down next the skin. The feathers repel the water, which runs off them. The legs are placed considerably backwards, so as to render the support of the anterior part of the body apparently laborious, and from this cause and

the contour of the limbs, their gait on the ground is waddling. The three anterior toes are united by webs, but the posterior toe is free, yet often lobated, or paddle-shaped. The bill is large, and more or less depressed, sometimes very broad; both mandibles are covered with a sort of leathery skin abundantly supplied by nerves of touch; at the base of the upper mandible there is a sort of cere, (in which the nostrils are placed,) in some more extensive than in others, and at the tip of the upper mandible is a sort of flat incurved hard nail, (called dertrum.) Along the edges of each mandible extends a series of laminated processes, sometimes remarkably developed and in close array, these serve as strainers, enabling the bird to sift the ooze or mud through the beak, and retain worms, insects, and vegetable matters. The tongue is large, fleshy, sensitive, and furnished along its edges with filamentous pectinations, which aid the beak in the retention of food. The eyes are defended by a strong membrana nictitans, and both sight and hearing are acute. The voice is hoarse, harsh, and clanging in many species, there is a sort of osseous drum at the lower portion of the windpipe, in some there are certain dilatations,

and in others the windpipe makes singular loops or flexures before entering the cavity of the chest to merge into the lungs.

In a state of nature, the males and females pair, the young are hatched, covered with down, and soon take to the water under the guidance of their parents. With respect to food, it is very various; some appear to be herbivorous, others feed equally upon animal and vegetable substances, and greedily devour slugs, caterpillars, and aquatic insects. Others live on crabs, and marine shellfish, which they dive with great skill to obtain.

Though these birds are aquatic in their habits, and swim well, yet some are much more so than others; the goose, which grazes on corn lands and fields, is far less aquatic than the wild or even tame duck, and resorts to the water principally for safety. The cereopsis goose of Australia is still more decidedly terrestrial. On the other hand, some species, as the New Holland musk duck, the steamer, or racehorse duck of the Falkland isles, and others, are as aquatic as the divers (Colymbus.)

Most, if not all the anatidæ, in the northern hemisphere at least, are migratory, and associated in flocks perform at due times northward

and southward migrations, the former taking place on the early breaking up of winter, when they revisit their old breeding haunts, the latter in autumn, when the cold of the northern regions commences. In temperate latitudes, however, like our island, many home-bred water-fowl not only remain during the winter, but are joined by northern visitors. During flight, they assume a definite order, proceeding either in single file, or in the form of a triangle, the leader occasionally changing places with others. Even when traversing the ground they observe a degree of order in the line of their march.

Most species incubate on the ground, but some in the holes of trees or on the broad flat top of large old pollards, and in situations of a similar character. Under these circumstances the parents convey the young to the water in their beak. The summer, or wood duck, of America, (anas sponsa,) pursues this singular plan; and even the common wild duck occasionally. Certain species, as the anas arborea, not only nestle but habitually perch in trees.

THE DOMESTIC DUCK.-This species belongs to the genus anas as restricted by modern naturalists, the male being characterised (at

certain seasons) by curled feathers in the upper tail coverts. The wild origin of our domestic duck, is unquestionably the wellknown species, anas boschas, usually termed the mallard, and which appears to be generally distributed throughout the temperate and colder regions of Europe, Asia, and North America. The mallard is smaller than the tame duck, of a lighter and more graceful figure, and much more quick, observant, and prompt in its actions. In the more northern regions, it is decidedly migratory.

The wild duck pairs early in March, sometimes in the latter part of February, but the male deserts his mate, when the duty of incubation commences, leaving the care of the eggs and young entirely to the female. Hence in the month of May it is not uncommon to see small flocks composed exclusively of males, whose mates are fostering their brood. Wilson says that both parents take charge of their young, but this is an error; the female, only, rears them, as was first, we believe, pointed out by Mr. Selby. It is in May, moreover, that the male begins to change his colours, losing the curled tail feathers, and the glossy green of the neck, and assuming a plain dress,

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