תמונות בעמוד

but a winner of such as prove winners of souls; and so by winning of some one immediately, to be a mediate winner of many others by him? They shall shine (saith he) as the heavens, that instruct; and they that convert others as the stars. And how gloriously then (suppose we) doth this blessed Man of GOD shine now in the kingdom of GOD, that was an instructor of those that are instructors of others, that was a converter of those that are converters of others themselves!

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Many then did this worthy man (as the Holy Ghost saith of John the Baptist) win unto GOD.' Many he won, though all he could not, that was more than the apostle Paul was able to do. The Jews opposed themselves against his ministry, and blasphemed, Acts xviii. 6. and 2 Thess. iii. 2. All men (saith he) have not faith; but yet many he won, and his desire and endeavour (with the same apostle) was to win all, his own flock especially, of whom he used to protest," that it was more comfort to "him to win one of them than twenty others." But some refractory spirits he met withal, (as what minister doth not?) that would not be reclaimed; that by their crossgrained carriage and behaviour, were as thorns in his eyes, and as goads in his sides, and proved a vexation of heart to him continually. But against such persons, not only the dust of the minister's feet, but the sweat of his brow, and the tears of his eyes, and his strength wasted amongst them, and his spirits spent upon them, shall one day rise up in judgment against them, if it be not prevented by divine mercy.

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Though it is seldom seen, that much good is done by a minister whose heart and tongue do not correspond, and whose lip and life do not agree; yet as a man may be the means to save the souls of others, but not his own; or, may be (as St Austin says) like a stone gutter or a leaden pipe, that conveyeth water into a garden, yet receiveth no benefit thereby itself;' may preach to others, and not to himself; may convert others, but himself prove a cast-away; so we can affirm, from the utmost degree of human certainty, that this was not the case of this truly pious labourer in GOD's vineyard. He was not one of those that say and do not; but as he taught, so he performed; his doctrine and practice went hand in hand. His actions, though silent, were nevertheless the counterpart of the sermons he preached from the pulpit. This sweet harmony of heart and life had a surprising influence for good.


on many, who, at least (as the world at large ever aims to do) could find little to find fault with or condemn.

Two things (says a certain person) are necessary to make a complete man, integrity and judgment; and though they meet but in few, yet there was a happy conjunction of them both in this great man. This appears from the frequent application that many made to him, to be an overseer of their last wills, and to advise them in the disposal of their estates: And also, that his brethren the clergy, as well as others, from all parts of the realm, had recourse to him by letter or otherwise, as one more than ordinarily able to give them satisfaction in the solution of their doubts and difficulties. These two, then, made him a complete man; but there is something more required to make a complete minister, viz. That he be able to speak his mind fitly, (for what use can there be of a mute messenger ?) and that he dare do it freely, (for of whom is courage and freedom of speech more required than of GOD's messengers ?) Nor was Mr Stock defective in either.

As for the former, he was well able, not only to express, but to urge and press it also; not to confirm alone, but to commend also what he had delivered with clear method, sound proof, fit phrases, and variety of good literature; that both the most learned might receive satisfaction from him, and the very ignorant and dull might also reap benefit by him, leaving such a deep impression in their hearts and minds, that they could not remain ignorant, who heard him for any space of time. In a word, in this kind, he was such a person, as many strove to imitate, but few attained to equal him.

His prudence also appeared in his order of catechising the young persons of his parish, by examining them apart; the young men on one day, and the maids on another. Those that made the greatest progress first in the presence of the more ignorant and dull; and the latter apart by themselves, when the former were departed; that so they might reap what fruit they could by hearing the others, and yet might receive no discouragement by being heard of them.

Neither was his pious diligence and care less seen in the religious instruction and education of those that were under his private charge, as children and servants, for whom his care was greater to provide for their souls than their bodies, for their spiritual than for their temporal estate (though he neglected not the latter) by bringing them


up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. In a word, it would require a volume, to write of all the gifts, graces, and praise-worthy qualities of this eminent servant of Christ.


In his public ministry, his usual manner was, occa sionally to quote the sayings of many of the fathers; which some taking exceptions at, he thus apologized for himself, "If any (said he,) take exceptions at my "alledging of fathers, (as some have taken offence at my using of reasons to confirm the doctrine, but with .66 very little reason, as I suppose), I must pray them to "give me leave to use them, till I can see that unlawful"ness which they affirm to be in the practice, and to cen❝ sure me in charity for the use of them, as I do them for "not using them. I will look as well to my heart in the "use of them, as God shall enable me; and when I shall 66 see the hurt of them, I will endeavour as much to "avoid them. In the mean time, I will make as much "use as I can of them, to edify the church of God."

In his younger days, being called to preach at St Paul's Cross, he dealt pretty plainly and freely in taxing some abuses in the city in unequal ratings, by which the meaner sort were overburdened, whilst the rich and great ones escaped with more ease. This gave great offence to many of them, who checked him as over-rash for dealing in such matters, calling him a green-head: But in his latter days being called to preach at the lord-mayor's election, he fell again upon the same subject, and told them, a grayhead spake now what a green head had done before.

In these, and such like employments, public and private, he spent his time: He spent his strength like a torch or taper, wasting and consuming himself for the profit and benefit of others; having his work with COD then, and his reward for it from God afterwards. And it was for the sake of these employments principally, that he desired recovery of health and strength: In the performance of which, through great earnestness, he often strained himself, even in the midst of his infirmity and weakness, to the evident increase of both. What is the sign (saith Hezekiah, when he was promised recovery) that I shall go up to the house of the Lord? as desiring continuance of life, and recovery of health, for no one end more than that. And it was from the same motive, that this good man was desirous of recovery, that he likewise might again repair to the house of GOD, and that he might return to GOD's work again.




To which purpose, the very last Lord's day before his decease, having, after many relapses recovered a little strength, he made shift to get out to a neighbouring congregation, there to join with GOD's people in public performance of such solemn service of GOD, as that day is usually spent and employed in. And having held out with them to the end, in both parts of the day, he rejoiced exceedingly, that he was able so to do; the rather, because he thereby conceived some good hope, that he should be strong enough, ere long, to return to his wonted work and employment again. But the Lord saw it better (for his will appears by his work) to put an end to his incessant labours here, and to translate him to the place of his endless rest, upon the twentieth day of April, 1626, having been preacher at Allhallows, Breadstreet, during the space of thirty-two years; where he was an example to his people in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity. But, as one saith, An exact face is seldom drawn but with much disadvantage; so neither is his 'character; therefore we may well conclude, as one doth • of Basil, There wanted but his own tongue to speak of ⚫ his worth.'


RICHARD ROTHWEL was born in Lancashire,

at or near Bolton in the Moors, about the year 1563. His education was in the schools, and afterwards in Cambridge; in the one he attained to an exact knowledge of the tongues (especially Greek, and Hebrew, wherein he was a critic) and in the other of the arts; so that he became a skilful linguist, subtile disputant, copious orator, and of a deep insight into all kinds of knowledge, human or divine.

In this first course of his studies (says Mr Clark, or rather Gower, after his manner, from whom we take most of this article) appeared presently to his observers the buds and blossoms of that fame which after he attained, for he had a prompt wit, a quick apprehension, a clear understanding, a sound judgment, a ready speech, and a strong memory; all these seldom meet in one man,


but did in him very eminently, and were improved by diligent study, which (out of desire of learning and knowledge) he continued to the last without ceasing.

His constitution of body, and moral endowments of mind, were great props and supporters to his intellectual habits. Virtue becomes more acceptable from a handsome person; This is not the ordinary lot of scholars; he was tall, well set, of great strength of body and activity, of a stern countenance, of invincible courage, of approved valour, and of a very goodly and majestic presence: Grief nor any misery could ever break him, but joy would presently melt him into tears. He was of a generous spirit and deportment, yet withal very humble and courteous; his language was sententious and proverbial. I have heard many others say, what I must needs say myself, I never came to him, but I went the more learned from him. He had a great dexterity in communicating his mind to another, and speaking to his understanding. GOD gave him a great inlet into the hearts of men.

He spent many years in the university before he entered into the ministry; he was ordained presbyter by Dr Whitgift, then archbishop of Canterbury, who forbade him meddling with the interpretation of Moses's types, the books of Canticles, Daniel, and the Revelation; which as he then thought himself, as the bishop did, were not so useful for him to study as some other scriptures.

But, alas all these natural dispositions, intellectual habits, personal deportments, were but as so many weapons in the hands of a madman: Judge how able by these he was to resist the truth; for he remained some years without any change of heart, or sensible work of grace upon his soul, but preached learnedly, as they called it, and lived vainly; abhorring debauchery, and debauched companions, through the height of his spirit, but gave himself to hunting, bowling, shooting, more than became a minister of the gospel; and sometimes he would swear faith and troth, and in his passion, greater blasphemies.

I have heard him tell, that there were two knights in Lancashire falling out, and great feud betwixt them; that the one had a very good park with store of deer; that the other had excellent good fish-ponds and store of fish: He robbed the park of the one, and presented what he got to the other; And the fish-ponds of the other, and presented the fish to his adversary. Thus he pleased himself in the days of his vanity, with such kind of follies; in doing this one night, the keeper met with him, his dog having

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