תמונות בעמוד



N. B. To find any particular Book, or Pamphlet, fee the
Table of Contents, prefixed to the Volume.


As exp, pretion 27, its

ACTING, profeffion of, its
encomium, 288.
ACTS, ch. xxvi.new verfion of, 219.
AGRICULTURE, encouragement of
recommended to Lord Clive, 66. ·
Obfervations on this fubject, 233,
255, 276.

AIR, cool, benefit of freely admit-
ting, in the small-pox, 433, 443.
AMABELLA, poem of, 237. Her

affecting ftory, ib.
AMERICA, by what means did the
animals travel thither, from
Noah's ark? 540.

AMPUTATION of limbs, curious

obfervations on, 592.
ANDREWS, Dr. his fpeech in the

Irish par!, in def of the peace, 85.

ARCHITECTURE of the palaces of
our nobility, general remarks
on, 225.
ASCHAM, Roger, his merit as an
author, 147.
ASTRINGENTS, experiment on, 21.
ASTRONOMICAL' intruments, me-
thod of forming and graduating,

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BILL of RIGHTS confirmed by
Henry II. 49.

BITTERS, experiments on, 21.
BLAKENEY, the foldier, his fevere
treatment by his officers, 325.
BLENHEIM-HOUSE critically de-
fcribed, 223

BLISTERS, their ufes and opera-
tion, 25. Obf. on the applica-.
tion of them in a particular cafe,

BLOEMART, his famous print of
the refurrection of Lazarus criti
cifed, 169.

BRISTOL, E. of, his letters to Ch.
I. on the duplicity of his conduct
with regard to the Spanish prin-,
cefs, 398.
BROCKLESBY, Dr, his relation of
the cafe of a lady, labouring un-
der a diabetes, attended with
particular circumftances, 441.
BROWNE, Ifaac Hawkins, extract
from his poem on the immorta-
lity of the foul, 359. His verfes
on his own birth-day, 361. On
a fit of the gout, 362.
BROWNLOW, Mr. his animated
fpeech in the Irish parl. against
addreffing the king, 82.
BRUTE animals, their existence in
a future ftate, maintained, 129.
BUCKHORSE, Lord, his bruiting ta-
lents defcribed, 150.
BUTCHERS defcribed with their
marrow-bones and cleavers, 142..

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Warm in-

confequences of, 31.
rective against, 32.
CATALEPSY, forms of medicines
for the cure of, 356.

CATHOLICS, Roman, apology for,

264-refuted, 265. Their com-
plaints of hardships under the
Brit. gov. unreasonable, 271.
CATTLE, an extraordinary diforder
among, in France, 583; cure of,

CHARLES I. letter to, from Winde-
bank, 392. Inftance of his early
taking the liberty to difpenfe
with the laws of the land, 393.
Of his rapacity, 394. Letters to,
from the E. of Bristol, 398. Se-
cret articles in his negociations
'with Spain, 39".
CHRIST, certainty of there having

been fuch a perfon proved, 211.
CHRISTIANITY, Eulogium on,
429. In what manner it ought
to be defended againft infidel
writers, 598.


CHYLE, inquiry into the nat of, 27.
CICERO, his treatife of confolation
fuppofed to be fpurious, 427.
CICUTA, account of its fuccefs in
Ireland, 440.
Obf. on the use

of, by Dr. Fothergill, 447.

CYDER, of Devonshire, the cause
of the colic peculiar to that coun-
y, I7.


Ireland, 1, 81.
EBATES in the parliament of

DEBATING, in parliament, liberty
of, the bafis of national lib. 93.
DELUGE, Mofaic, not univerfal,
535. New Theory of, 536..
DESIGN, in painting, &c. rules of,

DEVONSHIRE Colic, account of,

17, 20.

DEWITZ, Baron, improves the trade
and manufact, of his own coun-
try, from what he had observed
in England, 489.
DIAPHRAGM, Lieuteaud's obfer-
vations on, 545.

DICKSON, Dr. his letter on a par-
ticular ufe of blifters, 436. Of
the bite of a mad dog, 445.
DOBSON, Dr. his experiments on
opium, &c. 23.

DROPSY, feveral cafes of, and treat-
ment by Dr. De Haen, 544.
DRYDEN, charged with a grofs.
miftake in his tranflation of Vir-
gil, 423. Defended, ib.
DURER, Albert, the celebrated
painter, his character, 165.


AST-INDIA, reafons for an

CLAIRON, Mad. de, her difpute E open trade to, 501.

with the church, 288.
CLARE, Lord, his fuccefs in til-
lage, from the use of oxen in
preference to horfes, 278.
CLEGHORN, Dr. his account of a
feather fwallowed by a young
lady, 432. Of a particular aneu-
rifm, 436.
CLIVE, Lord, exhorted to counte-
nance the interests of agricult. 66
COINS, importance of the ftudy of,
in hiftory, 57. Account of the
Roman, Sax. and Eng. Coins, 55.
CORN, bounty on, for exportation,
object. to, 75. Defended, 77.
CRANES, fhocking accidents owing
to the imperfection of thofe ma-
chines, 34. Improvem. in, 35.
CROPPING of land, remarks on,
233, 276.

ELECTRICITY, its effects com-
pared with thofe of thunder, 576,
ELIZABETH, Q. reality of her zeal
for the reformation questioned
and defended, 269.
ELSE, Mr. cafes of tumors, related
by him, 438.
ENCYCLOPEDIE, reafon why the
Jefuits are enemies to that work,
ESTABLISHMENTS, religious, h ir
effects inveftigated, 107.
EUNUCH, account of the marriage
of one, 63.
EXCLAMATIONS, prophane, in
writing and converfation, cen-
fured, 249,

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ABLE, Makarony one, 247.
FABRE, M. his arguments to
prove the non generation of
flesh, in wounds attended with
the lofs of fubftance, 594-
FATNESS, preternatural, cafe relat-
ed by Dr. Wade, 434.
FEATHER, account of one, fwal-
lowed by a lady, and extracted,

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FEES, of office, an enormous griev-

ance, 394.
FERNEY, the feat of M. Voltaire,
celebrated, 138. Elegant com-
pliment to, 141.
FEVERS, distinctions of, indications
of cure, remedies, &c. 298. Ge-
neral account of fevers, 356. By
what means to be fuppreffed, 496.
Intermittents, method of treat-
ing, 541. Acute, 549.
FILCAS, Irish bards, acc. of, 476.
FINIUSA, the Scythian monarch,
account of, 478. Seminaries of
learning, founded by him in Shi-
nar, 479.

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FITZ-GIBBON, Mr. his fpeeches
in the Irish Parl. 6, 15.
FLOOD, Mr. his fpirited speeches
in the Irish parliament, 12, 88.
FOTHERGILL, Dr. J. his medicine
for the chin-cough, 444. His
obf. on the ufe of the cicuta, 447.
FOTHERGILL, Dr. A. two cafes of
incontinency of urine, related by

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him, 437.
FREEDOM, national, rarely under-
ftood, 38.

FRENCH, Mr. his ingenious alle-
gory of the family of the Jobbs,
2. His account of the revenue
of Ireland, 3, 5,-his speech on
the military establishment, 8.


ATTI, Dr. account of his fuc-

cefs in the practice of inocu-
lation for the small-pox, in
France, and the oppofition he
met with there, 366.
GORE, Mr. his fpeech in the Irish
parl. on the non-refidence of the
clergy, 92.

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GRABOW, Mad. de, fome account
of that accomplished lady, 484.
GREECE, encomium on the writers
of that country, 234. Language
of, how to attain with ease, ib.
GREEK language, rife and progrefs
of the alphabet of, 236.
GREEKS, their early connexions
with the Goths, 341.
GROTIUS, epitaph intended for
him, 483-

GUETTARD, M. his account of
foffils found in the neighbour-
hood of Paris, 584.
GUSTROW, inhabitants of, good
husbandmen, 484.


AIR, affociation in New-Eng-
land against wearing long
hair, 187.
HALLER, Baron, his experiments
on the evaporation of falt water,

HAMBURG, excellent method of
giving the alarm there, in case
of fires, 482. Other particulars
of that city, ib.
HAMEL, M. du, his botanical and
meterological obfervations, 583-
HARWARD, Mr. his humorous

fpeech in the Irish parl. 87.
HAWEIS, pamphlets relating to
the controverfy with him, con-
cerning the living of Aldwincle,
HAY, Mr. his acccunt of an extra-
uterine fœtus, 445.
HAYES, Mr. his account of a dif
eased eye, 436.

HENRY II. his wife and fpirited.
administration, 41-feq. Super-
ftitious turn of the English in his
reign, 43.
HENRY, Mr, his fpeech in the Irish
parl. on the non-refidence of the
clergy, 89.


HERODOTUS, curious obf. on his

history, 525

HEWSON, Mr. his medical experi

ments, 445,
HISTORY, ancient, in reality, very
moderu, 524. Uncertainty of,
ib. That of the Roman empire
mot worthy of our attention,527.
Of the style and manner of write
ing hiftory, 530.
HOGARTH, the celebrated painter,
character of his works, 167. His
Rake's Progrefs_delineated. and
criticifed, 170,
HOLKAM-HOUSE praised, 226,
HUBERT de St. Clate, his genera

ous affection to his prince, 42
HUCK, Dr. bis account of the ef.
fects of cold air in the small pox,
443. Of the effects of opium
and mufk, in a lock'd jaw, &c.

HUMAN fpecies, ftrange book re-

lating to the formation of, 494.
HUSBANDRY, encomium on; 405:
HOXHAM, Dr. his account of em-

physematous fwellings, 432:
HYDE, Dr. account of his writings,

HYDRAULIC machines, new im-
provements in, 36.
HYDROSTATIC machines, im-
provements of ib.


ANSENISTS, attacked by M.
D'Alembert, 553


to the Egyptians for any of their
doctrines, 521,

INFANTS, proper method of wean-
ing them, 95 Of bringing
them up by hand, 97.
INGINEERS, British, difcourage-
ments incidental to, 331.2
INOCULATION, for the small-pox,
opinions of feveral physicians re-
lating to, 152. Manner of per-
forming in the Eaft-Indies, 154-
Dr. Gatti's obf, on, 366. Dr.
Watfon's experiments on, 384,
Advantages of early inoculation,.
443. Farther advice on that
head, 496.

Jon, the African, his remark on
the fuppofed colour of Adam,
JOBB, an odious monosyllable, 1.
Allegorical account of, 2.
JOHN, St. Chapt. i. new verfion of,

IRELAND, military establishment
there, very burthenfome to the
nation, 503. Reasons again an
augmentation of, ib.
IRISH, originally of Caledonian de-
fcent, 308.

ITALY, people of, vindicated, in
regard to alledged affaffinations,
451. Not given to riots, 452.
Very irrafcible, 453. Cicifbeilm
there not criminal, 455.


JEALOUSY, poetically defcribed; KELLY, Dr. his account of an

JENNINGS, Soame, fpecimen of his
tranflation of Browne's poem on
the immortality of the foul, 36c.
Original remarks on his thoughts
on the high prices of provisions,
JesUITS, fraudulent spirit of, 552.
Caufe of their enmity to the En-
cyclopedia, 553
ILIAC paffion, treatment of, 543-
INCLOSURE of open fields, objec-

tions to, 73.
INDIANS, originality of their reli-
gion and policy afferted, 520.
Their philofophers not indebted

extra-uterine fœtus, 433.
KENNICOTT, Dr. his new inter-
pretation of the flaughter of the
men of Beth-Shemeth, 283-
KNOX, Dr. his account of a palfy


Antes, Jewish, drefs of, de-
fcribed, 295
LANGTON, Dr. his hypothefis re-
lating to inoculation exploded,
LANGUAGES, how best to be at-
tained, 533.

LEAD, noxious impregnation of,
in Devonshire cyder, 17. This
opinion controverted, 18, 20.


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LEAGUE, the famous one, in
France, frange temper of the
times in which it was formed,
LEAKE, Mr. his account of a frac
tured rib, &c. 432.
LECTURESHIPS, curious account
of the modes of foliciting for

them, 404

LE HUNTE, Mr. his fpeech in the
Irish parliament, 9.
LEWIS XIII. his character, 568.
LIBERTY, its nature not generally
understood, 38. A noble and
generous principle, ib.
LOG-LINE, remarks on, 104.
LOUIS, M. his obf. relating to the
amputation of limbs, 592. On
the healing of wounds attended
with lofs of fubftance, 594.
LOVE, poetically defcribed, 407.
Rules for préferving, ib.
LUCAS, Dr. his remark on parlia-
mentary jobbing, 1. Called to
order, 3. His defence, ib. His
motion for reducing the pen-
fions, 10. His fpeech on ad-
dreffing the king, 11.
LUCINDA, her moving letter to
Califtus, 351.

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LUDLOW, Mr. his account of an
obftructed deglutition, 435.
LUES, prefent ftate of, 252.



ACAULAY, Mrs. poetical
compliment to, 410.
MACHINES, improvements in fe-
veral kinds of, 34-37.
MAGNESIA, characters of, 250.
Good effects of in fevere vomit-
ings, 444:
MAGOG, the founder of the firft
Scythian monarchy, 4-8.
MAHON, Mr. a parliamentary job-
ber, i.

MAKARONY fable, 247.

MANURING of land, obf. on, 277.
MARTINIERE, M. de. his memoir
on the treatment of gun fhot
wounds, 588.

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culiar laws and customs of, 188–
Prefent ftate of trade there, 197 •
MATY, Dr. his narrative of the
progrefs of inoculation in France,
366. Account of a pally occa
fioned by a fall, 441. Of the ad-
vantages of early inoculation, 443
MAYNS, Sir W. his fpeech in the
Irish parl. in def. of the peace, 86.
MECKLENBURG, Strelitz, dutchy
of, defcribed, 483- Duke of, his
rare virtues, 488. Princess Chrif
tina, her amiable character, 489.
Trade, &c. of that country, by
what means improved, ib. Re-
venues of the duke, 490. Man-
ners and cuft. of the people, 491-
MECKLENBURG, Schwerin, fome
account of the court of, 492.
MENDEZ, Mr. his poems collec
ed, 71.

MA SACHUSET, colony of, its
rife and valt increafe, 185. Bi-
gotry and perfecuting spirit of
the felt fettlers there, 187. Pe


SIAH, true doctrine of the
New Teftament concerning, 1.26
METHODISTS, burlefquers of the
fcriptures, by their abfurd hymns,
&c. 51.

MIDDLETON, Conyers, his fyftem
of the miraculous powers cen-
fured, 388.
MIDWIFRY, fome directions con-
cerning, 156.

MILK, of animals, and of women,
confidered as food for infants, 98.
MONTET, M. his memoir on the
manner of chryftalizing the fixed
alkali of tartar, 584. Remarks
on, 585.
MORRIS, Dr. his account of the

effects of caftor, and the back,
in the hooping-cough, 442.
MORRIS, Mr. his fine situation neas
Chepstow defcribed, 226.
MUNDUNGUS, the proud traveller,
defcribed, 176.

Musk. See OWEN, fee Huck.

EGROES. queftion relating to

N their origin, and their co-

lour, 541.


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