Re-Wiring The Ancient Novel, 2 Volume set: Volume 1: Greek Novels, Volume 2: Roman Novels and Other Important TextsEdmund Cueva, Stephen Harrison, Hugh Mason, William Owens, Saundra Schwartz Barkhuis, 28 בפבר׳ 2019 - 773 עמודים The Fifth International Conference on the Ancient Novel, which was held in Houston, Texas, in the fall of 2015, brought together scholars and students of the ancient novel from all over the world in order to share new and significant developments about this fascinating field of study and its important place in the field of Classical Studies. The essays contained in these two volumes are clear evidence that the ancient novel has become a valuable part of the Classics canon and its scholarly attempts to understand the ancient Graeco-Roman world. |
Greek Novels Achilles Tatius | 75 |
Greek Novels Heliodorus | 151 |
Greek Novels The Reception of Heliodorus between the Sixteenth and the Eighteenth Centuries | 221 |
Greek Novels Contributors | 331 |
Greek Novels Abstracts | 337 |
Greek Novels Indices | 345 |
359 | |
Roman Novels and Other Important Texts Petronius | 1 |
Roman Novels and Other Important Texts Protagoras Romance | 229 |
Roman Novels and Other Important Texts Speech Acts and Genre Games in the Protagoras Romance | 231 |
Roman Novels and Other Important Texts Phlegon | 247 |
Roman Novels and Other Important Texts Historia Apollonii regis Tyri | 261 |
Roman Novels and Other Important Texts Miscellaneous | 277 |
Roman Novels and Other Important Texts Contributors | 355 |
Roman Novels and Other Important Texts Abstracts | 361 |
369 | |
Roman Novels and Other Important Texts Apuleius | 57 |
Roman Novels and Other Important Texts Antonius Diogenes | 211 |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
Achilles Tatius Aethiopica Aithiopika Ancient Greek Novel Ancient Novel Antonius Diogenes Apollonius Apul Apuleius Bierl body Calasiris Cambridge University Press characters Charicleia Charicles Charmides Classical Clélie cult cultural Cupid Daphnis and Chloe divine edition Egyptian Ennius epic erotic fiction Futre Pinheiro genre gods Golden Ass Graverini Groningen Harrison Heliodorus Homer horse imperial interpretation Isis Keulen kiss Latin Leucippe and Clitophon literary literature Longus Lucius magic Meroë Metamorphoses mimesis Mlle de Scudéry Morales Morgan mystery myth narrative narrator odors Oxford University Press Panayotakis Paschalis passage Petronius Platonic Plazenet poetics priest protagonists Psyche Pythagoras Pythagorean reader reference rhetorical Roman scene Second Sophistic sexual Sisimithres smell story tale Tasso Theagenes tion translation Troiae Halosis Virgil Whitmarsh Zeitlin Zschorn γὰρ δὲ εἰς ἐν ἐπὶ καὶ μὲν πρὸς τὰ τὰς τῇ τὴν τῆς τὸ τοῖς τὸν τοῦ τῷ τῶν ὡς