Gregory of Nyssa as Biographer: Weaving Lives for Virtuous ReadersMohr Siebeck, 17 במאי 2021 - 303 עמודים In this study, Allison L. Gray analyzes three biographical narratives by the fourth-century Christian theologian Gregory of Nyssa (335-395 CE). When the Life of Moses , the Life of Macrina , and the Life of Gregory Thaumaturgus are examined in light of Greco-Roman rhetoric, biography, hagiography, and the history of education, it becomes evident that Gregory's attention to audience is critical to understanding the texts' form and function. Gregory recounts the lives of exemplary figures to inform his readers about lived virtue while simultaneously preparing them to be skilled readers and interpreters. He adopts and adapts familiar rhetorical and literary techniques to imagine, construct, and teach a new sort of ideal audience, training Christians to interpret Scripture. This study contributes to a more complete picture of how early Christian biographical writing shaped an emerging Christian paideia |
The Woven Garment | 1 |
Three Narrated Lives | 9 |
Gregorys Stated Purpose and the Reader | 24 |
Plan of the Book | 32 |
Introductions in the Bioi | 38 |
Conclusion | 51 |
Exemplar and Reader The Genos of an Interpreter | 54 |
Conclusion | 68 |
Imagining Frogs VM II 6872 | 174 |
Conclusion | 180 |
Last Words | 196 |
B Moses and the Next Life | 205 |
Macrinas Holy Body | 214 |
Conclusion | 227 |
Concluding a Bios | 234 |
Weaving Lives for Virtuous | 240 |
Upbringing in the Bioi | 77 |
Conclusion | 90 |
Moses VM I 1719 and VM II 618 B Advancing by Way of Retreat | 111 |
The Fourthcentury Audience and Paideia | 118 |
Seeing Praxeis Seeing Virtue | 124 |
Conclusion | 150 |
Vision and Imaginative Participation | 168 |
254 | |
260 | |
269 | |
275 | |
281 | |
284 | |
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
Aelius Theon Aphthonius Basil biblical biographical bios Burrus conceptual metaphor context deeds depicts divine Early Christian encomiastic epektasis episode example exemplar fourth-century genos GNO Online Greek Greg Gregory describes Gregory Nazianzus Gregory of Nyssa Gregory Thaumaturgus Gregory's human ideal readers imitate incorruptibility internal audiences interpretation last words Late Antiquity literary Lives Macrina metaphor Moses narration narrative noble death Origen paideia philosophical Philostratus Plutarch portrait praise praxeis Progymnasmata prooimion reading reveal rhetorical role Scripture Socrates soul Studies synkrisis thanatos Thaumaturgus three bioi three texts tion transl University Press virtue virtuous vision writes ἂν αὐτῷ βίον γὰρ δὲ δι διὰ τῆς εἰ εἶναι εἰς ἐκ ἐν τῷ ἐπὶ ἦν Θεοῦ κατὰ τὸν λόγος μὲν μὴ ὅτι οὐ οὐκ πάντων περὶ πρὸς τὸ τὰ τὰς ταῦτα τε καὶ τῇ τὴν τῆς τοῖς τὸν τοῦ τοῦ βίου τοὺς τοῦτο τῶν ὡς