תמונות בעמוד


Sabbath, why instituted and what it
signifies, I. 491, 492.
Sacraments without Christ are of no
avail, 436, 437; are tenders of
grace, but only to Believers, 24;
447, 448; in themselves there is
no grace, nor in the opus operatum,
436, 446; nevertheless the exter-
nal signs not to be despised, 437.
Saints, their infirmities illustrated
by various similitudes, 133; de-
rive help from God, 134; their
works are not perfectly good, 145
-149; perform no works of su-
pererogation, 279; are not to be
worshipped, 487.

Saints, what constitutes their true
life, see Life.

Salt of speech what, II. 261.
Salutation what it is, and its forms,

II. 277; how necessary, 278; in
what sense forbidden, 279; of
Paul, 306; of the Hebrews, I.
29; of the Apostles, 30.
Sanctification, what, I. 20, 21; 456;
twofold, 258; threefold, 259, 260;
all from Christ, see Holiness.
Sanctification accompanies justifica-
tion, I. 457.

is effected by degrees in this life,
II. 102.

Satisfaction for our sins made by
Christ alone, I. 287; 459; to that
the Papists themselves resort
when consulting their consciences,
347; none made by us either in
doing or suffering, 457.

Schoolmen, obtrude their vagaries
for articles of faith, I. 305; 357,

Scriptures, are believed on their

own authority among the faithful,
I. 6; are not confirmed by the
authority of the Church, 355,
500; are the sole rule of faith,
267; 423; 499-501; II. 246;
are perspicuous, 1. 306; eloquent,
336; are the word of Christ in a
twofold manner, II. 130, 131;
their efficacy in changing men's
manners, I. 96; are to be read
diligently, 266, 353; by the Laity,
122; 266; II. 132; 263; objec-
tions to the practice answered, II.
136; how used in the primitive
Church, 300; are like a pharma-
copoeia, in which nothing is insig
nificant or useless, 265; impiously

compared by Hermanus to the fa-
bles of Æsop, I. 355.
Scythians thought to have been the
worst of barbarians, II. 92.
Seducers beguile men in two ways,
I. 368, 369.

Servant of fortune is not a distinc-
tion of nature, II. 217, 218.
deceitful and contumacious to-
wards his earthly master, will be
punished by the Supreme Lord,


Servants, their condition formerly,
197; four things necessary to a
servant, 216; ought to obey their
masters, 197; should serve hear-
tily, for they serve Christ, 202,
207; whom we must serve faith-
fully as the Lord of all, I. 35, 36.
Serve, to serve God more easy than
to serve man, II. 221.
Service, eye, what, II. 199.
Simon the Cyrenian did not suffer

in the place of Christ, I. 257.
Sin, all to be avoided, I. 130, 134;
438; 459; II. 64; whence its
first motions spring, and what they
are, II. 48, 49; what it is to live
in it, II. 19, 20; 60, 62.

is a pleasant poison, I. 454; is
contagious, II. 257; provokes God
to inflict punishment, II. 54-56;
its enormity manifested by the
magnitude of the ransom, I. 163;
456; the body of sin, what, 438;
members of it what, II. 34, 35;
how it is dead in the renewed, II.

Sin, original is not the mere priva-
tion or destitution of original
righteousness, I. 452, 453; II.
37; how it infects the whole man,

Sins are the chains of the devil, I.

474; different kinds of, 11. 49, 51.
Sinners are alienated from and ene-
mies to God, I. 249, 250; are
dead, 450; are homicides, 454.
Singing an antient custom, useful,
and how to be employed, II. 143.
See Hymns.

Slanderers, a lesson for them, I. 102.
Slavery, no ground of distinction as
it regards men, with God, II. 94;
see Servants.

Soul, put for the whole person, I.


Speech, the salt of, what, 11. 261.
Spirit, to be present in, what it is,
I. 372.

Spirit Holy, is like a treasurer, I.21.
why not called an image, 176.
Spiritual things should always be
contemplated, II. 6,7; are espe-
cially to be preferred and desired,
I. 32; especially by ministers,
104; how far they may be known
naturally, 393.

Stedfast, what it signifies, and es-

pecially with regard to faith, 376.
Stephen, how he was full of grace,


Strangers to be loved and how, I.

74; the evil of cherishing them
more than our own kindred, II.
276, 288.
Strengthening, spiritual, how neces-
sary and effective, I. 132-134.
Subjection, what, how useful and
obligatory, II. 152.

of a wife towards her husband, in
what it consists, 153.

Succession local, of no avail without
succession of doctrine, I. 20.
Sufferings of others claim our sym-
pathy, 11. 108; 286.

of believers, see Afflictions.
of Christ, satisfactory, &c. see

of the Cross, the best means
adapted for our redemption, 1.
242; 474.

Superiors to be obeyed in things in-
different, II. 171.
Superstitious observances, 1. 400.

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Things above, what are so called,
II. 6.

on the earth described, 8; why
not to be sought after, 9.
Timothy who, and why called a bro-
ther by Paul, I. 5, 6.

circumcised by St. Paul, I. 405.
Tongue must be restrained and re-
gulated, 11. 260.

Traditions are not necessary, I. 265;
322; 346, 347; how far to be
observed in external things, and
how far not, 401, 402.
Traditions human, are not parts of
Divine worship, 534, 544; have
the appearance of wisdom, and
how, 530; to be rejected. See
Scriptures as the rule of faith.
Trinity, defined, I. 178; the works
of ad extrà indivisible, 5, 35, 55;
136, 145, 153; 209; 235-239;

Triumph, description of Christ's
over the demons, I. 468;
upon the cross, 474.
Tychicus, first bishop of Chalcedon,
II. 266.


Ubiquity does not attach to the hu
inan nature of Christ. I. 421; II.
Unbelievers, none of their works are
good, I. 60.

Uncircumcision, various significa-
tions of, I. 451, 452.
Uncleanness, what meant by it, II.


Understanding, necessity of in order
to decide in questions of moment,
I. 120, 121.
Understanding, our's naturally dark,
I. 252; in matters of faith alto-
gether blind, 304; 452; how en-
lightened, 120.

Union, personal, in Christ what, I.
415; does not establish the ubi-
quity of his body, 419, 421.
mystical, is effected by faith and
the Spirit, 426; importance of it,
II. 23.


Vices are contagious, II. 257; the
chains of the devil, I. 474; should
be abandoned by the Christian,
II. 63; with promptitude, 64; and
in toto, 65; and spiritually, 64.

Vigils public, what they were for-
merly, and on what occasion in-
stituted, II. 231; their abuse,
233; have very properly ceased,
232, and Note.

private, laudable, 232, 233. See

Virtue, what, II. 101; its likeness
to a garment, ibid.; and the re-
verse, 102.

Virtue and knowledge, mutually
promote each other, I. 131;
should be united in a Christian,
Vocation, the Christian, requires
holy manners, II. 64, &c.

of Ministers, threefold, I. 270,

Vow, what, I. 506; to be made to
God alone, ibid.

Vows made by Papists to angels and
saints, ibid,


Walk, what it signifies in Scripture,
I. 123; 380; to walk in sin, what,
II. 60; differs from living in sin,
ibid.; and from falling into sin,
60, 62.

Warn, our duty to warn and admo-

nish one another, and how it may
be done, 1. 138, 140.
Watchfulness duty of, and motives
thereto, II. 234.
examples of, 233.

Will of God, operative and approv-

ing, I. 310, 311; difference be-
tween his good pleasure and his
visible will, 324.

to be known and done, II. 290,

Will of man, naturally depraved, I.
252; 452.

Will-worship, its origin and parts,
I. 130; condemned, ibid.
Wife, what to be regarded in choos-
ing one, II. 163.

in what her subjection consists,
152, 153; reasons for yielding it,
155; impediments to it, 156, 157.
duties of towards her household,

Wisdom, what it signifies, 1. 118,
120; 530, 531; how it differs from
understanding, 119; from know-
ledge, 360; whence derived, 121;

regards both things to be believed
and to be done, 361; to be exer-
cised in discourse, II. 262.

its importance to Ministers, i.
106, 120; 296.

Women ought not to be vain, nor
studious of ornaments. II. 156,
157; should content themselves
at home, 154.

Word of God. See Scriptures.
of the truth of the Gospel, what,
I. 86, 87; how the instrument of
producing faith and hope, 85.
Words, our's, should be regulated, II.

144, 145, and that religiously, 260.
Works, good, are of God, and to be
performed by Christians, 1. 127,
129; are not good, except such
as are commanded by God, 130,
146; directed by knowledge and
dispose to further knowledge, 131.
Works, all our's, as well internal as
external, should be subjected to
rule, II. 144, 145; be done in the
name of Christ, 146; habitually,

Works of the Law, do not justify,
I. 99.

of the renewed, although imper-
fect, acceptable to God, and
wherefore, 128; of the unrenew-
ed not so, 60; are evil, 253, 254.
of supererogation do not exist,
278, 279.

of one creature cannot be imputed
to another as meritorious, nor as
satisfactory for sin, 279, 280.
Worship, what, I. 502; to be given
to God alone, 503; prescribed by
God himself, 527, 528.

what to be avoided in it, 532.
Worthiness, twofold, I. 123.
Wrath, what it is, 11. 66.

of God, what. See Anger.


Youth, should live in obedience to
parents. See Children.


Zeal, whence the term is derived,
II. 293.

to be united with discretion, I.








WHETHER the Pope of Rome hath apostolical dignity and autho-
Whether the faithful can certainly conclude that they are in favour
with God, and that their sins are remitted them through Christ in
whom they have believed

Whether Christ is the adequate object of faith as it justifies
Whether our love is God himself


Whether there can be true faith without love

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Whether the human nature of Christ subsists in the person of the



Whether Christ is the Saviour of angels

Whether and in what manner the angels promote the welfare of the


Whether infants are to be baptized

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Whether original sin is a mere privation of original righteous-

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451-454, and Vol. II. 37

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470, 471

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Whether it is lawful for a Christian to revenge any injury done to



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bind them-






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121, 122


Whether prayer in an unknown tongue be proper
Whether the Scriptures alone be a rule of faith

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