תמונות בעמוד

at the scornful manner in which he had regarded her, Amelrosa hastily quitted the window, and disengaging herself from the child, sunk into a chair, overcome with a faintness that universally seized her frame at the conflict she had suffered. Her friends beheld her situation with the most poignant concern, and while they were exerting themselves to recover her, Lord Conrade violently agitated, snatched up his hat, and addressing Mrs. Romney, said:" I entreat, my dear madam, when Miss Rossmore is restored to recollection, that you will prevail with her to be composed, by assuring her, that since I have been the cause of separating her from Captain Glenholme, I hope by every exertion. in my power to be the occasion of uniting them again;" and with these words he rushed precipitately out of the house.

Lord Conrade overtook Captain Glenholme before the soldiers were dispersed, and having advanced and accosted him,


requested the favor of half an hour's conversation; but this, Glenholme at first, with an air of haughtiness unusual to him, refused, saying "Are you come my lord, mearly to insult me, by describing the happiness I have just witnessed?"

"If you wish me to understand," replied his lordship, "that you conclude I, am married to the object of your affections, you are mistaken; I am not so fortunate." This information and address, calmed the fierce indignation of Montague, and his men having orders to repair to their places of destination, with resumed composure he attended Lord Conrade to another inn in the town.

His lordship had the goodness, painful and disagreeable as the subject was to him, to relate the history of himself and his lady the hapless Minette, under a promise of secresy; as it was necessary it should be known to him, to take off every imputation of inconstancy and impropriety from Amel


rosa, but with the discovery of her being the daughter of Lord Rossmore he forgot to acquaint him.

Montague with a heart dilated with rapture, at the confirmed unchangeable affection of the woman he loved with invariable regard; accompanied Lord Conrade back to the spot that contained her with quick and elastic steps. Her senses were quite restored when they arrived, but she was so completely wretched that when she learnt every thing had been explained by his lordship to the satisfaction of Montague, (who was come to solicit her pardon for his conduct, caused by the suspicions planted in his breast by her enemies, and strengthened by the unlucky combination of circumstances afterwards,) the transition from excess of misery to happiness was so great, that her weak and perturbed spirits. could scarcely support the joyful change.

How opposite were the sensations of



Montague when he now beheld her, to those he experienced when he previously passed the window!-Convinced of her purity and fidelity, he trusted to her sweetness to forgive his impassioned behavior, which he could not resist yielding to after their long and cruel separation; and advancing to her, with impetuosity he clasped her in his arms, and folding her to his breast expressed in the most affectionate and impressive language his transport at beholding her, and the anguish he had felt at their disunion. Convinced from his manner and Lord Conrade's preceding communication, that their joy at this reconciliation was mutual, and his esteem rather augmented than lessened, she did not with affectation repulse him, but confessed an equal and innocent pleasure at his being restored unaltered to her; and for some moments lost in the contemplation of their felicity, they were regardless of all around them.

From this ecstacy of delight at seeing


each other after such a tedious and painful absence, they were awakened by Mrs. Romney, who rallied them well; and the conversation took a general turn; while Amelrosa recovered from the confusion which overwhelmed her, at her friends having witnessed the testimonies of affection she evinced at beholding Montague again; and an accidental glance at the mournful, convulsed, and dejected countenance of Lord Conrade, who seemed labouring to suppress the most torturing emotion, inclined her to wish with uneasiness, she had endeavored to restrain her joyful feelings.,

Montague's satisfaction was however considerably diminished, when he learnt that Amelrosa was now become the last hope and heiress of an ancient, noble and wealthy family; expressing his apprehensions as he was chiefly dependant on his uncle Sir Robert, that Lord Rossmore might not approve their union; but Amelrosa reassured him by replying, "My father is

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