תמונות בעמוד

Ne fhetes clene to lye betwene, maden of threde and


None other houfe, but leves and bowes, to cover your hed and myne:

O myne hart fwete, this evyll dyète fholde make you pale and wan;

Wherfore I'll to the grene wode go, alone, a banyshed



Amonge the wylde dere, fuch an archère as men fay that ye be,

May ye nat fayle of good vitayle, where is fo grete plente:

And water clere of the ryvère fhall be full fwete to me ; With which in hele I fhall ryght wele endure, as ye fhall fee:

And, or we go, a bedde or two I can provyde anone; For, in my mynde, of all mankynde I love but you



Lo yet, before, ye muft do more, yf ye wyll go with


As cut your here above your ere, your kyrtel above

the kne:

With bowe in hande, for to withstande your enemyes, yf nede be:

And, this fame nyght, before day-lyght, to wode-warde

wyll I fle.

Yf that ye wyll all this fulfill, do it fhortly as ye can; Els wyll I to the grene wode go, alone, a banyshed



I fhall as nowe do more for you than longeth to womanhede;

To shorte my here, a bow to bere, to fhote in tyme of

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O my fwete mother, before all other for you I have moft drede:

But nowe, adue! I must enfue where fortune doth me

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All this make ye: nowe let us fle; the day cometh fast


For, in my mynde, of all mankynde I love but you



Nay, nay, nat fo; ye fhal nat go, and I fhall tell you why,

Your appetyght is to be lyght of love, I wele efpy: For, lyke as ye have fayed to me, in lyke wyfe hardely Ye wolde anfwère, whofoever it were, in way of com


It is fayd of olde,-fone hote, fone colde ; and fo is a


For I muft to the grene wode go, alone, a banyshed


B. Yf


Yf ye take hede, it is no nede fuch wordes to fay by


For oft ye prayed, and longe affayed, or I you loved, pardè:

And though that I of auncestry a barons daughter be, Yet have you proved howe I you loved, a fquyer of lowe degre;

And ever shall, whatso befall; to dy therefore anone; For, in my mynde, of all mankynde I love but you alone.


A barons chylde to be begylde ! it were a cursed dede : To be felàwe with an outlawe! Almighty God forbede!

Yea, beter were, the pore fquyère alone to forest yede,

Than ye fholde fay another day, that by that curfed


Ye were betrayed: wherfore, good mayd, the best rede

that I can,

Is, that I to

the grene wode go, alone, a banyshed man.


Whatever befall, I never fhall of this thyng you up. brayd:

But yf ye go, and leve me fo, than have ye me betrayed. Remember you wele howe that ye dele; for, yf ye be as ye fayd,

Ye were

unkynde, to leve behynde, your love, the notbrowne mayd.

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Truft me truly', that I shall dy fone after ye be gone ; For, in my mynde, of all mankynde I love but you



Yf that ye went, ye fholde repent: for in the forest


I have purvayed me of a mayd, whom I love more than


Another fayrère than ever ye were, I dare it wele


And of


bothe eche fholde be wrothe with other, as I trowe :

It were myne efe, to lyve in pese; so wyll I, yf I can ; Wherfore I to the wode wyll go, alone, a banyshed



Though in the wode I undyrftode ye had a paramour, All this may nought remove my thought, but that I will be your:

And the fhall fynde me foft, and kynde, and courteys every hour;

Glad to fulfyll all that the wyll commaunde me, to my


For had ye, lo, an hundred mo, yet wolde I be that


For, in my mynde, of all mankynde I love but you


A. Myne


Myne own dere love, I fe the prove that ye be kynde, and true;

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Of mayde, and wyfe, in all my lyfe, the best that ever I knewe.

Be mery and glad, be no more fad, the cafe is chaunged


For it were ruthe, that, for your truthe, ye folde have

caufe to rewe :

Be nat difmayed; whatfoever I fayd to you, whan I


I wyll not to the grene wode go, I am no banyfhed



Thefe tydings be more gladder to me than to be made

a quene,

Yf I were fure they fholde endure : but it is often fene, Whan men wyll breke promyfe, they speke the wordes on the fplene:

Ye shape some wyle, me to begyle, and stele from me

I wene :

Than were the cafe worfe than it was, and I more wo-begone;

For, in my mynde, of all mankynde I love but you.



Ye shall nat nede further to drede; I will not dyfparage You, (God defende!) fyth you defcend of fo grete

a lynage.

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