תמונות בעמוד

and if ye can find a stream with a fish
in it, go and try the following method
"The method, however, which is usual-
ly preferred is night-fishing, which is ef-
fected thus: two sportsmen take their
stations in a light skiff, one at the bow,
with spear in hand, the other at the stern.
The spear is three pronged, the handle
twelve feet in length, of the best white
ash; the thickness, that which is well
known, and better handled in every fair
in Ireland, under the title of a shillelagh,
"In the bow also is secured a pole of
stronger dimensions, about four feet in
length, to the top of which is appended,
by means of a socket, an iron jack, or
grate, moveable on pivots, so as to ba-
lance and right itself, when the boat
moves roughly through the rapids, and to
prevent the fire or light wood, which it is
to contain, from being thrown out. This
jack or grate is circular, about one foot in
depth, and fourteen inches in diameter.
It is supplied from time to time with
pitch pine, cut into lengths of eight
inches, about inch and half in thickness
a large heap of these is piled in the
centre of the skiff, from which magazine
the light-jack is replenished, so as to keep
up a bright and continued flame, which
blazing upwards from two to three feet,
exhibits clearly to your view the fish even
to the depth of ten feet, or fairly across
the river where it happens to run shal-
low. The spear-man takes his stand be-
hind the Jack. If in deep water, he, at
the stern, plies the paddle, if in shallow,
a light spear; by means of which he pre-
vents the skiff from bolting too suddenly
down the rapids, and often strikes a fish
the bow-man may have missed. Thus
appointed, you go as quietly as possible
down the stream, and on seeing a fish,
you must not be in too great a hurry to
strike, unless in a shallow and rapid part
of the river. If in deep water, the bla-
zing Jack throws down its light upon a
fish, let your eye not swerve from the ob-
ject, nor your spear deviate from its poise,
till you strike; and when you do, observe
that you throw yourself back to preserve
your balance, or an upset, and a cool dip
will be the penalty of your incaution.

"In aiming at the fish, strike nearer to you, than he appears, and nearer still, in proportion to the depth of the water. In this respect, the young sportsman will meet frequent disappointment, as nothing but experience will enable him to calculate the power of refraction, so as to reconcile the real and apparent distance.

"You should always aim at the shoulder, and if you strike successfully, bring in

the fish with as much expedition as possible, lest it should twist itself off the spear

when you have it fairly in the skiff, you loose your spear from the fish, by striking it against the seat. Should the salmon however, at which you have struck, escape and turn down the stream, keep steadily on, and when he wheels to pass you, wheel also rapidly, by putting out your spear at one side to assist the steersman, then push up the stream to get above the fish, which will generally rest some time after making, what is termed, the dart pass, and you will be sure to find him in the first sudden deepening of the river. The slightest wound he may have received will appear quite white in the water, and should he be out of distance, you must endeavour to strike, by throwing your spear, for which purpose, you must grasp it at the middle with your left hand, and at the top with your right, and fling it at the remote object with such aim and dexterity as you can command many are expert at this, but he that is not, had better avoid the experinent; as the effort will probably be unsuccessful, and, it will require the greatest possible steadiness to keep his feet when the spear has quit his hand. Shortly after our arrival here, my brother and I speared one hundred and twenty salmon of a night; but they are now becoming less numerous, in consequence of the number of saw-mills erected, the profusion of sawdust on the water, (always annoying to the fish) and, the multitudes of oak staves annually

floated down the river.

By the hardy sportsman, night-fishing is always preferred, but is a source of misery to the Dandy, who is afraid of For this description wetting his feet. of animal, I have so little respect or pity, that I have often undergone a wetting by upsetting the canoe, to enjoy the terror of the would-be sportsman-one need not however, often volunteer, these occasion. al ablutions. They will occur of themselves, and, when you least expect them. As my brother Charles is generally my companion in all sports upon land, so, my brother James, is upon the water-not having the same relish for the fatigue of Deer shooting as for the saddle of a Prime Buck, to which no man can pay his respects in greater style, or better understands the due and relative proportions of the currant jelly and wine sauce; and woe betide the cook, if there be any omission on her part, of preparing, cording, pasting and basting, when he invades her premises on a visit of inspection.

"For our third or fourth attempt at

night fishing, we prepared by pulling our skiff a couple of miles up the river by day light, and when night came on, to use the sporting phrase, we lighted up, and falling down the stream with excellent amusement, had taken about thirty Salmon, when being driven at a spanking rate by a smart current, we discovered, (but alas! too late) that a tree had fallen across the river against which the staff of the light-jack having struck, the skiff wheeled broadside to the stream, and the gunwale coming in contact with one of the branches, the capsize was as sudden as disastrous every article on board, our dear selves the numerous Salmon-magazine of Firewood-axe rifle-brandy bottle-Light jack-all-in a moment committed to the deep!!-Most fortunately, however, we were not past our depth, but pretty nearly so. Floundering about in our blanket coats for some time, and having at last gained the bank, our first look out was for the skiff; having hauled her on shore, and, with much groping, recovered one of the spears, our next exertion was to kindle a fire, the night being too dark from the over hanging trees, to venture forward without a light. In our dripping state this was a project of very dubious result; but having luckily between us, a flint and steel, at the sore expense of our knuckles in the dark, we at length succeeded in setting fire to an old tree, and forming a torch with some birch-bark, we resolved on walking home, and returning in the morning for the recovery of our apparatus. "Here, however, the idea of being laughed at, shook our resolution; were we uninjured in our persons, and unentitled to any serious sympathy, to come back like drowning Rats, to the family fireside, divested too, of the produce of our night's labour; how truly ludicrous would be the exhibition? No; it would never do we could not stand the jibes and jeers, even of the home party.

Resolved, therefore

That, the skiff be forthwith launched

[blocks in formation]

final effort, and wading in, to his shoulders, upon touching, with his foot, the object of his solicitude, immediately dived and brought it safe to-the skiff?-nothe land?-no-his mouth? yes; but not till he had removed both that, and the mouth of the bottle into shallower water, and beyond the risk of admixture with that deteriorating element. He embraced his regained companion with prolonged ardor, but had the charity to interrupt his draft by leaving me a comfortable potation, to which I paid my respects with great complacency. With renewed vigor, we plied the axe-prepared the firewood-re-lighted the jack—and bound for home, picked up at every eddy, one or more of our lost salmon; bringing back, in triumph, after all, twenty-seven choice fish, being within three of the orginal number taken.

We must now stop, not for want of matter, for we have left untouched deer-hunting and bear-shooting, both really adinirable, but because we have no more room; yet we must not leave unnoticed the embellishments from the burin of our very talented countryman Mr. Lover, to whose pen also our readers are so much indebted, for the originality and humour, with which he favours them; the etchings before us are first rate; of the racoon hunt we have spoken; of the "bear at breakfast," we could speak for ever, and the "night fishing"-the face of the halfdrowned man gulping down the brandy, is worth any money; in a word, they are worthy of the designer. Of this book, we shall sum up our opinion very briefly: it is indispensible to the wealthy emigrant, as a book of reference, and of estimates, or rather real bills of costs, not to be found elsewhere. It is useful to the poor man, as it contains many valuable hints on the conducting of the farm and household affairs. To the general reason, we need say little, after the extracts work on the subject, it is the volume we have given. If there be a better of Dr. Dunlop; but that work wants the air of certainty and reality which appears in every page of this book. We are inclined to place this as the best manual on emigration, as suited to the better classes, that has ever met our eyes. The gentleman, the poor man, the lay, or the clergy, the sportsman, or the fisherman, will find each his own taste. We anticipate a most successful sale.




The following is the King's Letter, empowering the Board of our University to make certain alterations in the Statutes, relative to the number of terms necessary to be kept during the year, the times of performing divine service, the examination for fellowship, and the annual visitation; we understand that it will not come into operation until next year.

WILLIAM THE FOURTH, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth. To all unto whom these presents shall



Whereas, We are informed that the Government of our College, of the Holy and Undivided Trinity, near Dublin, is entrusted to the Provost and seven Senior Fellows, to be by them conducted according to certain Statutes, ordained and given by His Majesty, King Charles I., which Statutes have been, in many particulars, enlarged, repealed, or otherwise changed and modified by subsequent Statutes and Letters patent, directed to our said College by our Royal Prede


And whereas, it appears that several of the said Statutes and Royal Letters Patent now in force, contain certain Rules and Regulations which have become unsuited to the present condition of the College, wherein the number of Students has latterly much increased, and the branches of Study are much farther pursued than formerly. And that to meet the exigencies of its present state and condition, it will be proper to make certain changes, whereby the Terms allotted for the business of Instruction shall be better set out and defined, and the Time of the Students better economized. And whereas it will be necessary to release

the Governing Members of our said College, from certain restrictive Statutes, or Clauses in the present Statutes, in order that they may be enabled to make such arrangements as are deemed requisite for the improvement of our said College and University:

Know ye, therefore, that We, of our special Grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, by and with the advice and consent of our Right Trusty and entirely beloved Cousin and Counsellor, Henry William Marquess of Anglesey, Knight of the most noble order of the Garter, our Lieutenant General, and Governor of Ireland, and according to the tenor of our letter, under our Privy Signet and Royal Sign Manual, bearing date at our Court at St. James's, the 23d day of January, 1833, in the third year of our Reign, and now inrolled in the Rolls of our High Court of Chancery in Ireland, have ordained, constituted, and appointed, and by these Presents, for Us, our Heirs, and Successors, do ordain, constitute, and appoint the following Statute, to be a Statute of and for our said College of the Holy and Undivided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth, near Dublin.



Inasmuch as in the 4th Chap. of the Statutes, it is ordained as follows:"Quod si contigerit unum vel plures e Sociis Senioribus a Collegio peregrè abesse, cum res ejusdem Collegii Sociorum conventum postulare Præpositus judicaverit, numerus septenarius e Sociis Junioribus, secundum senioritatem assumptis, pro illâ vice completor." And, inasmuch as by the aforesaid clause, no provision is made for inability occasioned by sickness, and as the Provost and Senior Fellows are thereby prevented, in case of the absence of a Senior Fellow, from calling to their assistance, at an Examination for Fellowships, the Professors of Natural Philosophy and of Mathematics, should the same, although Junior Fellows, not be next in Seniority; We deeming that such restriction is exceedingly detrimental

to the Interests of Learning in our said College and University, and that the same would be better served and promoted, by leaving the Provost and Senior Fellows at liberty, on the occasion of an Examination and Election for Fellowships, to supply the place of a Senior Fellow, during his absence or sickness, by taking to their assistance, the Professors of Natural Philosophy and of Mathematics, the same being Junior Fellows, although not the next in order of Seniority, to examine, each in his own department; We do hereby ordain, that the aforesaid clause shall be repealed and revoked; and that the same is hereby repealed and revoked, and that instead thereof, the following words be inserted, and that the same shall henceforward be regarded as part of the same Statute, as much as if in the place of the clause hereby repealed, they had been originally inserted: "Quod si contigerit unum vel plures e Sociis Senioribus a Collegio peregrè abesse, vel minus valere, cum res ejusdem Collegii Sociorum conventum postulare Præpositus judicaverit, numerus septenarius e Sociis Junioribus pro illâ vice completor. Et hanc assumptionem fieri volumus semper secundum senioritatem, nisi ad electionem Socii aut Sociorum et quæstiones examinationesque Candidatorum Sociorum; in quo casû, licebit Præposito et Sociis Senioribus, Professores Philosophiæ Naturalis et Mathæseos, modo sint Socii, etiam extra ordinem Senioritatis ad hoc munus examinandi et eligendi assumere, utrumq; in hâc examinatione, ad partes quæ professionis suæ sunt propriæ sustinendas, et non aliter."

And whereas, in the 17th Chap. "De Terminis observandis, et de Examinando Scholarium in Disciplinis progressû," it is ordained as follows: "Termini in quibus publice a Studentibus exercitia præstari volumus, pro quatuor anni partibus, quatuor sunto. Terminus Hilarii sive Purificationis Beatæ Mariæ, initium sumat die Lunæ post Epiphaniam, exitum verò die Sabbati Dominicam palmarum præcedente. Terminus Pascha inchoetur die Lunæ post Dominicam in Albis, desinat verò in Vigila Pentecostes. Terminus Trinitatis incipiat die Lunæ post Dominicam Trinitatis, et finiatur Julii octavo." Deniq. Terminus Sancti Michaelis incipito Octobris primo, et finiatur Decembris decimo sexto. Quoniam verò frequenti Examinatione efficitur ut Discentium studia et progressiones in bonarum artium disciplinis majorem in modum promoveantur, volumus ut quatèr quotannis nempe in cujusq; Termini principio, singularum


classium discipuli publice in Aulâ congregati, examinentur, quomodò profecerint in earum artium cognitione quibus studuerint, aut studere debuerint." And whereas, by this appointment, the portion of the year allotted for instruction, is found to be too short in relation to that usually employed in examination; and in particular, that the Trinity term is so very short, as (after deducting the time so employed) to afford no opportunity for any effective Course of Lectures; and as it seems to be altogether unreasonable, that at the beginning of the following or Michaelmas Term, the Students should be examined without the benefit of previous instruction in the subject of that examination: And whereas, for these and other reasons, We believe that it would be far more conducive to the improvement of the Students, if instead of four Terms thus set out, and four intervening Vacations, the year should be divided into three Terms, fixed, and of sufficient duration, with three intervening Vacations; Our will and pleasure is, that the portion of the said Statute recited above shall be repealed: And We do hereby ordain that the same is repealed; and that instead thereof, the following clause shall be substituted, and that the same shall be regarded as part of the aforesaid Statute, as much as if in place of the passage hereby repealed, the same had been originally inserted. "Termini in quibus publice a Studentibus exercitia præstari volumus tres sunto. Terminus Hilarii incipiat die decimo Januarii, et desinat die Annunciationis Beatæ Virginis. Terminus Trinitatis initium sumat die decimo quinto Aprilis, exitum verò tricesimo Junii. Quandocunq; autem contigerit ut Dominica Paschæ intra limites alterutrius ex hisce terminis incidat, volumus ut ille terminus augmentum unius hebdomadis accipiat. Deniq. Terminus tertius, qui proxime sequitur festum Sancti Michaelis, incipito die decimo Octobris, et finiatur Decembris vicesimo. Volumus insuper ut ter quotannis nempe in cujusq; termini principio singularum classium discipuli publice in Aulâ congregati, examinentur, quomodo profecerint in earum artium cognitione quibus studuerint aut studere debuerint."

And whereas, in the Statute of the 60th year of the reign of his Majesty King Geo. 3. "De quibusdam in Statutis mutandis," which, among other things, gives to the Provost and Senior Fellows, with the consent of the Visitors, the power of changing the times appointed for the performance of any Col

lege Duties, there is an exception contained in the following words: "exceptis solummodò horâ precum et prælectionum matutinarum, atq.; temporibus examinationum et electionum Sociorum et Scholarium Discipulorum." And whereas, it seems expedient that the Provost and Senior Fellows should be released from this restriction, as far as it relates to the hours of morning service and lecture, and that they should have the same power of changing those hours, with the consent of the Visitors, as is given to them by the said Statute, relative to the hours appointed for the performance of any other College Duties: Our will and pleasure is, that the exception should not extend beyond that contained in the words, "exceptis solummodò temporibus examinationum et electionum Sociorum et Scholarium Discipulorum."

And whereas in the 9th chap. "De cultû divino," it is ordained as follows:"preces Deo publicè in sacello offerantur ter singulis diebus profestis, manè ad horam sextam; dein ad horam decimam antemeridianam, demum ad horam quartam pomeridianam. Diebus vero festis preces solemniores bis tantum offerri volumus, nempe ad horam nonam matutinam et horam quartam vespertinam." And whereas, it seems desirable for various reasons, that Divine Service should be celebrated only twice every day, agreeably to the usage of most of our Colleges in Oxford and Cambridge, our will and pleasure is, that the clause above-cited shall be repealed: And we do hereby ordain, that the same is repealed, and that instead thereof the following shall be substituted, "Volumus igitur et statuimus ut publicè in sacello Collegii preces matutina et vespertinæ quoq; die offerantur."

And whereas in the clause of the same Statute, immediately preceding that which relates to the Grace before meat, the persons by whom prayers are to be read, are specified in the following words:"Volumus etiam et statuimus, ut e Collegii studentibus, singuli Artium Magistri, sive Socii sive Sociorum Commensales, sive etiam cubiculum in Collegio possidentes (modò in sacris ordinibus sint constituti, vel saltem Diaconatûs ordini initiati) solenne illud precum publicarum mu nus tam horâ sextâ quam aliis per se aut per alium diligenter obeant." And whereas it seems fit and proper that the performance of the Evening Service should belong to the office of the Junior Dean; Our will and pleasure is, that the clause above cited shall be repealed, unless so far as any part of the same is retained

in the following, which we do hereby ordain and appoint, to be substituted in place thereof. "Volumus etiam et statuimus ut e Collegii studentibus, singuli Artium Magistri, sive Socii sive Sociorum Commensales, sive etiam cubiculum in Collegio possidentes (modo in sacris ordinibus sint constituti vel saltem Diaconatus ordini initiati) precum matutinarum munus per vices diligenter obeant: ad precum verò vespertinarum munus exequendum, Volumus et statuimus ut Decanus junior pro tempore existens semper teneatur."

And whereas by a Statute made by our late Royal Father King Geo. 3. in the 52d year of his reign, the Visitors of our said College for the time being are empowered and enjoined instead of the triennial Visitations, which they were by former Statutes required to hold, to visit annually our said College as therein mentioned. And whereas it may tend to preserve the discipline and good government of our said College, if instead of holding annual or other ordinary Visitations, our said Visitors shall be empowered to visit our said College, whensoever and as often as they, in their discretion, shall deem it expedient, from just and weighty causes to hold Visitations of our said College; Our will and pleasure therefore is, that the Visitors of our said College for the time being, shall not be bound or obliged to hold annual, triennial, or other ordinary Visitations of our said College; and instead thereof, we hereby empower the Visitors of our said College for the time being, by themselves or others, by them in their place or places respectively deputed, to such duty (and whom, so long as they shall continue so deputed, we hereby invest with all such powers as our said Visitors might lawfully exercise if personally present,) to visit our said College at and on all such days, times, and occasions, and when and as often as our said Visitors for the time being shall, in their discretion, deem it expedient, from just and weighty causes to appoint and hold Visitations of our said College, and on such Visitations respectively, to do and perform all and every such matters and things, as are by former Statutes authorized or required to be done and performed by our said Visitors, at any Visitation of our said College, thereby appointed to be holden: and further, we do hereby empower our said Visitors for the time being, if they shall think fit, to continue such Visitations from day to day, or adjourn the same from time to time, and to hold the same for such and

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