תמונות בעמוד

scarce summers, between, as it is emphatically called, the old and the new crop, wages are so low as four pence or five pence per day; and the great majority are wholly unemployed-their own stock of provisions exhausted, and the market high in prices, if at all supplied with their staple, indeed only, food, potatoes and oatmeal. Thus are they reduced to such a state of wretchedness, that able labourers are anxious to work for their food, without any other wages; while their wives and children stroll through the country, as beggars or petty thieves; and in seasons of extreme scarcity, as avowed and unblushing plunderers. Justifying their deeds by their necessities. By an instinct of the philosophy of nature, resolving society into its primary elements, and appealing to first principles, lodging a protest, which, true or false, it is hard to answer, that their "poverty and not their will consents."

But there is one fact, on the very face of this statement, which may seem to contradict it. How, it will naturally be inquired, can such hopeless wretchedness, not only maintain existence, but propagate and extend itself in all the wide-spread ramifications, and rank luxuriance of unheeded desolation? Few, we believe, know any thing of our poor, who have not often asked themselves this question, with respect to particular families, "How do they contrive to live?" Leaving an interposition of divine providence, little short of miraculous, to fill the awful chasm between the means and the end, we will simply state the means. A dunghill, standing close by the cabindoor, and purchased at the cost of filth, stench, and disease, supplies potatoes until the scarce season of the year. To say how they contrive to live during this season, you should live with them, and watch the hand of that gracious providence, who clothes the lilies of the field, and feeds the young ravens which cry unto him, daily interposing between them and famine. A pig, of which it is scarcely exaggeration to say, that it eats, drinks, and sleeps, with the family, ekes out the deficient produce of manual labour, and thus pays the rent of their dear and miserable holding. This consists of four narrow, damp, unplastered, and undivided, mud walls; within which the whole inmates, males, females, and

pig, eat, drink, and sleep together with little of furniture, and, in scarce seasons, without even a bed of straw-and of a quarter or an half acre of ground, on which the dunghill is manufactured into potatoes. As to clothes, even such as they have, how these are procured, we are wholly at a loss to answer.

This, we are satisfied, will not be considered an exaggerated statement of their misery, by any one acquainted with the condition of the great mass of agricultural labourers; and, we may safely base upon it this conclusion, that on an average of prices and employment, three days in the week, at eight pence to nine pence per day, that is, from two shillings to two and six pence a week, or from five to six pounds a year, is about the product of a man's labour, exclusive of what he does in the potato garden which he rents at nearly this sum, and which is scarcely ever sufficient to supply him with this essential article of his food throughout the year.

In this division, we have, intentionally, passed over a class of labourers, so small and so insignificant, as scarcely to be missed from a general statement. And yet, strange as it may seem, it is this class, which on an improved and more extended scale, and on more liberal principles, we would propose as a model of the plan which we are about to suggest.

Most holders of small farms, exceeding six or eight acres, and who have neither sons nor brothers residing with them, diet and lodge a sort of farm servant, who attends to the more menial occupations of the farm yard, and when unemployed there, labours in the field. This is the lowest grade of agricultural labourer, and his wages we believe, never exceed from three to five pounds a year. Might not this plan be new modelled; and thus adopted by the gentry, the station and liberality of the employer, imparting proportionate respectability and comfort to the situation of the servant.

But to explain this more fully, let each resident proprietor estimate the number of labourers, which the ordinary business of his farm requires. And let him rather exceed, than fall short of the number requisite, since any surplus labour may always be profitably expended in draining, fencing, plant

ing, and other permanent and valuable improvements. Let him select this number from the mass; and let his principle of selection be moral character and habits. If the number exceed six, let it be divided into companies six in each. Of these, let five be unmarried men; and the younger the better, as their bad habits will be less inveterate, and their character more plastic. Let the sixth be a married man; and as very much will depend upon him and his wife, in carrying this plan into effect, particular care should be taken in selecting them. They should be, to say the least, steady, honest, sober, industrious, and of good moral principles. The man, of sufficient moral weight, to maintain his authority over the young men; and able to instruct them in the ordinary processes of agriculture. And as nothing is required in this man and his wife but good morals and intelligence, they may, if carefully sought after, be found in the class of common labourers; and therefore, though the man is to possess the authority of a steward over the five of his company, yet he should not be exempted from labouring with them. A comfortable farm-house should then be erected, consisting of a kitchen with sleeping apartments at one end, for this man and his family, at the other end for the five young men, over whom he is to be placed in the of fice of sub-steward. The house should be supplied with the necessary furniture, cheap and solid, and just such as is calculated to form decent habits in the inmates. Let this sub-steward be supplied at convenient intervals by the steward, with potatoes, milk, oatmeal, butterin fact with the usual fare, or somewhat better, of this class, in a farmer's employment. All the inmates should diet together; the husband should act as head of the family; the wife should cook, wash, mend, and discharge the other household duties for all. From what has been already remarked, as to the product of labour, it would appear that five or six pounds a year wages to each of the five labourers, and something more to the sub-steward, for his own labour and superintendence, and his wife's domestic services, with plain, but plentiful diet, and comfortable lodging to all, would render their condition enviable to the majority of their own class, and enable each of them to

lay by from three to four pounds a year. We do not, however, take upon us to fix precisely the wages; we would leave this to persons who may be better acquainted with the practical detail, and local circumstances of each neighbourhood. The principle by which they should be regulated is, that they would enable a man to clothe himself decently, and then to lay by, at least, two or three pounds each year.

If this system were carried into operation, there can be no doubt that it would produce, so far as they deserved well in other respects, a decided preference of Protestants. Because where you were purchasing a man's whole disposable labour, you would certainly prefer him, who had less fear of working than of drinking, on the many Roman Catholic holidays, which, even under the present system of daily engagements, the farmer often finds so inconvenient. It will not, we trust, be denied, that the religious improvement of his dependents should always be an object of deep interest to a Christian landlord; and where no hostile prejudices interpose a barrier, of practical attention. In furtherance of this object, it should be a standing rule, at least among the Protestant inmates of these establishments, to assemble daily to family prayer, at which the sub-steward, as head of the family, should officiate; and if he were a pious man, which, of course, would be a main object with every pious landlord, a system of religious training might be superadded to his other offices, which would be, in the highest sense, a blessing, not only to the estate, but to the surrounding neighbourhood. He should make regular reports of his household, and any man incorrigibly idle, immoral, or insubordinate, should be expelled. Of course, from the constitution of these establishments no man who married could continue in his situation. But as, on the other hand, no advantages could compensate the ill effects which must result from an undue restriction of marriage; and as the prospect of marriage, not as the thoughtless or desperate plunge of recklessness, or of sensual appetite, but as the avenue to domestic rest and enjoyment, and the privilege and reward of honest industry, is a stimulus to much that is excellent, and a check upon much that is evil; any man who

had saved a sum-say not less than twenty pounds, which, with prudence, and the aid of the savings bank, he might easily do before he arrived at the age of thirty, if he were disposed to marry, should be made a sub-steward, did a vacancy occur, or should receive a cottage and farm, in no instance less than five acres, at a fair rent; this, his money, skill, and experience, would enable him to stock and farm to advantage. But we need not encumber ourselves with the consideration, how are they to be disposed of? The fact is, that such persons would be sought for from every quarter, as stewards and as tenants.

It may be objected, if this plan were universally adopted, where could you look for that extra supply of labourers, requisite for the harvest work? We preface our reply to this, by saying, that whatever means may be devised, certainly none could wish to keep up, throughout the year, a number of men, dependant upon agricultural labour alone for their livelihood, and for whom there was no adequate employment, except in seasons of hurry. And then we answer, supposing the plan universally adopted, which, perhaps, were impossible-first, from the unhurried labourers of other trades; and next, from mutual co-operation. It is notorious, that there is a spirit of accommodation among the agricultural classes, greater than subsists among the members of any other trade or business; so that among them, in their present state of ignorance as to the first table of the divine law, "a good neighbour," is the sum and expression of all excellence. Now, this spirit would be still more powerfully elicited under the proposed system. In fact, each neighbourhood would be, as if the property of an individual; and the field which called most loudly for them, would assemble the requisite number of labourers, from whatever quarter they could be best spared.

The great advantage, in a political view, attending the system is, that it would remove, as far as is possible, the uncertainty of the labour market; and thus diminish the awful number of unsuccessful speculators, in this lottery for employment and food. The labour market, under the present system, is a mere lottery where, except in seasons of hurry, the blanks are to the prizes at


least as three to one. Not one out of every four professed labourers is employed. And as all, who are accustomed to observe the movements of the human mind, well know its propensity to overcalculate resources; this chance of an occasional day's work, creates a human swarm, halflabourers, half beggars, and petty plunderers; totally devoid of foresight and prudence, because prudence has never, for them, had any treasure to guard, any field for exercise. Reckless of, because inured to, misery. If employed, rioting in drunkenness. If unemployed, famishing. And, as the latter is the lesser evil, there is no one who takes the morals of the people into account, and who passes through one of our villages on a Sunday, who can hesitate for a single moment in deciding, that a plentiful harvest, general employment, and good wages, are not a blessing, but a curse, to the people.

If any one is unwilling to attach the same importance that we here do, to this effect of the proposed system on the labour market; let him look at our manufactures, and see there the evils which result from the propensity of overcalculating, when combined with the indefinite demands of an uncertain market, fully exemplified.

Over-population necessarily produces a competition for the necessaries of life. The industrious and successful earn them, by the labours of their hands, in honest independence. Others obtain them-when they do obtain them -as the boon of charity, or the spoil of plunder; and thus, are either morally debased or perish. When some move in the great game of politics has opened an avenue for the introduction of our manufactures to a new market, each manufacturer is, at once, as busily engaged, as if he enjoyed a monopoly of the article which he can supply. Labourers are all employed. The languishing manufactures appear to revive. And, speedily, a supply is created-not proportioned to the demands of the market, but to the number of competitors for supplying it. Those whose outlay of capital in machinery, labour, and stock of raw material, has enabled them to come first into the market, sell their goods at remunerating prices; and perhaps realize a fortune, which serves to allure future speculators, when the memory of the bank

ruptcy, ruin, and wretchedness, which fell to the lot of the vast majority, has passed away. The later supplies serve but to glut the market to satiety, lie on hands, are returned, perhaps damaged, and unsaleable. The employers become bankrupt. The operatives are thrown out of employment. The panic stops even the steady, though small, employment, which a due supply of the home market demands. And thus, this swelling wave of commerce, which gently wafted from our shores, on its smooth and sunny bosom, a gay vessel, rich in merchandise, and buoyant in hopes, returns a breaker, bearing upon its treacherous surface a shattered wreck-carries desolation and bankruptcy into our manufactories, and famine, wretchedness, and discontent throughout the land.

But it will be said, "This over-supply, with all its evil consequences, has been, you admit, but the effect of that competition, which an over-population, necessarily produced. Nothing can put down that competition, which does not provide employment and food, in some other quarter, for the excess of competitors above the demand. How do you provide for these?" We do not at all propose it. Perhaps emigration alone can relieve the country of this political dropsy. If, indeed, the swellings of popular turbulence were to subside. If English capital, and skill, and enterprise, could explore our mines, and work our manufactories, without fear of conflagration and ruin. If absentee proprietors could improve and reside upon their estates, without risk to property or person, then, perhaps, emigration might not be necessary. But is it the object of the agitator that the country should be peaceful and prosperous? Will priests and demagogues permit this? Will a feeble, timid, truckling administration, selling the country to repealers, that they may as the purchase money, keep, a little longer, their own places, compel them to permit it? We say, "No," to all. And therefore, we believe emigration necessary. We merely propose means of preventing the recurrence of this plethoric habit, when the country has been thus relieved. And, under the operation, we would save the patient from being drained of the heart's blood, instead of the corrupt humours, by staying the emigration of the decent,


the moral, the religious-in a word, of the protestant. We are convinced, that no system will ever keep down an overpopulation. Promote moral and prudent habits. Impart a sense of decency; of wants; and of comforts to the people, which does not, in every department of society, restrain, within due limits, that reckless, gambling spirit, which lives, as the phrase has it, from hand to mouth and which does not give certainty and steadiness to the labour market. The means here proposed are principally conservative; and of course, principally contemplate a healthful state of the country. It cannot, certainly, be carried into full and general operation, until the present excess of population has been disposed of. This too, we admit, cannot in justice be rashly or hastily done. say, in justice. A few commercial adventurers who have long since failed and disappeared, have created the paupers of England. But in Ireland, the landlords are, as to all moral obligation, their fathers. Their electioneering ambition and rack-rents have virtually begotten them; and in justice, no les than in prudence and benevolence, they must not throw them off, until they see them, in some way or other, provided for. But let them now deliberate on the means, which, when this evil is removed, may prevent its recurrence. And let those, whose estates are already clear, and who are, therefore, at liberty to keep them so, immediately adopt the means best suited to this effect. Let them do so, not only for their own benefit and comfort; but also, that their estates may furnish, as it were, model schools, tested and approved by experience, to instruct the country in general, should our long provoked, but long-suffering and gracious God, ever bring it again to a healthful condition, in the best and most effectual means, under the divine blessing, of preserving it moral, prosperous, and happy.

Of the two causes to which we have alluded, as giving birth to our agricultural paupers, namely, electioneering ambition, and rack-rents, the priests have already removed the former. Few landlords, we believe, will again stock their lands with freeholders. How soon these spiritual rulers of Ireland may deem it prudent to dispose of the latter cause, let the landlords of Ireland

calculate. And among the data of this problem, let them place the following facts-tithe, and composition for tithe, effectually extinguished-cattle distrained, but no purchasers-parsons reduced to beggary, and if they murmur, stoned-proctors, and process-servers fleeing or concealing themselves, to evade a crown summons, which they view as a sentence of death; shuddering at this peaceful messenger of a feeble government, which, in its imbecility, can but persecute, and not protect, the loyal and submissive, as his abject slave would shudder at the bowl and bowstring of an eastern despot. Add to these, the magisterial bench deserted, when some unpopular cause is to come on-gentlemen of rank and property fleeing from their duty as grand and petit jurors-juries confessedly perjured, some through terror, "some also of good will"-Attorney-generals, to the utter contempt of all law, and subversion of all government, defeated, in session's courts, by hedge attorneys; to-day, Proh pudor! for informality we ask not, for it matters not, whether unintentional or designed; to-morrow, from want of evidence, which any man in court could give, but none dare; even beneath the thunderbolts of an Attorney-general's ex officio frown, or the shelter of an Attorney-general's wing. "I might as well hang myself out of the elm tree," was the short reply of a process-server to his employer, when asked for evidence of duty performed and paid for. And that short reply from a menial of the courts, passed a sentence upon his employer's year's income, which the twelve judges cannot reverse. Unless, indeed, by first convincing him, that an honest and energetic government, is willing and able to protect him; and that in this now ungoverned land, death and duty are to be no longer identical. In fact, let them consider law a dead letter, whenever the people will have it so; or rather by its tedious movement, and punctilious technicalities, shielding the plunderer and assassin from the arm of justice, and protecting them in the enjoyment of their unlawful spoil.

of its sanctions is based upon their fears; and that they need but boldly approach, to lay this spectre. If from these data, it appear probable, that the same spirit, and the same machinery, which raised from off their tenantry the comparatively light burden of tithe composition, will be still more zealously and effectively employed, in flinging from them the comparatively heavy burden of rent also-we would exhort the landlords of Ireland to anticipate the rough hand of the radical reformer, by lopping off every withered branch upon which his heavy axe might reasonably fall. We would exhort them, not to increase our agricultural paupers, by rack-rents, but to let their lands to those alone, upon whom they can depend, that is, to Protestants; and to them, on fair and equitable terms.

The truth is, that the landlords of Ireland have acted, neither liberally, nor prudently, in this matter. They have intruded into the auctioneer's office, and virtually, if not avowedly, let their lands by auction. The highest bidder, with little, if any discount, for character, capital, and other resources, is almost uniformly declared the tenant. But two years have elapsed since we looked, for the last time, upon a beautiful dairy farm, of from two to three hundred acres, whose ivied tower, and peaceful secluded grave-yard, seated upon its highest eminence, have often been our waymark in a dreary ride; and upon whose green hillocks, and wide-spreading luxuriant meadows, the eye loved to repose; when it turned, distracted and disgusted, from the quarters, and conacres, the naked brawling children, the hovels and dung pits, which fringed it. The lease of the occupying tenant was determinable, and within a few years of its expiration, he divided, and subdivided this ferme orneè, among some dozen cottiers, at enormous rents.-These, they could, by possibility, pay but for a few years, while they were converting, by mercilessly switching crops, its hitherto unbroken and luxuriant soil, into a caput mortuum. We So saw it, for the last time, in its native that, from the feebleness of its adminis- loveliness, lawns, and herds, and trees, tration, the people have more than sus- and tower, burnished with living gold, pected, they have discovered, and sub- by the western beams of an autumnal jected to the test of experience, the sky. Another year, and this soothing dangerous secret, that law is but a bug- landscape was cut up into shreds and bear to scare the timid, that the power patchwork, intersected with bare dikes VOL. I.

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