Paradise Reconsidered in Gnostic Mythmaking: Rethinking Sethianism in Light of the Ophite EvidenceBRILL, 31 באוק׳ 2009 - 400 עמודים This book offers a new understanding of Sethianism and the origins of Gnosticism by examining the mythology in and social reality behind a group of texts to which certain leaders of the early church occasionally attached the label ‘Ophite.’ In the unique Ophite mythology, which rewrites the Genesis paradise story and is attested, for example, in Irenaeus’ Adversus haereses 1.30, The Apocryphon of John and On the Origin of the World, the snake’s advice to eat of the tree of knowledge is considered positive, the creator and his angels are turned into demonic beasts and the true Godhead is presented as an androgynous heavenly projection of Adam and Eve. It is argued that Hans-Martin Schenke’s influential model of the ‘Sethian system’ only reveals part of a larger whole to which the Ophite material belongs as an important and organic component. |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
Paradise Reconsidered in Gnostic Mythmaking: Rethinking Sethianism in Light ... <span dir=ltr>Tuomas Rasimus</span> אין תצוגה מקדימה זמינה - 2009 |
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
according Adonaios Apoc appear Arch archons baptism Barbelo Barbeloite Cainite Cels Celsus Chapter Christ Christian Christology Classic Gnostic Codex creator demons Denzey depicted derive devil divine E. J. Brill earthly Eleleth Epiphanius Eugnostos exegesis exegesis of Gen figure Fourth Gospel gnosis Godhead haer heavenly Adam heresiological Hippolytus Holy Book Ialdabaoth identified Irenaeus Jesus Jewish Johannine John Judas kingless Layton Leiden Logos myth Naasseni Nag Hammadi names Norea Ophite account Ophite corpus Ophite diagram Ophite features Ophite mythology Ophite source Ophite texts Orig Origen paradise story parallels parr passwords Pearson Peratics Philo Pistis Sophia Plate Prologue Pronoia Prot Pseudo-Tertullian ritual Sabaoth Samael Savior Schenke Schenke's Sethian scholars seems serpent serpentine Sethian Gnosticism Sethian system Sethian texts seven archons snake worship Soph speculations spirit Steles Seth suggested Syntagma teaching Testim theriomorphic tion traditions Turner Valentinian Wisdom YHWH Zost Zostrianos