תמונות בעמוד

Corinthian and Composite. Seven or more, that make it perfect; because, King Solomon was seven years and upwards in building, completing and dedicating the Temple at Jerusalem to God's service. They have likewise an allusion to the seven liberal arts and sciences: viz. Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, and Astronomy.

After our ancient brethren had gained the summit of the winding staircase, they arrived at the door of the middle chamber of the temple, which they found open; but properly tiled by the Senior Warden, against all under the degree of a Fellow Craft. After our ancient brethren had given him those convincing proofs, he said, pass SHIBBOLETH or Brother. They then passed into the middle chamber of the Temple. They went there to receive their wages, which they took without scruple or diffidence. Without scruple, knowing they had justly earned it. Without diffidence, from the unbounded confidence they placed in the integrity of their employers in those days.

When our ancient brethren were in the middle chamber of the temple, their attention was particularly drawn to certain Hebrew characters, which are now depicted in a Fellow Craft's Lodge by the letter G, denoting God the Grand Geometrician of the Universe, to whom we must all submit and ought humbly to adore. MASTER'S CHARGE AT AN INITIATION INTO THE SECOND


Brother Noodle, being advanced to the second degree of the order, we congratulate you on your preferment. The internal, and not the external qualifications of a man, are what Masonry regards. As you increase in knowledge, you will consequently improve in social intercourse. It is unnecessary to recapitulate the duties, which, as a Mason, you are now bound to discharge; or enlarge on the necessity of a strict adherence to them, as your own experience must have established their value. It may be sufficient to observe, that your past behaviour and regular deportment have merited the honour which we have conferred; and in your new character, it is expected, that you will not only conform to the principles of the order, but steadily persevere in the practice of every commendable virtue. The study of the liberal arts, that valuable branch of education, which tends so effectually to polish and adorn the mind, is earnestly recommended to your consideration; especially the science of Geometry, or Masonry, originally synonimous terms, is of a divine and moral nature, and

enriches with the most useful knowledge; while it proves the wonderful properties of Nature, it demonstrates the more important truths of morality.

As the solemnity of our, ceremonies requires serious deport ment, you are to be particularly attentive to your behaviour in our regular assemblies. You are to preserve our ancient usages and customs sacred and inviolable: and to induce others, by your example, to hold them in due veneration.

The laws and regulations of the order, you are strenuously to support and maintain. You are not to palliate, or aggravate, the offences of your brethren; but, in the decision of every trespass against our rules, judge with candour, admonish with friendship, and reprehend with mercy.

As a craftsman in our private assemblies, you may offer your sentiments and opinions on such subjects, as are regularly introduced in the Lecture, under the superintendance of an experienced master, who will guard the landmarks against encroachment. By this privilege, you may improve your intellectual powers; qualify yourself to become an useful member of society; and like a skilful brother, strive to excel in what is good and great. All regular signs and summonses, given and received, you are duly to honour, and punctually to obey; inasmuch as they consist with our professed principles. You are to encourage industry and reward merit; supply the wants and relieve the necessities of brethren and fellows, to the utmost of your power and ability; and on no account to wrong them, or see them wronged; but to apprise them of approaching danger, and to view their interest as inseparable from your own.

Such is the nature of your engagements as a Craftsman, and these duties you are now bound to observe by the most sacred ties.

Such is the making of a Fellow Craft Freemason. The distinction between this and the Entered Apprentice's degree consists of a smattering about the liberal arts in the former, and I dare say, that some ignorant men fancy that they are about to be led on to something very grand. But great is their mistake. The Fellow Craft's degree is really superior to all the other degrees, and has less of frivolity and nonsense in it. But even here, there is nothing important taught, nothing but what every child ought to be taught before it be ten years of age, with much that would be more useful. But as this degree forms the most pleasing and the most instructive degree in Freemasonry, I shall be minute in detailing

the whole of the working part that will not form a repetition of what has been stated in the making. It consists of a minute description of the orders in architecture and of what were called the sciences, when science was confined to Christian universities. This will be a sort of relief from the disgusting frivolities and falsehoods that we shall have to go through in the subsequent orders: so I proceed to a minute detail of the work of a Fellow Craft's Lodge.


Section 1.-Clause 1.

Q. Brother, are you a Fellow Craft?

A. I am so taken and accepted among brethren and fellows of the Craft.

Q. How shall I know you to be a Fellow Craft?

A. By signs, tokens, and words.

Q. How did you attain them?

A. By duly passing from an Entered Apprentice to a Fellow Craft, in a regular and well constituted Lodge of Fellow Crafts, there met and assembled.

Q. Of how many did the Lodge consist?

A. Of five in number: the Worshipful Master, the two Wardens, and two fellows of the Working class.

Q. At what time did this take place?

A. At evening, after the sun was set.

Q. By whom were you passed to a Fellow Craft?

A. By the Worshipful Master, the Senior and Junior Wardens and the brethren assembled.

Q. Where stood the Worshipful Master?

A. In the East.

Q. Why so?

A. To mark the point where the sun was rising.

Q. Where stood the Senior Warden?

A. In the West.

Q. Why so?

A. To mark the point of the sun's setting.

Q. Where was the situation of the Junior Warden?

A. In the South.

Q. Why so?

A. To mark the place of the sun below the horizon.

Q. Why were you passed to a Fellow Craft, when the sun was below the horizon?

A. To intimate to me that the labours of a Fellow Craft are directed by the firmament and the steady light of truth and sci



Q. How did you gain admission into a Lodge of Fellow Crafts?

A. Having duly and truly served my time as an Entered Apprentice, I was, by consent of the brethren, prepared, admitted, and obligated in due form.

Q. In what manner were you presented?

A. In a state of due preparation-My left arm, left breast, and right knee made bare, left heel slipshod, and formed upon the


Q. Why so made bare and placed in due guard and sign of an Entered Apprentice?

A. In token of my sincere conformity with my obligation as an Entered Apprentice.

Q. Where were you then led and by whom?

A. To the door of the lodge by a brother and Fellow Craft.
Q. How did you gain admission?

A. By knocks one and two.

Q. Who came to your assistance?

A. The Inner Guard, who demanded my name and the purpose for which I came there.

Q. What answer was returned?

A. Brother Noodle, who having been regularly initiated in the first degree, and having made such progress in Masonry, as he hopes will entitle him to be passed to the degree of a Fellow Craft, and for which purpose, he comes properly prepared.

Q. What further did he demand of you?

A. The pass-grip and word, which I readily gave him.

Q. What did he then do?

A. He reported me to the Worshipful Master, who ordered him to admit me.

Q. In what form were you admitted?

A. Upon the square-to intimate to me, that I was admitted upon the square, in order that I might make further progress in the art of Masonry, and no longer be received as a stranger in a hostile manner; but as one entitled to the privileges of a true and lawful brother.


Q. How were you then disposed of?

A. I was led to the left of the Senior Warden and commanded to kneel whilst the favour and protection of heaven were invoked. Q. How next?

A. I was led twice round the lodge, that the Masters and Fellow Craft might see that I was properly prepared and no impostor. Q. What occurred in the course of your progress?

A. The Worshipful Master demanded of me the sign, token and word of an Entered Apprentice, which I accordingly gave. Q. What was done afterwards?

A. I was duly presented to the Worshipful Master by the Senior Warden.

Q. What said the Worshipful Master?

A. I will attend to your presentation, Brother Senior Warden. You will direct the Senior Deacon to instruct the candidate to advance towards the East with his proper steps. That being done, the Worshipful Master said, as the secrets of the different degrees of Freemasonry are at all times to be kept separate and distinct from each other, an obligation will be required of you to preserve inviolate the secrets of this degree from an Entered Apprentice, as from the rest of the world: are you ready and willing to take an obligation of this kind? Answering to these questions in a satisfactory manner, I was instructed to advance in due form.

Q. In what does the form consist?

A. Of certain steps, which I am ready more fully to explain when duly called upon.

Q. How many steps?.

A. Five winding.

Q. What was then done?

A. The Master received me and placed me in the due form of a Fellow Craft.

Q. What is the nature of that form ?

A. Kneeling on the right knee, with right hand on the sacred volume of God, and a square placed in the left elbow supported by the compasses.

Q. What does that denote?

A. My respective duties to God and the Craft in conformity to my obligation.

Q. Which obligation you will be pleased to repeat?

The conclusion of the first section is a mere detail of what I have given in the making, and would be tediously repeated here. I might have stated, that at the admission for making, the Inner Guard addresses the candidate in a very pompous manner, as follows: "In the name of the Grand Geometrician of the Universe, enter in due form a lodge of fellow Craft Masons upon the square, an instrument which brings rude matter into due form, and as Brethren of this degree are obligated on it, so are they bound by every law moral and divine to act upon it with all mankind, more especially a Brother Mason." I proceed to the


Clause 1.

Q. What was the first instruction you received as a Fellow Craft Mason?

A. I was first instructed in the history of our ancient fraternity, from the time that it received its present institution.

Q. At what period was that?

A. About the year of the world 3000, at the building of the Temple at Jerusalem by King Solomon.

No. 3, Vol. XII.

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