תמונות בעמוד
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Congress affembled. Prefent Maffachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Ca rolina and South-Carolina; and from the state of New Hampshire, Mr. Fofter, from New-Jersey, Mr. Beatty, and from Delaware, Mr, Tilton.

On the report of a committee confifling of Mr. Of good, Mr. Hardy and Mr. Ellery, to whom was referred a letter of the 20th December, 1783, from the fuperintendant of finance, enclosing two contracts made between the board of war and Mr. James Byers, and a propofition made by the said James Byers, on compliance with which he is willing to relinquith his contract.

Refolved, That the propofal of Mr. James Byers, contaired in the letter of the 20th December 1783, from the fuperintendant of finance cannot be complied with. Refved, That the fuperintendant of finance propose to Mr. James Byers, in behalf of the United States, a


mutual relinquishment of right and title to fervices and falary, and in cafe Mr. Byers, thall not affent to the prapofition, that the commiffary of military ftores, give him fuch directions as he is obliged to conform to by his


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On the report of a committee confifting of Mr. Beatty, Mr. Wadsworth and Mr. Ofgood, to whom was referred a memorial of Calvin Partridge, adminiftrator to the eftate of the late colonel Alden, and guardian to the children he left, praying that he may be enabled to draw four year's pay now due to the widow of the dee ceafed,

Refolved, That as Congress by their act of the 24th Augutt 1780, have made provifion for the widows of de-, cealed officers, and in cafe there be no widow, or of her intermarriage, for the children of the deceased officer, it is inexpedient at prefent to alter the mode prescribed for the payment of the half pay therein promifed.

On the report of a committee confitting of Mr. Monroe, Mr. Partridge and Mr. Williamson, to whom was referred a letter of the 23d December 1783, from Danie! Parker, ftating that a fhip called, "The Empress of China," will hortly fail from New-York, for Canton in China, under the command of captain John Green, and requesting feat letters for faid Green.

Refolved, That fea letters the granted for faid captaina John Green, in the form following.

Molt ferene ferene, moft puiflant puiflant, high, illus trious, noble, honorable, venerable, wife and prudent Emperors, Kings, Republics, Princes, Dukes, Earls, Barons,in Lords, Burgomatters, Councellors as alfo Judges, Officers, Justiciaries, and Regents of all the good cities and places, whether ecclefiaftical or fecular, who fhall fee these patents or hear them read...

We the United States in Congrefs affembled, make known, that John Green, captain of the hip called the Empress of China, is a citizen of the United States of America, and that the fhip which he commands belongs to citizens of the faid United States, and as we wish to -fee the faid John Green, profper in his lawful affairs, our prayer is to all the before mentioned, and to each of them feparately,

feparately, where the faid John Green fhall arrive with his veffel and cargo, that they may please to receive him with goodness, and treat him in a becoming manner, permitting him upon the ufual tolls and expences in patling and repaffing, to pass, navigate and frequent the ports, paffes and territories, to the end to tranfact his business where and in what manner he shall judge proper, where. of we fhall be willingly indebted.

In teftimony whereof &c. &c.


Congress affembled. Prefent Maffachusetts, Connec¡. eut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina. and South-Carolina; and from the state of New-Hampfire, Mr. Fofter, from Rhode Island, Mr. Ellery, from New-Jersey, Mr. Beatty, and from Delaware, Mr. Tilton.


Congress affembled. Prefent Maffachusetts, RhodeIland, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina and South Carolina; and from the itate of New Hampshire, Mr. Fofter, from New-Jersey, Mr. Beatty, and from Delaware, Mr. Tilton.

The committee confifting of Mr. Chafe, Mr. Hand and Mr. Sherman, to whom was referred a letter of the 29th January, from J. Carlton, fecretary in the war office, ftating that on the final adjustment of his accounts, as paymaster to the late board of war and ordnance, there remains a balance of three hundred and twenty dollars due from him to the United Stares, report,

"That they find upwards of fixty millions of dollars paffed through the hands of Mr. Carlton in his negociations, and in the opinion of the committee, the lofs of three hundred and twenty dollars, in the course of busi-, nefs of fuch extent, is very inconsiderable, and cannot be imputed to want of fidelity or neglect, but to unavoid. able cafualty:" Whereupon

Refolved, That the register of the treasury be, and he


is hereby directed in the fettlement of the account of the faid Jofeph Carlton, to credit him with three hundred and twenty dollars for the lofs thus by him sustained.

On the report of a committee confifting of Mr. Beatty, Mr. Hand and Mr. Tilton, to whom was referred a lete ter of the 19th January, from lieutenant colonel Murnan, of the corps of engineers, defiring leave to refign.

Refolved, That the refignation of lieutenant colonel Murnan be accepted.

Refolved, That Congrefs entertain a due fenfe of lieute. nant colonel Murnan's abilities and fervices; and that the fecretary deliver him a copy of this act, as a testimony of their approbation of his conduct.

On the report of a committee confifting of Mr. Sher man, Mr. Ofgood and Mr. Read, to whom was referred a motion of Mr. Gerry, refpecting the papers belonging to the office for foreign affairs.

Refolved, That an under fecretary be appointed to take the charge of the papers belonging to the office for foreign affairs, until the further order of Congress: And that the faid under fecretary, make and lay before Congress, a list of the faid papers.

Ordered, That Thurfday next be affigned for the election of the faid under fecretary.

On the report of a committee confifting of Mr. Hand, Mr. Howell and Mr. Williamfon, to whom was referred a letter from brigadier general Armand, in behalf of the foreign officers of the corps of engineers, the legionary corps, &c.

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Refoived, That the fuperintendant of finance be, and he is hereby directed to take measures as far as may be confiftent with the finances of the United States, for remitting annually to the foreign officers of the late corps of engineers, the legionary corps lately commanded by bri gadier general Armand, to major Seconde and captain Beaulieu, late of general Pulafki's corps, and to captain Ponthiere, late aid de camp to baron Steuben, the intereft of fuch fums as may remain due to them refpectively after the payments which fhall have been made to them in confequence of the refolution of the 22d of January




Six ftates only attending; viz. Rhode-Inland, Connec ticut, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North-Carolina and South Carolina; and from the state of New-Hampshire, Mr. Fofter, from Maffachusetts, Mr. Partridge, from New-Jer fey, Mr. Beatry, from Delaware, Mr. Tilton, and from Maryland, Mr. Chafe-the prefident adjourned Congress till ten o'clock to-morrow.


Six ftates only attending; viz. Maffachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and North Ca rolina; and from the state of New-Hampshire, Mr. Folter, from Rhode Island, Mr. Howell, from New-Jersey, Mr. Beatty, from Delaware, Mr. Tilton, and from Southe Carolina, Mr. Beresford-the prefident adjourned Con grefs to ten o'clock to morrow.


Congress affembled. Prefent Maffachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North-Carolina, and South-Carolina; and from the state of Rhode-Island, Mr. Ellery, from New-Jerfey Mr. Beatty, and from Delaware, Mr. Tilton.

On the report of a committee confifting of Mr. Williamfon, Mr. Read and Mr. Hand, to whom was recommitted a report on a letter of the 22d January, from brigadier general Armand, and a letter from the honore able the minifter of France.

Refolved, That the commiffions of major by brevet, be iffued to captain De Bert, Le Brun and M. G. Houdin; and the commiffions of captain by brevet, be iflued to lieutenant Verdier, Fontivieux, Le Roy and Marcellin.

On the report of a committee confifting of Mr. Hand, Mr. Spaight and Mr. Tilton, to whom was referred a let ter from major F. J. S. de Bralım.

-Refolved, That a brevet commiffion of lieutenant coJonel, be iffued to major de Brahm, of the late corps of engineers, and that he be informed, that his further fervices are difpenfed with.

Ordered, That the order of the day for electing an un


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