תמונות בעמוד
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(1.) Christ once told the peo-ple who were a-bout him, that he had pow-er to lay down his life and to take it a-gain.

(2.) No crea-ture of God has this pow-er. No man ev-er lost his life and got it a-gain.

(3.) Je-sus Christ has prom-is-ed that all the dead shall be rais-ed, and that he

will judge them. And to show that he had pow-er to raise them, he rais-ed him-self.

(4.) We do not know how it can be that the bod-y which has been ly-ing in the grave till it is all dust, can be rais-ed to life a-gain.

(5.) Nor do we know how the bean, or the ker-nel of corn, after it has been bur-i-ed in the ground, can send up a beau-ti-ful green plant, with ma-ny hundred beans, or ma-ny hun-dred ker-nels of corn up-on it.

(6.) But God can as ea-si-ly raise the bod-y from the dust as he could make it of the dust at first.

(7.) The dead shall be rais-ed, then, and those who lov-ed and served God here on earth shall dwell with him in heav-en a-bove, for-ev-er and ev-er.

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(1.) It is thought that the Chris-tians who liv-ed on the earth just after the death of Christ, were none of them ve-ry rich or ve-ry poor; for as ma-ny as had lands sold them, and took the mon-ey and put it all in one purse, and so they liv-ed to-geth-er, like one happy fam-i-ly.

(2.) A man, whose name was An-ani-as, sold his land, and came to put the mon-ey in the purse, but he did not put it

all in.

(3.) He thought he would keep part of it back, and no-bod-y would know it but his wife Sap-phi-ra.

(4.) But the great God knew all a-bout it; and when Pe-ter, one of the prin-ci-pal Chris-tians, told An-a-ni-as what a dreadful sin he had com-mit-ted, the wick-ed man fell dead on the spot. Who can stand be-fore God's an-ger?

(5.) His wife did not know what had hap-pen-ed; but when she came in, and was charg-ed with the same sin, she al-so fell dead, and was bu-ri-ed with her husband.

(6) O 'tis a love-ly thing for youth

To walk be-times in wis-dom's way!
To fear a lie, to speak the truth,

That we may trust to all they say.

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(1.) We are now to read a part of a ser-mon preach-ed by our Lord and Saviour Je-sus Christ to a great mul-ti-tude of peo-ple, who had come to-geth-er to hear him.

(2.) Bles-sed are the poor in spir-it, for their's is the king-dom of heav-en. Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be com-fort-ed.

(3.) Bles-sed are the meek, for they shall in-her-it the earth.

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