תמונות בעמוד

seen at his birth. An-gels came from heav-en, in great num-bers, and prais-ed God in a beau-ti-ful song.

(4.) When Christ was a child, he was o-be-di-ent to his pa-rents, and when he grew up to be a man, he was kind and good to ev-e-ry-bo-dy, e-ven to those who in-jur-ed him. He cur-ed sick and lame peo-ple, gave sight to the blind, and raised the dead to life.

(5.) In the New Tes-ta-ment we are told of ma-ny things which he said and did; but he was nev-er known to say or do a sin-gle wrong thing. He was pure and ho-ly like God.

(6.) How much he must have lov-ed poor sin-ners, like us, to be wil-ling to suffer and die, that we might live and be hap-py. Great-er love hath no man than this.


He says: This is my com-mandnient, that ye love one an-oth-er, as I have

lov-ed you.

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(1.) Who would have thought that a-ny men could be so wick-ed as to murder this kind Sa-viour!

(2.) Yet the Jews, his own coun-trymen, af-ter do-ing all they could to in-jure and tor-ment him, put him to a most cru-el death.

(3.) He knew, be-fore he came into the world, that he would. have to bear all

these sor-rows, and he was wil-ling to bear them, and a great deal more, that he might save sin-ners, like you and me, from the dread-ful curse of God.

(4.) God had said: The soul that sinneth it shall die; but Christ came to die for sin-ners.

(5.) Now, God is wil-ling, for Christ's sake, to for-give and save all who re-pent, and love and o-bey the Lord Je-sus Christ.

(6.) Whose love was ev-er so great as the love of Je-sus Christ for sinners?

(7.) Here-in is love; not that we lov-ed God, but that he hath lov-ed us, and sent his Son to die that we might live.

(8.) And if God so lov-ed us, we ought al-so to love one an-oth-er.

(9.) Lit-tle chil-dren, let us not love in word on-ly, but in deed and in truth.

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(1.) After our Sa-viour had been put to death by the hands of wick-ed men, his bod-y was laid in a cave which was hewn out of a sol-id rock.

(2.) The door was made fast, and soldiers stood there to guard it, for fear his friends should come and take his bod-y, and then say, he had ris-en from the dead.

(3.) But all the pow-er on earth could not keep him there. He a-rose from the dead on the third day after he was bu ri-ed, and was seen sev-e-ral times, and by five or six hun-dred dif-fer-ent people, some of whom talk-ed and ate with him.

(4.) When the sol-diers found that the bod-y was gone, they were told to say, that his friends came in the night, and stole it a-way while they slept!

(5.) But how could they know what was done while they were a-sleep?

(6.) Je-sus Christ stay-ed up-on the earth for-ty days after he a-rose from the dead.

(7.) He then told his dis-ci-ples to go in-to ev-e-ry part of the world, and let ev-e-ry-bod-y know what he had taught them, and that he came to save lost sin


(8.) When he had done this, he left the world, and went back to heav-en.

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