תמונות בעמוד

Business Writing.

THE MODEL STYLE AND STANDARD SYSTEM. Officially adopted and used in every State in the Union. Taught in nine-tenths of all the Normal Schools, and in nearly all the Commercial Colleges in the United States.

[blocks in formation]

These New Books, on account of their simplicity, arrangement, accuracy, uniformity, and ruling, make the System the most easy to teach of any before the public.

This SYSTEM is officially recommended and used almost exclusively in the States of MICHIGAN, WISCONSIN, MISSOURI, IOWA, MINNESOTA, WEST VIRGINIA and NEBRASKA; more than any others in the States of NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, OHIO, ILLINOIS, INDIANA. It is largely used throughout the entire SOUTH, and is rapidly increasing.


For the use of TEACHERS, PUPILS, and PROFESSIONAL PENMEN, containing one hundred and seventy-six pages, and hundreds of Illustrations, is now ready.

Spencerian Charts of Writing and Drawing,

Six in Number. In Size, 24 by 30 inches

They are so printed as to present the appearance of SUPERIOR BLACK BOARD WRITING. The letters can be seen across the School Room.


These Pens combine elasticity of action with smoothness of point not found on other Pens, and are a nearer approximation to the real SWAN QUILL than anything hitherto invented. They are used in all the principal COMMERCIAL COLLEGES in the United States and are pronounced by ACCOUNTANTS, TEACHERS, OFFICIALS, and CORRESPONDENTS, the Best Pens Manufactured.

The undersigned would also call the attention of buyers of Books and Stationery to their large and fresh stock, embracing all modern School and College Text-Books, together with a general assortment of School and Office Stationery, Blank Books, Spencerian Note, Letter and Cap Papers, which they are prepared to furnish at the lowest market price. Teachers and School Officers are invited to correspond with us freely, and to send for our DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE AND CIRCULAR, which will be promptly sent upon application. Liberal terms given on Books furnished for Examination or Introduction. Address the Publishers,




47 & 49 Greene Street, New York.


A Chart of History and Chronology for Modern History, both European and American. Embracing the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th Centuries, with Genealogical Tables of

England, France, and Germany.

This Chart accomplishes for the study of History what the introduction of maps did for the study of Geography. It is literally a MAP OF TIME, presenting the Years and Centuries as distinctly before the eye as a good map presents Counties and States. Each year and century has its own clearly marked place, and yet the arrangement is so simple and philosophical that a child can easily learn to read it.

The different Nationalities are represented by the different Colors, and the relative importance of events by different sizes and kinds of type; and thus the eye and local as sociation are brought to the aid of the memory. It will be found almost as difficult to forget dates learned by this method as to remember them when learned in the ordinary way.

Size of Map, mounted on Muslin, 46 x 65 in. Price of Map and Hand-Book, $7.00.


This Book is prepared by the same author, and fully explains the Map, giving clear and ample directions for its use.

Pages, 192.


Price, $1.25.

Together with the Map of Time, the most perfect thing of the kind in the world, the Hand-Book affords the best general view of Modern History and Chronology extant.— Edward Eggleston.

We like the plan of this book. It does not attempt the task in which all compilers fail, because it is an impossible one, of compressing the history of the world into one readable volume, but proposes to be nothing more than a skeleton outline, which is to acquire flesh and blood and life from the perusal of the passages referred to in the various standard histories, of which a list is given in the Introduction.-Mass. Teacher.

There are three features which render this manual superior for school purposes, to the historics commonly in use: Ist. The selection of a limited portion of modern time connected immediately with the present age, and embracing the most important movements and achievements of the human race; 2d. The comparison by centuries, of events of all the leading countries in Europe and in America; 3d. The constant reference to authorities by which the outline of dates can be filled in by the teacher or pupil at pleasure. The Nation.

I have seen no contributions in aid of this most interesting and instructive department of study which seem so well adapted to the purpose as Mr. Gregory's Map and Hand-Book.-Newton Bateman, Sup. Pub. Inst. Ill.

They seem admirably adapted for the purpose of making young people permanently familiar with the principal facts of history. It is a well recognized principal in the science of education that a truth which the mind holds by any two of its powers is more strongly held than if there were but one faculty employed about it. He, therefore, who spreads out the events of history before the eye, gives the mind an additional hold upon them. And when it is remembered that facts gained through the sight make, for the most part, the very strongest impression upon the mind, the advantage of this method will become more than ever apparent.-Rich. Edwards, Pres. Ill. Normal University.

I have examined the "Hand-Book of History and Chronology," and "Map of Time," by Dr. Gregory, and am delighted with both. They would have saved much valuable time to me, had I been in possession of them many years ago. They should be in the hands of every student.--T A. Parker, Sup. Pub. Inst., Mo.

I am happy to learn that you have published Dr. Gregory's Historical Chart. I have been present several times when he has lectnred on the subject of history, at the same time showing the use of this chart in this study. I feel certain that the chart will furnish most valuable aid in the study of History.-O. Hosford, Sup. Pub. Inst. Mich. LIBERAL TERMS FOR INTRODUCTION.

ADAMS, BLACKMER, & LYON, Chicago, Ill.




"I cordially recommend the work to Elocutionists, and to the Teachers and Friends of the Public Schools, and predict for it a wide and rapid sale."

NEWTON BATEMAN, Supt. Pub. Inst., of Ill. "Prof. Griffith has given us an excellent book. He has exhibited the practical principles of the art in such a way that they may be applied with much ease and precision." J. M. GREGORY, Regent Ill. Industrial University.

"I cheerfully and heartily recommend this work to the Teachers of this State." JOHN G. MCMYNN, Supt. Pub. Inst. of Wis. "I have met with no work upon the subject which seems to me so well calculated to excite the interest and enthusiasm of the students of this beautiful art." Price, $1.50.

WM. F. PHELPS, Supt. Normal School, Minn.




The Teacher presents each month a lesson for each Sabbath. The peculiar features of these lessons, that have caused them to be received with such marked favor, are as follows:

1. Notes, explaining and illustrating the lesson-condensed-drawn from the best


2. Suggestions to Teachers, as to the manner of giving the lesson most effectively. Embracing the use of objects, the Superintendent's blackboard exercises, the adaptation of the lesson to the Infant Class, and hints to Bible Class Teachers where they are necessary.

3. The Question Paper-Four pages of the Teacher are devoted to the Question Paper, consisting of a Scripture Lesson, to be committed to memory, a Golden Text, a Central Thought, an Analysis of the Lesson, and, when needed, an Explanatory Note. This is followed by Questions on the Lesson.

TERMS:-Single Subscriptions, $1.50 per year in advance; Question Papers Free to Clubs; Extra Question Papers $1.00 per hundred. Specimen No's of Teacher, 15


Chase's Writing Speller & Definer. Three Columns on a Page. The middle one for re-writing the misspelled words. Twenty-four pages. Fifty or Seventy-five words may be written on each page. Price $1.80 per doz.. Specimen sent for 10 cents.

ROLPH'S NORMAL SYSTEM OF PENMANSHIP, Complete in Six Books of Twenty-Four Pages Each.

n this series, the Reversible Copy Card is kept near the line, on which the pupil is writing. Directions in BOLD PRINT, and Cuts from actual Photographs, are in sight above the copy.

A Height Scale, showing by COLORS the exact proportions of Writing, is a new and valuable feature.

Liberal terms for introduction. Price $1.80 per doz. Specimen numbers sent by mail on receipt of 10 cents.

Farmer's Record & Account Book,

With Headings and Rulings for Recording Business Transactions, embracing Inventory, Family and Farm Expenses, Contracts, Sales, Crops and Net Proceeds, Cash Book, General Accounts, &c., &c.

It needs no indorsement to recommend it to intelligent Farmers.-J. P. Reynolds, Sec. Mlinois State Agricultural Society.

The most complete work of the kind ever published.--W. H. Loomis, Sec. Ind. State Agr. Soc. We recommend it to the Farmers throughout the State.-Indiana State Agricultural Board. PRICES-$1.50, 3.00 and 5.00 by mail, postage prepaid.

Adams, Blackmer, & Lyon, Chicago, Ill.





Principal of the Girls' High and Normal School, Boston.

This edition of Goodrich's "History of the United States" has been prepared from the latest and most trustworthy authorities. It has been attempted, by brevity of statement and an economical arrangement of matter, to bring the story of our history through the war of the rebellion, without making it so meagre as to be useless or swelling the book to an inconvenient size. To do this, it has been necessary to re-write nearly the whole work, which (exclusive of an Appendix of 28 pages), including maps, portraits and many other illustrations, useful chronological tables, and tables of analysis, is comprised in 320 pages 12mo.

The History is divided into six periods. A careful ANALYSIS prepares the way for the logical and systematic study of each period.

The book may be used as three separate histories, or each may be made to assist the other. 1st. The Chronological Reviews alone may be committed to memory; and, from the ten pages of these, the learner will, we believe, get a more accurate and definite statement of the country's history than most students carry away with them from schools.

2d. The larger print of the text, without the smaller, may be studied by itself, giving a history of the United States in about 150 pages.

3d. The smaller print may be studied with the other.

The whole forms a carefully prepared work, arranged so as to facilitate the labor of the teacher, and fix the facts stated in the mind of the pupil by various little aids to the memory, the importance of which the practical teacher can well understand.

The CHRONOLogical Reviews are very different from chronological tables in other school histories. Events are not merely enumerated, but stated in complete sentences, and, when desirable, in connected form.

Accompanying the Chronological Review of each period is a list of MEMORABLE EVENTS in contemporary history, and a list of names of the most EMINENT PERSONS who closed their career during the period.

By means of FOOT-NOTES AND CROSS-REFERENCES, the text is still further illustrated, and its facts more securely stored in the memory. Each important topic can be read by itself, and the whole career of persons celebrated in the history of our country can readily be traced as they are mentioned in this work.

The PRINCIPAL SUBJECT OF EACH PARAGRAPH is seen at a glance by means of catch-words, which are printed in a full-face type or in Italics. Many teachers will use these, instead of the questions at the foot of the page, in conducting the recitation. They will also be of great assistance to the pupil in preparing the lesson, and to the general reader in using the book for reference.

DATES are given in a full-face type in the margin, so as still more to attract the attention to important events.

The book is illustrated by SUPERIOR MAPS. The design has been to show by them the location of every place in the United States mentioned in the history. Much care has also been taken to give acceptable PORTRAITS of the most eminent historical personages.

The progress of ideas and the development of parties are more clearly shown than in other school histories.

In the history of the wars, the author has endeavored to state clearly and distinctly the movements of armies in each department, and the relative value of the different military and naval. operations.


Walton's Metric System of Weights and Measures,

adapted to Common and Higher Schools, by the author of


Sent by mail, posrage paid, on receipt of 25 Cents.

We take pleasure in announcing the publication of the above books, and solicit corre spondence with School Committees and Teachers with regard to the introduction of the same into schools under their charge.

BREWER & TILESTON, Publishers,


ΜΑΣ 1867.




HE LARGE and increasing sale of these books-the emphatic commendations of hundreds of the best teachers of the country who have tested them in the class-room, and know whereof they affirm, amply attest their real merits, and fully commend them to general favor, and the confidence of every thorough and practical teacher.


The matter and illustrations in this Series are entirely new, and unsurpassed by any other similar Series published, in variety and adaptation.

Robinson's Complete Mathematical Series,

With the improvements and additions recently made, is the most complete Series of the kind, by one author, published in this country.


Full, practical, and adapted to the wants of business men, will be added to the future editions of Robinson's Rudiments, Practical and Higher Arithmetics.

There will also be inserted in Percentage, in the Higher Arithmetic, several pages on the different kinds of U. S. SECURITIES, BONDS, TREASURY NOTES, GOLD INVESTMENTS, CURRENCY, ETC., with PRACTICAL EXAMPLES.

This change and addition will not interfere in the use of the book with previous editions of the same.

The Metric System, and the aforenamed IMPROVEMENT IN PERCENTAGE, will also be bound in pamphlet form, containing about 47 12mo pages, and will be sent to any address, by mail, on receipt of TWENTY-FIVE CENTS.

Kerl's New Series of Grammars.

Unsurpassed in Simplicity, Clearness, Research, and Practical Utility.


These popular School Dictionaries, having been thoroughly revised, and extensively regarded as the standard authority in Orthography, Definition, and Pronunciation, and as THE BEST Dictionaries in use, are respectfully commended to teachers and others. They are much more extensively sold and used than all others combined.


Used in NINE-TENTHS of all the Normal Schools in the United States. Officially adopted and used in all the Principal Cities of the United States. Taught in all the Commercial Colleges. Also, Wells' Natural Science, Willson's Histories, Fasquelle's French Series, Bryant & Stratton's Book-Keeping, Woodbury's German Series, Mantilla's Spanish Readers, Bradbury's School Music Books, etc., etc.

Teachers and School Officers are invited to correspond with us freely, and to send for our Descriptive Catalogue and Circular, which will be promptly sent upon application. Liberal terms given on books furnished for examination or introduction.


47 and 49 Greene Street, New York.

Address W. A. WILDE,

(Care Crosby & Ainsworth,) Boston, Mass.


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