תמונות בעמוד

periodical. It is an exceedingly pretty number; and the wood-cuts, especially Trotty in the Woods, are charming. Moth and Rust, by Louise Chollet, and Good Old Times, with its pictures, are very nice; and there are pieces by Lowell, Mrs. Stowe and Longfellow, in this New Year number.



Harper's Monthly and Weekly have done brave service for the country these past few years. The editorials of that accomplished and genial scholar, George William Curtis (let the reader be very careful to get the middle name right), would do honor to any periodical in the land; and the pictorial illustrations are, to our mind, a very valuable educational feature. The influence of pictures is not half enough appreciated. We do not think that any one benevolently inclined could do a school a better service than to present it with a year's subscription to Harper's Monthly or Weekly. How much more vivid will be a child's impressions of any locality after reading about it in one of Harper's illustrated articles! What nice lessons in natural history could be made for a class out of those beautiful illustrations in the Monthly taken from Homes without Hands! How much better than many sermons in behalf of right and justice are the irresistibly comic productions of that genius in caricature, Thomas Nast. It is wonderful to observe the progress of the art of wood-engraving, and the important part it plays, and is likely more and more to play, in education.

We do not mean to assert that there is not some rubbish in these, as in all periodicals destined for popular reading; but their tone on the whole is commendably high, and we are quite sure that while they are in their present editorial hands the standard will never be lowered.

DAS WELTALL; DIE RÄTHSEL UND SCHÖNHEITEN SEINER LEBENSFÜLLE, SEINE ERZEUGNISSE, GESCHÖPFE UND BEWOHNER. Von Dr. W. F. A. Zimmerman. Leipzig und New York: Schaefer und Wundermann. 1867. pp. 48. (1 heft.)

We give above the partial title of a new work, which promises to be at once useful and entertaining. It is the first of twenty numbers, which, when completed, are to form a kind of natural history and physical geography combined, illustrated with abundant wood-cuts.

In the preface the editor says: "We shall direct our attention especially to pointing out the influence of surrounding circumstances (umgebung), of plants and animals, upon human civilization, upon the habits of thought and the history of nations, in order to draw conclusions respecting the nature of the mind and free will." Farther on he remarks, that very few persons have any clear idea of the influence exercised upon the social and moral life of nations by the use of tobacco, tea, coffee, wine, opium and hemp juice; or know why the inhabitants of the sea-coast surpass those of the interior in refinement and progress; why mountaineers are devoted to freedom; or why Europe has advanced in civilization beyond the rest of the earth, and is now in danger of being passed in the race by the United States of America.

The influence which natural phenomena have had upon religion, architecture

and painting; the significance of the cries of animals and the songs of birds; the distinction between the human and the animal soul; the origin of familiar customs; the cause of the reputed sanctity of certain natural objects, and, in general, the relations that exist between man and animate nature, are proposed as subjects to be explained and discussed. How valuable all the explanations that are to follow will be, we of course cannot say; but, from a perusal of the first number, we are disposed to prophesy favorably with regard to those that are to


The first book is entitled The Mysteries of the Polar World. It gives a very graphic and entertaining account of the polar regions, taking the reader from his "warm chamber, where he sits sipping a cup of coffee and smoking his pipe," and going hand in hand with him through regions of ice and desolations of eternal winter and unbroken fields of snow. The approach of winter, the wonderful and awe-inspiring phenomena which accompany it in this part of the world, the coming of spring, the events of the brief summer, and the completion of the circle, are treated of in a very graceful and charming style, sometimes almost earning the title of poetic, and never permitting the reader's interest to flag. Magnetism, its connection with the aurora, and its effect upon the needle; the position of the magnetic pole; volcanoes in high and low latitudes; geysers; the mammoths discovered in Siberia; glaciers and the ice-period, are next touched upon, and the discussion of these topics leads on to the currents and winds of the Atlantic Ocean, and to a description of the birds, fishes, and amphibious animals found in and about the Polar Seas.

The first number breaks off, after the German fashion, in the middle of a sentence and the middle of a chapter, which gives us some information about the voyages of Dumont d'Urville, Bellinghausen, Wilkes and Ross. We must repeat that we are pleased with the plan and style of the book, with the topics discussed and the thoughts suggested, as well as with the easy and pleasant way in which the reader is led along from one attractive sentence to another.

It is a book calculated, as we imagine, to be very popular; and one whose perusal will encourage students having the slightest taste for natural history and kindred studies to make deeper investigations, and gain a more critical knowledge of the wonders and mysteries which are none the better understood for their familiarity.

The work is printed on white paper, in bold type, and illustrated with woodcuts, which, if not first rate, are yet fair; and we feel justified in recommending it to students who can construe tolerably easy German. To those who cannot do this, we take occasion to say that they do not know of how much pleasure and profit they deprive themselves in this case and many others.

J. M. M., Jr.

THE BEAUCLERKS, FATHER AND SON; by Charles Clark, author of Charlie Thornhill. Harper's Library of Select Novels, No. 280.

KISSING THE ROD; a Novel by Edmund Yates. Harper's Library of Select Novels, No. 277.

THE RACE FOR WEALTH; a Novel, by Mrs. J. H. Riddell, author of Phemie Keller, etc. Harper's Library of Select Novels, No. 278.

THE GREAT REBELLION; its Secret History, Rise, Progress and Disastrous Failure, by John Minor Botts, of Virginia. New York: Harpers. 12mo, pp. 402.

The sturdy Virginian calls his book "the political life of the author vindicated." It is filled with personal details and reminiscences; and, for that very reason, it will be indispensable to future students of our great rebellion as one of the documents of the time. "I have often had occasion to say," says the author, "that no man alive knew more of this war than I did;" and, whatever we may think of some of his views respecting it, there is no doubt that he can give us authentic information respecting the machinations of the conspirators who occasioned it.

THE MISSIONARY HERALD. — Our friend Mr. Charles Hutchins, who, like so many other experienced teachers, has, we regret to say, left the school-room for other employment, is now the agent for this well-known organ of the American Board, which this year enters on its sixty-third volume. The present number is very neatly printed, contains several missionary maps, and much information touching the welfare of the various missions in foreign lands, which are under the control of the organization of which it is the representative. HOW NEW YORK CITY IS GOVERNED. By James Parton. Reprinted from the North American Review. 12mo, pp. 48. Boston: Ticknor & Fields. Was there ever such a picture of rampant scoundrelism as this lively and truth-telling brochure exhibits in the government of the greatest of American cities? Surely, we must say, that here republican institutions have, for the time being, proved a failure. A great city governed by men who have either been in the penitentiary or who ought to be there! It is a disgrace to the whole nation, and calls for the interference of the nation to abate it. And we have that faith in republican institutions that we believe that in no very long time it will be abated.


We doubt if there is a library in the world where treasures are loaned so freely and confidingly to the whole people without distinction as are those of this noble institution. The good it is doing in educating the community to a knowledge and love of books is something that cannot be estimated by any reckoning of dollars and cents. The whole number of volumes on the shelves on the 1st of August was 130,678. A supplement to the catalogue has been printed this year, a noble royal octavo of 718 pages,-containing the additions since 1861, and including the rare and extremely valuable library of nearly 12,000 volumes, bequeathed to the city by the late Rev. Theodore Parker.

THE MAINE NORMAL, DEVOTED TO THE FAMILY AND THE SCHOOL. George M. Gage, Editor. Farmington: J. Weston Swift & Co.

Our friends stick to their name. Well, we are not disposed to be hypercritical. If a new word is needed, it will assert its rights; if it is not, no effort can

make it current.

We heartily welcome our good-looking contemporary, and wish

it all possible success in its good work.

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THE SANCTUARY. A story of the Civil War: by George Ward Nichols, author of the story of the Great March: with illustrations. 12mo, pp. 286. New York: Harper & Brothers.

The story of the Great March was one of the very best and most interesting narratives in our voluminous war-literature. Our author here enters the field of romance, but his scenes are drawn from his campaign experiences. We are told that the story is better than the pictures.

THE LITTLE CORPORAL. -A neat and lively little Child's Paper, published in Chicago, in which we are glad to see that our valued correspondent, W. H., is carrying on the good work of endeavoring to indoctrinate the rising generation with a knowledge and love of natural and physical science.

THE DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS, Esq., while an Undergraduate at Cambridge, with Notes and an Appendix. Cambridge (Eng.) 12mo, pp. 66.

Spite of the strong internal evidence of the style, we cannot help questioning somewhat the authenticity of this addition to the diary of the immortal Mr. Pepys. We think we detect anachronisms. Mr. Herman Merivale, however, has triumphantly answered the doubts raised respecting the authenticity of that curious relic of antiquity, the Paston Letters, and we will refer the present case to him. Instead of questioning we will quote :—

"9th. Busy all the morning investigating a case of continued fractions among my cups and saucers. My junior bedmaker says they were broke "afore she come;" but I fear me much that, as hath been well said, "it is not contrary to experience that witness may be false." *


15th. To the Botanical Gardens, where I saw a great variety of wildfowl which I never saw before; but that which I went chiefly to see was the young ladies of the school, whereof there is great store, very pretty. Mighty busy all the morning lying on the grass reading of a novell. Came and sat near me two young ladies with books in their hands, one of whom I approve to be very handsome, and began talking with great propriety of speech, in the most engaging manner possible; but I took no notice of, nor even so much as looked at them; so presently they away.

In the evening to Newton's to sup, where excellent discourse. Mighty merry doing of Algebra, and other things the like divertising; but what most extraordinary clever was some Mathematical proofs † Newton shewed me, which I

* May we not infer here, from the language employed by our author, that he was at this period engaged in reading for his "Little-Go" [examination.]?-ED.

We gather from authentic sources that the following is one of the proofs referred to by our author. We give it in the words of Newton.-ED.

To prove that 10 is even. "The number 10 being the radix of the common scale of notation, it is of the utmost importance that we should satisfy our minds fully as to whether it is odd or even. It has been suggested that the simplest mode of proceeding would be to divide 10 by 2, observing whether there be any-and if any, what-remainder. It will, however, appear evident to every true mathematical mind that the annexed proof has far superior claims to our consideration.

We have

.. by subtraction

Again, we have

But by (1)

.. subtracting again

6= SIX

9= IX

-3= Si

10 is EVEN.

Q. E. D

did not know before, and indeed they talk for him to be Senior Wrangler; and I think he will, for he is a man of parts, though superficial. He told us of a certain project of his about an apple and the earth; very ingenious, but too refined to be true. "10th.. Came to me W. Batten, and did much commend the new novell which all the world cry up, called The Man without a Head;' and persuaded me to buy it, which I did, but thought it a poor, simple piece, with but two murders and one suicide, and no elopements or running away with men's wives in the whole book. It is set down to the same hand that writ No Bones Broken,' and 'The Deuce of Trumps,' with what truth I know not.

"In the afternoon to Fenner's, to see a match at cricket between the Hyperbolas and Parabolas, but methought mighty slowe for them that looked on: so to the river, where it was pretty to observe a Trinity Hall eight upset by a funny near the bridge; and, Lord! how like drownded rats the men seemed when they got out of the water!"

We have long desired to procure some good mathematical problems for our journal; and, though we fear that some of the following may be too difficult for most of our readers, we give them because we are very desirous of furnishing as great a variety as possible of such material. They are from an examination paper, endorsed, says the Editor, in Mr. Pepys's hand. "A more than usually stiff examination; much below my place, and mightily solde."—"Some of the hardest problems, S. P."

"3. A lady, on being asked her age, replied: 'If you multiply one-seventh of the cube of half the square root of what my age was last year by three-fifths of the cube of the difference of the digits of what it will be next year, the product will be four-ninths of the square root of fifteen times the sum of the digits of what my age will be in ten years' time, divided by three-elevenths of the square of the double of the cube-root of my present age.' How old was she?

"ix. A movable platform is drawn with uniform velocity round a circular path of given diameter. Upon it a walrus, whose weight is W, pirouettes with constant angular velocity a, on his left hind leg, and at the same time blinks with his right and left eye alternately, beginning with the right, at intervals which are in a given Harmonical Progression. At the centre of the circle, a given hippopotamus pirouettes with uniform velocity no, in the opposite direction on his right hind leg, and blinks with his eyes alternately, beginning with the left, at intervals which are in a given Arithmetical Progression. Supposing that they begin to blink simultaneously, investigate the probability of each of them seeing the other with his left eye alone at a given time t.

"11. A speaks the truth twice out of five times, B three times out of seven, and C once out of nine times. B says that A has affirmed that C denies that D is a liar. Investigate D's regard for veracity.

"vi. A stout gentleman, in turning the corner of a lane, suddenly finds himself in the presence of a bull, which immediately pursues him with a uniform velocity v. An observer at a safe distance calculates that the gentleman's speed varies inversely as the square of his distance from the bull, and as the 7th inverse power of his own weight.


Supposing the gentleman's initial velocity to be u, and that the heat of the weather causes his weight to vary inversely as the cube of the time he has been running, find when the bull will catch him, if the initial distance between the two be a."

The little book, if authentic, is an interesting contribution to the literature o1 the seventeenth century.

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