תמונות בעמוד

John xii. 16.

These things understood not his disciples at the first: Near Jerubut when Jesus was glorified, then remembered they that salem.

short of the description of the prophet. We are now brought
to the days of Herod the king, the cotemporary of Jesus of
Nazareth, the tributary dependent on Rome, the fierce, im-
placable, and haughty murderer of his wife, his people, and his
children? Is this the portrait of the expected king of Israel?
Was the destroyer of Mariamne, the flatterer of Augustus, the
slaughterer of the innocents at Bethlehem, was he the meek
and humble Saviour, who was to ride into the city among the
acclamations of the people? Was Herod the king, who died
amidst the deep and indignant curses of a suffering people-was
he who was smitten of God-hateful to his own family-and ab-
horred by his subjects-was this the king for whom Zion was to
rejoice, and the daughter of Jerusalem to be glad? Surely
neither this man, nor his tyrannical son, nor his family of
tetrarchs, nor the corrupt and sanguinary governors from im-
perial Rome, can appear as candidates for the title of the true
King of Irael, Jesus of Nazarth. None but the Prophet of Galilee,
who worked miracles, who fulfilled every prophecy, who was
so poor that he had not where to lay his head; so humble, that
he washed the feet of his disciples, whom the people more than
once endeavoured to make their king; and who was now received
among them with acclamations and Hosannas. None but He
accomplished this prediction of Zecharias, and entered into
Jerusalem, "just and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon
an ass, and upon a colt, the foal of an ass."

Brethren of Israel, you acknowlege the miracles of Christ,
although you impute them to magic (g). Your fathers bore
witness to his blameless life, and to the union in his person of
many of the characteristics of your expected Messiah. When-
ever your promised Shiloh shall appear, he must manifest him-
self in the same manner as Jesus of Nazareth has already done
-He must appear in the second temple, and accomplish in his
own person all the predictions of your ancient prophets. That
this prophecy of Zechariah related to the King Messiah, you
are presented with proofs, not from the writings of the Evan-
gelists, (whom we indeed believe, like your ancient prophets,
to be inspired,) but from the writings of your own Talmu-
dists (h). For of none other can it be said, out of all the rulers
or conquerors of Jerusalem, from the building of the second
temple after the Babylonian captivity, to its overthrow by
Titus; of none other can it be said, that he entered into the
holy city, riding upon an ass, amidst the acclamations of the
multitude, and the Hosannas of the children.

(a) Vide on the date of this prophecy, &c. &c. Arrangement of the Old Testament, vol. ii. p. 762, and the references in the note. (b)

-Nehem. ii. 12, whereas the pre אין עמי כי אס־הבהמה אשר אני רכב בה ,רכב על חמור ועל עיר,dicted King of Zachariah was to enter the city

(c) Vide Arrangement of the Old Testament, vol. ii. p. 795. (d) Sub præsidibus alii minorum ordinum magistratus fuere ; qui aliquando principes, Ezra ix. 1, 2. alias, nobiles, magnates, patricii, Neh. iv. 14. nonnunquam et principes patrum, seu familiarum, dicuntur, Ezra viii. 29, A quibus distincti fuisse videntur, quos apt seniores, aliquando et DD secundarios sive subalternos judices, sacra historia nuncupat. Quibus quandoque jungitur civium omnium cœtus ban bnp congregatio magna. Quorum ordinum diserta mentio Neh. v. 7. contendi cum nobilibus, et cum secundariis judicibus, Junius vertit antistitibus, et indixi illorum caussa

עצת השרים congregationem magnam, Ezra x. 8. memoratar קחלה גדולה

John xii. 16.

these things were written of him, and that they had done Near Jernthese things unto him 39.

congregatio קהל הגולה senatus principum et seniorum, deinde הזקנים

deportatæ multitudinis. Sub auspiciis ducis seu præsidis provincialis \
erat Hierosolymis secundarius quidam præfectus, seu legatus ipsias
præsidis, ex triba Benjaminis: ut colligi potest ex Neh. xi. 9. Ibi enim
dum enumerantur Benjaminitæ Hierosolymis habitantes, landatur Juda
filius Senuæ Ty by now Secundarius supra civitatem.-Witsius His-
toria Herosol. Exerc. Sacræ, p. 11. sect. 23. (e) Alexander enim, ut
vidit e longinquo candidatum populum, et sacerdotes in amictu byssino,
pontificemque in stola hyacinthina auro distincta, tiaram in capite gestan-
tem cum præfixa lamina aurea insculpta nomine Jehovæ, solus ad eum
accedens, nomen illud adoravit, ac salutavit Pontificem. Judæis uno ore
Alexandrum consalutantibus, et in orbem cingentibus, Syriæ Reges et
reliqui obstupuerunt, vix credentes regem mentis esse compotem.-Wit-
sius ubi sup. sect. 25, p. 562. 12mo. edit. (f) Josephus Ant. b. xi. ch. viii.
(g) See the Toldoth Jesu, in Wagenseil's Tela Ignea. (h) R. S. quoted


-Impos אי אפשר לפותרו אלא על מלך המשיח:,by Munster, in the Critici Sacri

sibile est ut interpreteris de alio quam de Messiah. So Clarius-and Gro-
tius quotes also Abenezra and Rabbi Saadia Gaon, as referring this pas-
sage to the Messiah. Eidem Messiæ qui asino vectus est et humilem se
exhibuit, singularem in ipsa humilitate magnificentiam tribuunt. Sohar
Numer. fol. 83. col. 332. ubi mystice commentantur ad verba Deut. xxii.
10. Non arabis cum bove, et asino simul. Ille est asinus xnwa Nɔba spit,
by obwah cai insidens Rex Messias dominaturus est. Et hoc quod
Scriptum est Zachar. ix. 9. Pauper et insidens asino. Huc pertinet
illud R. Josephi in Sanhedrim, fol. 98. 2. Veniet Messias, et ego dignus
habebor, qui sub umbra stercoris asini ejus sedeam, &c. &c.-Schoetgen.
Hor. Heb. vol. ii. p. 543. Brescith Rabba ad Genes. xlii. 2. apud Ray-
mundum Martini, part iii. distinct iii. 16. 1. bib nwan 750 xDWO

Quando Messias Hierosolymam veniet ad redimendum להושיע ישראל

Israelitas tunc ligat asinum suum, eique insidet, et Hierosolymam venit,
“ya may now ut semet ipsum in humilitate gerat, q. d. Zach. ix. 9.
pauper et insidens asino. See Schoetgen. Hora Hebraicæ, vol. ii. p.
59. De Messiah, lib. ii. continens loca veteris testamenti quæ Judæi,
antiquiores potissimum de Messiah interpretati sunt. Schoetgen. vol. ii.
64. Schir Naschirim rabba, fol. 7. 3. ad verba Cantic. 1. Sohar,
Levit. fol. 28. col. 112. Schoetgen. vol. ii. p. 219. Dr. Gill's refer-
ences to the Talmudical writers on the application of this passage to our
Lord, are-T. Bab. Sanhedrim, fol. 98. and 99. 1. Bereshith Rabba,
fol. 66. 2. and 85. 3. Midrash Koheleth, fol. 63. 2. Zobar. in Genes.
fol. 127. 3. and in Num. fol. 83. 4. and in Dent. fol. 117. 1. and 118.3.
Raza Mehimna in Zohar. in Lev. fol. 38. 3. and in Num. fol. 97. 2. Mo-
dern Testimonies. Sarchi in Isa. xxvi. 6. Baal Haturim in Exod. fol.
88. 2. Abarbinel. Mashmia Jeshua, fol. 15. 4.

39 If the theological student will refer to the original of
Zech. ix. 9. he will observe that the expected King of Israel is
called yw pay. As the word yw is a passive particle, Gro-
tius would render it salvatus, and expresses his surprise that
this should have escaped the attention of the commentators.
Drusius, his cotemporary, who was a much more learned man,
has anticipated this remark, and replied to it. He also observes,
that the word yw is used as an epithet; but his rule of inter-
pretation, as applied to this form of speaking, is, that where a
passive participle is thus taken, it implies action (a).

Sebastian Schmidt renders the words, justus, et servatus ille; and in the margin of our authorized translation, "saving himself."

With respect to the reading of the Aldine MS. (b) cwlwv avres, it is not supported by the original, which reads & yw; had the reading of the first word been yw, as Grotius and Houbigant propose, and the word omitted, and the pronominal affix inserted in its place, yw, the avraç might be admitted. In the absence of all authority from manuscripts, however, no conjectural emendation can be admitted (c).

[blocks in formation]

Lu. xix. 32. that were sent went their way,"

Mat. xxi. 6. and did as Jesus commanded them,

Mark xi.4. and found the colt

Lu. xix. 32. even as he had said unto them.

Mark xi.4. tied by the door without, in a place where two ways met; and they loose him.

Lu. xix. 33.

And as they were loosing the colt,

Mark xi.5. certain of them that stood there,

Lu. xix. 33. the owners thereof,

Mark xi. 5. said unto them, What do ye, loosing the colt?


And they said unto them,

Lu. xix. 34. The Lord hath need of him.

Mark xi. 6. even as Jesus had commanded: and they let them go.


And they brought

Mat. xxi. 7. the ass and the colt

La. xix. 35. to Jesus: and they cast their garments upon the colt, and they set Jesus thereon.

Mark xi.7. and he sat upon

John xii. 17.



The people therefore that was with him when he called Lazarus out of his grave, and raised him from the dead, bare record.

For this cause the people also met him: for that they heard that he had done this miracle.

MATT. XXI. part of ver. 1, 2, 3. 6, and 7.

1 And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the Mount of Olives-two disciples,

2 Saying unto them, Go into the village over against you, and-and a colt-loose them, and bring them

3-ye shall say, Tho Lord hath need of them; and straightway he will send them.


7 And brought-and put on them their clothes, and they set him thereon.

MARK Xi. part of ver. 1, 2, 3, 4. and 7.

1 And when they came nigh to Jerusalem, unto Bethphage and Bethany, at the Mount of Olives, he sendeth

2 ye shall find a colt tied, whereon man never sat; loose him, and bring him.

Grotius has committed a singular error in supposing that this
prophecy can refer to the entrance of Zerobabel into Jerusa-
lem; as Zerobabel had long been in the city after the return
from the captivity, before the prophecy was written.

(a) Vide Drusius and Grotius' Annotations in Zech. ix. 9. Critici
Sacri, vol. v. (b) Juxta LXX. sic legimus, Xaipe σpódpa, OúyaтEP
Σιων· κήρυσσε, θυγατερ Ιερεσαλημ· ἰδὲ ὁ βασιλεύς σε ἔρχεται σοι
δίκαιος και σώζων αυτες, πραύς, κι ἐπιβεβηκως ἐπι ὑποζύγιον, κα
Tλov vέov. Gaude vehementer, filia Sion; prædica, filia Hierusa-
lem; ecce Rex tuus veniet tibi justus et salvans ipsos, manuetus, as-
cendens super subjugalem, et pullum novum. Interpres legisse videtur
αὐτος, cum Aldina editio habeat αὐτες. Porro quod hic est salvator,
Hebrais est yw, alludens ad nomen Jesu-Unde locum hunc Judæi
juxta historiam referunt ad Christum.-Erasmus ap. Crit. Sacri, vol. vii.
p. 714. (c) Newcome's Minor Prophets, in Zech. ix. 9. (d) Vide
Grotius in loc. Critici Sacri, vol. v.
C c

Near Jeru


[blocks in formation]

3 And if any man say unto you, Why do ye this? say ye that Near Jerathe Lord hath need of him

4 And they went their way

7-the colt to Jesus, and cast their garments on him

LUKE xix. part of ver. 29, 30, 31. 33, 34, and 35.

29 he sent two of his disciples,

30 Saying, Go ye into the village over against you; in the which, at your entering, ye shall find

31 And if any man ask you

33 said unto them, Why loose ye the colt?

34 And they said

35 And they brought him


From Christ's triumphant entry into Jerusalem, to his Ap-
prehension Sunday, the fifth Day before the last Pas-



The People meet Christ with Hosannas-Christ approaches

MATT. xxi. 8-10. MARK xi. 8-10.


Lu. xix. 36. as they went,

LUKE XIX. 36-40.

JOHN Xii. 19.


Mat. xxi. 8. a very great multitude spread their garments in the way; Jerusalem. others cut down branches from the trees, and strawed them in the way.

Lu. xix. 37.

Mat. xxi. 9.

And when he was come nigh, even now at the descent of the Mount of Olives, the whole multitude of the disciples

And the multitudes that went before, and that followed,

The several circumstances mentioned in the sections of this chapter, which relate our Lord's conversations, when for the last time he visited Jerusalem, as well as the nature of the questions proposed, present us with a most lively portrait of the manners and opinions of the Jews at this period. Schoetgen, and the other writers, who have proposed to explain the New Testament from the Talmudical writings, have bestowed much labour on the illustration of some of the phrases, &c. adopted by the Evangelists; but, in general, the discourses and conversations of our Lord are so plain, that none can misunderstand them so short, none can forget them-so perfect, none can add to the force of their instruction, or the eloquence of their language. To add many notes would be "to throw a perfume on the violet."

The differences between the harmonizers of the Gospels, with respect to the contents of this and the following chapters of this arrangement, are of little importance. In general they are agreed. The principal differences in this chapter refer to the number of times in which the buyers and sellers were driven from the temple-the question whether our Lord ate the Passover the same day as the Jews-and the precise time in which the discourses in St. John were delivered.

Lu. xix. 37. began to rejoice, and praise God with a loud voice, for all Jerusalem. the mighty works that they had seen;

Mat. xxi. 9. and cried, saying, Hosannah to the Son of David-Ho

sannah in the highest.

Lu. xix. 38. Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of the
Lord peace in heaven, and glory in the highest.

Mark xi. 10.


Blessed be the kingdom of our father David, that cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosannah in the highest'.

Ride on because of the word of truth, of righteousness, and of judgment. Enter into thine holy city, thou King of Glory. So amidst the acclamations of angels didst thou return to thy Father. So shall the spirits of the just attend thee, when thou shalt again at the end of the world go up, from the dissolution of nature, to thy Father, and our Father, to thy God, and our God. The hour was approaching when the mysterious sacrifice, reconciling the heaven and the earth, was to be offered; and Jesus knowing that all things were to be accomplished, went on to the scene of his sufferings, among the homage of the people, and appealing to the rulers of Israel, by his fulfilment of the most peculiar of their prophecies, which they had applied to their expected Messiah.

He entered into Jerusalem to fulfil the prophecies-to resign himself to the will of his Father-to become the victim for the sins of man-and no one action, after he entered the city, was inconsistent with the humble yet sublime character which he had assumed, as the powerful deliverer, and the passive sacrifice. That there might be no possibility of a renewal of the former scenes, when the people anxiously desired, by force, to make Him a king, He discontinued the miracles by which He had hitherto demonstrated his authority and power. Every evening He withdrew from the city to solitude, to prayer, or to converse with his disciples on the Mount of Olives. He thus obviated the very possibility of suspicion (a) that he was actuated by the desire of temporal aggrandizement.

(a) That is, among the Jews of his own time. But see the German critics quoted, and we may trust, refuted by Kuinoel, Comment. in lib. Hist. N. T. in Matt. xxi. and by Rosenmuller, in his Scholia on the same chapter.

3 It was a law among the Jews that if any person, even of the most inferior rank, addressed another in any well known passage from their liturgical services, the person thus accosted was bound to reply. They were particularly accustomed to apply the 118th Psalm to this purpose; the 25th verse of which was used at the feast of tabernacles. The 24th verse is an introduction to the expressions of joy, the Hosannas which the people sung-and it is not improbable, therefore, that the words of both these verses were sung on the occasion of our Lord's entrance into Jerusalem. The people dividing themselves, and, according to the custom which had prevailed among them from the very earliest ages, which was continued by the primitive Churches, and is still preserved in the services of the Church of England, repeating alternately the clauses of the passages they quoted. It is well known that the Evangelists have not been careful to relate minutely every incident which occurred, when they record a fact; and we cannot therefore argue from their silence that no other passage was sung than the Hosanna of the 25th verse. It seems more probable that the introductory verse would have been likewise added, in which case we may conclude that the rhythmical divisions would be preserved,

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