תמונות בעמוד
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Te Dominum.


All the voices in Unison: except in verse 7, "Holy, holy, holy," which may be sung in Harmony, without the Organ.

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1 We praise Thee, O Lord, we mag'ni- | fy Thy | holy | Name:

2 The heavens and earth | praise | Thee: | the sea and all that | is there- | in.

3 All Thy works praise Thee, and Thy | saints-- bless Thee:|| Thy church doth worship' and ac- | knowledge | Thee alone, 4 The Father eternal' the Word in- carnate || the Holy Spirit, the Comfort- | er:

5 In essence and in | person | One || JE'-| HOVAH, | JESUS, | LORD. 6 To Thee cherubim and | sera- | phim :|| Angels and blessed spirits' lift up their voices. and | cry:

VERSE 7. Voices alone; a single Soprano takes the upper notes.


7 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Al- | mighty: Heaven and earth' are full of Thy glo- | ry.


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Voices in Unison.


8 Thou didst bow the heavens, and come down for our sal- | vation: Thou didst clothe Thyself with our nature' and be- | camest | God with us.

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9 In Thy love and pity' Thou | didst re- | deem us | And the chastisement of our peace was up- | on- Thee.

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10 Thou didst pass through the bitterness of suffering | and temp- | tation: Thou didst humble Thyself, even to the | passion | of the cross.

Voices in Harmony, with Organ.


II Thou didst burst asunder all the | bonds of death: Thou didst rise in divine | majes- | ty and glory.

12 Thou didst ascend on high, Thou didst lead

cap- | tivi-ty | cap

tive: The everlasting doors' were | opened to re- |ceive Thee. 13 High above all the heavens' didst Thou | set Thy | throne || clothed with light inaccessible, girt with om- | nipo- tence and love.

14 Thou art the | King of glory: || Thou art JE- | HO- | VAH of | hosts. 15 Day unto day will we exalt Thee, O | Lord, our | God: || And wor ship at Thy footstool', for | Thou a- | lone art | holy.

16 Alle | lu- | ia : || A - | - - | - - | men.

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3 All Thy works praise Thee' and Thy | saints- | bless Thee; Thy Church doth worship" and ac- | knowledge | Thee a- | lone:

4 The Father eternal", the | Word in- | carnate,

The Holy Spirit, the | Comfort- | er.

Second half of tune.

5 In essence and in | person | One:

JE ́- | HO-VAH, | JESUS, | LORD.

6 To Thee Cherubim and | Sera- | phim,

Angels and blessed spirits' lift up their voices and | cry:

7 Holy Holy! Holy! Lord God Al- | mighty, Heaven and earth' are full of Thy | glo- ry.


8 Thou didst | bow the heavens:

And come down for | our sal- | vation.

9 Thou didst clothe Thyself" | with our nature: And becamest | God with us.

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