תמונות בעמוד

and schools in which they serve, and the ftrictest caution is prescribed, that none are admitted to that fervice, who do not fhow themselves averfe to all fpirit of difpute, and who are not untainted with any doctrines which may occafion or ftir up frivolous and dangerous controverfies. The scholars and novices were returned to their respective homes, and those who had only taken the firft vows were discharged from them and all the ftatutes, rules, cuftoms, decrees and conftitutions of the order, even though confirmed by oath, were totally annulled and abrogated." Ibid. The unfortunate Ricci, however, was detained a prisoner for life in the caftle of St. Angelo b.


Auftria, Pruffia, and, at a later period, Ruffia, were the only confiderable states that interested themselves to alleviate the misfortunes of the Jefuits C. The court of Vienna, though emancipated from the dominion of the order, made fome reprefentations in its favour to the Pope. (Hift. Générale des Jefuites, vol. iii. p. 55.)

b Ganganelli, it is known, was in a manner compelled by France to fign the bull for the deftruction of the Jefuits.

The following anecdote is curious.

"Ganganelli avoit dedié une these au Pere Ricci, général des Jefuites, qu'il a retenu prifonnier enfuite jufqu'à fa mort dans le chateau S. Ange, et cependant le cardinal Spinelli l'avoit fait nommer cardinal parce qu'on avoit apperçu dans sa bibliotheque une armoire fecrette remplie de livres contre les Jefuites." La Lande, Voyage en Italie, vol. iv. p. 448.

"Prince Charles of Lorraine, and several corporations in the Auftrian Netherlands, have given fuch as thought proper to take shelter among them a favourable reception." (Ann. Reg. 1762. Chronicle, Dec. 13.)


Frederic II. was defirous to attract to the states of Pruffia a fociety which would have contributed at least to people, and probably to enrich them, and which was generally confidered as rich, commercial, and induftrious. He thought probably that by affording to it an afylum in Silefia, or in western Pruffia, he might gain to his ftates whatever property it might be able to fecrete from the violent requifitions to which it was expofed in the reft of Europe. This point, however, at the inftance of other courts he was obliged to abandon, and to content himself with protecting those Jefuits who had been already fettled in his dominions. Even in Pruffia the order was abolished in 1776; but its individual members were permitted to continue the exercise of whatever functions they had before discharged. (Mirabeau, de la Monarchie Pruffienne, vol. i. livre ii. p. 356, 358. 8vo. à Londres, 1788. Ann. Reg. 1776. Chronicle, March 14.)

Ruffia feems to have afforded establishment as well as protection to the remnant of an order once fo powerful. (Tooke's Life of Catharine, vol. iii. p. 5, 7.) "At Polozk in White Ruffia permiffion was given by Pope Pius VI. Aug. 15, 1778, with the fanction of the empress of Ruffia, and by the archbifhop of Mohilow, June 28, 1779, to open a house for the reception of novices. The Jefuits of White Ruffia held a general meeting, July 4, 1782, at Polozk, and elected their Vice Provincial (Stanislaus Czerniewcz) Vicar General, with the full power of a General of the Jefuits, October 17, 1782. After his death, which happened July 28, 1785, Gabriel Lem

Lemkiewitcz the Rector, and firft affiftant, fucceeded to his office. This account is taken from the Berlin Journal, called the Monatfcrift, of November, 1785, p. 418, and the newspapers of Warfaw. It occurs likewife in the "full account of Jefuitifm, as it exifts at prefent, the principles of the Roficrucians, the rage to make profelytes, promote a union of religions, &c." Dornford's Tranflation of Pütter's Hiftorical Developement of the present Political Conftitution of the Germanic Empire, vol. iii. p. 195, 196.

The Jefuits have also been re-established in the two Sicilies, and, I believe, in fome of the minor ftates of Italy, where they devote themselves either folely or principally to the bufinefs of education. It cannot, however, be doubted, but that their power, is completely and for ever annihilated d.

In contemplating this hiftory, it is impoffible not to be struck with the very surprising coincidence between the real event, and certain predictions, which were made during the infancy of the order refpecting its future character and fate. Borgia the third General profeffed himself apprehenfive, left "the time fhould come, when the fociety would be much oc

d I could have wished to have given a more complete and fatisfactory account of the fuppreffion of the Jefuits than these pages afford. The reader may be affured that it is not the want of industry which has prevented me from obtaining on this point any but very meagre documents. Such is the present state of the intercourse between England and the continent, that I have been repeatedly fruftrated in my attempts to procure better and more ample authorities than those which I have poffeffed.

cupied with the study of letters, but without any affection for virtue: when pride and ambition would bear rule and there would be no one to arreft their progrefs. Be warned," he adds, " by the firft counfel which I give you, left you should learn from experience what reason gives too much cause to apprehend." (Benard, vol. ii. p. 336.)

But the moft fingular anticipation of this kind that I have ever sfeen is in a paffage cited by Maclaine, (Notes to Mofheim's Ecclefiaftical Hiftory, vol. ii. p. 96.) from a fermon preached by Dr. George Brown, archbishop of Dublin, in the year 1551, only eleven years after the foundation of the order. "But there are a new fraternity of late fprung up, who call themselves Jefuits, which will deceive many, who are much after the Scribes and Pharifees manner. Amongst the Jews they fhall ftrive to abolish the truth, and fhall come very near to do it. For thefe forts will turn themselves into divers forms; with the Heathens a Heathenift, with the Atheists an Atheist, with the Jews a Jew, with the Reformers a Reformade, purposely to know your intentions, your minds, your hearts, and your inclinations, and thereby bring you, at last, to be like the fool that faid, in his heart, there was no God. These shall spread over the whole world, shall be admitted into the councils of princes, and they never the wiser: charming of them, yea, making your princes reveal their hearts and the fecrets therein, and yet they not perceive it which will happen from falling from the law of God, by neglect of fulfilling the law of God, and by winking at their fins; yet in the end,


God, to justify his law, fhall fuddenly cut off this fociety, even by the hands of those who have most fuccoured them, and made use of them; so that at the end, they fhall become odious to all nations. They fhall be worse than the Jews, having no resting place upon earth, and then shall a Jew have more favour than a Jefuit."

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