תמונות בעמוד


I'll hold ten pound my dream is out;
I'd tell it you but for the rattle
Of those confounded drums; no doubt

You bloody rogues intend a battle.
Dear me a hundred thousand French
With terror fill the neighb'ring field,
While William carries on the trench,

Till both the town and castle yield. Vill'ry to Boufflers should advance,

Says Mars, thro' cannons mouths in fire; Id est, one Mareschal of France

Tells t'other he can come no nigher.


Regain the lines the shortest way,
Vill'roy, or to Versailles take post,
For, having seen it, thou canst say
The steps by which Namur was lost.
The smoke and flame may vex thy sight;
Look not once back; but as thou goest,
Quicken the squadrons in their flight,

And bid the devil take the slowest.
Think not what reason to produce,
From Louis to conceal thy fear :
He'll own the strength of thy excuse,
Tell him that William was but there.


Contemplez dans la tempeste,
Qui sort de ces boulevars,
La plume qui sur sa teste
Attire tous les regards.
A cet astre redoubtable
Toûjours un sort favorable

S'attache dans les combats :

Et toujours avec la gloire

Mars amenant la victoire

Vôle, et le suit à grands pas.


Grands deffenseurs de l'Espagne, Montrez-vous: il en est temps:

Courage; vers la Mahagne

Voilà vos drapeaux flottans.

Jamais ses ondes craintives

N'ont veû sur leurs foibles rives
Tant de guerriers s'amasser.
Coures donc Qui vous retarde?
Tout l'univers vous regarde.
N'osez-vous la traverser?


Loin de fermer le passage

A vos nombreux bataillons,

Luxembourg a du rivage

Reculé ses pavillons.

Quoy? leur seul aspect vous glace? Où sont ces chefs pleins d'audace,


Now let us look for Louis' feather,
That us'd to shine so like a star;
The Gen'rals could not get together,
Wanting that influence, great in war;
O Poet! thou hadst been discreeter,
Hanging the Monarch's hat so high,
If thou hadst dubb'd thy star a meteor
That did but blaze, and rove, and die.


To animate the doubtful fight
Namur in vain expects that ray;
In vain France hopes the sickly light
Should shine near William's fuller day.
It knows Versailles, its proper station,
Nor cares for any foreign sphere :
Where you see Boileau's constellation,
Be sure no danger can be near.


The French had gather'd all their force, And William met them in their way, Yet off they brush'd, both foot and horse; What has friend Boileau left to say? When his high Muse is bent upon't,

To sing her King, that great commander, Or on the shores of Hellespont,

Or in the vallies near Scamander,

Jadis si prompts à marcher,
Qui devoient de la Tamise,
Et de la Drâve soumise,

Jusqu'â París nous chercher ?

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Cependant l'effroy redouble
Sur les remparts de Namur.
Son gouverneur qui se trouble
S'enfuit sous son dernier mur.
Déja jusques à ses portes
Je voyez monter nos cohortes,
La flame et le fer en main:
Et sur les monceaux de piques,
De corps morts, de rocs, de briques,
S'ouvrir un large chemin.

C'en est fait.


Je viens d'entendre

Sur ces rochers éperdus

Battre un signal pour se rendre :
Le feu cesse. Ils sont rendus.

Dépoüillez vôtre arrogance,
Fiers ennemis de la France,
Et desormais gracieux,
Allez à Liege, à Bruxelles,
Porter les humbles nouvelles

De Namur pris à vos yeux.

Would it not spoil his noble task,

If any foolish Phrygian there is, Impertinent enough to ask

How far Namur may be from Paris?


Two stanzas more before we end,

Of death, pikes, rocks, arms, bricks, and fire Leave 'em behind you, honest Friend,

And with your countrymen retire.
Your ode is spoilt; Namur is freed:
For Dixmuyd something yet is due ;
So good Count Guiscard may proceed;
But, Boufflers, Sir, one word with you—

"Tis done.


In sight of these commanders,

Who neither fight nor raise the siege,

The foes of France march safe thro' Flanders, Divide to Bruxelles or to Liege,

Send, Fame, this news to Trianon,

That Boufflers may new honours gain;
He the same play by land has shown

As Turville did upon the main.
Yet is the Marshal made a peer:
O, William! may thy arms advance,
That he may lose Dinant next year,
And so be Constable of France.

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