תמונות בעמוד



those animals whose tails are very short, Deeming some island, oft as seamen tell, as a hare.

With fixed anchor in his scaly rind, In the hare it is aversely seated, and in its dis

Moors by his side under the lee, while night tension inclines unto the coccix or scut. Brown.

Invests the sea,

Milton, He fled to earth, but first it cost him dear;

Small fragments of shells, broken by storms He left his scut behind, and half an ear. Swift.

on some shores, are used for manuring of sea land.

W codward. Scu'TCHEON. n.so (scuccione, Italian; from

They put to sea with a fleet of three hundred scutum, Lat.] The shield represented in


Arbuthnot. heraldry; the ensigns armorial of a fa- Sea racing dolphins are train'd for our motion, mily. See EscuTCHEON.

Moony tides swelling to roll us ashore. Dryden. And thereto had she that scutcbeon of her de- But like a rock unmov'd, a rock that braves sires, supported by certain badly diligent mini- The raging tempest and the rising waves, sters.

Sidney. Propp'd on himself he stands : his solid sides Your scutcbeons, and your signs of conquest, Wash off the sea weeds, and the sounding tides. shall

Dryden. Hang in what place you please.


The sea could not be much narrower than it Honour is a meer scutcheon. Sbakspeare. is, without a great loss to the world. Bentley. The chiefs about their necks the scutcheons So when the first bold vessel dar'd the seas,

High on the stern the Thracian rais'd his strain, With orient pearls and jewels powder'd o'er. While Argo saw her kindred trees


Descend from Pelion to the main. Pope. SCUTE'LLATED. adj. (scutella, Latin.] 2. A collection of water; a lake. Divided into small surfaces.

By the sea of Galilee.

Mattbew. It seems part of the scutellated bone of a stur- 3. Proverbially for any large quantity: geon, being flat, of a porous or cellular constitu- That sea of blood, which hath in Ireland been tion.

Woodward. barbarously shed, is enough to drown in eternal Scu'TIFORM. adj. [scutiformis, Latin.] infamy and misery the malicious author and inShaped like a shield.

stigator of its effusion.

King Cbarles a SCU'TTLE. n. s. [scutella, Latin; scutell, 4. Any thing rough and tempestuous. Celtick. Ainsworth.]

To sorrow abandon'd, but worse felt within,

And in a troubled sea of passion tost. Miiton 1. A wide shallow basket, so named from

s. Half Seas over. Half drunk. a dish or platter which it resembles in

The whole magistracy was pretty well disguis. form.

ed before I gave 'em the slip: our friend the alA seuttle or skrein to rid soil fro' the corn.

derman was balf seas over before the bonfire was Tusser.

Spectator. The earth and stones they are fain to carry Sea is often used in composition, as will from under their feet in scutiles and baskets.


appear in the following examples. 2. A small grate.

SE'ABAR. N. s. [from sea and bar; birundo To the hole in the door have a small scuttle, SE'Abeat. adj. (sea and beat.] Dashed by

piscis, Latin.] The sea-swallow. to keep in what mice are there.

. 3. [from scud.) A quick pace; a short

the waves of the sea. run; a pace of affected precipitation.

The sovereign of the seas he blames in vain,

That once seabeat will to sea again. This is properly scuddle.


Darkness cover'd o'er She went with an easy scuttle out of the shop.

The face of things: along the seabeat shore

Spettator. Satiate we slept. To SCU'TTLE. v.. [from scud or scuddle.] SE'A BOAT. n. so [sea and boat.] Vessel To run with affected precipitation.

capable to bear the sea. The old fellow scuttled out of the room.


Shipwrecks were occasioned by their ships

being bad seaboats, and themselves but indifere TO SDEIGN, v. a. [Spenser. Sdegnare,

Arbutónot. Italian ; Milton, for disdain.] Lifted up so high,

SE'A BORN. adj. [sra and born.] Born of I sdeign'd subjection.


the sea; produced by the sea.

Like Neptune and his seaborn niece, shall be SDE'IGNFUL. adj. [Contracted for dis

The shining glories of the land and sea. Wailer. dainful.]

All these in order march, and marching sing They now, put up with sdeignful insolence, The warlike actions of their seaborn king. Dryd. Despise the brood of blessed sapience. Spenser; SE'ABOY. n. s. [sea and boy.] Boy emSEA. n. s. [re, Sax. sel, or zee, Dutch.]

ployed on shipboard. 1. The ocean; the water, opposed to the Cánst thou, O partial sleep! give thy repose land.

To the wet seaboy in an hour so rude, Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood

And in the calmest and the stillest night Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will ra- Deny it to a king ?

Sbakspeare. ther Thy multitudinous sec incarnadine,

SE'A BREACH. n. s. (sea and breach.] Ir Making the green one red. Shakspeare. ruption of the sea by breaking the The rivers run into the sea.


banks. He made the sea, and all that is therein. Exod.

To an impetuous woman, tempests and ses. So do the winds and thunders cleanse the air, breaches are nothing.

L'Estrange. So working seas settle and purge the 'sine. Dav.

Ampbibious, between sea and land, SE'ABREEZE. n. s. [sea and breeze.] Wind The river horse.

Milton, blowing from the sea.
Some leviathan,

Hledges, in most places, would be of great adHaply slumb'ring on the Norway foam,

Väitage to shelter the grass from the seabreeze, The pilot of some small night-founder'd skiff



ent seamen.

SE'ABUILT. adj. [sea and built.] Built long tusks standing out. It has two fins, which for the sea.

stand forward on the breast like hands, whenge Borne each by other in a distant line,

the Spaniards called it manatec. The female has The seabuilt forts in dreadful order move. Dryd.

two round breasts placed between the pectoral

fins. The skin is very thick and hard, and not SEACA'B BAGE, n. s. (crambe, Lat.] Sea

scaly, but hairy.

Hill, colewort. A plant.

SE'ADOG. n. s. [sea and dog.] Perhaps It hath fleshy leaves like those of the

the shark. cabbage.


Fierce seadogs devour the mangled friends. SE'ACALF. n. s. (sea and calf ; phoca.]

Roscommon. The seal.

When, stung with hunger, she embroils tha The seacalf, or seal, is so called from the noise

flood, he makes like a calf: his head comparatively not

The seadog and the dolphin are her food. Popla big, shaped rather like an otter's, with teeth like SE'A E AR. n. s. [from sea and ear; auris a dog's, and mastaches like those of a cat: his marina, Latin.] A sea plant. body long, and all over hairy: his forefeet, with

SE APA'RER. n. s. [sea and fare.] A tra. fingers clawed, but not divided, yet fit for going : his hinder feet, more properly fins, and fitter for

veller by sea ; a mariner. swimming, as being an amphibious animal. The

They stiffly refused to vail their bonnets by the female gives suck, as the porpess, and other vi

summons of those towns, which is reckoned in. viparous fishes.


tolerable contempt by the better enabled sezo farers.

Carew. SE'ACAP. n. s. (sea and cap.]

Cap made

A wand'ring merchant, he frequents the main, to be worn on shipboard.

Some mean seafarer in pursuit of gain;
I know your favour well,

Studious of freight, in naval trade well skill'd; Though now you have no seacap on your head. Buc dreads th'athletick labours of the field. Pope.

Shakspeare. SEAFA'RING. adj. (sea and fare.] Travel SE'ACARP. n. s. [from sea and carp; ling by sea. turdus marinus, Lat.) A spotted fish My wife fasten'd him unto a small spare

mast, that lives among stones and rocks. Such as seafaring men provide for storms. Sbakso SE'ACHART. n. s. (sea and chart.] Map

It was death to divert the ships of seafaring on which only the coasts are delineated.

people, against their will, to other uses than they were appointed.

Arbutbrot. The situation of the parts of the earth are better learned by a map or seacbart, than reading

Se'AFENXEL. The same with SAMthe description.


PHIRE, SE'ACOAL. n. s. [sea and coal.) Coal so ŞE'AFIGHT. n. s. (sea and fight.] Battle

called, not because found in the sea, but of ships ; battle on the sea. because brought to London by sea; pit- Seafights have been often final to the war; bur coal.

this is when princes set up their rest upon the battles.

Bacon. We'll have a posset soon at the latter end of a seacoal fire.


If our sense of hearing were a thousand times Seacoal lasts longer than charcoal.


quicker than it is, we should, in the quietest reThis pulmonique indisposition of the air is

tirement, be less able to sleep than in the mid-
of a seafight.

Locke. very much heightened, where a great quantity of seacoal is burnt.


This feet they recruited with two hundred SE'ACOAST. n. s. (sea and coast.] Shore;

sail, whereof they lost ninety-three in a seafight.

Arbuthnot, edge of the sea.

SE'AFOWL. n. s. (sea and fowl.] Birds The venturous mariner that way,

that live at sea. Learning his ship from those white rocks to save, Which all along the southern seacoast lay;

The bills of curlews, and many other seaFor safety's sake that same his seamark made,

forul, are very long, to enable them to hunt for the worms.

Derbam. And nam'd it Albion.

Fairy Queen. Upon the seacoast are many parcels of land,

A seafowl properly represents the passage of a deity over the seas.

Broome. that would pay well for the taking in. Mortimer.

A length of ocean and unbounded sky, SE'ACOB. ni's. [gavia, Latin.] A bird,

Which scarce the seafowl in a year o'er-fly. Pope. called also seagull.

SE'AGIRDLES. n. s. pl. | fungus phasga. $E'ACOMPASS. n. so [sea and compass.]

noides, Lat.) A sort of sea mushrooms. The card and needle of mariners.

SE'AGIRT. adj. [sea and girt.] Girded or The needle in the seacompass still moving but

encircled by the sea. to the north point only, with moveor immotus, noritied the respective constancy of the gentle

Neptune, besides the sway

Of every sale floud and each ebbing stream, man to one only.


Took in by lot, 'twixt high and nether Jove, Se'acoot. n. s. [from sea and coot ; fulica Imperial rule of all the seagirt isles. Milton. marina, Lat.] A seafowl like the moor

Telemachus, the blooming heir hen.

Of seagirt Ithaca, demands my care: SE'ACORMORANT,or Seadrake. 2.s, [from

'T is mine to form his green unpractis'd years In sage debates.

Pope. sea and cormorant ; corvus marinus,

ŞE'AGRASS. n. s. [from sea and grass ; Lat.) A seacrow.

alga, Latin.] An herb growing on the SE'ACOW. n. ., [sea and caw.] The mana

seashore. tee. The seacou is of the cetaceous kind. It grows

SE'AGREEN, adj. [sea and green.] Resemto fifteen feet long, and to seven or eight in cir

bling the colour of the distant sea; cecumference: its head is like that of a hog, but rulean. longer, and more cylindrick: its eyes are small, White, red, yellow, blue, with their several and it has to external ears, but only two little mixtures, as green, scarlet, purple, and seagreen,

come in by the eyes.

Locke. apertures. los lips are chick, and it has two

[ocr errors]

Upon his urn reclin'd,

SE'AMARK.n.s. [sea and mark.] Point or
His seagreen mantle waving in the wind,
The god appear'd.


conspicuous place distinguished at sea, SE'AGREEN. n. s. Saxifrage. A plant.

and serving the mariners as directions

of their course. SE'AGULL. n. s. [sea and gull.] A water

Those white rocks, fowl.

Which all along the southern seacoast lay, Seagulls, when they flock together from the Threat'ning unheedy wreck and rash decay, sea towards the shores, foreshow rain and wind. He for his safety's sake his seamark made,

And nam'd it Albion.

Fairy Queen.
Bitterns, herons, and seagulls, are great ene-

Though you do see me weapon'd, mies to fish.


Here is my journey's end, here is my butt, SE'AHEDGEHOG. n. s. [echinus.] A kind The very seamark of my utmost sail. Sbaksp. of sea shellfish.

They were executed at divers places upon the The seabedgebag is inclosed in a round shell, seacoast, for seamarks, or light-houses, to teach fashioned as a loaf

of bread, wrought and pinched, Perkins's people to avoid the coast. Bacon. and guarded by an outer skin full of prickles, as They are remembered with a brand of infamy the land urchin.

Carew. fixt upon them, and set as seamarks for those SEʻAHOG. n. s. [sea and hog.] The porpus.

who observe them to avoid.


The fault of others sway SE'AHOLLY. n. s. [eryngium, Latin.] A

He set as seamarks for himself to shun. Dryden. plant.

SEAME'w. n. s. [sea and mew.] A fowl The species are, seabolly, or eryngo. Common eryngo. The roots of the first are candied,

that frequents the sea.

An island salt and bare, and sent to London for medicinal use, being the true eryngo.


The haunt of seals, and orcks, 'and seamers SE'AHOLM. n. s. [sea and holm.]



The chough, the seamew, the loquacious crow, 1. A small uninhabited island.

Scream aloft.

Pope. 2. Seaholly. A kind of seaweed.

SE'AMONSTER. N. s. [sea and monster.] Cornwal bringeth forth greater store of sea

Strange animal of the sea. bolm and samphire than any other county.

Seamonsters give suck to their young. Lan. Carew.

Where luxury late reign'd, sea monsters whelp. SEAHORSE, N. s. [sea and borse.]

Milton. 1. A fish of a very singular form, as we SE'Amoss. n. s. (sea and moss; corallium, see it dried, and of the needlefish kind.

Latin.) Coral, which grows in the sea It is about four or five' inches in length, like a shrub, and, being taken out, be. and pearly half an inch in diameter in

comes hard like a stone. the broadest part. Its colour, as we see SE'ANAVELWORT. n. s.[androsaces, Lat.) it dried, is a deep reddish brown; and its

An herb growing in Syria, by which tail is turned round under the belly. Hill.

great cures are performed. 2. The morse.

SEPANYMPH.n. so (sea and nymph.] God. Part of a large tooth, round and tapering ; a dess of the sea. tusk of the morse, or waltron, called by some

Virgil, after Homer's example, gives us a the seaborse.


transformation of Æneas's ships into seanympbs. 3. The medical and the poetical seahorse

Broome. seem very different. By the seahorse SE'AONION. n. s. An herb. Ainsworth. Dryden means probably the hippopota- SE'аoose. n. s. (sea and cose.

se.] The mud mus.

in the sea or shore. Seahorses, flound'ring in the slimy mud,

All seaoose, or oosy mud, and the mud of riToss'd up their heads, and dash'd the ooze

vers, are of great advantage to all sorts of land. about 'em. Dryden.

Mortimer, SE'AMAID. n. s. (sea and maid. ] Mermaid. SE'APAD. n. s. (stella marina, Lat.) The Certain stars shot from their spheres,

star fish. To hear the seamaids musick. Shakspeare. SE'APANTHER. n. s. [sen and panther ; SE'AMAN. n. s. [sea and man.)

gabos, Latin.] A fish like a lamprey. 1. A sailor; a navigator; a mariner. She, looking out,

SE'A PIECE. n. s. [sea and piece.] A picture Beholds the feet, and hears the seamen shout.

representing any thing at sea.

Denbam. Painters often employ their pencils upon secSeamen, through dismal storms, are wont


Addison. To pass the oyster-breeding Hellespont. Evelyn. SE'APOOL. n. s. [sea and pooi.] A lake of Æneas order'd

salt water. A stately tomb, whose top a trumpet bore,

I heard it wished, that all the land were a seco A soldier's falchion, and a seaman's oar;


Spenser. Thus was his friend interrd.

Dryden. SÉ'APORT. n. s.[sea and port.] A harbour. By undergoing the hazards of the sea, and the

SE'ARISQUE. n. s. [sea and risque.] Hacompany of common seamen, you make it evident

zard at sea. you will refuse no opportunity of rendering yourself useful.


He was so great an encourager of commerce Had they applied themselves to the increase

that he charged himself with all the searisque of of their strength by sca, they might have had

such vessels as carried corn to Rome in the winthe greatest feet, and the most seamen, of any

Arbutbnos state in Europe.

Addison. SE'AROCKET. n. s. A plant. Miller 2. Meiman ; the male of the mermaid. SE'AROOM. n. s. [sea and room.] Oper

Seals live at land and at sea, and porpuses have sea; spacious main. the warm hood and entrails of a hug, not to There is searoom enough for both nations mention mermaids or scamen, Locke, without offending one another.




The bigger whale like some huge carrack lay, SE'AWORMWOOD. n. s. [sea and worma Which wanteth searoom with her foes to play:


wood; seriphium, Lat.) A sort of wormSE ARO'VER. H. s.[sea and rove.] A pirate. SEAL. n. s. [phoca ; seol, sele, Saxon ;

wood that grows in the sea. SE'ARUFP. 1. s. I sea and ruff; orphus, Latin.] A kind of sea fish.

seel, Danish.] The seacalf.

The seal or soyle is in make and growth not SE'ASERPENT. 1. s. [sea and serpent ; unlike a pig, ugly faced, and footed like a mold

bedrus, Latin.] A water serpent; an warp: he delighteth in musick, or any loud noise, adder.

and thereby is trained to shew himself above waSE ASE'RVICE. M. s. (sea and service.]

te: they also come on land.


An island salt and bare, Naval war.

The haunt of seals, and orcks, and seamews You were pressed for the seaservice, and got off with much ado.


Milton SE'ASHARK. 1. s. [sea and shark.] A ra


. SEAL. n. s. (rigel, Saxon; sigillum, Lat.] venous sea fish.

1. A stamp engraved with a particular Witches mummy, maw and gulf

impression, which is fixed upon the wax Of the ravening sak seasbark. Sbakspeare.

that closes letters, or affixed as a testiSE'ASHELL. n. s. (sea and shell.] Shells mony. found on the shore.

The king commands you Seasbells are great improvers of sour or cold

To render up the great seal. Shakspeare land.


If the organs of perception, like wax over

hardened with cold, will not receive the imprese SE'ASHORE. n. s. (sea and shore.] The sion of the seal; or, like wax of a temper too coast of the sea.

soft, will not hold it; or else supposing the wax That seesbore where no more world is found, of a temper fit, but the seal not applied with a But foaming billows breaking on the ground. Dry. sufficient force to make a clear impression : in

Fournier gives an account of an earthquake any of these cases the print left by the seal will in Peru, that reached three hundred leagues be obscure.

Locke. along the sea bore.


The same his grandsire wore about his neck To say a man has a clear idea of any quantity, In three seal rings; which after, melted down, without knowing how great it is, is as reasonable Form'd a vast buckle for his widow's gown. Popta as to say he has the positive idea of the number

2. The impression made in wax. of the sands on the seasbore.


'Till thou canst rail the seal from off my bond, SE'Asick. adj. [sea and sick.] Sick, as new Thou but offend'st thy lungs to speak so loud. voyagers on the sea.

Shakspeart. She began to be much seasick, extremity of Solyman shewed him his own letters, asking weather continuing.

Sbakspeare. him if he kuew not that hand, and if he knew Barbarossa was not able to come on shore, for not that seal?

Knelles. that he was, as they said, seasick, and troubled He saw his monkey picking the seal wax from Knolles. a letter.

Arbuthnot. In love's voyage, nothing can offend;

3. Any act of confirmation. Women are never seasick.


They their fill of love Weary and seasick, when in thee confin'd; Took largely, of their mutual guilt the seal. Millo Now, for thy safety, cares distract my mind. To SEAL. v. a. (from the noun.]


1. To fasten with a seal. SEASI'D E. n. s. (sea and side.] The edge He that brings this love to thee, of the sea.

Little knows this love in me; Their camels were without number, as the And by him seal up thy mind. Shakspeare. sand by the seaside.

Judith. I have seen her rise from her bed, take forth There disembarking on the green seaside, paper, fold it, write upon 't, and afterwards seal We land our cattle, and the spoil divide. Pope.

Shakspeare SE ASU'RGEON. n. s. (sea and surgeon.] A 2. To confirm or attest by a seal. chirurgeon employed on shipboard. God join'd my heart to Romeo's; thou our My design was to help the seasurgeon. Wisem.

hands; SEASUR RO'UNDED. adj. [sea and sur- And ere this hand, by thee to Romeo seald, round.) Encircled by the sea.

Shall be the label to another deed, To seasurrounded realms the gods assign

Or my true heart with treacherous revolt Small tracts of fertile lawn, the least to mine.

Turn to another, this shall slay them both. Sbak,

Pope. 3. To confirm ; to ratify; to settle. SEATE'R M. n. s. (sea and term.] Word of

My soul is purg'd from grudging hate,

And with my hand I scal our true hearts love. art used by the seamen.

Shakspeare. lagree with you in your censure of the seaterms

When I have performed this, and sealed to in Dryden's Virgil, because no terms of art, or

them this fruit, I will come into Spain. Romans. cant words, suit the majesty of epick poetry. Pope. SEAWA’TER, n. s. [sea and water.) The

4. To shut; to close : with up.

Seal up your lips, and give no words, but mum! salt water of the sea.

Shakspeare. By digging of pits in the seashore, he did

At my death frustrate the laborious works of the enemies, Thou hast seaľd up my expectation. Sbakspeare. which had turned the seawater upon the wells The sense is like the sun; for the sun seals of Alexandria.


up the globe of heaven, and opens the globe of I barhed the member with seawater. Wiseman,

earth: so the sense doth obscure heavenly things, Seawater tas many gross, rough, and earthy, and reveals earthly things.

Bacon. particles in it, as appearsfrom its saltness; where as fresh water is more pure and unmixt. Broome.

s. To make fast.

Back to th' infernal pit I drag thce chain'd, SE'AWITHWIND. n. s. [soldanella, Latin.] And seal thee so, as henceforth not to scorn Rindweed.

The facil gates of hell too slightly barr'd. Milt.

with an ague.





table sport.

6. To mark with a stamp:

TO SEAR. v. a. [rearian, Saxon.) TO You'd rail upon the hostess,

burn; to cauterize. And say you would present her at the leet,

The scorching flame sore singed all his face, Because she bought stone jugs, and no seaľd And through his armour all his body sear'd. quarts. Sbakspeare.

Fairy Queen. TO SEAL. v. n. To fix a seal.

Some shall depart from the faith, speaking I will seal unto this bond. Sbakspeare: lies, having their conscience seared with a hot We make a sure covenant and write it, and iron.

1 Timotby. our princes and priests seal unto it. Nebemiab. Cherish veins of good humour, and sear up SE'ALER. n. s. [from seal.] One that scals. those of ill.

Temple. SE'ALINGWAX. n. s. (seal and wax.) I'm star'd with burning steel, 'till the scorch'd Hard wax used to seal letters.

Fries in the bones,

Rowe. The prominent orifice was closed with sealing To Searce. v. a. (sasser, French.] To

Boyle. SEAM. n. s. [ream, Sax. zoom, Dutch.)

sift finely, 1. The suture where the two edges of cloth Put the finely searced powder of alabaster

into a flat-bottomed and well-heated brass vesare sewed together.


Boyle. In velvet white as snow the troop was gown'd,

For the keeping of meal, bolt and searce it The seams with sparkling emeralds set around.

from the bran.

Mortimer. Precepts should be so finely wrought together SE A'RCER. n. s. [from searce.] He who

Dryden. SEARCE. n. s. A sieve; a bolter. in the same piece, that no coarse sean may discover where they join.

Addison. searces. 2. The juncture of planks in a ship. T. SEARCH. v. a. [chercher, French.]

With boiling pitch the seams instops, 1. To examine ; to try; to explore ; to Which, well laid o'er, the salt sea waves with- look through. stand.


Help to search my house this one time : if 3. A cicatrix; a scar.

I find not what I seek, let me for ever be your [ream, Saxon, a load.] A measure; a

Sbakspeare. vessel in which things are held ; eight They returned from searcbing of the land.

Nuwbers. bushels of corn.


Through the void immense 5. SEAM of Glass. A quantity of glass

To search with wand'ring quest a place foretold. weighing 120 pounds.

Milion. 6. [reme, Saxon; saim, Welsh; sain, Fr.] 2. To inquire ; to seek for. Tallow; grease ; hog's lard.

Now clear I understand
Shall the proud lord,

What oft my steddiest thoughes have search'din That bastes his arrogance with his own seam,


Milton, Be worshipp'd ?

Shakspeare. Enough is left besides to search and know. Part scour the rusty shields with seam, and part

Milton, New grind the blunted ax,

Dryden. Draw up some valuable meditations from the TO SEAM. v. a. (from the noun.]

depths of the earth, and search them through the vast ocean.

W afts, 1. To join together by suture, or otherwise.

3. To probe as a chirurgeon.

Alas, poor shepherd! searching of thy wound, 2. To mark; to scar with a long cicatrix. Seami'd o'er with wounds, which his own sabre

I have, by hard adventure, found my own. Shak.

With this good sword, gave.

Pope. Say, has the small or greater pox

That ran through Cæsar's bowels, search this hosom.

Sbakspeare. Sunk down her nose, or seam'd her face ? Swift.

For the divisions of Reuben there were great SE'AMLESS. adj. (from seam.] Having no

searcbings of heart


The signs of wounds penetrating are discoverSE'AMRENT. n. s. (seam and rent.) A ed by the proportion of the searcbing candle, or

separation of any thing where it is join- probe which enters into the cavity. Wiseman, ed; a breach of the stitches.

4. TO SEARCH out. To find by seeking. SE'AMSTRESS. n. s. (reamestne, Sax.]

Who went before you, to search you cui a A woman whose trade is to sew. Often place to pitch your tents in? Deuteronomy, written seinpstress.

They may sometimes be successful to searis out truth.

Watts, They wanted food and raiment; so they took

TO SEARCH. v. n. Revgion for their seamstress and their cook.


1. To make a search; to look for someSE'Amy. adj. [from seam.] Having a thing. scam; showing the seam.

Satisfy me once more; once more search with Some such squire he

Sbakspears. was, That turn'd your wit the seamy side without,

2. To make inquiry. That made me to suspect you,


To ask or searcb I blame thee not. Milton, SEAN. %. s. (regne, Sax. sagena, Latin.]

Those who seriously search after or maintain

truth, should study to deliver themselves withA net. Sometimes written seine, or

out obscurity or equivocation.

Locke. saine.

It suffices that they have once with care sifted SEAR. adj. [rearian, Saxon, to dry. ]Dry; the matter, and searched into all the particulars not any longer green. Spenser uses it. that could give any light to the question. Locke.

I have liv'd long enough: my May of life With piercing eye some search where nature Is fall'n into the sear, the yellow leaf. Sbaksp.

plays, Ye myrtles brown, with ivy never sear. Milt. And trace the wanton through her darksome Some may be cherished in dry places, as in

Tickel. Ray. 3. To seek; to try to find.




jaar wood.

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