תמונות בעמוד

If we live thus tiniely,

They placed them in Rhodes, where daily do To be thus jaded by a piece of scarlet,

ing great scalb to the Turk, the great warril Farewel nobility:

Sbakspeare. Soliman, with a mighty army, so overlaid then As a bull

that he won the island from them. Knolie Amid the circus roars; provok'd from far

Szill prescrv'd from danger, harm, and scatb, By sight of scarlet and a sanguine war. Dryden. By many a sea and many an unknown shore. 'Would it not be insufferable for a learned pro

Fairfi fessor, and that which his scarlet would blush at, SCA'T HFUL. adj. [from scath.] Mis to liave his authority of forty years standing in

chievous; destructive. an instant overturned?


A bawbling vessel was he captain of, SCA'RLET. adj. (from the noun.] Of the

For shallow draught, and bulk'unprizable, colour of scarlet; red tinged with yel- With which such scathful grapple did he make, low.

That very envy, and the congue of loss,
I conjure thee,

Cried fame and honour on hin. Sbakspears By her high forehead and her scarlet lip. Shakop. To SCA'TTER. v. a. [scatenan, Saxon

"The Chinese, who are of an ill complexion, schatteren, Dutch.] being olivaster, paint their cheeks starlet. Bacon.

1. To throw loosely about ; to sprinkle. The scarlet honour of your peaceful gown. Teacha the glad hours to scatter, as they fiy,


Soft quiet, gentle love, and endless joy. Prior SCA'R LET BEAN. n. so [scarlet and bean.]

Corruption, still A plant.

Voracious, swallow'd what the liberal hand The scarlctbean has a red husk, and is not the Of bounty scatter'd o'er the savage year. best to eat in the shell, as kidneybeans; but is

Thom $99. reputed the best to be eaten in winter, when 2. To dissipate ; to disperse. dry and boiled.

Mortimer, A king, that sitteth in the throne of judgment, SCA'R LET OAK. 12. s. The ilex. A species scattereth away all evil with his eyes. Proverbs. of oak.

Samuel came not to Gilgal, and the people were scattered from Saul.

1 Samuel. SCA'RMAGE. ». s. [from skirmish. Spen.

Adam by this from the cold sudden damp SCA'R MOGE.) ser.]

It is now pro- Recovering, and his scatter'd spirits return'd. nounced by the Londoners skirinige.

Milton. Such cruel game my scarmages disarms; 3. To spread thinly. Another war, and other weapons, I

Why should my muse enlarge on Libyan Do love, when Love does give his sweet alarms.


Spenser. Their scatter'd cottages and ample plains ? SCARP. n. s. [escarpe, Fr.] The slope on

Dryden. that side of a ditch which is next to a 4. To besprinkle with something loosely fortified place, and looks towards the

spread. fields.

Dict. Where cattle pastur d late, now scatter'd lies SCATCH. n. s. [escache, Fr.] A kind of With carcases and arms th' ensanguin'd field.

Milton. horsebit for bridles.


To SCA'TTER. v. n. To be dissipated; to SCA'TCHES. 1. so [chasses, Fr.] Stilts to

be dispersed. put the feet in to walk in dirty places.

Sound diffuseth itself in rounds; but if that

Bailey. which would scatter in open air be made to go SCATE.n.s. (skidor, Swedish; skid, Island

into a canal, it gives greater force to the sound. ick.] A kind of wooden shoe, with a

Bacon. steel plate underneath, on which they

Shakes from his noon-day throne the scattering slide over the ice.


Tbomson. TO SCATE. v. n. (from the noun.] To

SCA'TTERINGLY. adv. [from scattering.] slide on scates.

Loosely; dispersedly. SCATE, n. s. [squatus, Lat.] A fish of the

The Spaniards have here and there scatteringa species of thornback.

ly, upon the sea.coasts, set up some towns. Abbot. SCA'TEBROUS. adj. [from scatebra, Lat.) Those drops of prettiness, scatteringly sprinkled Abounding with springs.

Dict. amongst the creatures, were designed to defecate T. SCATH. v. a. (rcea San, scadan, and exalt our conceptions, not to inveigle or de

tain our passions.

To waste; Saxon; schaeden, Dutch.]

Boyle, to damage; to destroy. Both the verb SCA'TTERLING. n. s. [from scatter.) A and noun are now obsolete.

vagabond ; one that has no home or sitAs when heaven's fire

tled habitation. An elegant word, but Hath scath'd the forest oaks, or mountain pines, disused. With singed top their stately growth, though Such losels and scatterlings cannot easily, by bare,

any ordinary officer, be gotten, when challeng

Milion. Stands on the blasted heath.

ed for any such fact.

Spenser. SCATH. n. s. [scead, Sax.] Waste ; da

Gathering unto him all the scatterlings and

outlaws out of all the woods and mountains, in mage; mischief ; depopulation. Scath in Scotland denotes spoil or damage : which they long had lurked, he marched forth

into the English pale.

as, he bears the scath and the scorn.

SCATU'RIENT. adj. [scaturiens, Latin.] The ear that budded fair is burnt and blasted,

Springing as a fountain.

Dict. And all my hoped gain is turn'd to scath.

SCATURI'GINOUS. adj. [from scaturigo,

Latin.] Full of springs or fountains.
He bore a spiteful mind against king Edward,

Dict. doing him all the scatb that he could, and annoying his territories,

Spenser. SCA'VENGER. ". s. [from scafan, to

The sun


shave, perhaps to sweep, Sax.) A petty

between the same persons in the same magistrate, whose province is to keep place. the streets clean : more commonly the

If his characters were good,

The scenes entire, and freed from noise and blood, labourer employed in removing filth. Since it is made a labour of the mind, as to

The action great, yet circumscrib'd by time,

The words not forc'd, but sliding into rhime, inform men’s judgments, and move their affecrions, to resolve difficult places of scripture, to

He thought, in hitting these, his business done. decide and clear off controversies, I cannot see

Dryden. how to be a butcher, scavenger, or any other

s. The place represented by the stag.. such trade, does at all qualify men for this work.

The king is set from London, and the scene South.

Is now transported to Southampton. Sbakspearl. Fasting 's nature's scavenger.

Baynard. 6. The hanging of the theatre adapted to Dick the scavenger, with equal grace,

the play. Flirts from his cari the mud in Walpole's face. The alteration of scenes feeds and relieves the.

Seift. eye, before it be full of the same object. Bacon. SCE'LER AT. n. s. (Fr. sceleratus, Lat.] SCENICK. adj. (scenique, Fr. from scene.]

A villain; a wicked wretch. A word in- Dramatick; theatrical. troduced unnecessarily from the French

With scenick virtue charm the rising age. by a Scottish author. Scelerats can by no arts stife the cries of a

SCENOGRA'PHICAL. adj. [oro, and yqúow.] wounded conscience.


Drawn in perspective. SCE'NARY. n. s. [from scene.)

SCENOGRAPHICALLY.ada.[from sceno1. The appearances of place or things. graphical.] In perspective.

He must gain a relish of the works of na- If the workman be skilled in perspective, more ture, and be conversane in the various scenary of

than one face may be represented in our diagram a country life.


Mortimer. 2. The representation of a place in which SCE'NOGRAPHY. n. s. (rund) and 7504; an action is performed.

scenographie, Fr.] The art of perspectThe progress of the sound, and the scenary of

ive. the bordering regions, are imitated from Æn. vii. on the sounding the horn of Alecto. Pope.

SCENT. n. s. [sentir, to smell, Fr.] 3. The disposition and consecution of the

1. The power of smelling; the smell.

A hunted hare creads back her mazes, crosses scenes of a play.

and confounds her former crack, and uses all To make a more perfect model of a picture,

possible methods to divert the scent.

Watts. is, in the language of poets, to draw up the

Dryden. scenary of a play.

2. The object of smell; odour good or bad.

Belman cried upon it at the meerest loss, SCENE. n. s. (scana, Latin; oxnm; scene, And twice to-day picked out the dullest scent. French.)

Sbakspeare. I. The stage ; the theatre of dramatick The plague, they report, hath a scent of the poetry.

smell of a mellow apple.


Good scents do purify the brain, 2 The general appearance of any action;

Awake the fancy, and the wits retine. Davies. the whole contexture of objects; a dis

Partake play ; a series ; a regular disposition. The season, prime for sweetest scents and airs. Cedar and pine, and fir and branching palm,

Milton. A sylvan scene; and as the ranks ascend

Exulting, 'till he finds their nobler sense inade above shade, a woody theatre

T'heir disproportion'd speed does recompense; Of stateliest view.

Milton. Then curses his conspiring feet, whose scent Now prepare thee for another scene. Milton. Betrays that safety which their swiftness lent. A mute scene of sorrow, mixt with fear;

Denbam. till on the table lay the unfinish'd cheer. Dryd.

Chearful health, A larger scene of action is display'd,

His duteous handmaid, through the air improv'd, und, rising hence, a greater work is weigh’d. With lavish hand diffuses scenis ambrosial. Prior.

Dryden. 3. Chace followed by the smell.
Ev'ry sev'ral place must be

He gained the observations of innumerable Ascene of triumph and revenge to me. Dryden. ages, and travelled upon the same scent into When rising Spring adorns the mead,


Temple. Acharming scene of nature is display'd. Dryd-n.

TO SCENT. v. a. (from the noun.] Eternity! thon pleasing, dreadful thought!

1. To smell ; to perceive by the nose. Trough what variety of untry'd brings,

So scented the grim feature, and upturn'd Trough what new scenes and changes must we pass!


His nostrils wide into the murky air, About eight miles distance from Naples lies a

Sagacious of his quarry from so far. Milten. ver noble scene of antiquities: what they call 2. To perfume ; or to imbue with odour Vgil's tomb is the first.

Addison. good or bad. ay, shepherd, say, are these reflections true? Balm, from a silver box distill'd around, Oras ir but the roman's fear that drew

Shall all bedeir the roots, and scent the sacred Tk cruel scene, unjust to love and you? Prior.


Dryden. 3. Ert of a play.

Actæon spies
It shall be so my care

His op'ning hounds, and now: he hears their cries; Teave you rovall; appointed, as if

A gen rous pack, or to maintain the chace, Th scene you play were mine. Shakspeare.

Orsnuit the vapour from the scented grass. Addis. (r author would excuse these youthful scuores SCE'NT: ESS. adj. [from scent.] InodorBetten at his entrance.

Granville. ous; having no smell. 4. Si much of an act of a play as passes SCE'PTICK.n.s. See SKEPTICK,

D 2


SCEPTRE. n. s. [sceptrum, Lat. sceptre,

lopping of our desires, is like cutting off our feet when we want shoes.

Swift. Fr.] The ensign of royalty born in the hand.

3. A representation of the aspects of the Nor shall proud Lancaster usurp my right,

celestial bodies; any lineal or mathemaNor hold the sceptre in his childish fist. Shaksp; tical diagram.

How, best of kings, do'st thou a sceptre bear! It hath embroiled astrology in the erection of How, best of poets, do'st thou laurel wear! schemes, and the judgment of death and diseases. But two things rare the fates had in their store,

Browsi. And gave thee both, tu shew they could no more. It is a scheme and face of heaven,

Ben Jonson.

As th' aspects are dispos'd this even. Hudibras. I sing the man who Judah's sceptre bore SCHE'MER. 1. s. [from scheme.] A proIn that right hand which held the crook before.

jector ; a contriver. Cowley.

SCHE'SIS. n. s. [cxisis.) A habitude ; The parliament presented those acts which were prepared by them to the royal sceptre, in

state of any thing with respect to other which were some laws restraining the extrava- things. gant power of the nobility,

Clarendon. If that mind which has existing in itself from The court of Rome has, in other instances, so all eternity all the simple essences of things, and well attested its good managery, that it is not consequently all their possible scbeses or habicredible crowns and sceptres are conferred gratis. tudes, should ever change, there would arise a

Decay of Piety. new schesis in the mind, which is contrary to the SCE’rtred. adj. [from sceptre.] Bearing ScillSM. n. so [cxispace; schisme, Fr.) A


Norris. a sceptre. The sceptred heralds call

separation or division in the church of To council, in the city-gates.


God. To Britain's queen the sceptr'd suppliant bends,

Set bounds to our passions by reason, to our To her his crowns and intant race commends. errours by truth, and to our schisms by chaTickel. rity.

King Charles. SCHE'DULE, n. s. (schedula, Lat. schedule, Oppose schisms by unity, hypocrisy by sober French.)

piety, and debauchery by temperancé. Spratt.

When a schism is once spread, there grows at J. A small scroll.

length a dispute which are the schismaticks : in The first published schedules being brought to

the sense of the law the schism lies on that side a grave knight, he read over an unsavory sentence

which opposes itself to the religion of the state. or two, and delivered back the libel. Hooker.

Savijt. 2. A writing additional or appendant. All ill, which all

SCHISMA’TICAL. adj. [schismatique, Fr. Prophets or poets spake, and all which shall from schismatick.] Implying schism; B' annex'd in schedules unto this by me,

practising schism. Fall on that man !

Dorne. By these tumults all factions, seditions, and 3. A little inventory.

schismatical proposals against government, eccleI will give out schedules of my beauty: it shall siastical and civil, must be backed. King Cbarles. be inventoried, and every particle and utensil Here bare anathemas fall but like so many label'd to my will.

Sbakspeare. bruta fulmina upon the obstinate and schismatie SCHEMATISM. 1. s. [Expreciopeos.]

cal, who are like to think themselves shrewdly 1. Combination of the aspects of heavenly

hurt by being cut off from that body which liey

chuse not to be of, and so being punished into a bodies.

quiet enjoyment of their beloved separation 2. Particular form or disposition of a

Seuth. thing.

SCHISMATICALLY. adv. [from schis naEvery particle of matter, whatever form or

tical.] In a schismatical manner. schematism it puts on, must in all conditions be

SCHI'SMATICK.X. s. [from schism.] One .equally extended, and therefore take up the

Croecb. who separates from the true church. SCHEMATIST. n. s. [from scheme.] A

No known heretick nor scbismatick shoud be

suffered to go into those countries. lacom projector; one who is given to forming

Thus you behold the schismaticks bravato's: schemes.

Wild speaks in squibs, and Calamy in granido'sa SCHEME. η. 5.[σχήμα.]

Butler. 1. A plan ; a combination of various The schismaticks united in a solemn leagie and things into one view, design, or pur

covenant to alter the whole system of spritual

government. pose ; a system.

Swift. Were our senses made much quicker, the ap; TO SCHISMAT 12.8. v. a. [from sclism.] pearance and outward scheme of things would

To commit the crime of schisn ; to have quite another face to us, and be inconsist- make a breach in the communion of the ent with our well-being.


church. We shall never be able to give ourselves a satisfactory account of the divine conduct, with-SCHOLAR. n. s. [scholaris, Lat. «olier, out forming such a scheme of things as shall at French.] · once take in time and eternity. Atterbury. 1. One who learns of a master; a diciple. 2. A project ; a contrivance; a design. Many times that which deserveth appobation He forms the well-concerted scheme of mis- would hardly find favour, if they which ropose chief;

it were not to profess themselves scholırs, and "T is fix'd, 't is done, and both are doom'd to followers of the antients.

Hooker. death.


The scholars of the Stagyrice, The haughty monarch was laying scbeme: for Who for ihe old opinion tight, 311p;ressing the ancient liberties, and removing

Wou make their modern friends cont:ss the ancient boundaries of kingdoms. Atterbury.

The diit'rence but from more to less. Prisen The stoical scheme of supplying our wauts by 2. A man of letters.


same room.



This same scholar's fate, res angusta domi, Some cast all their metaphysical and moral kinders the promoting of learning. Wilkins. learning into the method of inailiematicians, and

To watch occasions to correct others in their bring every thing relating to those abstracted or discourse, and not slip any opportunity of shew- practical sciences under theorems, problems, ing their talents, scbolars are most blamed for. postulutes, vihiliums, and corollaries. Watts.

Locke. Scho'i Y. 1. s. [scholie, Fr. scholium, Lat.] 3. A pedant; a man of books.

An explanatory note. This word, with To spend too much time in studies, is sloth;

the verb following, is, I fancy, peculiar to make judgment wholly by their rules, is the humour of a scholar : they perfect nature, and

to the learned Hooker. are perfected by experience.

Bacon. He therefore, which made us to live, hath also 4. One who has a lettered elucation.

taught us to pray, to the end, that speaking unto My cousin William is become a good sebolar:

the father in ihe Son's own prescript form, he is at Oxford still, is he not? Sbakspears.

without scboly or gloss of ours, we may be sure SCHO'LARSHIP. n. s. (trom scholar.]

that we utter nothing which God will deny.

Hooker. 1. Learning ; literature; ko wledge.

That sckoly had need of a very favourable It pitied my very heart to think that a man of

reader, and a tractable, that should think it plain my master's understanding, and great scholar- 'construction, when to be commanded in the atip, who had a book of his own in print, should

word, and grounded upon the word, are made all Lalk so outrageously. Pope.

Hooker. 2. Literary education.

To Scho'ly. v. n. (from the noun.] To This place should be school and university, write expositions: not needing a remove to any other house of

The preacher should want a text, whereupon scbalarsbip.

to scboly.

Hooker. 3. Exhibition or maintenance for a scholar. SCHOOL. n. s. [schola, Lat. école, Fr.]


1. A house of discipline and instruction. SCHOLA'STICAL. adj. [scholasticus, Lat.] Their

age the same, their inclinations too, Belonging to a scholar or school. And bred iogether in one school they grew. Dryd. SCHOLA'S TICALLY. adv. [from scholas- 2. A piace of literary education ; an uni

tick.) According to the niceties or me- versity. thod of the schools.

My end being private, I have not expressed No moralists or casuists, that treat scholastically my conceptions in the language of the schools. of justice, but treat of gratitude, under that ge

Digby. neral head, as a part of it.

South. Writers on that subject have turned it into a SCHOLA'STICK adi. [from schola, Lat.

composition of hard words, trules, and subtilties,

for the mere use of the schools, and that only to scholastique, French. /

amuse men with empty sounds. Watis. 1. Pertaining to the school ; practised in

3. A state of instruction. schools.

The calf breed to the rural trade, I would render this intelligible to every ra- Set him betimes to school, and let him be tional man, however little versed in scholastick

Instructed there in rules of husbandry. Dryden, learning.


4. Systein of doctrine as delivered by parSebi istick education, like a trade, does so fix

ticular teachers. a man in a particular way, that he is not tit to

No craz'd brain could ever yet propound, juage of any thing that lies out of that way.


Touching the soul, so vain and fund a thought; 2. Be Sitting the school ; suitable to the

But some among these inasters have been

found, ichiol; pe 'antick ; needlessly subtle. Which in their schools the self-same thing had The favour of proposing there, in convenient


Davieso srt, whatsoesr ye can object, which thing I Let no man be less confident in his faith, conhave known them to grant, ofscholastick courtesy cernin, the great blessings God designs in these into strangers, never hath nor ever will be des

divine mysteries, by reason of any difference in ne i you.


the several scbools of christians, concerning the Sir Francis Bacon was wont to say, that those

consement blessings thereof.

Taylir. who left useful studies for useless subulosticá speculations, were like the Olympick gesters,

5. The age of the church, and form of wo abstained from necessary labours, that they theology succeeding that of the fathers; mht be fi: for such as were not so. Bacon. so cald, because ilio mode of treating

Zoth sides charge the other with idolatry, and religio. arose from the use of academical the is a matter of conscience, and not a scholasick nicety.


Stilling feet. SCH)'l!AST. n. s. [scholiaste, Fr. scku.

The first principles of christian religion should

not be farced with sobuol points and private teliates, Lat.] A writer of explanatory

Sanderson, noes.

A man may find an infinite number of propo"he title of this satyr, in some ancient manu- sitions in books of metaphysicks, school divinity, scriss, was the reproach of idieness; though in and natural philosophy, and key as little of othrs of the scholiasts, 't is inscribed against the God, spirits, or bodics, as he did before. Locke. luxıy of the rich.

Dryden. TO SCHOOL. V. n. (from the noun.]
That Gellius or Stobæus cook'd before, 1. To instruct; to train.
Or hew'd by blind old sobotusis o'er and o'er.

Una her besqught to be so good

Pope. As in her virtuous rules to school her knight. SCHA'LION. n. s. (Lat.] A note; an ex.

Fairy Quema SCHLIUM. planatory observation. He's gentle, never school'd, and yet itarned. hreunto have 1 added a certain gloss or schoe

Sbakspeare, liza for the exposition of old words, and harder 2. To teach with superiority ; to tuor. pho: s, which manner of glossing and comment

You shall go with me; inz ill scem strange in our language. Srenser. I have some private starting for you both. Shal.



[ocr errors]


Cousin, schor! yourse/f; but for your husband, Sci'AGRAPHY.n.s. (sciagraphie, French,
He's noble, wise, judicious. Sbakspeare. σημογραφίες.]

School your child,
And ask hy God's anointed he revil'l. Dryet.

1. [In architecture.] The profile or sec-
If this be schooling, 't is well for the craio tion of a building, to show the inside
engage that no adrersary of his shail thereof.

Bailey. in this sense ever scbool nim. sitterbury. 2. [In astronomy.] The art of finding the SCHOOLBOY.". so (school and boy.] A hour of the day or night by the shadow boy that is in his rudiments at school. of the sun, moon, or stars. Bailey.

Schoolboys tears take up The glasses of my sight.


SCI'ATHERICAL. adj. [sciaterique, Fr. He grins, smacks, shrugs, and such an itch en

SCI'ATHERICK. S Gulagn:23.] Belongdures,

into a sun-dial.

Dict. As 'prentices or schoolboys, which do know

There were also, from great antiquity, sciaOtsome gay sport abroad, yer dare not go. Donne. tberical or sun-dials, by the shadow if a stile or Once he had heard a schoolloy tell,

gnomon denoting the hours; an invention asHow Semele of mortal race

cribed unto Anaxamines by Pliny. Brown. By thunder died.

Szeift. SCIA’TICA. I n. s. [sciatique, Fr. ischia-
SCHO'OLDAY.n. s. [school and day.] Age SCIA'TICKS dica passio, Latin.] The
in which youth is sent to school.
Ís all forgor?

hip gout.

Which of your hips has the most profound All schooldays friendsnip, childhood, innocence?



Thou cciscizica, SCHO'OLFELLOW, n. s. school and file

Cripile our senators, that their limbs may halt low.] One bred at the sanie school.

Aslanly as their minners.

Shakspeare. Thy flatt'ring method on the youth pursue ; The Scythians, using continual idios, were Join’d with his schoolfe!!ory's ly two and two: generally molested with the siiatica, or hip rout. Persuade them tirst to lead an empty wheel,

Prosun. In length of time produce the lab'zing yoke.

Rack'd with sciat'ck, martyrid with the stone,

Dryden. Will any mortailee himscli alone? Pope. The emulation of seboalfellows often puts life SCIA'TICAL. adj. [irom sciutita.] AMietand industry into young lads.


ing the hip. SCHO'OLHOUSE. 11. s. [school and house.]

In obstinate scutical pains, blistering and cauHouse of discipline aad instruction. teries have been found ethics.al. Arburbrot. Fair Una 'gan Fidelia tair request,

SCIENCE. n. so [science, I'r. 'scientia, To have her knight unto her schoolhouse plac'd.


1. Krowle!ge. SCHO'OLMAN. N. s. [school and man.)

If we conceive God's sight or science, before 1. One versed in the niceties and subtilties

the creation, to be extended to all and every of academical disputation.

part of the world, seeing every thing as it is, his The king, though no good schoolman, con- prescience or foresight of any action of mine, or verted one of them by dispute.

B::011. rather his science or sight, from all eternity, lays Unlearn'd, he knei nosi golman's subcl. art; 110 necessity on any thing to come to pass, more No language, but the language ci the heart. Pope. than my seeing the sun move hath to do in the 2. A writer of scholastick divinity or phi- moiing of it.

limone. losophy.

The indisputahle mathematicks, the only sciIf a man's wit be not apt to distinguish or find

ence heaven hath yet vouchsafed humanity, lave differences, let him study the schoolmen. Bacon. but few votaries among the slaves of the Stagi


Glanerille. To schoolmen I bequeath my doubtfulness, My sickness to physicians.

Donne 2. Certainty grounded demonstration. Men of nice palates could not relish Aristotle, So you arrive at truth, though not at sciince. as he was drest up by the scheelu:en. Burker,

Berkley. Let subile sekoolmenteach these friends to night, 3. Art attained by precepts, or built on More studions to divide than to unite.

Popis principles. SCHOOLMA'STER. 1.5. sehnoland master.! Science perfects genius, and moderates the fury Onewhopresides and teaches in a school. of the fancy which calot contain itself within 1, thy scho!r2ter, have mide thee more profit

the bounds of reason.

Dryden. Than other princes car, that have mcre rime 4. Any art or species of krowledge. For viiner bours, and tutors not so careful. Sial. Noience doth male known the tiist princi.

Adrian vi. was sometime scboolmaster !0 fles, whereon iz buildern; but they are al» avs Charles v.

Knolles. taken as plain and manifest in themselves, or as The ancient sophists and rhetoricians lived prosed and granted already, some formerknow. 'till they were an hundred years old; and so ledke having made thein evident.

1007. likewise did many of ti.c grammarians and schools Whatsoever we may learn of them, ve only masters, as Orbilius.

Baien. attain according to the manner of natural sciA faber njay see his children taughi, though ences, which mere discourse of wit and reason he himself does not turn schoolmaster. South. findeth out.

Hooker Scho'OLMISTRESS, 1. s. (school and miso

I present you with a man tress.] A woman who goverus a school. Cunning in musick and the mathematicss, Such precepts I have selected from the most

To instruct her fully in those sciences. Soks considerable, which we have from nature, that 5. One of the seven liberal arts, grannar exact scboiluisires.

Dryden. rhetorick, logick, arithmetick, nusick My schoo'misties, like a vixen Turk,

geoirtry, astronomy.. Maintains her lazy husband by our work. Czy. Good sense, which oniy is the gift of hear'n SCHREIGI!!. i. S. LEUTC!!! viicitorus. A And though no science, fairly worth the sevin. @sh. Ainsworth.




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