תמונות בעמוד

A. His mediatory, or donative kingdom.

26. Why called his mediatory kingdom?

A. Because he holds it as Mediator, Luke xxii. 29.
Q7. Why called his donative kingdom?

A. Because it is given him of the Father as a reward of his meritorious obedience and fuffering, Mat. xxviii. 18.; and to diftinguish it from his effential kingdom.

2. 8. May his effential kingdom be faid to be given him? A. By no means; becaufe it is natural to him as God equal with the Father, and can no more be given him, than his divine nature and perfonality can.

29. What are we directed to pray in this petition, with reference to God's kingdom in general?

A. That it may COME: [Thy kingdom come].

Q. 10. In what fenfe may we pray for the coming of his effential kingdom?

A. Only in this fenfe, that he would more and more demonftrate hisfupreme power and fovereignty over all things, and that the fame may be more and more acknowledged by the children of men, Pfal. lxxxiii. 18.

Q. II Would it be warrantable for us to pray, that he would govern the world, or actually exercise his fupreme power?

A. It would be no more warrantable to pray for this, than to pray that he would be an infinite Sovereign, which he cannot but be; and act agreeable to his nature, which he cannot but do,

2. 12. Whether is it the coming of God's general or fpecial kingdom that is chiefly intended in the answer?

A. It is the coming of his fpecial kingdom of grace here, and of glory hereafter.

23. Are the kingdoms of grace and glory different kingdoms?

A. They are not fo much different kingdoms, as different STATES in the fame kingdom: according to the common maxim, Grace is glory begun, and glory is grace confummated, or in perfection.


214, How may the kingdom of grace in this world be viewed?,

A Either as to outward difpenfation, or inward operation.

2. 15. What is it as to outward difpenfation ?

A. It is juft the preaching of the gospel, Mark i. 14— Felus came preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God.

Q. 16. What is it as to inward operation?

A: It is the work of faving grace in the foul, Luke xvii. 21. Behold, the kingdom of God is within you.

217. Why called [the kingdom of grace]?

A. Because the gathering of finners into this kingdom, for their falvation, is of grace, both as to the means and end, Eph. ii. 8.

Q18. What do we pray for, with reference to the kingdom of grace, when we lay, Thy kingdɔm come ?

A. We do not pray that it may be erected as a new thing in the world, but that it may be [advanced] therein. 2 19. Why fhould we not pray, that Christ's kingdom grace may be erected or fet up as a new thing in the world?


A. Because this would be, in effect, to deny that Christ had ever a church upon this earth; whereas, it is moft cer tain, that ever since the first promife, he has always had a church therein, and will have it unto the end of time, Ifa. lix. 21.

Q. 20. But is it not our duty to pray, that the kingdom of grace may he fet up in thefe parts of the world where it is not at prefent?

A. To be fure it is: for we should pray, That the word of the Lord may have free courfe and be glorified, 2 Theff. iii. f.; and that the earth may be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the fea, Ifa. xi. 9.; which is the fame with praying, That the kingdom of grace may be ad-.


2. 21. What fhould we pray for as pre requifite to the advancing of the kingdom of grace?

A. In order hereunto, we should pray, [That Satan's kingdom may be destroyed ].

2 22. What is the meaning of the name SATAN ?

A. It is an Hebrew word, fignifying adversary; as indeed the devil is an implacable adverfary, burning with hatred and enmity, both against God, and therefore called his enemy, Mat xiii. 25. and against man, Pet. v. 8.Your adverfary the devil, as a roaring lien, walketh about seeking whom he may devour.

2. 23. What do you understand by [Satan's kingdom]? A. That power and dominion which he ufurps over mankind finners, who are by nature lawful captives, Ifa, lix. 24, 25.

2 24. If finners of mankind are by nature lawful cap. tives, how can Satan's dominion over them be faid to be ufurped?

A. Though they be juftly delivered into his hands, as a jailor, yet he has no right to rule over them as a prince, Q 25. Do they not voluntarily fubject themselves to his dominion?

A. Yes; and this is both their fin and their judgement, John viii. 44.

2. 26. What is the principle feat of Satan's kingdom? A. The HEART of every man and woman by nature, Eph. ii. 2.

Q. 27. What is the foundation and bulwark of this kingdom?

A. SI, both original and actual, Eph. ii. 3.

228. What fhould we pray for, with reference to this kingdom of Satan? A. That it [may be deftroyed] 2. 29. Why should we pray for the deftruction of this kingdom?

A. Because the work of grace cannot take place, nor fucceed in the foul, but upon the ruins of Satan's interest in it, Luke xi. 21, 22.

2. 3c. How then is Satan's kingdom deftroyed in the world?

A By the advancement of the kingdom of grace therein, 2 31. When may the kingdom of grace be faid to be [advanced]?

A. When ourselves and others are brought into it, and kept in it.]

2. 32. How are we and others [brought] into this king.


A. By the gracious influences of the Spirit of God, accompanying the dispensation of the gofpel with irresistible power, Pfal. cx. 2. 3.

Q33. How are we and others [kept in it]?

A. By continued emanations of grace out of the fulness of Chrift, whereby the principle of grace is quickened, ftrengthened, and preferved, Hof. xiv, 5.

234. What fhould we pray for, as the means of bring. ing into this kingdom?

A. We fhould pray, "that the gofpel may be propagat "ed throughout the world, the Jews called, the fulness of the Gentiles brought in; that the ordinances of Chrift

may be purely dispensed, and made effectual to the con "verting of thofe that are yet in their fins *??

235. What should we pray for as means of being kept in it?

A That the fame ordinances may be effectual to the "confirming, comforting, and building up of thefe that are already converted †,"

2. 36. Can any subject of this kingdom ever apostatize from it?

A. No: they are kept by the power of God through faith unto falvation, Pet. i. 5.

Q: 37. Why then fhould we pray to be kept in it?

A. Becaufe perfeverance, being a promifed privilege, fhould, on that account, he prayed for, Pial. cxix 28Strengthen thau me according to thy word.

Q. 38. What fecurity have the faints that they fhall be kept in this kingdom.

A. They have the stability of the promife, Jer. xxii. 4c.; the efficacy of Chrift's obedience to the death in their stead, Eph. v. 25, 27.; the prevalency of his interceflion, John xvii. 24.; and the inhabitation of his Spirit, Rom. viii. 1. for their fecurity in this matter.

239. What is [the kingdom of glory]?

A. It is that ftate of inconceivable happiness and bliss into which the faints fhall be brought after death, John

xiv. 2, 3.

240. Wherein will the glory] of this kingdom confift? A. in a perfect conformity unto, and the immediate and uninterrupted vision and fruition of God through all eternity, John iii. 2.

Q. 41. When will the kingdom of glory come in the full manifeftation thereof?

A. At the fecond coming of Chrift to judgement, Mat. XXV. 31. 34.

Q. 42. What are we to pray for with reference to this kingdom?

A. That it may be haftened].

Q43. When we pray that it may be [haftened], do we mean, that the fet time for the fecond coming of Chrift may be anticipated or come fooner than the moment fixed for it in infinite wisdom?

A No: we wish it no fooner; but only exprefs our ar-
Larger Cat, Queft. 191.

+ Ibid.

dent defire to depart, and to be with Chrift, which is far bet ter than to be here alway, Phil. i. 23.

Q. 44. Why do the faints fo earnestly defire to be with Chrift in glory?

4. That an eternal period may be put to all their finning, and to every thing that has a tendency to detract from the glory of his kingdom, and the happiness of his sub. jas: wherefore, as he fayeth, Surely, I come quickly: fo they pray, Amer, even fo come, Lord Jefus, Rev. xxii. 20.

103. QUEST. What do we pray for in the third petition?

ANSW. In the third, petition, (which is Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven) we pray, That God, by his grace would make us both able and willing to know, obey, and fubmit to his will in all things, as the angels do in heaven.

Q. How manifold is the will of God?

A. TWOFOLD; his will of purpose, or difpofing will; and his will of precept, or revealed will.

Q. 2 What is his will of purpose, or difpofing will? A. It is what he himself propofes to be done, as the final determination of the event of things, Ifa. xlvi. 10. My counfel fhall ftand, and I will do all my pleasure. Q3. How is this will commonly called?

It is called his will of providence, because he infalli. bly brings it about, or accomplishes it, in the course of his adorable providence, Pfal. cxxxv. 6

Q4. What is God's will of precept, or his revealed will? A. It is the rule of our duty, prefcribing what he would' have us to do, or not to do, Mat. xxvi. 39.-0 my Father, if it be pogible, let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not -as I will, but as thou wilt.

Q. 5. Whether is it God's will of purpose or precept that is meant in this petition?

A. Both are included, but chiefly his will of precept. Q6 When we lay. Thy will be done; what do we pray for with reference to God's will of pur pase?

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