תמונות בעמוד

tained a grant of Carolina, from Charles I. in 1630; but no fettlements were made in confequence of this grant.

In 1662, after the restoration of Charles II. Edward, earl of Clarendon, and feven others, obtained a grant of all lands lying between the 31st and 36th degrees of north latitude.

A fecond charter, given two years after, enlarged their boundaries, and comprehended all that province, territory, &c. extending eastward as far as the north end of Currotuck inlet, upon a straight line wefterly to Wyonoke creek, which lies within, or about latitude 36° 30'; and fo welt, in a direct line as far as the South fea; and fouth and weftward as far as 29° north latitude, inclufive, and fo west in direct lines to the South fea*. Of this large territory, the king conftituted thefe eight perfons abfolute Lords Proprietors-invefting them with all neceffary powers to fettle and govern the fame.

Nothing was fuccessfully done towards the fettlement of this country till 1669. At this time the proprietors, in virtue of their powers, engaged the famous Mr. Locke to frame, for them, a conftitution and body of laws. This conftitution, confifting of 120 articles, was ariftocratical, and though ingenious in theory, could never be fuccefsfully reduced to practice.


Various caufes have rendered it expedient to divide this extenfive territory. In 1788, North-Carolina was erected into a seperate province. In 1732, George II. granted to certain trustees therein mentioned, and to their fucceffors, a charter of all that part of Carolina lying between the most northern ftream of Savannah river; weftward, from the heads of thefe rivers, respectively in dirc&t lines to the South fea, inclufively, with all islands within 20 leagues of the fame.

In 1761, the governor of South-Carolina, conceiving that the lands lying fouth of Alatamaha river, belonged to South Carolina, granted feveral tracts ef faid land. Upon complaint being made by the government of Georgia, of the fuppofed encroachment on their territory, his majesty issued a proclamation in 1763, annexing to Georgia all the lands lying between the river Alatamaha and St. Mary's. The bouudary line, dividing the two provinces (now ftates) of South-Carolina and Georgia, has been long the subject of controverfy; the former claiming the lands lying between the North-Carolina line, and a line to run due weft from the mouth of Tugulo and Keowee rivers; confequently that spot was the head of Savannah river; tht latter contended that the fource of Keowee river was to be confidered as the head of Savannah river.

For the purpose of fettling this controversy, commiffioners were appointed in April 1787, by the contending fates-vefted with full powers to determine the controverted boundary, which they fixed as follows:

The most northern branch or ftream of the river Savannah, from the fea or mouth of fuch stream, to the fork or confluence of the rivers now called Tagulo and Keowee and from thence the most northern branch or stream of the faid river Tugulo till it interfects the northern boundary line of South-Carolina, if the faid branch of Tugulo extends so far north, referving all the islands in


Three claffes of nobility were to be established, (viz.) barons, caffiques and landgraves. The firft to poffefs twelve-the fecond twenty-fourthe third forty-eight thousand acres of land, which was to be unalienable.

In 1669, William Sayle, being appointed firft governor of this country, embarked with a colony, and fettled on the neck of land where Charleston now stands.

During the continuance of the proprietary government, a period of 50 years (reckoning from 1669 to 1719) the colony was involved in perpetual quarrels. Oftentimes they were harraffed by the Indians-fometimes infefted with pirates-frequently invaded by the French and Spanifh fleets-conftantly uneafy under their injudicious government-and quarrelling with their governors.-But their most bitter diffentions, were respecting religion. The Epifcopalians, being more numerous than the Diffenters, attempted to exclude the latter from a feat in the legislature. Thefe attempts were fo far fucceeded, as that the church of England, by a majority of votes, was established by law. This illiberal act threw the colony into the utmost confufion, and was followed by a train of evil confequences, which proved to be the principal caufe of the revolution. Notwithstanding the act establishing the church of England was repealed, tranquility was not reftored to the colony. A change of government was generally defired by the colonists. They found that they were not fufficiently protected by their proprietary conftitution, and effected a revolution about the year 1719, and the government became regal.

In 1728, the proprietors accepted .22,500 fterling from the crown, for the property and jurifdiction, except Lord Granville, who referved his 8th of the property, which has never yet been formally given up. At this time the conftitution was new modelled, and the territory, limited by the original charter, was divided into North and South-Carolinas.

From this period the colony began to flourish. It was protected by a government, formed on the plan of the English conftitution. Under the foftering care of the mother country, its growth was aftonishingly rapid. Between the years 1763 and 1765, the number of inhabitants was more than doubled. No one indulged a wish for a change in their political conftitution, till the memorable ftamp act, paffed in 1765.

From this period till 1775, various attempts were made by Great-Britain to tax her colonies without her confent. These attempts were invariably opposed. The Congrefs, who met at Philadelphia this year, the faid rivers Savannah and Tugulo to Georgia-but if the faid branch or fream of Tugulo does not extend to the north boundary line of South-Carolina, then a weft line to the Miffifippi to be drawn from the head spring or fource of the faid branch of Tugulo river, which extends to the highest northern latitude, fhall for ever hereafter form the feparation limit and boundary between the ftates of South-Carolina aad Georgia.

It is fuppofed, in the map of this ftate, that the most northern branch of Tugulo river, interfects the northern boundary of South-Carolina, which, if it be fact, brings the state to a point in latitude 35°, and about 8° 35' west longitude from Philadelphia,


unanimously approved the oppofition, and on the 19th of April, war commenced.

During the vigorous contest for independence, this state was a great fufferer. For three years it was the feat of the war. It feels and laments the loss of many of its noble citizens. Since the peace, it has been emerging from that melancholy confufion and poverty, in which it was generally involved by the devastations of a relentless enemy. The inhabitants are faft multiplying by emigrations from other states-the agricultural interefts of the state are reviving-commerce is flourishingœconomy is becoming more fashionable and science begins to spread her falutary influences among the citizens.—And should the political difficulties, which have, for feveral years paft, unhappily divided the inhabitants, fubfide, as is hoped, upon the operation of the new government, this ftate, from her natural commercial and agricultural advantages, and the abilities of her leading characters, promises to become one of the richest in the union.




Length 600
Breadth 250


Boundaries.] B

{310 and 35° North Latitude.

and 16° Weft Longitude.

SOUNDED eaft, by the Atlantic Ocean; fouth, by Eaft and Weft Floridas; weft, by the river Miffifippi; north and north-eaft, by South-Carolina, and by lands ceded to the United States by South-Carolina.

Civil divifions.] That part of the ftate which has been laid out in counties, is divided as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Before the revolution, Georgia, like all the southern states, was divided into parishes; but this mode of divifion is now abolished, and that of counties has fucceeded in its room.

Chief Towns. The prefent feat of government in this state is AuGUSTA. It is fituated on the south west bank of Savannah river, about 134 miles from the fea, and 117 north-west of Savannah. The town, which contains not far from 200 houses, is on a fine large plain; and as it enjoys the best foil, and the advantage of a central fituation between the upper and lower counties, is rifing faft into importance.

SAVANNAH, the former capital of Georgia, ftands on a high fandy bluff, on the fouth fide of the river of the same name, and 17 miles from its mouth. The town is regularly built in the form of a parallellogram, and, including its fuburbs, contains 227 dwelling-houses, one Epifcopal church, a German Lutheran church, a Prefbyterian church, a Synagogue, and Court-houfe. The manner of its inhabitants, exclufive of the blacks, amount to about 830, feventy of whom are Jews.

In Savannah, and within a circumference of about 10 miles from it, there were, in the fummer of 1787, about 2300 inhabitants. Of thefe, 192 were above 50 years of age, and all in good health. The ages of a lady and her fix children, then living in the town, amounted to 385 years. This computation, which was actually made, ferves to fhew that Savannah is not really fo unhealthy as has been commonly represented.

SUNBURY is a fea port town, favoured with a safe and very convenient harbour. Several small islands intervene, and partly obstruct a direct view of the ocean; and, interlocking with each other, render the paffage out to fea, winding, but not difficult. It is a very pleasant, healthy town, and is the refort of the planters from the adjacent places of Midway and Newport, during the fickly months. It was burnt by the British in the late war, but is now recovering its former populoufnefs and importance.

BRUNSWICK, in Glynn county, lat. 31° 10', is fituated at the mouth of Turtle river, at which place this river empties itself into St. Simon's found. Brunswick has a fafe harbour, and fufficiently large to contain the whole of his Moft Chriftian Majefty's fleet; and the bar, at the entrance into it, has water deep enough for the largest veffel that fwims. 'The town is regularly laid out, but not yet built. From its advantageous fituation, and from the fertility of the back country, it promises to be hereafter one of the first trading towns in Georgia.

FREDERICA, on the island of St. Simon, is nearly in lat. 31° 15′ north. It ftands on an eminence, if confidered with regard to the marshes before it, upon a branch of Alatamaha river, which washes the weft fide of this agreeable island, and, after feveral windings, difembogues itfelf into the fea at Jekyl found: it forms a kind of bay before the town, and is navigable for veffels of the largest burthen, which may lie along the wharf in a fecure and fafe harbour.

The town of LOUISVILLE, which is defigned as the future feat of government in this ftate, has lately been laid out on the bank of Ogeechee river, about 70 miles from its mouth, but is not yet built.

Rivers.] Savannah river forms a part of the divifional line, which feparates this ftate from South-Carolina. Its courfe is nearly from northweft to fouth-east. It is formed principally of two branches, by the names


of Tugulo and Keowee, which spring from the mountain. It is navigable for large veffels up to Savannah, and for boats of 100 feet keel as far as Augufta. After rifing a fall just above this place, it is paffable for boats to the mouth of Tugulo river. Tybee bar, at its entrance in lat. 31° 57', has fixteen feet water at half tide.

Ogeechee river, about eighteen miles fouth of the Savannah, is a smaller river, and nearly parallel with it in its course.

Alatamaha*, about fixty miles fouth of Savannah river, is formed by the junction of the Okonee and Okemulgee branches. It is a noble river, but of difficult entrance. Like the Nile, it discharges itself by feveral

mouths into the fea.

Befides these there is Turtle river, Little Sitilla, Great Stilla, Crooked river, and St. Mary's, which forms a part of the fouthern boundary of the United States. St. Mary's river empties into Amelia found, lat. 30° 44, and is navigable for veffels of confiderable burden for ninety miles. Its banks afford immenfe quantities of fine timber, fuited to the WeftIndia market. Along this river, every four or five miles, are bluffs convenient for veffels to haul and load.

The rivers in the middle and western parts of this state are, Apalachicola, which is formed by the Chatahouchee and Flint rivers, Mobile, Pafcagoula and Pearl rivers. All these running fouthwardly, empty into the Gulph of Mexico. The forementioned rivers abound with a great variety of fish, among which are the mullet, whiting, cat, rock, trout, brim, white, fhad and fturgeon.

Climate, Difeafes, &c.] In fome parts of this ftate, at particular feafons of the year, the climate cannot be esteemed falubrious. In the low country near the rice fwamps, bilious complaints and fevers of various kinds are pretty univerfal during the months of July, August and September, which for this reason, are called the fickly months.


The disorders peculiar to this climate, originate chiefly from the badnefs of the water, which is generally brackish, and from the noxious trid vapours which are exhaled from the stagnant waters in the rice swamps. Befides, the long continuance of warm weather produces a general relaxation of the nervous fyftem, and as they have no neceffary labour to call them to exercife, a large fhare of indolence is the natural confequence; and indolence, especially among a luxurious people, is ever the parent of disease. The immenfe quantities of fpirituous liquors, which are used to correct the brackishness of the water, forms a species of intemperance, which too often proves ruinous to the conftitution. Parents of infirm, fickly habits, often, in more fenfes than one, have children of their own likeness. A confiderable part of the diseases of the present inhabitants, may therefore be viewed as hereditary. I muft add as a general obfervation, that to the three last mentioned caufes may be afcribed no inconfiderable part of those disorders which prevail in fouthern climates.

Before the fickly feafon commences, many of the rich planters of this ftate remove with their families to the fea iflands, or fome elevated healthy fituation, where they refide three or four months, for the benefit of fresh air. In the winter and fpring pleurifies, peripneumonies, and other

* Pronounced Olṭamawhaw.


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