Movements, Migrants, Marginalisation: Challenges of societal and political participation in Eastern Europe and the enlarged EUHeiko Pleines, Sabine Fischer, Hans-Henning Schröder ibidem-Verlag Haunschild Schoen GbR, 26 במרץ 2007 - 226 עמודים The end of socialism posed a historical challenge to European societies. The former socialist Central and East European countries were faced with what has been called a "triple transformation": Mutually dependent changes in the political, economic, and social spheres. At the same time, the old EU member states had to develop strategies to react to these developments and integrate former socialist societies.This post-socialist transformation of Europe coincided with a number of broader trends in the political, economic, and social spheres which are often collectively referred to as globalisation. Success or failure to adapt to these changes creates winners and losers. The focus of this edited volume is on various groups of "losers" and the challenges they face as a result of their marginalisation.This book presents the results of the Changing Europe Summer School on "Justice as a societal and political matter. Equality, social and legal security as conditions for democracy and the market" that took place in Berlin in July 2006. The Summer School brought together more than 30 young scholars from all over the world who work on issues related to Central and Eastern European societies and the enlarged EU. |
Foreword | 9 |
Elke Fein | 15 |
Samoletova | 27 |
Susanne Schatral | 43 |
Noémi Kakucs and Róbert Sata | 57 |
Diana Schmidt | 83 |
Oksana Morgunova and Dmitry Morgunov | 101 |
David Duncan | 113 |
Csongor Kuti | 143 |
Katerina Koleva | 159 |
Damiana Gabriela Otoiu | 173 |
Aisalkyn Botoeva | 191 |
E Carina H Keskitalo | 203 |
Anastasiya Ryabchuk | 213 |
About the authors | 223 |
Aleksandra Wyrozumska | 125 |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
activists activities adopted agenda anti-corruption advocacy anti-trafficking argue Bishkek Cambridge CEDAW Central and Eastern citizenship civil society actors communist compensation context Convention corruption countries CPSU cultural Czech Republic democracy democratic discourse domestic structures domestic violence Dutch Duverger's Law Eastern Europe ECHR economic ethnic European Union expropriated frame gender equality gender equality policy global groups human rights Hungarian Hungary immigrants impact individual initiatives institutionalisation institutions integration international norms issue Jewish Communities justice Latvia legislation legitimacy migrants mobilisation multicultural policy NGOs organisations parliament participation party system Poland political parties post-communist post-socialist post-Soviet practices President principles RACCW regime regulations restitution result role Romania Rossiyan rule of law Russia sectors Slovakia social Soviet spiral model strategies supermarkets tion trafficking transition transnational United Russia University Press violence against women Western women’s human rights women's movements women’s rights workers