The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic FathersMichael F. Bird, Scott Harrower Cambridge University Press, 17 ביוני 2021 - 400 עמודים The Cambridge Companion to the Apostolic Fathers offers an informative introduction to the extant body of Christian texts that existed beside and after the New Testament known to us as the apostolic fathers. Featuring cutting-edge research by leading scholars, it explores how the early Church expanded and evolved over the course of the first and second centuries as evidenced by its textual history. The volume includes thematic essays on imperial context, the relationship between Christianity and Judaism, the growth and diversification of the early church, influences and intertextuality, and female leaders in the early church. The Companion contains ground-breaking essays on the individual texts with specific attention given to debates of authorship, authenticity, dating, and theological texture. The Companion will serve as an essential resource for instructors and students of the first two centuries of Christianity. |
The Roman Empire in the Era of | 10 |
The Image of Jews and Judaism in | 29 |
SecondCentury Diversity | 50 |
The Jesus Tradition in | 73 |
The Text of the New Testament in | 92 |
The Reception of Paul Peter and James | 119 |
The Apostolic | 135 |
Church Church Ministry | 156 |
Polycarps Epistle to the Philippians and | 226 |
Didache | 248 |
The Epistle of Barnabas | 268 |
The Shepherd of Hermas as Early | 290 |
The Epistle to Diognetus and the Fragment | 309 |
The Fragments of Papias | 332 |
351 | |
367 | |
מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
Alexandria ancient Apocalypse Apostolic Fathers argues bishop Brill Cambridge chapter Christian community Christology Clem Clement Clement of Alexandria Codex Commentary context Corinth Corinthians corpus death Didache Diogn early Christian Early Church eccl Edited ekklēsia elders emperor Epistle of Barnabas Epistle to Diognetus Eusebius evidence example followers of Jesus genre gnostic Gospel Greek Hadrian Haer Hist Holmes Ignatian Ignatius of Antioch Irenaeus James Jefford Jesus Jesus tradition Jewish Jews John Judaism Judas Justin later leaders Leiden literary literature Lord Magn manuscripts Marcion Mart Martyr Martyrdom of Polycarp material Matthew Mohr Siebeck oral tradition Oxford University Press Papias parallels Paul Paul's Pauline persecution Peter Phil Philippians Phld prayer prophets Quadratus Rabbinic reference reflect Roman Empire Rome scholars Scripture second century Shepherd of Hermas Smyrn sources spirit T&T Clark teaching temple Testament textual theology Trajan Trall Tübingen Vision writings written WUNT