תמונות בעמוד

"Personally I am inclined to think the recent occasion the most delightful religious service in which I ever took part; and, if I may judge from the assurances of many friends, I am by no means alone in my opinion. Of course this great success was mainly due to the position of the Sunday School in the body of the Church. The scholars having been carefully trained to sing the hymns, and join in the various repetitions of the service, were thus able to give a precision and fulness to the proceedings which no other arrangement could ensure. I heartily hope, therefore, that the permission conceded by the Quarterly Meeting in January, to reserve the body of the church for the Sunday School, will establish a precedent for imitation at our future Children's Services.

Very well, if man is to have character, CHILDREN'S SERVICES.-In our last he must recognize authority somewhere. we noticed the service to the children His conscience is but the interpreter of the Sunday School, which is now one and the executor to him of law; it is of the established services of the church not the maker of law. His conscience in Argyle Square. In the Argyle respects something, his intuitions re- Square Manual for May is a letter on cognize something. Call it the laws of this subject from the minister of that nature, if you please; call it the voice church, the Rev. John Presland, of history; call it the general consent of from which we make the following mankind; call it abstract truth-the extract:— principles of ethics; no matter what, call it as we do, a living and personal God, a power somewhere that can say, “Thou shalt and thou shalt not," until man recognizes that, there is no possibility of a sterling character. Well, but they offer us a substitute. Our intuitions, our moral reason. One of the ablest expounders of these doctrines says, that faith must look for its moral law to the intuitions of a soul, not to the authority of a book. These intuitions will teach us what? The brotherhood of mankind, the love of the weak and the lowly, even though they be unlovely, and will pour the spirit of love into duty. Noble, beautiful sentiments, only they were spoken 1800 years ago, and put in the Book, and because they were recorded in that Book, and that Book has lived through these ages, there is to-day a Christian civilization, the light of which, poured into these consciences, quickens their intuitions; and they think they have made some new discovery for the future of mankind, when they are only reflecting an old one. Why is it that I honour this Book? It is because I find it speaks to my intuitions, speaks to my conscience, speaks to my reason, speaks to my whole nature, and lifts me up above from the planes of this life to where I know I shall live, and live for


REV. CHAUNCEY GILES.-The editor of the South London Chronicle, in his issue for April 15th, of his own accord included the following in his column of "Local Jottings" :-"The members and friends of the New Jerusalem Church at Camberwell will be interested in learning that the New York Times of the 27th ult., just arrived, contains the main portion of a remarkable sermon upon The Blood of the Lord,' preached by the Rev. Chauncey Giles, whose words were very familiar to Camberwell a short while ago.'

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"And yet, I felt a regret, which must also have been generally experienced, that this convenient and necessary arrangement should have deposed from their own sittings many of those for whom the service was especially intended-I of course allude to the children of our own members. Unfortunately, with few exceptions, these cannot share the preliminary training which can be so readily applied to the Sunday School, and which renders the prominence of the scholars so essential, and, I may add, so delightful a feature of the arrangements. the same time, the juniors composing our regular congregation, should, on these exceptional occasions, be ensured a position where they can see and hear with best advantage, and where their own bright and happy faces may shine upon the preacher, and add spirit and affection to his words."


Mr. Presland offers a suggestion for the placing of the children of members which is well suited to the arrangement of his own church. Other churches will make such arrangements as they find most convenient, and all, we are

certain, will be benefited by the adop- the three gentlemen forming the Subtion of a service of this kind.

committee were admitted to the sufferer's presence, and presented him PORTRAITS OF THE MINISTERS OF with a handsome marble and bronze THE NEW CHURCH.-Milton Smith and timepiece, bearing the following inscripCo. of 10 Upper Terrace, Upper Street, tion:-"Presented to the Rev. E. D. Islington, N., are publishing a series of Rendell, with 250 guineas, by the Sunpermanent phototype cabinet portraits day School Union and Societies of the of the ministers, which may be com- New Church, in loving appreciation of mended as works of art, and are very his long services as Editor of the acceptable to many members of the Juvenile Magazine, and as a token of Church. The project seems to have esteem for his eminent uses in the been suggested by the visit of our Church. March 1876." Both Mr. American brother, Rev. Chauncey Giles, Rendell and his wife were very much whose portrait, an excellent likeness, affected during the interview, and was first published. This has been vainly endeavoured to find words to followed by portraits of Revs. W. Bruce, express their deep gratitude for the Drs. Bayley and Tafel, J. Presland, and generous response that had been made Mr. Bateman. We have also seen an to the appeal. The pleasure of making enlarged copy of the one of Dr. Bayley, the presentation would have been much suitable for framing. We trust that greater had not the traces of the long the response to the efforts of the pub- and painful illness it has seemed good lishers will remunerate them for their to the Lord to call his servant to pass outlay. through been so apparent, but each subscriber to the fund may feel grateful for the opportunity afforded of helping Mr. Rendell to forget his afflictions for the time, in the comforting knowledge that his life of usefulness has been so fully valued in our Sunday Schools and in the Church.

SWEDENBORG SOCIETY.-The sixtysixth annual meeting of the Society well be held at 36 Bloomsbury Street, London, W.C., on Tuesday evening, June 20th, 1876. The chair will be taken by H. R. Williams, Esq., at seven o'clock precisely. The annual Report of the Committee and the Treasurer's Account will be read, and the officers for the ensuing year elected. Invitations to ministers of other denominations have been issued, and much interesting matter in connection with the operations of the Society, particularly with reference to the recently commenced presentation of the "Apocalypse Revealed" to the clergy and ministers of the United Kingdom. Those members and friends who can make it convenient to be present are earnestly invited to attend. Members are reminded that unpaid subscriptions should be sent to the Treasurer, Mr. Watson, 19 Highbury Crescent, London, N., without delay, to entitle them

to vote.

TESTIMONIAL TO REV. E. D. RENDELL.-On Saturday, March the 4th, the Sub-committee appointed by the Sunday School Union to collect subscriptions for this testimonial, had the pleasure of completing its labours by handing over to the reverend gentleman the result of its efforts. On that day

NATIONAL MISSIONARY INSTITUTION. -On Monday, 24th April, a public meeting was held in the Argyle Square Church, to advocate the claims of this useful Institution. Tea was provided in the schoolroom at six o'clock, and at seven the chair was taken by the Rev. John Presland, the minister of the Church and the secretary of the Institution. After a few opening remarks from the chairman, the national missionary, Mr. Richard Gunton, was called upon to address the meeting. He said that he could assure the friends present that it was a source of great delight to him to be engaged in the work of sowing broadcast in the land the seeds of Divine truth, and that he had been greatly encouraged at the results which had hitherto under the Divine blessing attended his labours. At the present day many were the questions which the Lord was stirring up in the minds of men, the solution of which is to be found only in the New Church doctrines. Possessing such spiritual treasures as we do, it was our duty, as it was our privilege, to impart freely of this spiri

tual wealth to others. An amazing people, and offered their instructions in amount of work was being done by this the quiet moments of reading and reInstitution at a very little cost, but flection. If the National Missionary much more might be done if more Institution were better supported, infunds were available for the purpose. stead of employing one missionary, it The Rev. Dr. Bayley followed, and in a might send out ten or twenty, and very able speech referred to Sweden- through this means alone distribute a borg's statement that the time would large number of tracts and other New come when nothing but the spiritual Church publications. The labours of sense of the Word would satisfy the the missionaries would create a demand minds of those who doubted the for these publications, which this Soauthority of the Bible on account of the ciety would be well able to supply. The discrepancies in the letter. It was an motion was seconded by Mr. Seddon, undoubted fact that the demand for a who regarded it as a privilege to be knowledge of the doctrines was increas- connected with the New Church, to ing every year. Dr. Bayley moved, and teach its doctrines to children, to preach Mr. Dicks seconded, a resolution to the them to the world, or to send them following effect:-"That having listened forth in printed form in tracts and with the deepest interest to Mr. Gun- other publications. It is a privilege to ton's report of his recent missionary do good in any form, and the highest labours, this meeting desires to express good we can do is to extend to others its great appreciation of his valuable the knowledge of the truth, and lead services, and most earnestly recom- them thereby to the life of goodmends this Institution to the cordial ness. support of all members of the New Church." This resolution, after being supported by Mr. Elliott, was put to the meeting, and unanimously adopted.

Mr. Spilling next moved a resolution urging the subscribers to supply themselves with the books and tracts, and read and distribute them. We are entrusted, said Mr. Spilling, with precious seed, and it is important to sow it in MANCHESTER AND SALFORD NEW society. The conditions of sowing in CHURCH PRINTING AND TRACT So- the ordinary operations of agriculture CIETY.-The annual meeting of this might teach us a useful lesson. Before Society was held in the large school- the seed was sown the sheaves were room of the Church in Peter Street, on thrashed, trimmed, and put through Tuesday evening, May 16th. There the drill. We as preachers and tractwas a large attendance, and the pro- writers too often neglect these conceedings seemed to afford much pleasure ditions. We take the truths as we find to those who were present. The in- them in Swedenborg, and present them terest of the meeting was increased by in his technical language; and hence no the presence of friends from a distance, result. The mind of the common particularly of Rev. Mr. Presland people is like prepared ground, waitof London, and Mr. Spilling of ing for the sowing of the seed. Norwich. The Rev. R. Storry was should leave the language of the in the chair, and, after singing and schools to students, and speak to prayer, opened the proceedings by a the people in the language of the brief address. people. He had adopted this mode The adoption of the reports presented at Lowestoft, and with complete success. to the meeting was moved by the Rev. The motion was seconded by Mr. WestJ. Presland, who was glad of the oppor- all, and supported by Mr. H. Swift of tunity of taking part in a meeting where Liverpool in a lengthened address, in New Church work is considered, and which he described the present state of means of promoting its success dis- religious opinion in Spain, and gave cussed. In London the title of "Silent strong reasons for believing that the Missionaries" had been given to a time is approaching when New Church number of publications which were truth may be offered to the people with extensively circulated in connec- every prospect of its acceptance. The tion with the missionary work of the difficulty will be to provide suitable "National Missionary Institution." translations, and means of diffusing the These missionaries went home with the works. The work is one to which


earnest attention should be given, and our printing and tract societies should not lose sight of the subject.

Other addresses followed, and a pleasant evening was closed with the benediction.


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are sure every member of the Society would gladly concur in sacrificing the consideration of appearance to the demand for sittings." The Manual also announces that "the members of the Elocution Class have been enabled by the contributions of several of their honorary members, aided by a small grant from the Church Committee, to see their way clear to place their window in the aisle of the church instead of in

BIRMINGHAM.-This Society seems singularly fortunate in obtaining the help of members of other Christian communities in the erection and internal decorations and completion of their the tower. This gift has thus grown beautiful New Church. At the open from the original intention of a small ing of a Roman Catholic Church at clerestory light to a beautiful specimen Bradford, Monsignor Capel, who was of art-work for the aisle, making the present, is reported in the Daily News FOURTH now promised for the sides of as follows:- Referring to the circum- our church. It will consist of a decorastance that several Protestants had sub- tive treatment of the lily and the oak, scribed to the New Church, he said it (emblems of purity and strength), with was right for Catholics to receive such bands' of suitable Scripture quotacontributions; but they could not in tions. The general tone of colour will return give to Protestant churches, be- be a contrast with the floral window on cause they believed the fundamental the other side of the church, but still principles of Protestantism to be wrong. ." such as to harmonize with all the other With this unchristian narrowness of stained glass-work." sentiment members of the New Church can have no sympathy; and we are cerBRADFORD.-The annual meeting of tain that our friends at Birmingham this Society was held on April 19th. will be forward to reciprocate, and will The minister, Mr. J. R. Rendell, B. A., feel pleasure in reciprocating, the kindly occupied the chair. There was a good assistance they have received. In addi- attendance. A spirit of unity of purtion to former favours the Manual of pose and good-will pervaded the meettheir Society for the month of May ing. Congratulations between minister contains the following "It is with and people were interchanged. The sincere pleasure that we announce an- reports presented by the Secretary and other gift, and again by a gentleman Treasurer were satisfactory. The attennot an attendant at our church. He dance at worship, since Mr. Rendell behas sent a note to the Committee stating came pastor in September last, had conthat he is so much pleased with the siderably increased. The year's prochurch and schools now building, and ceedings had been characterized by their admirable arrangements, as also greater activity. Five new members with what little he knows of our religious were admitted at the meeting. Social principles, that he will give us the brass meetings, at which essays have been communion rail, and the suitable brass, read by various members of the congreand iron supports complete. This gift, gation, have been held during the wintogether with the communion cloth, the ter. Mr. Rendell said his connection embroidered kneelings, and the gas with the Society had been a pleasant standards already acknowledged, will one. He had received all the needful complete a very beautiful effect at the help and encouragement. The most base of the chancel window. And as so much attention and money has been thus cheerfully devoted to beautifying our new place of worship, we are glad to say that the Committee have resolved to retain the centre walk or passage down the nave for general effect, and as a means of conveniently viewing that beauty. Should the increase in our average attendance at any time render a rearrangement of the seats desirable, we

perfect harmony had prevailed. He spoke of the necessity of organization, and strongly urged the attendance at the ordinance of the Lord's Supper as an evidence of zeal and sincerity in His disciples, by thus acting in obedience to His commands. He recommended the freest circulation of books, as the means of leading inquirers to reading and study, which were more efficacious in making New Churchmen than the pulpit.

HEYWOOD. We give the following from the Heywood Advertiser of May 13th:-"An interesting meeting of the teachers and friends of the Sun day School choir connected with the New Jerusalem Church was held in the girls' schoolroom, Hornby Street, on the evening of Thursday, May 4th. The purpose of the meeting Was a presentation to Mr. John Alfred, the eldest son of Thomas Isherwood, Esq., of Springfield House, on the attainment of his majority. The chair was occupied by the minister of the Society, who introduced the business of the meeting in an address suitable to the occasion. He was followed by Mr. Fairbrother, the senior superintendent of the school, who said that a number of the teachers of the Sunday School, on learning the approaching twenty-first birthday of their friend and fellowteacher, Mr. J. A. Isherwood, determined to make him a present on the occasion. The first intention was to present him with an elegantly bound Bible, but the funds had so far exceeded what was required for this purpose that they had added a very beautiful writingdesk and two books of overtures for the organ, of very high character, and which he doubted not they should enjoy in their public services, when played by their young friend in his office of organist. After describing these several articles Mr. Fairbrother went on to say that young persons at twenty-one were esteemed as men, and should try to make themselves worthy of the name of men. The question was often asked respecting those who had passed through the Sunday School, What has become of our young men? Have they become good men, good citizens, good Christians? Many of those who have grown up in our school have become teachers, and some are members of the church. Still there is room for great improvement. He concluded his address by presenting the articles before mentioned, and reading the following inscription, which was beautifully written on the first leaf of the Bible: Presented to Mr. J. A. Isherwood on the attainment of his 21st birthday, by the teachers of the Sunday School and choir of the New Jerusalem Church, Heywood, as a token of their love and esteem for him, and as an acknowledgment of his services as organist of the Church and

teacher in the Sunday School, and for his uniform kindness and courtesy to all with whom he has laboured. May 5th, 1876.' Mr. J. A. Isherwood, who was very much affected by this unexpected kindness, said that he could only express his thanks for the kindness which was shown in the presents they had made him. After an appropriate piece of music by the choir, Mr. Isherwood was called upon, and in a brief and earnest address gave the history of his connection with the school, and described some of the changes which had taken place during this time. Twenty-four years since, when invited to attend by a friend, he scarcely knew any one connected with the Church and schools. He had since known many, and had derived pleasure and profit from his connection with them. Friends who at that time were working diligently in the school have now departed, and others are grown up and occupy their places. He would urge those who are growing up to stick to the Society and to the school. They will find there their best companions, and if they practise the good they are taught they will grow up to be useful to the Church and to the world. On his own behalf, and that of his family, he thanked them for the kindness and interest they had showed towards his son. Other addresses followed by Mr. Wild, Mr. Hilton, Mr. Greenhalgh, and Mr. H. Fairbrother. A selection of choice music was well executed by the choir, and the meeting, which seemed to yield the greatest pleasure to all present, was closed at ten by the evening hymn and benediction."

LEEDS.-A pleasant and interesting meeting of this Society was held in Albion Chapel on Monday evening, April 24th, to inaugurate the permanent ministry of their esteemed pastor, the Rev. W. O'Mant. After a short devotional service, the Rev. R. Storry, who was present by invitation of the Society, briefly introduced the proceedings of the evening. In the course of this introduction he read a letter from the former leader, Mr. Mawson, of Thorner, whose infirmities prevented his being present, and paid a warm tribute to the consistent character of this aged and exemplary member of the New Church. He also communicated

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