תמונות בעמוד

Have mercy on us.

Jesus receive our prayers;

Lord Jesus grant our petitions.

I. O God the Father, eternal fountain of all being;

Thou who hast chosen us in thy Son, before the creation of the world;

Thou, who didst so love the world, as to give thy only Son to redeem it;

Thou, who hast prepared for us a glorious inheritance, if we love thee, and keep thy commandments;

II. O God the Son, eternal word of the Father;

Thou, who to save us sinners, tookest upon thee the frail nature of man;

Thou, who for our redemption, becamest obedient to death, even the death of the


Thou, who, at the last and dreadful day, wilt come with glory to judge the living and the dead;

III. O God the Holy Ghost, proceeding from the Father and the Son;

Thou, by whom was wrought the glorious mystery of our Saviour's incarnation;

Thou, who art the free dispenser of all graces, and our faithful comforter in all afflictions;

O sacred Trinity, three persons and one God, of equal glory and co-eternal majesty; O sacred Trinity, from whom, by whom, and in whom are all things;

O sacred Trinity, to whom all the angels and saints of heaven continually sing, Holy, Holy, Holy;

Blessed for ever be thy name, eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for the immensity of thy power, which at first created all things of nothing, and still preserveth them, that they return not again to n thing.-A. My soul doth magnify thee, O Lord.

For the riches of thy bounty, which fill- ́ eth every thing, according to its capacity; and for the wisdom of thy councils, which sweetly dispose, and irresistibly govern the whole frame of the world;

For thy provident forewarning us against the danger of sin, by threatening hell to our offences; and for graciously inviting us to our own happiness, by promising Heaven as a reward to our obedience;

And blessed be thou, O Jesus, Son of God, and Saviour of mankind, for thy infinite glory in itself, and thy infinite love towards


For thy meek subjection to thy parents; for thy fasting and retirement; for thy miraculous and ber eficent works; for all thy sufferings and ignominious death;

For thy glorious resurrection from the grave, and triumphant ascension into Heaven; for sending the Holy Ghost to abide with thy church for ever, and promising to be with us thyself to the end of the world;

And blessed be thou, O God the Holy Ghost, who proceedest from the Father and the Son, for thy continual preservation of the church in truth, unity, and holiness; for infusing the love of God into our hearts, and comforting us in all our temporal dis

My soul doth magnify thee, O Lord

tresses with the hope of eternal happiness And blessed be thou, O Lord, among thy innumerable benefits, for thy One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church; for the steadiness of faith, and peace of conscience, which we experience by relying on her authority; for the adorable sacrifice of the altar, and the plentiful means of salvation, which we so happily enjoy in her communion;

For the particular benefits bestowed upon us, and the many dangers from which thou hast delivered us; for our education, health, condition, and state of life; for our daily bread, and all thy other temporal blessings;

My soul doth magnify thee, &c.

For the check of our own conscience, and the motions of the Holy Spirit; for thy patience in expecting our repentance, and for the opportunities which thou offerest us of amending our lives; for our frequent deliverance from the occasions of sin, and for all thy other spiritual blessings; ....A. My soul doth magnify thee, O Lord, and my spirit rejoiceth in God, my Saviour.

Be thou exalted, O God, above the clouds: and thy glory above the heavens... A. Whilst we live, we will sanctify thy name; we will sing praises to our God, whilst we have any being. O Lord, hear my prayer. And let my cry come to thee.


LMIGHTY and ever-living God, from whom

A descendeth every good and perfect gift, gra

ciously accept this humble tribute of praise and thanksgiving from us thy servants, and mercifully

grant that the frequent meditation on thy infi. nite goodness may force our wills to love thee above all things, and the serious consideration of thy incomprehensible majesty, captivate our understanding to the obedience of faith; that we may here, in reverence of thy word, believe what we do not see, and hereafter in the blissful vision of thy glory, see more than we now believe; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


The Prayers and Acts as in the first Quarter, after which


LORD, have mercy on us.

Christ have mercy on us.

God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.

God the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us. Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us. That we may learn to submit our reason" to the obedience of faith, and so much the more exalt the wonders of thy goodness as they exceed the capacity of our understandings.

That we may continually praise thy sovereign Majesty for the being thou hast given us, acknowledging our dependence on thee, and adoring thy unsearchable councils in the government of the world.

Vouchsafe, O God, to conduct us by thy

Have mercy on us.

Hear us, O Lord,

wisdom, to restrain us by thy justice, to comfort us by thy mercy, to defend us by thy power.

To thee we desire to consecrate all our thoughts, words, actions, and sufferings; that henceforward we may think of thee, speak of thee, constantly refer all our actions to thy glory, and suffer willingly whatever thou shalt appoint.

Give us strength to subdue our passions, to overcome temptations, and to acquire the virtues that are proper for our state.

Fill our hearts with affection for thy goodness, a hatred for our faults, a love for our neighbours, and a contempt for the world. Teach us to be dutiful to our superiors, conciliating to our inferiors, faithful to our friends, and charitable to our enemies.

Assist us to overcome sensuality by mortification, avarice by almsdeeds, anger by meekness, and tepidity by devotion.

Make us prudent in our undertakings, courageous in dangers, patient in afflictions, and humble in prosperity.

Grant that we be punctual at our morning and evening devotions, temperate at our meals, diligent in our employments, and constant in our good resolutions.

Let our consciences be ever upright and pure, our exterior modest, our conversation edifying, and our comportment regular.

Discover to us the nothingness of this world, the greatness of heaven, the shortness of time, and the length of eternity.


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