תמונות בעמוד

Craz, corporal, arrives from Great
Britain with difpatches from
Mr. Arthur Lee, vol. ii. p.

Culpeper tried on the act of Henry
VIII. vol. i. p. 76.

Danbury, the expedition to, under

general Tryon, vol. ii. p. 462.
Darkness, an unusual one in the
Maffachusetts and elfewhere,
vol. iii. p. 367.

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Deane, Mr. Silas, recalled from
France by congrefs, vol. iii. p.
38-addreffes the Americans,
p. 217-is addreffed by Common
Senfe, p. 218.
Debates in parliament on lord
North's motion for a joint ad-
drefs of both houfes to the
king, in February 1775, vol. i.
P. 455 on the addrefs of the
two houfes in anfwer to the
king's fpeech in 1775, vol. ii.
p. 225-on the addrefs of the
commons in anfwer to the
fpeech in 1776, p. 437-on the
preliminary articles of peace,
vol. iv. p. 348.
Delaware colony fettled, vol. i.
p. 84. The ftate of Delaware
fettles its independent conftitu-
tion, vol. ii. p. 368.
Demarara and Iffequibo fubmit to

the British, vol. iv. p. 78-are
taken by the French, p. 242.
Dickinson, Mr. John, his letters
from a Pennfylvania farmer,
vol. i. P. 221.

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Disturbances between the French
and Americans at Charlestown,
South Carolina, and at Bofton,
vol. iii. p. 197.
Dominica taken by the marquis de
Bouille, vol. iii. p. 237-
Donop, count, defeated at Red
Bank, vol. iii. .p. 2.
Dorchester-heights, preparations for
taking poffeffion of them, vol.
ii. p. 190. The Americans
proceed to that fervice, p. 192.

Dougall, capt. M of New York.
committed to jail for writing
papers deemed libels, and re-
fuling to give bail, vol. i. p.
301-difcharged after a long
imprisonment, and being the
firft fufferer for American liber-

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ty, P. 303.
Duché, the reverend Mr. chofen
chaplain to congress, vol. ii.
p. 14-declines his chaplain-
fhip, p. 376-his attempt upon
general Washington's patriotifm,
P. 581.
Dunmore, lord, quits Williamsburgh
and goes on board the Fowey
man of war, vol. ii. p. 87-
arms a number of vessels, and
is oppofed by the Virginians,
He declares martial
P. 110.
law, and is joined by blacks
and whites, p. 111-his troops
defeated at Norfolk, p. 112--
the scheme for raifing him a
confiderable force difcovered,
p. 114-quits Virginia and ar-
rives off Staten Island, p. 298.
Dutch, the, are prefented with a
British memorial, vol. ii. p.
449. Dutch veffels taken by the
British cruifers, vol. iii. p. 249-
A memorial prefented to them,
urging the delivering up of the
Serapis, p. 300. The Dutch
fhips under count Byland top-
ped by captain Fielding, p.402.
The British king's order in
council refpecting the Dutch,
p. 404. They decline furnish-
ing the fuccours claimed by
Britain, p. 405-are prefented
with a memorial relative to the
eventual treaty between America
& Holland, vol. iv. P. 5.
reprisals granted by the British
council against their fhips and
goods, p. 6. The action be-
tween the Dutch and Briti
fleets on Dogger Bank, p. 152.
Dutch fettlements in the Eaft
Indies taken, p, 241.

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Efopus burnt, vol. ii. p. 579.
Eaft India, British, intelligence,
vol. iv. p. 79, 215, 265, 282,
Effingham, the earl of, refigns his
regiment, declining to ferve
with it against the Americans,
vol. i. p. 497.
Emperor the, of Germany, favors
the rights of confcience, vol.
iv. p. 242.

Empress the, of Germany, her
death, vol. iv. p. 13.
Equeftrian ftatue to be erected for
general Washington, vol. iv.
P. 374.

Eftaing, count de, arrives with

the French fleet on the American

coaft, vol. iii. p. 154-pro-
ceeds to Newport, P. 157-
chafes the British fleet under
lord Howe, p. 159-fails for
Bofton, p. 163-he and his of-
ficers are entertained by the
Massachusetts affembly, p. 198
-publishes a declaration to be
fpread among the Canadians, p.
199fails for the West Indies,
p. 200 attempts relieving St.
Lucie, p. 245-takes St. Vincent,
p. 286-Grenada, p. 293-en-
gages admiral Byron, p. 295-
fails for Georgia and attacks Sa-
vannah, p. 325-is repulfed,

P. 330.
Euftatia, St. taken by Sir George

Rodney, vol. iv. p. 74-fur-
prifed by the marquis de Bouille,

p. 220.
Eutaw battle, vol. iv. p. 168.
Expedition, the British, against

Egg Harbour, vol. iii. p. 193.
Expence of fupplying the British

army at Bofton, vol. ii. p. 221.
Extracts from the act of Virginia

in favor of religious freedom,
vol. iv. p. 419:

- from fome curious letters,
vol. iv. p. 161.


Fairfield burnt by the British,
vol. iii. p. 266.

Falmouth deftroyed by the British,
vol. ii. p. 137:

Farce of the Blockade of Bofton in-
terrupted by the burning of
fome houses by the Americans,
vol. ii. p. 180.
Fayette, the marquis de la, is ap-
pointed major general by con-
grefs, vol. ii. p. 499-fome
account of him, p. 500-is
wounded, p. 512-croffes the
Schuylkill with a body of men,
and narrowly escapes with them
back to Valley Forge, vol. iii.
P. 90-fails for France, p. 211.
He returns from France with
an account that he was foon to
be followed by a French fleet
and corps of troops, p. 364-
is detached to Virginia with a
body of light infantry, vol. iv.

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60-makes a forced march
of 200 miles, and arrives at
Richmond juft in time to fecure
it against the British, p. 109—
fends a fpy into the British
camp, who deceives lord Corn-
wallis, p. 111. The marquis
forms a junction with general
Wayne, p. 115-unexpectedly
by his lordship fixes himself
between the British army and the
American ftores, p. 116—is join-
ed by the allied troops from the
northward, p. 187-has per-
miffion to go to France, p. 207
-announces by letter to con-
grefs a general peace, p. 359.
Ferguson, major, his movements,
and defeat at King's Mountain,
vol. iii. P. 462.

Finances of America, the obfer-
vations of congrefs on them,
vol. iii. p. 180-reports con-
cerning the office of finance,
vol. iv.
P. 371.


Flag of the United States, vol. ii.
P. 496.
Fleets, the hoftile, engage on Lake
Champlain, vol. ii. p. 383-
under admiral Keppel and
D'Orvilliers, vol. iii. p. 123

-Byron and d'Estaing, p. 295
-Rodney and Langara, p. 407
-Rodney and de Guichen, p.
411-Hood and de Graffe, vol.
iv. p. 132-Johnstone and Suf-
frein, p. 149-Hyde Parker
and Zoutman, p. 153-Graves
and de Graffe, p. 182-Hughes
and Suffrein, p. 266-Rodney
and de Graffe, p. 271, 273-
Howe and the combined French
and Spanish commanders, p.
331-Hughes and Suffrein, p.
344, 345, 348.

the combined, of France
and Spain, appear before Ply-
mouth, vol. iii. p. 291-take
near fixty British East and West
India fhips, vol. iv. p. 3-un-
expectedly appear in the chops.
of the channel, p. 158.

the French and Spanish,
join in the Weft Indies, but
make no attempt against Ja-
maica, vol. iv. p. 2.
Fort Washington taken, vol. ii. p.

348. Fort Lee taken, p. 352.
Fort Stanwix, alias Schuyler,
invested, p. 529-the fiege of
it raised, p. 534. Forts Mont-
gomery and Clinton taken, p.

Franklin, Doctor, his remarks on
the ministerial plan for the uni-
on of the colonies, vol. i. p.
126. He fends over to the
Maffachusetts a number of ori-
ginal letters, p. 328-they oc-
cafion a duel between Mr.
Whately and Mr. John Temple,
P. 349.

Frazer, geheral, attacks and de-

feats colonel Warner at Hub-
bardton, vol. ii. p. 483-is

mortally wounded, p. 560-his
burial, p. 565.

France, her conduct, vol. iii. p.

92, 94, 96. She delivers to
the American commiffioners the
preliminaries of a treaty be-
tween France and America, p.
98-figns the treaties, p. 103
-her ambaffador informs the
British miniftry of the fame,
p. 107. She gives a public
audience to the American com-
miffioners, p. 110-her fqua
dron fails from Breft, p. 112.
French fleet and troops, ar-
rive at Rhode Island, vol. iii.
P. 379.

[ocr errors]

king, fuppreffes the in-
human cuftom of putting the
question by torture, vol. iv.
P. 14.

troops under count de
Rochambeau, their good beha-
viour, vol. iv. p. 128. They
march from the fouthward to
Bofton, p. 313-embark on board
the marquis de Vaudreuil's fleet,
and fail for the West Indies, p.


Gage, general, is ordered to fend
troops to Bofton, vol. i. p. 238
-lands at Bofton, p. 360-is
addreffed by the inhabitants of
Salem, p. 374-iffues out a pro-
clamation against the folemn
league and covenant of the Bof-
ton committee, p. 378-forti-
fies the entrance at Bofton Neck,
p. 387-feizes the powder at
Charlestown, p. 388-anfwers
the letter of congrefs, p. 396
-fends troops to Salem, p. 470
-prepares for fending others to
Concord, p. 476--they are fent
forward, and a firing commences
at Lexington, p. 477. He en-
ters into an agreement with the
committee of the town of Bof-
ton, p. 487-is waited upon by

a com

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a committee from Connecticut,
vol. ii. p. 18-his agreement
with the inhabitants of Bofton
not observed, p. 25. He of-
fers pardon except to Samuel
Adams and John Hancock, p.
28--detains the inhabitants of
Bofton, p. 53. Letters between
him and general Washington, p.
125. He fails for Great Bri-
tai, p. 136.

Galvez, Don, the Spanish gover-
nor of Louifiana, recognizes the
independence of the American
ftates, and marches against the
British fettlements on the Mif-
filippi, vol. iii. p. 314-takes
Mobille, p. 409-takes Penfa-
cola, vol. iv. p. 129.
Gafpee, the schooner, attacked and
burnt near Providence, vol. i,
P. 311.

Gates, general, is appointed to
command the army in the
northern department, vol. ii. p.
276-fuperfeded by the ap
pointment of Schuyler, P. 475
-chofen afresh, and to relieve
Schuyler, p. 502-his letters to
general Burgoyne, p. 543-en-
gages Burgoyne, p. 548, 559—
reduces him to the neceflity of
agreeing to a convention, p.572.
His delicacy with respect to
the royal army, when they de-
pofited their arms, P. 574.
He writes to congrefs relative
to Burgoyne's troops not hav-
ing broken the convention,
vol. iii. p. 46-his letter to the
earl of Thanet, p. 106-his let-
ter to a South Carolina delegate,
zefpecting the intended opera-
tions of the British, p. 389.
He is appointed to command
the fouthern army, p. 391-
advances toward Camden, p.
430-his general orders at Cler-
mont, p. 434-marches and un-
expectedly meets the British ar-
my under lord Cornwallis, F.

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437-engages the British, and
is defeated, p. 439-proceeds
to Hillsborough, p. 445-his
broken troops retreat to Sa-
lifbury, p. 448-his exertions
in favor of the relics of his un-
fortunate army, p. 458-thefe
are reinforced, p. 460. He
receives private information of
congrefs's having appointed an
officer to fuperfede him, p. 469
-removes his head quarters to
Charlotte, and furrenders the
command of the army into ge-
neral Greene's hands, p. 472-
meets with a polite return from
Greene, p. 473-is addressed by
the Virginia houfe of delegates,
vol. iv. p. 26.

Generals Howe, Clinton and Bur.
goyne, arrive at Boston, vol. ii.
P. 23.

George, the Royal, is loft, vol. iv.
P. 281.

[ocr errors]

Georgia fettled, vol. i. p. 92-ac-
cedes to the general affociation
of the twelve colonies, vol. ii.
P: 73, 75-attacked by the
British troops, vol. iii. p. 211
-Savannah, the capital, taken,
and the ftate fubdued, p. 214.
Germaine, lord George, extracts
from his letters, vol. iv. p. 100.
Gibraltar invefted by the Spani-
ards, vol. iii. p. 304-relieved
by Rodney, p. 406-by Darby,
vol. iv. p. 71. Tremendous
torrents of fire difgorged on the
fortress from the Spanish artil-
lery, and returned by general
Elliot, p. 73. The ftupendous
works erected against it, de-
ftroyed, p. 214. It is to be at-
tacked in a more formidable
way than ever, p. 316-the
grand attack, p. 323-the bat
tering hips fet on fire by red-
hot balls from the fortrefs, p.
325-the general confufion a-
mong thefe fhips increased by
capt. Curtis's gur-boats, ibid.

-the captain with his marine
brigade hazard themselves to
refcue the distressed enemy from
furrounding deftruction, p. 326.
The place relieved by lord
Howe, p. 330.
Gordon, lord George, advises the
proteftant affociation to those
measures, which prove intro-
ductory to the most extraordi-
nary rifings in London and Weft-
minfter, vol. iii. p. 417. He
is taken up and committed to
the Tower, p. 423-tried and
acquitted, vol. iv. p. 70.
Grafton, the duke of, fuddenly
quits administration, vol. ii. p.

Graffe, count de, engages Sir Sa

muel Hood, vol. iv. p. 132
arrives in the Chesapeak, and
afterward engages Graves, p.
182-fails for the Weft-Indies,
p. 199-attacks Hood, p. 235
-engages Rodney, p. 271-en-
gages him afreth, is defeated
and taken, p. 273-lands at
Portfmouth, p. 280.


Graves, admiral, engages de Graffe,
vol. iv. p. 182.
Greene, general, addreffes general
Washington, vol. ii. p. 65-
takes the command of the fouth-
ern army, vol. iii. p. 473. He
difapproves of the cenfure paff-
ed upon Gates by congress, p.
475 the embarraffments at-
tending his command, vol. iv.
p. 27-his anfwer to lord Corn-
wallis's letter, p. 28-separates
his force through neceffity, p.
30-fends Lee's partizan corps
to furprife George-town, P. 32
-leaves his own camp, haftens
to and joins general Morgan,
and directs the route of his re-
treating troops, p. 38-forms
a junction with the other divi-
fion of the army, p. 41-forms
a light army, and marches with
the main army for the Dan, p.

43-croffes it, p. 45. He re-
croffes the Dan, p. 47-marches
to Guilford court-house, and
prepares for action, p. 53-is at.
tacked by Cornwallis and forced
to retreat, p. 54-pursues his
lordship to Deep river, p. 58,
marches to South Carolina, P.
80-is attacked by lord Raw-
don near Camden and obliged to
retreat, p. 83-writes freely to
governor Reed on the real state
of things, p. 87-proceeds to
Ninety Six, and befieges the gar-
rifon under col. Cruger, p. 92
-raises the fiege and is pur
fued by Rawdon; foon after
purfues his lordship and offers
him battle, p. 96. He retires
to the High Hills of Santee, and
from thence tranfmits his opi-
nion on Gates's defeat, p. 98
-his account of the miferies
attending the war in South Ca-
rolina, p. 99-his answer to
Balfour refpecting the execution
of Hayne, p. 165-engages lieut.
col. Stewart at the Eutaw
fprings, p. 168-happily fup-
preffes the fpirit of mutiny a-
mong his troops, p. 172-

writes to general Gould, p. 174
-his accounts of the diftreffes
of his army, p. 253. A few
ftrictures concerning him, p.

Grenada taken, vol. iii. p. 293.
Grenadier, a British, surprised and
made prifoner by an American
boy, vol. ii. p. 345:
Grey, general, furprises general
Wayne in the night, vol. ii. p.

Grifold fort, on Groton-hill,
taken by the British, vol. iv.
P. 178.

Hancock, Mr. John, is elected one
of the Boston reprefentatives,
vol. i. p. 208-his floop Li-.
berty feized, p. 23-a mob


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