The Exegetical Encounter Between Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity

כריכה קדמית
Emmanouela Grypeou, Helen Spurling
BRILL, 2009 - 279 עמודים
The Exegetical Encounter between Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity is a collection of essays examining the relationship between Jewish and Christian biblical commentators. The contributions focus on analysis of interpretations of the book of Genesis, a text which has considerable importance in both Christian and Jewish tradition. The essays cover a wide range of Jewish and Christian literature, including primarily rabbinic and patristic sources, but also apocrypha, pseudepigrapha, Philo, Josephus and Gnostic texts. In bringing together the studies of a variety of eminent scholars on the topic of Exegetical Encounter , the book presents the latest research on the topic and illuminates a variety of original approaches to analysis of exegetical contacts between the two sets of religious groups. The volume is significant for the light it sheds on the history of relations between Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity.


Rabbinic and Patristic Exegesis of Genesis 11 Philip Alexander
Adam Alone in Paradise A JewishChristian Exegesis and Its Implications for the History of Asceticism Dmitrij F Bumazhnov
Aspects of Judaising in Pelagianism in Light of Rabbinic and Patristic Exegesis of Genesis Burton L Visotzky
Genesis Rabbah and Patristic Exegesis of Gen 31719 Hanneke Reuling
Critical Gnostic Interpretations of Genesis Gerard P Luttikhuizen
Identity or Manipulation in Eden Michael E Stone
36 Robert Hayward
Sarah and Tamar in Some Syriac Narrative Poems Sebastian P Brock
But In What? Ephrem and the Rabbis on Abraham and Gods Blessings Judith Frishman
Jewish and Christian Exegesis of Genesis 1819 Emmanouela Grypeou and Helen Spurling
Keeping it in the Family? Jacob and His Aramean Heritage according to Jewish and Christian Sources Alison Salvesen
Early Rabbinic Exegesis of Genesis 38 Stefan C Reif
Origens View of Jewish Fables in Genesis Marc Hirshman
Index of Ancient Sources
Index of Subjects

Genesis 15 in Rabbinic and Patristic Interpretation Günter Stemberger

מהדורות אחרות - הצג הכל

מונחים וביטויים נפוצים

מידע על המחבר (2009)

Emmanouela Grypeou has a Ph.D. in Languages and Cultures of the Christian Orient, and is a Research Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Jewish-Christian Relations (Cambridge, UK). Her previous publications include "Das vollkommene Pascha: Gnostische Bibelexegese und gnostische Ethik" (2005, Wiesbaden) and (together with M.Swanson and D. Thomas, eds) "The Encounter of Eastern Christianity with Early Islam" (2006, Leiden). She is currently working on Eastern Christian and Byzantine apocalyptic and exegetical literature. Helen Spurling has a Ph.D. in Rabbinics with particular focus on Midrashic literature from Cambridge University. She is a Research Fellow at the Centre for the Study of Jewish-Christian Relations (Cambridge, UK), and has written articles on the subject of exegetical encounter in "Collectanea Christiana Orientalia" and "The Harp." She has contributed to "The Dictionary of Classical Hebrew" and current projects include analysis of Jewish apocalyptic literature from Late Antiquity.

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