Bevis Marks Records: The circumcision register of Isaac and Abraham de Paiba (1715-1775)Printed at the University Press by J. Johnson, 1991 |
מתוך הספר
תוצאות 1-3 מתוך 29
עמוד 51
... Rods Harpalião 5 April 20 do 428 [ Mosch , ] Son of Ab . de. [ Nos 371 88 are in the hand of Abraham de Paiba ] 1 9 ... Rods 14 Kisleve 5503 30 Nov. 1742 Gedalia Vigevna Wife of the aforesaid Vigevna 2 Sebatt do 16 Jan. 1742/3 395 ...
... Rods Harpalião 5 April 20 do 428 [ Mosch , ] Son of Ab . de. [ Nos 371 88 are in the hand of Abraham de Paiba ] 1 9 ... Rods 14 Kisleve 5503 30 Nov. 1742 Gedalia Vigevna Wife of the aforesaid Vigevna 2 Sebatt do 16 Jan. 1742/3 395 ...
עמוד 58
... Rods d Costa 561 [ David ] Rods Sequera 562 [ David , ] Son of Jacob Fers [ Continued on fol . 39 ] Dr Sequera Is . Momforte 13 Tamuz do 6 July [ do ] 1 Tamuz 5482 5 June [ 1722 ] Ja . de Meza His father Abm Dias Fers 1 Ab 5485 30 June ...
... Rods d Costa 561 [ David ] Rods Sequera 562 [ David , ] Son of Jacob Fers [ Continued on fol . 39 ] Dr Sequera Is . Momforte 13 Tamuz do 6 July [ do ] 1 Tamuz 5482 5 June [ 1722 ] Ja . de Meza His father Abm Dias Fers 1 Ab 5485 30 June ...
עמוד 80
... Rods d Costa 949 [ Abm ] Son of Garcia 950 [ Abm ] Son of Da . de Leon 951 [ Abm ] Son of Ariete 952 [ Abm ] Rods Pinto Godfathers Godmothers Date Dr Is . de Castro 17 Kislev 5498 27 Nov. 1737 ' Abm Lopes Oliveira Isaque Pinheiro 25 ...
... Rods d Costa 949 [ Abm ] Son of Garcia 950 [ Abm ] Son of Da . de Leon 951 [ Abm ] Son of Ariete 952 [ Abm ] Rods Pinto Godfathers Godmothers Date Dr Is . de Castro 17 Kislev 5498 27 Nov. 1737 ' Abm Lopes Oliveira Isaque Pinheiro 25 ...
The Escape Route to London in the 18th Century | 5 |
The Manuscript | 15 |
The Rite and Ceremony of Circumcision and the Mohalim of London | 22 |
6 קטעים אחרים שאינם מוצגים
מונחים וביטויים נפוצים
20 April Aaron Abigail Abm Dias Abm Lopes Abm Nunes Abraham de Paiba Adar Adar II Addar aforesaid Alvares Aron Ashkenazi Baruch Benj Benjamin Benjn Bernal Brandão Carvalho Circumcised Godfathers Godmothers Cohen Crasto Daniel daughter David David,]Son days old Dias Fernandes Eliau Ellul Elul Ester father Ester Fers FOLIO Fonseca Forasteiro Furtado Garcia Godfathers Godmothers Date Gomes grandmother Haim hand of Abraham Henriques Hesvan Isaac Isaque Ishac Ishak Israel Iyyar Jacob Jeosua Jeudah Jewish Joseph Joseph,]Son July June Kislev Lamego Lara Lopes Dias Lopes Pereira lyyar March Marranos Mattos Menahem Mendes Seixas Mendoza Mends d Costa Mesquita Miranda mohel Mosch Moseh Moses newborn Nisan Nunes Martines Portugal Portuguese Rachel Rephael Ribca Ribeiro Rodrigues Rods Samuel Sarah Sarha Sebat Selomo Sephardi Sept Silva Sivan Son of Abm Suares Tamus Tamuz Tebet Tisry Torres Tudesco Viar Wife Ximenes Yiar